PingAM 7.5.0

Customize the UI layout

To perform basic customizations, edit the openam-ui-user/src/js/config/ThemeConfiguration.js and then rebuild the UI.

ThemeConfiguration.js reference

The file contains a full configuration for the mandatory default theme. Additional themes should use a duplicate of the default theme’s configuration. Any parameters that are not configured will inherit values from the mandatory default theme.

The available parameters for each theme in the file are as follows:

  • themes: Title; also represents an array of theme objects.

    • name: Theme title.

      • stylesheets: An ordered array of URLs to CSS stylesheet files that are applied to every page. It is highly recommended to include the variable StructureStyle as one of the entries to provide default styles for layout and structure.

        For example: ["themes/dark/css/bootstrap.min.css", StructureStyle, "themes/dark/css/theme-dark.css"]

      • path: A path relative to the openam-ui-user/src/resources/themes folder, that contains templates or partials directories, used for customizing the default layout of UI pages. The path must include a trailing slash character / .

        For example, ["theme-path/"].

      • icon: URL to a resource to use as a favicon.

      • settings: Configuration settings for the theme. Missing parameters inherit their value from the mandatory default theme.

        • logo: Parameters for the logo displayed on user profile pages.

          • src: Filename of the logo.

          • title: HTML title attribute of the logo.

          • alt: HTML alt attribute of the logo.

          • height: Logo height in CSS notation. For example: 75px or 10%.

          • width: Logo width in CSS notation. For example: 150px or 25%.

        • loginLogo: Parameters for the logo displayed on login pages.

          • src: Filename of the logo.

          • title: HTML title attribute of the logo.

          • alt: HTML alt attribute of the logo.

          • height: Logo height in CSS notation. For example: 75px or 10%.

          • width: Logo width in CSS notation. For example: 150px or 25%.

        • footer: Parameters to display in the footer of each UI page.

          • mailto: Email address.

          • phone: Telephone number.

This procedure demonstrates how to customize the layout of UI pages by copying the relevant files into a theme, editing the source, and making changes to the CSS.

  1. Download the UI source code as explained in Download the UI source.

  2. Modify the UI source as follows:

    • Copy the src/resources/themes/dark directory to a new directory with a suitable name for the theme that contains your customizations, for example, myTheme.

      You can modify the original files, but it is recommended to create a new theme containing your changes.
    • Edit the openam-ui-user/src/js/config/ThemeConfiguration.js file, which contains the configuration the UI uses when applying a theme, and make a copy of the "fr-dark-theme" section, named after the directory you created in the previous step ("myTheme").

      In this example, in the footer element, change the email address to, and add a new element called icon that points to an icon to display in the footer.

      Alter the path property to point to the name of the directory you created in the themes directory earlier, including a trailing slash. For example myTheme/.

      The new section will resemble the following:

      "myTheme": {
          // An ordered list of URLs to stylesheets that will be applied to every page.
          stylesheets: [
          // A path that is prepended to every relative URL when fetching resources (including images, stylesheets and
          // HTML template files). Must include a trailing forward slash.
          path: "myTheme/",
          settings: {
              loginLogo: {
                  src: "themes/myTheme/images/login-logo-white.png",
                  title: "ForgeRock",
                  alt: "ForgeRock",
                  height: "228px",
                  width: "220px"
              footer: {
                  // A contact email address.
                  // The footer icon.
                  icon : "images/logo-horizontal.png"

      Specify resource paths within the theme configuration as relative to the openam-ui-user/src/resources/ directory.

    • Edit the mappings section of the ThemeConfiguration.js file to apply the new theme to the required contexts.

      For example, to apply the theme to the Top Level Realm, use:

      mappings: [
          { theme: "myTheme", realms: ["/"] }

      For more information about the format of the ThemeConfiguration.jsfile, see ThemeConfiguration.js reference.

    • Copy the template file that contains the HTML code for the footer, openam-ui-user/src/resources/themes/default/templates/common/FooterTemplate.html, into the same path but within the myTheme directory, for example:

      $ cp openam-ui-user/src/resources/themes/default/templates/common/FooterTemplate.html \
    • Add a table, containing an image, in the new FooterTemplate.html file, as follows:

      <div class="container">
              <table align="center">
                      <img src="{{theme.settings.footer.icon}}" alt="Horizontal ForgeRock Logo" align="middle" class="footer_image">
                      <b>ForgeRock XUI at</b>
                      <a href="mailto: {{theme.settings.footer.mailto}}">Send us Feedback!</a>

      The file contains variables expressed in double curly brackets ({{}}); they are the paths defined in the ThemeConfiguration.js file.

      Notice that the image has the footer_image CSS class applied to simplify applying a style to it in the next step.

    • Copy and edit any additional files that require customization from the /themes/default/templates and /themes/default/partials directories to the equivalent path in your themes directory.

      AM uses the partials and templates from the /themes/default directory if an equivalent file is not found in your customized theme.

    • Edit the /am-external/openam-ui/openam-ui-user/src/resources/themes/myTheme/css/theme-dark.css file to specify the height of the image, and add padding to the footer_image class.

      For example:

      .footer_image {
          height: 3em;
          padding-right: 1em;
  3. Rebuild the UI by running the yarn build command.

    If you receive errors during the build, you may be missing the required components locally. Try running yarn install, and then try again.

  4. Test the UI pages by following the steps detailed in Test UI pages in a development server.

    You can now see the customized template in the login page:

  5. Once you are satisfied with the changes, deploy the output in the build directory to the /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/XUI/ directory of your AM instances.

    There is no need to restart the AM instance. Subsequent visits to the UI pages will use the rebuilt files.