PingOne for Enterprise

Customer connection methods

Choose the appropriate connection method for your application:

SSO Self-Service Widget (recommended)

Adding the SSO Self-Service widget is the easiest way to add customer connections. You will need to paste some JavaScript and a minimal amount of code into a page or section of your application that’s accessible only to your customer’s administrative users. You then ask one of your customer’s administrators to visit your page and run our widget. The administrator is redirected to a page on the PingOne portal where they enter their customer configuration information. This makes it easy for you to capture customer configurations without having to be concerned with customer-specific protocol settings. See Create a connection using the SSO self-service widget for instructions.

Email Invitation

You can have PingOne send an email invitation to your customer. The body of the email invites the customer to follow a link to PingOne to provide their single sign-on (SSO) information. We recommend the email invitation method if you’re unable to use the SSO Self-Service widget (for example, if your application doesn’t include an administrator-only page for the customer). See Creating an invited SSO connection for instructions.

REST Service

Add connections using the PingOne SSO for SaaS Apps REST Service when you want your customers to provide their information directly to your application, without ever visiting PingOne. As for the SSO Self-Service widget, your application needs to include an administrator-only page or section for the customer. You also need to elicit the necessary SAML information from your customer. We recommend using the REST service only in cases when sending the customer’s administrative user to the PingOne SSO for SaaS Apps portal isn’t a viable option. See Create a connection using the Customer Connection API for instructions.

Manual Configuration

You can also add customer connections manually. We recommend you choose this method in circumstances such as the following:

  • Your customer prefers that you manage their connection to your application.

  • A direct SAML connection to your application is all that your customer needs. In this case, you configure and establish the connection, rather than requiring that your customer have their own PingOne account.

  • You anticipate connecting to a limited number of customers.

You will need to collect all necessary SAML information for the connection from the customers using your own (out of band) methods. See Creating a manual SAML connection for instructions.