PingAM 7.5.1


AM provides a scripting engine for you to develop scripts for authentication, as well as for policy conditions, handling OpenID Connect claims, and others.

Name changes for ForgeRock products

Product names changed when ForgeRock became part of Ping Identity.

The following name changes have been in effect since early 2024:

Old name New name

ForgeRock Identity Cloud

PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

ForgeRock Access Management


ForgeRock Directory Services


ForgeRock Identity Management


ForgeRock Identity Gateway


Learn more about the name changes in New names for ForgeRock products in the Knowledge Base.

Scripting environment

AM supports server-side scripts written in either JavaScript or Groovy.

Next-generation scripts and client-side authentication scripts must be written in JavaScript.

Scripting engine

AM implements a configurable scripting engine for each of the context types that are executed on the server.

The scripting engines contain configuration for security settings and thread pool management.

AM uses the following libraries:

  • Mozilla Rhino version 1.7.14 to run JavaScript.

    Rhino has limited support for ES6 / ES2015 (JavaScript version 1.7). For more information, refer to Rhino ES2015 Support.

  • Groovy version 3.0.10 to support scripting in Groovy.

Access Java classes

To access Java classes in a script, import classes in the following way:

var fr = JavaImporter(
// Now use fr.Action, fr.NameCallback, and so on.

Scripts can only import Java classes on the allowlist. AM defines an allowlist per script type.

Allowlists and denylists contain class names that are allowed or denied execution respectively.

Classes called by the script are checked against the allowlist first and must match at least one pattern in the list. The denylist is applied after the allowlist and classes matching any pattern are disallowed.

Legacy scripts

The legacy scripting engine lets you add classes to allowlists and denylists by specifying the class name or by using regular expressions.

You can also configure the scripting engine to make an additional call to the JVM security manager for each class that is accessed. The security manager throws an exception if a class isn’t allowed to execute.

Learn more about allowlisting and configuring script engine security in the following topics:

To reduce the need to allowlist Java classes, consider migrating your scripts to use the next-generation scripting engine, which includes enhanced built-in script bindings for accessing many common script operations and the ability to include third-party software with library scripts.

Next-generation scripts

To enhance security, the next-generation scripting engine for decision node scripts doesn’t support a configurable allowlist for Java classes.

Instead, check if next-generation bindings provide the functionality you need or implement the functionality as a reusable library script.

For information about next-generation bindings and library scripts, refer to:

In cases where reimplementation isn’t possible, you can request the functionality be included as a secure script binding in a future release.

Security considerations

Consider the following points when configuring the security settings within each script engine:

Use script bindings where possible

The predefined script bindings provide a stable API without the need to allowlist Java classes. Different bindings are available to different script types, or contexts.

For more information, refer to Script bindings.

The scripting engine only validates directly accessible classes

The security settings only apply to classes that the script directly accesses. If the script calls Foo.a() and that method calls Bar.b(), the scripting engine will be unable to prevent it. You must consider the whole chain of accessible classes.

Access includes actions such as:

  • Importing or loading a class.

  • Accessing any instance of that class. For example, passed as a parameter to the script.

  • Calling a static method on that class.

  • Calling a method on an instance of that class.

  • Accessing a method or field that returns an instance of that class.

Potentially dangerous Java classes are denylisted by default

All Java reflection classes (java.lang.Class, java.lang.reflect.*) are denylisted by default to avoid bypassing the security settings.

The class is also denylisted by default to prevent access to the doPrivileged() methods.

Don’t remove potentially dangerous Java classes from the denylist.
The allowlists and denylists match class or package names only

The allowlist and denylist patterns apply only to the exact class or package names involved. The script engine does not know anything about inheritance, so it is best to allowlist known, specific classes.

Thread pools

Each script is executed in an individual thread. Each scripting engine starts with an initial number of threads available for executing scripts. If no threads are available for execution, AM creates a new thread to execute the script, until the configured maximum number of threads is reached.

If the maximum number of threads is reached, pending script executions are queued in a number of buffer threads, until a thread becomes available for execution. If a created thread has completed script execution and has been idle for a configured time period, AM terminates the thread, shrinking the pool.

For more information on configuring script engine thread pools, refer to the Scripting service.

Scripting API

AM provides the following functionality and artifacts for scripting:

Scripted decision node API

(Authentication trees only)

Access data in request headers, shared state, and user session data.

Policy Condition Script API

Access the authorization state data, the information pertaining a session, and the user’s profile data in authorization policies.

Customize OAuth 2.0

Extend authorization server behavior with the OAuth 2.0 plugins:

Token exchange

Add may_act claims to OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect exchanged tokens.

Scripted module API (deprecated)

(Deprecated: Authentication chains only)

Access authentication state data, user profile data, request data, and information gathered by client-side scripts.

Script bindings

Each script type exposes a number of bindings, objects that AM injects into the script execution context. The bindings provide a stable way of accessing AM functionality, without the need to allowlist Java classes. Scripts are provided with all the bindings for their context at the point of execution.

Find information about context-specific bindings in the documentation for each script type.

AM has introduced a next-generation scripting engine that offers several benefits, including enhanced script bindings.

For decision node scripts, the availability and usage of bindings depend on the script engine version of the script: legacy or next-generation. Both versions are described in this section.

The next-generation script engine is only available to the Scripted decision node API.

For information about migrating to the enhanced scripting engine, refer to Migrating to next-generation scripts.

Common bindings

The following bindings are common to many authentication and authorization scripts. Use these bindings to access data and perform script operations such as logging.

Binding Description Further information


Make outbound HTTP calls.


Write a message to the AM debug log.


Access the name of the running script.


Reference environment secrets and variables (ESVs) in scripts.

Access HTTP services

Call HTTP services with the httpClient.send method. HTTP client requests are asynchronous, unless you invoke the get() method on the returned object.

The httpClient binding uses native JavaScript objects, and behaves like the Fetch API.

To invoke an HTTP request:

  • ResponseScriptWrapper httpClient.send(String uri, Map requestOptions).get()

    Sends a synchronous request to the specified URI with request options. The Map parameter is a native JavaScript object that supports method, headers, token, and body as request options.

  • ResponseScriptWrapper httpClient.send(String uri).get()

    Sends a synchronous GET request with no additional request options.

    To access response data:

  • Map response.formData()

  • Map response.json()

  • String response.text()

    The following fields provide response status information:

    Field Type









    The response is similar to Response object behavior.

This example uses the httpClient binding to send a synchronous authentication request and check for success.

// import a library script that handles authentication
var authLib = require("authLib");
// use the library function to get authentication token
var bearerToken = authLib.generateBearer(nodeState);

var requestOptions = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  token: bearerToken, // Equivalent to Authorization header
  body: {
    username: "demo"

var requestURL = "https://my.auth.server/authenticate";
var response = httpClient.send(requestURL, requestOptions).get();

if (response.status === 200) {
} else {

The httpclient binding also supports asynchronous requests so that you can perform non-blocking operations, such as recording logging output after the script has completed.

To make an asynchronous request, use the same method signatures to send the request but without calling get() on the returned object. The send() method then initiates a separate thread to handle the response. Callers are unable to control when the asynchronous call is processed, so won’t be able to use the response as part of authentication processing.

public Promise<ResponseScriptWrapper, HttpClientScriptException> send(String uri)
public Promise<ResponseScriptWrapper, HttpClientScriptException> send(String uri, Map<String, Object> requestOptions)

For example:

var requestURL = "https://my.auth.server/audit";
// creates separate thread to handle response
var response = httpClient.send(requestURL).then((response) => {
  if (!response) {
    logger.error("Bad response from " + requestURL);
  if (response.status != 200) {
    logger.error("Unexpected response: " + response.statusText);
  logger.debug("Returned from async request");
// continues processing whilst awaiting response

The httpClient script binding automatically adds the current transaction ID as an HTTP header, X-ForgeRock-TransactionId. This lets you correlate caller and receiver logs when you use httpClient from your journey decision node script to make requests to other ForgeRock products and services.

Log script messages

Write messages to AM debug logs by using the logger object.

Scripts that create debug messages have their own logger which is created after the script has executed at least once.

Logger names use the format: scripts.<context>.<script UUID>.(<script name>); for example, `scripts.OIDC_CLAIMS.36863ffb-40ec-48b9-94b1-9a99f71cc3b5.(OIDC Claims Script).

For information about debug logs, refer to Debug logging.

The ScriptedLoggerWrapper is based on the SLF4J logging framework. You can log messages at the following levels:

  • Trace

  • Debug

  • Info

  • Warn

  • Error

var traceEnabled = logger.isTraceEnabled();
logger.trace("Trace with arg {}", arg);
var debugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
logger.debug("Debug with arg {}", arg);
var infoEnabled = logger.isInfoEnabled();"Info with arg {}", arg);
var warnEnabled = logger.isWarnEnabled();
logger.warn("Warn with arg {}", arg);
var errorEnabled = logger.isErrorEnabled();
logger.error("Error with arg {}", arg);

Output script name

Use the scriptName binding to get the name of the running script as a string.

// log current script name
logger.debug("Running script: " + scriptName);

// or use a library script to log script name
var mylib = require('loggingLibrary');
mylib.debug(logger, scriptName);

Access utility functions

Use the utils binding to base64 encode or decode text and generate random UUIDs.

// generate a pseudorandom UUID (version 4)
var uuid = utils.crypto.randomUUID();
logger.debug("UUID: " + uuid); //eef5b4e1-ae86-4c0a-9160-5afee2b5e791

// encode a string
var encoded = utils.base64.encode("exampletext")
logger.debug("Encoded text: " + encoded); //ZXhhbXBsZXRleHQ=

var decoded = utils.base64.decode(encoded);
logger.debug("Decoded text: " + decoded);

// encode a URL
var encodedURL = utils.base64url.encode("http://exampletext=")
logger.debug("Encoded URL: " + encodedURL); //aHR0cDovL2V4YW1wbGV0ZXh0PQ

var decodedURL = utils.base64url.decode(encodedURL);
logger.debug("Decoded URL: " + decodedURL);

Reference substituted properties in scripts

The systemEnv binding, available to all script types, includes an instance of the ScriptPropertyResolver class. This interface exposes the following methods:

String getProperty(String propertyName);
String getProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue);
<T> T getProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue, Class<T> returnType);


  • propertyName refers to a configuration expression (without the ampersand or braces)

    To reference a substituted property in a script, the property name must include a specific prefix; for example, This prefix decreases the risk that random property values are resolved in scripts.

    The default prefix for all script types, is script. To change the prefix, go to Configure > Global Services > Scripting > Secondary Configurations > Script Type > Secondary Configurations > Engine Configuration > Property Name Prefix.

    Make sure propertyName is specific enough to distinguish it from other configuration expressions.

  • defaultValue is the default value set for that property in the configuration expression

    The defaultValue must not be null.

  • returnType is one of the following fully-qualified Java class names:

    • java.lang.Boolean

    • java.lang.Double

    • java.lang.Integer

    • java.lang.String

    • java.util.List

    • java.util.Map

The getProperty(String propertyName) method returns null when the propertyName is not valid.

For example:

The following example assumes that the property name prefix is set to script in the script engine configuration for the script type.

The script is used in a Scripted Decision node to get the values such as the user’s email, hostname, and port. The script also shows type transformation where the type isn’t a string.

var fr = JavaImporter(org.forgerock.openam.auth.node.api.Action);

// Properties should get resolved (set in AM)
var email = systemEnv.getProperty('');
var name = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.hostname', 'defaultHostname');
var port = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.port', '587', java.lang.Integer);
var double = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.double', '2.0', java.lang.Double);
var hasPort = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.hasPort', 'false', java.lang.Boolean);
var map = systemEnv.getProperty('', '{"defaultKey":"defaultValue"}', java.util.Map);
var list = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.list', 'defaultValue', java.util.List);

// Properties should get resolved to their defaults (not set in AM)
var defaultName = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.hostname.unresolved', 'defaultHostname');
var defaultPort = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.port.unresolved', '587', java.lang.Integer);
var defaultDouble = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.double.unresolved', '2.0', java.lang.Double);
var defaultHasPort = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.hasPort.unresolved', 'false', java.lang.Boolean);
var defaultMap = systemEnv.getProperty('', '{"defaultKey":"defaultValue"}', java.util.Map);
var defaultList = systemEnv.getProperty('script.tree.decision.node.list.unresolved', 'defaultFirstValue,defaultSecondValue', java.util.List);

// Assert all property values - set the appropriate outcome
if (email === '' && name === 'testHostname' && port === 25 && double === 1.0 && hasPort === true
    && map.get('testKey') == 'testValue' && list == '[testFirstValue, testSecondValue]'
    && defaultName === 'defaultHostname' && defaultPort === 587 && defaultDouble === 2.0 && defaultHasPort === false
    && defaultMap.get('defaultKey') == 'defaultValue' && defaultList == '[defaultFirstValue, defaultSecondValue]') {
  action = fr.Action.goTo("true").build();
} else {
  action = fr.Action.goTo("false").build();

Scripted decision node API

A Scripted Decision node calls server-side Groovy or JavaScript to set the outcome for the node programmatically and determine the path the authentication journey takes. The script can perform actions before setting the outcome.

To create and manage decision scripts, refer to Manage scripts (UI). Use the script type Decision node script for authentication trees.

When configuring the Scripted Decision node, add the two outcomes true and false in Outcomes. Each outcome appears as a node endpoint that you connect to other nodes in the tree.

The outcome strings aren’t limited to true and false. Specify a value for each possible outcome and as many outcomes as required by the tree.

Use the action object to set the outcome.

Script bindings

In addition to the common bindings, a decision node script has access to the following specific bindings, predefined objects that AM injects into the script execution context.

AM has introduced a next-generation scripting engine that offers several benefits, including enhanced script bindings.

For decision node scripts, the availability and usage of bindings depend on the script engine version of the script: legacy or next-generation. Both versions are described in this section.

The next-generation script engine is only available to the Scripted decision node API.

For information about migrating to the enhanced scripting engine, refer to Migrating to next-generation scripts.

Binding Description Further information

action (1)

Set the script outcome and perform script-related actions.


Add information to the AM audit logs.

callbacksBuilder(1) callbacks

Request additional data from the user using a callback.


If the user has previously authenticated and has a session, use this binding to access the properties of that session.


Make outbound HTTP calls.


Access the data stored in the user’s profile.


Generate JWT assertions in scripts.


Validate JWT assertions in scripts.


Write a message to the AM debug log.


Return the name of the realm to which the user is authenticating as a string.

For example, authenticating to the alpha realm returns a string value of /alpha.


Access the HTTP headers provided in the login request.


Access the HTTP request parameters provided in the login request.


Boolean to indicate whether evaluation has resumed after suspension.

For example, the value returns True after sending an email and receiving the response.


Access the secrets configured for AM in the environment.


Access data set by previous nodes in the tree, or store data to be used by subsequent nodes.


Access scripted functions in IDM to manage resources.


Return the name of the running script.


Lets you get the value of an environment secret or variable (ESV).

(1) Not available in Legacy scripts.

Set script outcome and script attributes

Use the action object to define the outcome and access functions to set script attributes, such as error or lockout messages, verified identities, or session properties.

Use action instead of the outcome variable to define the exit path from the node. The action object takes precedence and overrides the value set for the outcome variable. You can also use it to perform other script operations.

Call the goTo method directly on the action binding. Optionally, chain with ActionWrapper functions.

Supported ActionWrapper functions:
Method Information

public ActionWrapper putSessionProperty(String key, String value)

Add a session property.

public ActionWrapper removeSessionProperty(String key)

Remove an existing session property.

public ActionWrapper withDescription(String description)

Set a description for the action.

public ActionWrapper withErrorMessage(String message)

Set an error message to display to the end user when the journey reaches the Failure node.

public ActionWrapper withIdentifiedAgent(String agentName)

public ActionWrapper withIdentifiedUser(String username)

Set the identity, authenticated or not, of the user or agent verified to exist in an identity store.

Use these methods to record the type of identified user. If the advanced server property, is set to true, AM uses the stored identified identities to decide which user to log in.

This lets the authentication tree engine correctly resolve identities that have the same username.

For more information, refer to advanced server properties.

public ActionWrapper withLockoutMessage(String message)

// Evaluation continues along the "false" outcome

 // No effect
outcome = "true";

A script can also use the action object to set session properties.

Access request header

A script can access the headers in the login request with the methods of the requestHeaders object.

The script has access to a copy of the headers. Changing their values does not affect the request.

String[] requestHeaders.get(String headerName)

Returns an array of the values in the named request header, or null, if the property is not set.

Header names are case-sensitive.

if (requestHeaders.get("user-agent").get(0).indexOf("Chrome") !== -1) {
} else {

Access request parameters

A script can access the query parameters in the login request with the methods of the requestParameters object.

The script has access to a copy of the parameters. Changing their values doesn’t affect the request.

String[] requestParameters.get(String parameterName)

Return an array of the values in the named request parameter, or null, if the parameter isn’t available.

var service;
var authIndexType = requestParameters.get("authIndexType");

if (authIndexType && String(authIndexType.get(0)) === "service") {
    service = requestParameters.get("authIndexValue").get(0);

if (service) {
    nodeState.putShared("service", service);

In JavaScript, the data type (typeof) of requestParameters values is object.

Convert the values to strings before using strict equality comparisons.

Access shared state data

A script can access the shared state of the tree with the methods of the nodeState object.

The sharedState and transientState bindings are deprecated, and are removed in the next-generation scripting engine.

You can still access the different states with the nodeState object, which replaces the sharedState and transientState bindings.

For example, use nodeState.putShared() instead of sharedState.put(), and nodeState.putTransient() instead of transientState.put(). Use nodeState.get() to retrieve shared and transient state properties.

There are three types of state:


Non-sensitive state.


Sensitive state.

Transient state data is never sent back to the user’s browser in a callback so doesn’t need to be encrypted. The transient state is for sensitive data and for data not required after the next callback.


Encrypted sensitive state.

Secure state data is sent back to the user’s browser encrypted as part of the shared state object.

Transient state data is promoted to secure state data when:

  • A callback to the user is about to occur.

  • A downstream node is detected in the journey, requesting data in the transient state as script input.

Unless the downstream node explicitly requests the secure state data by name, the authentication journey removes it from the node state after processing the next callback.

For example, a node in a registration journey stores a user’s password in transient state. The node sends a callback to the user before an inner tree node, downstream in the journey, consumes that password. As part of the callback, the journey assesses what to add to the secure state. It does this by checking the state inputs that downstream nodes in the journey require. Nodes that only request * are ignored, as this would result in putting everything that’s in transient state into secure state, and retaining sensitive information longer than necessary.

If a downstream node requires the password, it must therefore explicitly request it as state input, even if it lists the * wildcard as input.

<returnvalue> nodeState.get(String propertyName)

Returns the value of the named property.

The value may come from the transient, secure, or shared states, in that order. If the same property is available in several states, the method returns the value of the property in the transient state first.

If the property isn’t set, the method returns null.

Returns the value as an Object. The JavaScript return type is coerced, so you no longer need to call functions such as asString() or asMap().

var currentAuthLevel = nodeState.get("authLevel");
var thePassword = nodeState.get("password");

<returnvalue> nodeState.getObject(String propertyName)

Returns the value of the named property.

If the value is a map, this method combines and returns the values stored in transient, secure, and shared state.

If the property isn’t set, the method returns null.

The getObject method returns an immutable object. If you want to update the object, use nodeState.get(String propertyName) instead. The get method doesn’t combine values but returns the first value found in transient, secure, or shared state (in that order). You can then modify the returned object.

For example:

var attributes = nodeState.get("objectAttributes");
if (attributes) {
  attributes.put("mail", "");
  nodeState.putShared("objectAttributes", attributes);


Returns the value as an Object. The JavaScript return type is coerced.

var attributes = nodeState.getObject("objectAttributes");

<returnvalue> nodeState.putShared(String propertyName, String propertyValue)

Sets the value of the named shared state property.

Returns a modified instance of NodeStateScriptWrapper.

try {
  var thePassword = nodeState.get("password");
} catch (e) {
  nodeState.putShared("errorMessage", e.toString());

<returnvalue> nodeState.putTransient(String propertyName, String propertyValue)

Sets the value of the named transient state property.

Returns a modified instance of NodeStateScriptWrapper.

nodeState.putTransient("sensitiveKey", "sensitiveValue");


Access profile data

A script can access profile data through the methods of the idRepository object.

Get attribute values

Returns the values of the named attribute for the named user.

var username = nodeState.get("username");
var attribute = "mail";

// Get identity object separately
var identity = idRepository.getIdentity(username);

// Returns all values as an array, for example: ["", ""]

// Returns the first value, for example:

// If no attribute by this name is found, the result is an empty array: []

Set attribute values

Sets the named attribute as specified by the attribute value for the named user, and persists the result in the user’s profile.

var username = nodeState.get("username");

// Get identity separately
var identity = idRepository.getIdentity(username);

// Set the attribute directly on the identity object
identity.setAttribute("mail", [""]);

try {
  // Explicitly persist data
  // throws an exception if setAttribute failed;
} catch(e) {
  logger.error("Unable to persist attribute. " + e);

You must explicitly call store() to persist changes to attribute values.

Add attribute values

Add an attribute value to the list of attribute values associated with the attribute name for a particular user.

var username = nodeState.get("username");

// Get identity separately
var identity = idRepository.getIdentity(username);

// Add a value as a string.
identity.addAttribute("mail", "");

try {
  // Explicitly persist data
  // throws an exception if addAttribute failed;
} catch(e) {
  logger.error("Unable to persist attribute. " + e);

You must explicitly call store() to persist changes to attribute values.

Set session properties

A script can set session properties with the fields and methods of the Action interface.

The following example sets the outcome to true, and adds a custom session property:

action.goTo("true").putSessionProperty("mySessionProperty", "myPropertyValue");

When adding a session property, make sure it’s in the AM allowlist. AM does not allow the script to add it to sessions unless it’s in the allowlist.

  1. In AM admin UI, under Realms > Realm Name > Services, make sure the Session Property Whitelist Service is configured.

    If not, configure the service with the default settings.

  2. Add the property name to the Allowlisted Session Property Names list unless it’s already present.

For information on allowlisting session properties, refer to Session Property Whitelist service

Add the script to a Scripted Decision node in your authentication journey. When a user authenticates successfully, AM adds the property to their session, as shown in the following output for session introspection:

  "username": "014c54bd-6078-4639-8316-8ce0e7746fa4",
  "universalId": "id=014c54bd-6078-4639-8316-8ce0e7746fa4,ou=user,o=alpha,ou=services,ou=am-config",
  "realm": "/alpha",
  "latestAccessTime": "2022-10-31T11:03:25Z",
  "maxIdleExpirationTime": "2022-10-31T11:33:25Z",
  "maxSessionExpirationTime": "2022-10-31T13:03:24Z",
  "properties": {
    "AMCtxId": "de5abe95-db97-4354-9d32-aab660ea23a3-4252446",
    "mySessionProperty": "myPropertyValue"

Existing session properties

The existingSession binding is only present when performing a session upgrade. Any properties added by nodes earlier in the journey only appear on the user’s new session when the journey completes; such properties are not available in the existingSession binding.

A script can access existing session properties during a session upgrade request with the existingSession.get method.

String existingSession.get(String propertyName)

Returns the string value of the named existing session property, or null, if the property is not set.

If the current request is not a session upgrade and does not provide an existing session, the existingSession variable is not declared. Check for a declaration before attempting to access the variable.

var fr = JavaImporter(org.forgerock.openam.auth.node.api.Action);

if (typeof existingSession !== 'undefined') {
    var existingAuthLevel = existingSession.get("AuthLevel")
} else {
    nodeState.putShared("errorMessage", "Variable existingSession not declared - not a session upgrade.")

action = fr.Action.goTo("true").build();

Customize account lockout message

A script can display a custom error message to the end user when their account is locked or inactive using the .withLockoutMessage method on the Action.goto() object.

The following example changes the account lockout message to a custom error message:

  .withLockoutMessage("Custom lockout message");

Add the script to a Scripted Decision node in your authentication journey.

This Scripted Decision node must go after a node that checks the status of the user (such as the LDAP Decision node or the Account Active Decision node) because it is triggered when a user’s account is locked or inactive (status is Inactive).

Generate and validate JWTs

Use the jwtAssertion and jwtValidator bindings to include JWT operations in your script.

The jwtAssertion binding lets you generate a signed and/or encrypted JWT, for example, for securely transporting JWT claims that can be verified later in the journey via an emailed magic link.

The jwtValidator binding lets you decrypt and validate JWTs; for example, to verify JWT claims from another system such as PingGateway.

String jwtAssertion.generateJwt(Map<String, Object> jwtData)

Provide the following data for generating a JWT assertion:

Data field Description




(Required) HS256 or RS256 (jwtType must be SIGNED).


(Required) The account identifier for the JWT subject (sub) and issuer (iss) claims.


(Required) The JWT audience (aud) claim value.


The duration of the validity of the JWT in minutes.


The base64-encoded JSON Web Key used to sign/verify the JWT.

JWTS are signed using the HS256 or RS256 algorithms.


The JSON Web Encryption (JWE) public key used to encrypt/decrypt the JWT.

JWTs are encrypted using the A128CBC-HS256 algorithm.

var hmacJwtData = {
  jwsAlgorithm: "HS256",
  accountId: "accountId",
  audience: "",
  validityMinutes: 10,
  signingKey: "cGFzc3dvcmQ=",
  encryptionKey: "Syz1K5XQCZtq7FkE+GNvgZPeFyvUXJdemIW7CQjM18U="
// returns a string representation of the JWT
var assertionJwt = jwtAssertion.generateJwt(hmacJwtData);

Map<String, Object> jwtValidator.validateJwtClaims(Map<String, Object> jwtData)

Provide the following data for validating a JWT:

Data field Description




(Required) The JWT object to validate.


(Required) The account identifier for the JWT subject (sub) and issuer (iss) claims.


(Required) The JWT audience (aud) claim value.


The base64-encoded JSON Web Key used to sign/verify the JWT.

JWTS are signed using the HS256 or RS256 algorithms.


The JSON Web Encryption (JWE) public key used to encrypt/decrypt the JWT.

JWTs are encrypted using the A128CBC-HS256 algorithm.

var jwtData = {
  jwt: assertionJwt,
  accountId: "accountId",
  audience: "",
  signingKey: "cGFzc3dvcmQ=",
  encryptionKey: "Syz1K5XQCZtq7FkE+GNvgZPeFyvUXJdemIW7CQjM18U="
try {
  // returns a map of JWT claims or null if required claims are missing
  // throws NoSuchSecretException if verification key is missing
  var jwtClaims = jwtValidator.validateJwtClaims(jwtData);

  if (jwtClaims !== null) {
    logger.debug("Audience: " + jwtClaims.get("audience"));
    logger.debug("ExpirationTime: " + jwtClaims.get("expirationTime"));
    logger.debug("IssuedAtTime: " + jwtClaims.get("issuedAtTime"));
    logger.debug("Issuer: " + jwtClaims.get("issuer"));
    logger.debug("JWTId: " + jwtClaims.get("jwtId"));
    logger.debug("Subject: " + jwtClaims.get("subject"));
  } else {
    logger.error("Invalid JWT claims");
} catch(e) {
  logger.error("Invalid JWT signing key");

Use callbacks

A script can use callbacks to provide or prompt for additional information during the authentication process.

The following script checks for a password and stores the username to shared state for use by subsequent nodes in the authentication journey.

Next-generation callback functionality is split between two bindings:

  • callbacksBuilder: Request callbacks. Callbacks are sent automatically when the script completes.

    callbacksBuilder request methods
    • public void textOutputCallback(int messageType, String message)

    • public void suspendedTextOutputCallback(int messageType, String message)

    • public void hiddenValueCallback(String id, String value)

    • public void choiceCallback(String prompt, String[] choices, int defaultChoice, boolean multipleSelectionsAllowed)

    • public void nameCallback(String prompt)

    • public void nameCallback(String prompt, String defaultName)

    • public void passwordCallback(String prompt, boolean echoOn)

    • public void textInputCallback(String prompt)

    • public void textInputCallback(String prompt, String defaultText)

    • public void scriptTextOutputCallback(String message)

    • public void redirectCallback(String redirectUrl, Map redirectData, String method)

    • public void redirectCallback(String redirectUrl, Map redirectData, String method, String statusParameter, String redirectBackUrlCookie)

    • public void metadataCallback(Object outputValue)

    • public void stringAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, String value, Boolean required)

    • public void stringAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, String value, Boolean required, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void stringAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, String value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void stringAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, String value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void numberAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Double value, Boolean required)

    • public void numberAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Double value, Boolean required, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void numberAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Double value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void numberAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Double value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void booleanAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Boolean value, Boolean required)

    • public void booleanAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Boolean value, Boolean required, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void booleanAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Boolean value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void booleanAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Boolean value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void confirmationCallback(int messageType, int optionType, int defaultOption)

    • public void confirmationCallback(int messageType, String[] options, int defaultOption)

    • public void confirmationCallback(String prompt, int messageType, int optionType, int defaultOption)

    • public void confirmationCallback(String prompt, int messageType, String[] options, int defaultOption)

    • public void languageCallback(String language, String country)

    • public void idPCallback(String provider, String clientId, String redirectUri, List<String> scope, String nonce, String request, String requestUri, List<String> acrValues, boolean requestNativeAppForUserInfo)

    • public void idPCallback(String provider, String clientId, String redirectUri, List<String> scope, String nonce, String request, String requestUri, List<String> acrValues, boolean requestNativeAppForUserInfo, String token, String tokenType)

    • public void pollingWaitCallback(String waitTime, String message)

    • public void validatedPasswordCallback(String prompt, boolean echoOn, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void validatedPasswordCallback(String prompt, boolean echoOn, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void validatedUsernameCallback(String prompt, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void validatedUsernameCallback(String prompt, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void httpCallback(String authorizationHeader, String negotiationHeader, String errorCode)

    • public void httpCallback(String authRHeader, String negoName, String negoValue, int errorCode)

    • public void x509CertificateCallback(String prompt)

    • public void x509CertificateCallback(String prompt, X509Certificate certificate)

    • public void x509CertificateCallback(String prompt, X509Certificate certificate, boolean requestSignature)

    • public void consentMappingCallback(Object config, String message, Boolean isRequired)

    • public void consentMappingCallback(String name, String displayName, String icon, String accessLevel, List<String> titles, String message, Boolean isRequired)

    • public void deviceProfileCallback(Boolean metadata, Boolean location, String message)

    • public void kbaCreateCallback(String prompt, List<String> predefinedQuestions, boolean allowUserDefinedQuestions)

    • public void selectIdPCallback(Object providers)

    • public void termsAndConditionsCallback(String version, String terms, String createDate)

  • callbacks: Use isEmpty() to check if callbacks have returned to AM. Use public get methods to retrieve input from interactive and backchannel callbacks.

    callbacks public get methods
    Method Return type Description



    The collected Boolean value



    The selected choices as indexes



    The selected confirmation option



    The collected Boolean value



    The device information in escaped JSON format



    The authorization token


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map of IDP callback data. Values are:

    • nodeName (String)

    • provider (String)

    • clientId (String)

    • redirectUri (String)

    • scope (List<String>)

    • nonce (String)

    • request (String)

    • requestUri (String)

    • acrValues (List<String>)

    • token (String)

    • tokenType (String)

    • userInfo (String)

    • requestNativeAppForUserInfo (boolean)


    List<Map<String, String>>

    A map of knowledge-based authentication (KBA) responses. Values are selectedQuestion and selectedAnswer.



    The selected locale



    The collected name value



    The collected numeric value



    The collected password value


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map of selected IDP providers in JSON format



    The collected String value



    The Boolean acceptance value



    The collected text as a String value (can be null)


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map with the password returned as value (String) and validateOnly(whether to only validate input, or validate and continue journey)


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map with the username returned as value (String) and validateOnly(whether to only validate input, or validate and continue journey)


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map of X.509 certificate callback data. Values are:

    • certificate (X509Certificate)

    • signature (String)

    • reqSignature (Boolean)

The following examples show how to use the callbacksBuilder and callbacks objects to request and receive input from callbacks:

Example nameCallback and passwordCallback
if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {
  // Request callbacks
  callbacksBuilder.nameCallback("User Name", "User Name");
  callbacksBuilder.passwordCallback("Password", false);
} else {
  // Callbacks returned from browser, save username and password
  var username = callbacks.getNameCallbacks().get(0);
  var password = callbacks.getPasswordCallbacks().get(0);

  nodeState.putShared("username", username);

  if (password === null || !password) {
  } else {
    nodeState.putTransient("password", password);
Example metadataCallback and textOutputCallback
var data = {
      mfaType: "email"

var username = nodeState.get('username');
var identity = idRepository.getIdentity(username);

var firstName = identity.getAttributeValues('givenName')[0];

if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {
  // Adds the key-value pair to the JSON response

  // Displays a message to the end user
  // Message type: INFORMATION (0), WARNING(1), or ERROR (2)
  callbacksBuilder.textOutputCallback(1, "Hi " + firstName + ", please update your postal code");
Example choiceCallback
var titles = ["Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Mx", "Other"];

if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {
  // Request choice from the user
    callbacksBuilder.choiceCallback("Select a title", titles, 0, false);

} else {
  // Callbacks returned from browser, save selected choice
  var index = callbacks.getChoiceCallbacks().get(0)[0];
  var title = titles[index];

  if (title === null || !title) {
  } else {
    nodeState.putShared("title", title);
Example hiddenValueCallback and scriptTextOutputCallback
var script = "document.getElementById('clientScriptOutputData').value = navigator.language \n" +
try {
    if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {
        callbacksBuilder.hiddenValueCallback("clientScriptOutputData", "false");

    } else {
        //Browser language can be used to localize custom callback messages
      	var preferredLanguage = callbacks.getHiddenValueCallbacks().get(0);
        nodeState.putShared("preferredLanguage", preferredLanguage);

} catch (error) {
    logger.error("Error getting browser language: " + error.toString());

For a list of supported callbacks, refer to Supported callbacks.

Access IDM scripting functions

The openidm binding lets you manage an IDM resource by calling scripting functions directly from a decision node script.

The openidm binding is only available when AM is integrated with IDM.

The following CRUDPAQ functions are supported:

  • create

  • read

  • update

  • delete

  • patch

  • action

  • query

For more information, refer to Scripting functions.

The openidm provides administrative access to IDM functions. Use it with caution to prevent the exposure of sensitive data.

The following example illustrates how to create a user, update their details, send an email, and finally delete the user:

var username = "bjensen";

// CREATE: returns the user identity as a JSON object (wrapped in a MapScriptWrapper)
var newUser = openidm.create("managed/user", null, {
  "userName": username,
  "mail": "",
  "givenName": "Foo",
  "sn": "Bar"});

// Access the fields directly, for example: ._id, .sn, .city, .country
var userID = newUser._id;

// READ: returns entire identity as a JSON object
var user ="managed/user/" + userID);

// Debug to output all fields
logger.debug("user: " + JSON.stringify(user));

// UPDATE: replaces identity completely with specified object
// Returns the updated identity as a JSON object
user.description = 'New description';
var updatedUser = openidm.update("managed/user/" + userID, null, user);

// PATCH: selectively modify object, returns patched identity object
var patchedUser = openidm.patch("managed/user/" + userID, null, [{

// QUERY: returns results array in a map
var queryRes = openidm.query("managed/user",
    {"_queryFilter":`/userName eq '${username}'`},["*", "_id"]);

// Debug query result count and the requested properties
logger.debug("Query result count: " + queryRes.resultCount);
logger.debug("Queried user: " + queryRes.result[0].givenName);

// ACTION: send email using the action function
var actionRes = openidm.action("external/email", "send", {
    "from": "",
    "to": patchedUser.mail,
    "subject": "Example email",
    "body": "This is an example"
// Example response if not null: {"status":"OK","message":"Email sent"}
logger.debug("Status: " + actionRes.status + " : " + actionRes.message);

// DELETE: returns deleted object if successful, throws exception if not
openidm.delete('managed/user/'+ userID, null);


Accessing credentials and secrets

Scripts used in a scripted decision node can access the secrets configured in AM secret stores on the file system.

For example, a script can access credentials or secrets defined in a file system secret volume in order to make outbound calls to a third-party REST service, without hard-coding those credentials in the script.


String secrets.getGenericSecret(String secretLabel)

Returns the value of the specified secret label.

If the secret label is defined at the realm level, its value is returned; otherwise, the script returns the value defined at the global level.

Only secret labels that begin with the string scripted.node. are accessible to scripts.

For more information on creating secret labels in a secret store, refer to Secret stores.

Use the following functions to format the returned secret value:


Retrieve the secret value in byte[] format.


Retrieve the secret value in UTF-8 format.

These example scripts show how to get the value (passwd) from a secret label named They use the value in a basic authentication header to access the{user}/{passwd} service:

var fr = JavaImporter(org.forgerock.openam.auth.node.api.Action);

var username = "bjensen"
var password = secrets.getGenericSecret("").getAsUtf8()

var auth = java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(java.lang.String(username + ":" + password).getBytes())

var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request()
request.getHeaders().add("content-type","application/json; charset=utf-8")
request.getHeaders().add("Authorization", "Basic " + auth)

var response = httpClient.send(request).get()
var jsonResult = JSON.parse(response.getEntity().getString())
logger.error("Script result: " + JSON.stringify(jsonResult))
if (jsonResult.hasOwnProperty("authenticated")) {
  action = fr.Action.goTo("success").build();
} else {
  action = fr.Action.goTo("failure").build();

To use these sample scripts, add the following classes to the class allowlist property in the AUTHENTICATION_TREE_DECISION_NODE scripting engine configuration:

  • org.mozilla.javascript.ConsString

  • java.util.Base64

  • java.util.Base64$Encoder

For details, refer to Scripting environment.

Audit information

A script can add information to audit log entries with the auditEntryDetail variable. The auditEntryDetail variable can hold either a string or a JSON object.

AM appends the value of the variable to the authentication audit logs, which corresponds to the am-authentication log source.

The following example shows how to add a string to the authentication audit log entry:

auditEntryDetail = "Additional audit information"

AM records it in the payload > entries > info > nodeExtraLogging > auditInfo field of the audit log entry:

  "payload": {
    "_id": "de5abe95-db97-4354-9d32-aab660ea23a3-4392064",
    "component": "Authentication",
    "entries": [{
      "info": {
        "authLevel": "0",
        "displayName": "Scripted Decision",
        "nodeExtraLogging": {
          "auditInfo": "Additional audit information"
        "nodeId": "d3a9a765-f5d7-41dd-b936-f862c8b672a2",
        "nodeOutcome": "true",
        "nodeType": "ScriptedDecisionNode",
        "treeName": "Test"
    "eventName": "AM-NODE-LOGIN-COMPLETED",
    "level": "INFO",
    "principal": [
    "realm": "/alpha",
    "source": "audit",
    "timestamp": "2022-10-31T13:06:38.195Z",
    "topic": "authentication",
    "trackingIds": [
    "transactionId": "bd52ff36-8b34-4819-8e50-68ca1961275b-request-4/0"
  "timestamp": "2022-10-31T13:06:38.195401296Z",
  "type": "application/json",
  "source": "am-authentication"

Next-generation scripts

The next-generation scripting engine offers the following benefits:

  • A stable set of enhanced bindings, available to JavaScript decision node scripts, that reduces the need to allowlist Java classes to access common functionality.

Ease of use
  • Simplify your scripts with fewer imports and more intuitive return types that require less code.

  • Debug more easily with clear log messages and a simple logging interface based on SLF4J.

  • Make requests to other APIs from within scripts more easily with a more intuitive HTTP client.

Reduced complexity
  • Simplify and modularize your scripts with library scripts by reusing commonly used code snippets as CommonJS modules.

    Reference library scripts from a decision node script.

  • Access identity management information seamlessly through the openidm binding.

Migrate to next-generation scripts

Different bindings are available to the decision node script depending on the scripting engine version; legacy or next-generation.

The next-generation engine can’t use legacy scripts or scripts written in Groovy.

If your Scripted Decision node uses legacy scripts, you must convert them to use updated bindings to take advantage of the benefits of the next-generation scripting engine.

Where possible, you should migrate legacy scripts to take advantage of next-generation stability.

You can’t change the script engine version after you have created a script.

To migrate existing scripts, create a new script and convert your legacy code:

  1. Create a decision node script (type: Decision node script for authentication trees) and select Next Generation on the Choose Script Engine page.

  2. Copy and paste the legacy version of your script into the JavaScript field.

  3. Review any Java classes that you needed to allowlist to use in your legacy script.

    You can’t add Java classes to the next-generation allowlist.

    Instead, check if any next-generation bindings provide similar functionality, or reimplement the class as a library script. Library scripts let you add third-party code as reusable JavaScript modules that can be referenced from other scripts.

    If this isn’t possible, you can request the functionality to be included as a supported script binding in a future release.

  4. Review the changes in the following table and update the bindings according to the examples in the links provided.

    Binding Next-generation change Example



    Use static method goTo() to set the script outcome.

    To send callbacks, instead of calling Action.send(), use the new callbacksBuilder functionality.



    Instead of creating a Callback object and invoking Action.send(), add callbacks using static methods on the callbacksBuilder object; for example nameCallback and passwordCallback. These callbacks are automatically sent when the script completes.


    Uses native JavaScript objects, similar to the Fetch API.


    Class changed from ScriptIdentityRepository to ScriptedIdentityRepository.

    Use getIdentity() method in addition to methods to get or set attributes.

    You must now explicitly call store() to persist changes to attribute values.



    Generate JWT assertions in scripts.



    Validate JWT assertions in scripts.


    Logger is now based on org.slf4j.Logger, instead of com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug.


    The sharedState and transientState bindings are no longer supported.



    Use this binding to access the openidm scripting functions supported in IDM.


    Use this utility binding to base64 encode/decode strings and to generate random UUIDs.


Legacy Next-generation
var fr = JavaImporter(

 // Journey continues along the "false" path
action = fr.Action.goTo("false").build();      1
 // Journey continues along the "false" path
action.goTo("false");                       1

1 No need to import the Action class to access the goTo method. Instead, call the goTo method directly on the action binding.


Use the callbacksBuilder object instead of importing Callback classes.

Learn more about using callbacks in Callbacks.

Legacy Next-generation
var fr = JavaImporter(                       1

if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {
  // Request callbacks
  action = fr.Action.send(                   2
    new fr.NameCallback("User Name"),
    new fr.PasswordCallback("Password", false)).build();
} else {
  // Callbacks returned with credentials
  var username =
  var password =

  sharedState.put("username", username);
  if (password === null || !password) {
    action = fr.Action.goTo("false").build();
  } else {                                   3
    transientState.put("password", password);
    action = fr.Action.goTo("true").build(); 4
if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {                   1
  // Request callbacks
    "User Name", "User Name");
    "Password", false);
} else {
  // Callbacks returned with credentials
  var username =
  var password =

  nodeState.putShared("username", username);

  if (password === null || !password) {
    action.goTo("false");                    2
  } else {
    nodeState.putTransient("password",       3
    action.goTo("true");                     4

1 Use callbacksBuilder to request callbacks, and the callbacks object to retrieve returned values.
2 No need to explicitly call send(). The script sends every callback added to the callbacksBuilder when it completes.
3 Use nodeState.putShared() instead of sharedState.put() and nodeState.putTransient() instead of transientState.put().
4 No need to set the outcome, because action.goTo() was invoked.


Call HTTP services with the httpClient.send method. HTTP client requests are asynchronous, unless the get() method is invoked on the returned object.

For more information, refer to Access HTTP services.

Legacy Next-generation
var fr = JavaImporter(

var requestURL =
var request = new

request.setUri(requestURL);                 1
    "Bearer abcd-1234");                    2
    {"username": "demo"}));

var response =
    httpClient.send(request).get();         3

var responseCode =
    response.getStatus().getCode();         4

if (responseCode === 200) {
    action = fr.Action.goTo("true").build();
} else {
    action = fr.Action.goTo("false").build();
 // import an external library to get token
var authLib = require('authLib');
var bearerToken =

var options = {                             1
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  token: bearerToken,                       2
  body: {
    username: "demo"

var requestURL =
var response = httpClient.send(
    requestURL, options).get();             3

if (response.status === 200) {              4
} else {

1 Set the request options as a native JavaScript object, instead of setting parameters on a Request object.
2 Use Library scripts to reuse common pieces of code; for example, to get an authentication token.
3 Call httpClient.send with the request URL and options as separate arguments, instead of a Request object.
4 Access response data directly using the methods and properties of the returned response object.


Legacy Next-generation
var username = "bjensen";

var mail = idRepository.getAttribute(
    username, "mail");                    1 2

idRepository.setAttribute(username, "mail",
    [""]);                    3
var username = "bjensen";

var identity =
    idRepository.getIdentity(username);      1

var mail =
    identity.getAttributeValues("mail");     2

 // Does NOT automatically persist data
    [""]);                    3

try {;                            4
} catch(e) {
    logger.error("Unable to persist attribute. " + e);

1 The idRepository object is no longer used to get attribute values. Instead, use the getIdentity() method of the new org.forgerock.openam.scripting.api.identity.ScriptIdentityRepository interface to get the identity object.
2 Use the identity object, instead of idRepository, to get or set attribute values.
3 Setting or adding attributes on the identity object does not persist data.
4 You must explicitly persist changes by calling the store method.


The com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug logger class is deprecated and replaced by org.forgerock.openam.scripting.logging.ScriptedLoggerWrapper.

ScriptedLoggerWrapper provides a subset of the methods offered by SLF4J.

For more information, refer to Log script messages.

Legacy Next-generation
var messageEnabled = logger.messageEnabled();
logger.message("Message with arg {}", arg);

var warnEnabled = logger.warningEnabled();
logger.warning("Warn with arg {}", arg);

var errorEnabled = logger.errorEnabled();
logger.error("Error with arg {}", arg);
var traceEnabled = logger.isTraceEnabled();
logger.trace("Trace with arg {}", arg);

var debugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
logger.debug("Debug with arg {}", arg);

var infoEnabled = logger.isInfoEnabled();"Info with arg {}", arg);

var warnEnabled = logger.isWarnEnabled();
logger.warn("Warn with arg {}", arg);

var errorEnabled = logger.isErrorEnabled();
logger.error("Error with arg {}", arg);


Legacy Next-generation
 // var username = sharedState.get("username");
var username =
    nodeState.get("username").asString();    2
var attributes =                             3
var username = nodeState.get("username");    2
var attributes =
    nodeState.getObject("objectAttributes"); 3

1 Deprecated sharedState and transientState bindings are no longer available. Use nodeState.get() instead. To store state values, use nodeState.putShared() or nodeState.putTransient() instead of sharedState.put() and transientState.put().
2 No need to call methods such as asString() or asMap().
3 New getObject() method to retrieve a map with values stored across different states. The map is immutable.

For more information about the nodeState binding, refer to Access shared state data.


The new openidm binding lets you manage an IDM resource by calling scripting functions directly from a decision node script.

The following CRUDPAQ functions are supported:

  • create

  • read

  • update

  • delete

  • patch

  • action

  • query

The following example shows the extensive code required in a legacy script to query the existence of a user by their email address in IDM, compared to the ease of using the openidm binding.

For further examples of how to use the openidm binding in your next-generation scripts, refer to Access IDM scripting functions.

For details of other supported functions, refer to Scripting functions.

The openidm binding provides administrative access to IDM functions. Use it with caution to prevent the exposure of sensitive data.

Legacy Next-generation
function lookupUser (email) {
  try {
    var idmUserEndpoint =
         + '/openidm/managed/user?
        + email + '%22';
    var request = new
    var accessToken =
        transientState.get("idmAccessToken");     1

    request.setUri(idmUserEndpoint);              1
        'Bearer ' + accessToken);

    var httpResponse =
        httpClient.send(request).get();           1
    var responseCode =
    if (responseCode === 200) {
      var response = JSON.parse(
      if (response && response.result &&
            response.result.length > 0) {
        // User found
        return {
          success: true,
          user: response.result[0]};
      } else {
        // User NOT found
        return { success: true, user: null };
    } else {
      return {
        success: false,
        error: 'Error looking up user: ' + responseCode
  } catch (e) {
    return {
      success: false,
      error: 'Error querying user: ' + e.toString()
openidm.query("managed/user", {        1
    "_queryFilter":`/userName eq '${email}'`
  ["userName", "_id"]

1 Replace code that gets an idmAccessToken and uses the HTTP client object to invoke a request on an /openidm/* endpoint, with the direct use of the openidm binding.

Exception handling when using next-generation script bindings

You must handle exceptions differently depending on whether the exception occurs within a JavaScript Promise or not.

Both types of exception handling can require that the Java exception class is allowlisted or marked as supported for you to access particular details about the exception, or another exception can be thrown.

Next-generation doesn’t support a configurable allowlist. Learn more in Access Java classes.

General exception handling

When you call a method on a script binding that throws an exception, the scripting engine wraps the exception object in a JavaScript error. You can use this to access the error message in the following way:

try {
} catch (e) {
    // works without requiring support or allowlisting of the exception class

You can access the underlying Java exception providing the exception class is allowlisted or the class and method are annotated as @Supported. For example:

try {
} catch (e) {
    // throws an exception if getMyObject() isn't supported or the exception class isn't allowlisted
    myObject = e.javaException.getMyObject();

Exception handling within a Promise

When you handle an exception in a thenCatch block of a Promise, the exception object isn’t wrapped, so it still references the Java exception instead of a JavaScript error.

You can only access the exception object if the exception class is allowlisted or if the fields and methods you want to use are annotated with the @Supported annotation.

For example:

var val = myBinding.methodReturningPromise()
  .then(() => {
    // function to handle the result of the promise
  .thenCatch((e) => {
    // throws a new exception unless the "message" field is supported
    message = e.message;
    // throws an exception unless "getMyObject()" is supported or the exception class is allowlisted
    myObject = e.getMyObject();
    return false;
As an example, the HttpClientScriptException has a supported message field for logging purposes.

Reuse scripts

To use an existing script in a Scripted Decision node, create a library script containing the functionality you want to reuse and reference it from a decision node script.

A library script can take the format of any JavaScript code. You can also import functionality from another library script.

For example:

  • Create a library script using a minified third-party JavaScript utility library, such as lodash.js.

    Only import scripts from trusted third parties that you know take security seriously. It is your responsibility to ensure that third-party code is secure and to maintain it.

  • Write your own reusable snippet that enhances AM debugging functionality.

Modules that use file systems, such as node:fs or XMLHTTPRequest, are not supported. Only modules that are self-contained and don’t use a file system explicitly or indirectly are supported.

Create a library script

  1. In the AM admin UI, create a script of type Library.

    The Evaluator Version is automatically set to Next Generation.

  2. In the Script field, paste the contents of a third-party JavaScript or write your own JavaScript code.

    Expose the reusable functions of your library script by defining properties on the exports object.

    For similar functionality, refer to the CommonJS modules.

    For this example, myExampleLibrary defines and exports three functions:

    var i = 0;
    function add(j) {i += j};
    function logTotal(log) {"Total: " + i) };
    // export constant
    exports.MSG = 'Final sum';
    // export functions
    exports.add = add;
    exports.logTotal = logTotal;
    //direct export using an inline declaration
    exports.logTotalWithMessage = (log, message) => + ": " + i);

    A library script doesn’t have access to bindings, but you can pass in parameters. In the example, the log object is passed in from the scripted decision node that calls the logTotal and logTotalWithMessage functions.

    You can’t create or export classes in library scripts, only functions and constants.

  3. Save your changes.

Import a library script

  1. In the AM admin UI, create or edit a script of type Decision node script for authentication trees or Library.

  2. In the Script field, load the library using the require(LIBRARY_SCRIPT) notation; for example:

    var mylib = require('myExampleLibrary');

  3. Access the exported functions using the library variable; in this case, mylib:

    mylib.logTotalWithMessage(logger, mylib.MSG);

Manage scripts (UI)

The following procedures describe how to create, modify, and delete scripts using the AM admin UI.

Create a script

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Scripts, and click + New Script.

  2. Specify a name for the script.

  3. Select the type of script from the Script Type drop-down list.

  4. For Decision node script for authentication trees scripts, select Legacy or Next Generation as the Evaluator Version.

    You can’t change the evaluator version for other script types. Library scripts are set to Next Generation by default, whereas all other script types are set to Legacy.

    For information about the evaluator version used by the scripting engine and migrating to next-generation scripts, refer to Next-generation scripts.

  5. Click Create.

    Complete the form and save your changes.
  6. Enter values on the Script Name page as follows:

    • Enter a description of the script.

    • Choose the script language, either JavaScript or Groovy. Note that not every script type supports both languages.

    • Enter the source code in the Script field.

      On supported browsers, you can click Upload, go to the script file, and click Open to upload the contents to the Script field.

    • Click Validate to check for compilation errors in the script.

      Correct any compilation errors, and revalidate the script until all errors have been fixed.

    • Save your changes.

Modify a script

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Scripts.

  2. Select the script you want to modify from the list of scripts.

  3. Modify values on the Script Name page as needed.

    Note that if you change the Script Type, existing code in the script is replaced.

  4. If you modified the code in the script, click Validate to check for compilation errors.

    Correct any compilation errors, and revalidate the script until all errors have been fixed.

  5. Save your changes.

Delete a script

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Scripts.

  2. Choose one or more scripts to delete by activating the checkboxes in the relevant rows.

    You can only delete user-created scripts—you can’t delete the global sample scripts provided with AM.

    You can’t delete a library script used by another library script. If you try to delete a nested script, the AM admin UI displays an error.

  3. Click Delete.

Manage scripts (REST)

AM provides the scripts endpoint to manage scripts using REST calls.

The following actions are available:

User-created scripts are realm-specific, hence the URI for the scripts' API can contain a realm component, such as /json{/realm}/scripts. If the realm is not specified in the URI, the top level realm is used.

AM includes some global example scripts that can be used in any realm.

Scripts are represented in JSON and take the following form. Scripts are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, numbers, objects, sets, arrays, true, false, and null). Each script has a system-generated universally unique identifier (UUID), which must be used when modifying existing scripts. Renaming a script will not affect the UUID:

  "_id": "7e3d7067-d50f-4674-8c76-a3e13a810c33",
  "name": "Scripted Module - Server Side",
  "description": "Default global script for server side Scripted Authentication Module",
  "script": "dmFyIFNUQVJUX1RJ...",
  "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
  "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
  "creationDate": 1433147666269,
  "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
  "lastModifiedDate": 1433147666269,
  "evaluatorVersion": "1.0"

The values for the fields shown in the example are explained below:


The UUID that AM generates for the script.


The name provided for the script.


An optional text string to help identify the script.


The source code of the script. The source code is in UTF-8 format and encoded into Base64.

For example, a script such as the following:

var a = 123;
var b = 456;

When encoded into Base64 becomes:


The language the script is written in: JAVASCRIPT or GROOVY. The script context determines the supported language(s).


The context type of the script.

Supported values are:

Supported context values
Value Description


Client-side authentication script


Server-side authentication script


Authentication scripts used by Scripted Decision nodes


Configuration Provider node script


Access token modification script


Script to enhance the data returned from the OAuth 2.0 provider in the authorization request


Script to customize the scopes in an OAuth 2.0 access token


Script to add may_act claims to tokens for token exchange


Script to configure a trusted JWT issuer


Script to validate the requested scopes


Modify OIDC claims when issuing an ID token or calling the /userinfo endpoint


Reuse code with a library script


Scripted conditions for authorization policies


Scripts for customizing the authentication request in a SAML 2.0 journey


Scripts for customizing SAML 2.0 attribute mapping


Scripts for customizing the authentication request on the SP side in a SAML 2.0 journey


Map fields from the social IDP to fields expected by AM


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that created the script.


An integer containing the creation date and time, in ISO 8601 format.


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that most recently updated the resource type.

If the script has not been modified since it was created, this property will have the same value as createdBy.


A string containing the last modified date and time, in ISO 8601 format.

If the script has not been modified since it was created, this property will have the same value as creationDate.


A number representing the script engine version: 1.0 for legacy or 2.0 for next-generation. Refer to Next-generation scripts for details.

When invalid or unspecified, the value defaults to 1.0 for all script types except library scripts, which are always 2.0 (next-generation).

Query scripts

To list all the scripts in a realm, as well as any global scripts, perform an HTTP GET to the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.

If the realm is not specified in the URL, AM returns scripts in the top level realm, as well as any global scripts.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an administrative user, such as amAdmin, who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5…​" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.1" \
  "result": [
      "_id": "9de3eb62-f131-4fac-a294-7bd170fd4acb",
      "name": "Scripted Policy Condition",
      "description": "Default global script for Scripted Policy Conditions",
      "script": "LyoqCiAqIFRoaXMg…​",
      "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
      "context": "POLICY_CONDITION",
      "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
      "creationDate": 1433147666269,
      "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
      "lastModifiedDate": 1433147666269,
      "evaluatorVersion": "1.0"
      "_id": "7e3d7067-d50f-4674-8c76-a3e13a810c33",
      "name": "Scripted Module - Server Side",
      "description": "Default global script for server side Scripted Authentication Module",
      "script": "dmFyIFNUQVJUX1RJ…​",
      "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
      "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
      "creationDate": 1433147666269,
      "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
      "lastModifiedDate": 1433147666269,
      "evaluatorVersion": "1.0"
  "resultCount": 2,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1
Supported _queryFilter Fields andOperators
Field Supported Operators


Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)


Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)


Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)


Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)


Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)


Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)

Read a script

To read an individual script in a realm, perform an HTTP GET using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, specifying the UUID in the URL.

To read a script in the Top Level Realm, or to read a built-in global script, do not specify a realm in the URL.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an administrative user, such as amAdmin, who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5…​" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.1" \
  "_id": "9de3eb62-f131-4fac-a294-7bd170fd4acb",
  "name": "Scripted Policy Condition",
  "description": "Default global script for Scripted Policy Conditions",
  "script": "LyoqCiAqIFRoaXMg…​",
  "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
  "context": "POLICY_CONDITION",
  "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
  "creationDate": 1433147666269,
  "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
  "lastModifiedDate": 1433147666269,
  "evaluatorVersion": "1.0"

Validate a script

To validate a script, perform an HTTP POST using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, with an _action parameter set to validate. Include a JSON representation of the script and the script language, JAVASCRIPT or GROOVY, in the POST data.

The value for script must be in UTF-8 format and then encoded into Base64.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an administrative user, such as amAdmin, who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5…​" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.1" \
--data '{
  "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7dmFyIGIgPSA0NTY7Cg==",
  "language": "JAVASCRIPT"
}' \
  "success": true

If the script is valid the JSON response contains a success key with a value of true.

If the script is invalid the JSON response contains a success key with a value of false, and an indication of the problem and where it occurs, as shown below:

$ curl \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5…​" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.1" \
--data '{
  "language": "JAVASCRIPT"
}' \
  "success": false,
  "errors": [
      "line": 1,
      "column": 27,
      "message": "syntax error"

Create a script

To create a script in a realm, perform an HTTP POST using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, with an _action parameter set to create. Include a JSON representation of the script in the POST data.

The value for script must be in UTF-8 format and then encoded into Base64.

If the realm is not specified in the URL, AM creates the script in the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an administrative user, such as amAdmin, who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5…​" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.1" \
--data '{
  "name": "MyJavaScript",
  "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==",
  "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
  "context": "POLICY_CONDITION",
  "description": "An example script"
}' \
  "_id": "0168d494-015a-420f-ae5a-6a2a5c1126af",
  "name": "MyJavaScript",
  "description": "An example script",
  "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==",
  "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
  "context": "POLICY_CONDITION",
  "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
  "creationDate": 1436807766258,
  "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
  "lastModifiedDate": 1436807766258,
  "evaluatorVersion": "1.0"

Update a script

To update an individual script in a realm, perform an HTTP PUT using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, specifying the UUID in both the URL and the PUT body. Include a JSON representation of the updated script in the PUT data, alongside the UUID.

If the realm isn’t specified in the URL, AM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an administrative user, such as amAdmin, who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5…​" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.1" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "name": "MyUpdatedJavaScript",
  "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==",
  "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
  "context": "POLICY_CONDITION",
  "description": "An updated example script configuration"
}' \
  "_id": "0168d494-015a-420f-ae5a-6a2a5c1126af",
  "name": "MyUpdatedJavaScript",
  "description": "An updated example script configuration",
  "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==",
  "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
  "context": "POLICY_CONDITION",
  "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
  "creationDate": 1436807766258,
  "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
  "lastModifiedDate": 1436808364681,
  "evaluatorVersion": "1.0"

Delete a script

To delete an individual script in a realm, perform an HTTP DELETE using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, specifying the UUID in the URL.

If the realm is not specified in the URL, AM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an administrative user, such as amAdmin, who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \
--request DELETE \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5…​" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.1" \

Manage scripts (ssoadm)

Use the ssoadm command’s create-sub-cfg, get-sub-cfg, and delete-sub-cfg subcommands to manage AM scripts.

Create an AM script as follows:

  1. Create a script configuration file, for example, /path/to/myScriptConfigurationFile.txt, containing the following:

    language=JAVASCRIPT (1)
    name=My New Script
    1 Possible values for the language property are:

    • GROOVY

    2 Possible values for the context property are:

















  2. Run the ssoadm create-sub-cfg command.

    The --datafile argument references the script configuration file you created in the previous step:

    $ ssoadm \
    create-sub-cfg \
    --realm /myRealm \
    --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
    --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
    --servicename ScriptingService \
    --subconfigname scriptConfigurations/scriptConfiguration \
    --subconfigid myScriptID \
    --datafile /path/to/myScriptConfigurationFile.txt
    Sub Configuration scriptConfigurations/scriptConfiguration was added to realm /myRealm

    To list the properties of a script, run the ssoadm get-sub-cfg command:

    $ ssoadm \
    get-sub-cfg \
    --realm /myRealm \
    --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
    --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
    --servicename ScriptingService \
    --subconfigname scriptConfigurations/myScriptID
    name=My New Script
    script=…​Script output follows…​

    To delete a script, run the ssoadm delete-sub-cfg command:

    $ ssoadm \
    delete-sub-cfg \
    --realm /myRealm \
    --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
    --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
    --servicename ScriptingService \
    --subconfigname scriptConfigurations/myScriptID
    Sub Configuration scriptConfigurations/myScriptID was deleted from realm /myRealm

Sample scripts

The following sample scripts demonstrate how to extend AM.

Groovy Samples


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.user_id),


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.
 * In some common default configurations, the following keys are required to be not empty:
 * username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * From RFC4517: A value of the Directory String syntax is a string of one or more
 * arbitrary characters from the Universal Character Set (UCS).
 * A zero-length character string is not permitted.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

String email = ""
String subjectId = rawProfile.sub
String firstName = " "
String lastName = " "
String username = subjectId
String name

if (rawProfile.isDefined("email") &&{ // User can elect to not share their email
    email =
    username = email
if (rawProfile.isDefined("name") && {
    if ("firstName") && {
        firstName =
    if ("lastName") && {
        lastName =

name = (firstName?.trim() ? firstName : "") + (lastName?.trim() ? ((firstName?.trim() ? " " : "") + lastName) : "")
name =  (!name?.trim()) ? " " : name

return json(object(
        field("id", subjectId),
        field("displayName", name),
        field("email", email),
        field("givenName", firstName),
        field("familyName", lastName),
        field("username", username)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("givenName", rawProfile.first_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.last_name),


View script
 * Copyright 2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("username", rawProfile.login)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.sub),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.given_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.family_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.picture),
        field("locale", rawProfile.locale)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("username", rawProfile.username)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020-2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

JsonValue managedUser = json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.sub),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.given_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.family_name),
return managedUser


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("givenName", rawProfile.firstName.localized.get(0)),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.lastName.localized.get(0)),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.profilePicture.displayImage),
        field("email", rawProfile.elements.get(0).get("handle~").emailAddress),
        field("username", rawProfile.elements.get(0).get("handle~").emailAddress)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("displayName", rawProfile.displayName),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.givenName),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.surname),
        field("email", rawProfile.userPrincipalName),
        field("username", rawProfile.userPrincipalName)))


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

JsonValue identity = json(object(
        field("givenName", normalizedProfile.givenName),
        field("sn", normalizedProfile.familyName),
        field("cn", normalizedProfile.displayName),
        field("userName", normalizedProfile.username),
        field("iplanet-am-user-alias-list", selectedIdp + '-' +

return identity


View script
 * Copyright 2020-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

JsonValue managedUser = json(object(
        field("givenName", normalizedProfile.givenName),
        field("sn", normalizedProfile.familyName),
        field("userName", normalizedProfile.username)))

if (normalizedProfile.postalAddress.isNotNull()) managedUser.put("postalAddress", normalizedProfile.postalAddress)
if (normalizedProfile.addressLocality.isNotNull()) managedUser.put("city", normalizedProfile.addressLocality)
if (normalizedProfile.addressRegion.isNotNull()) managedUser.put("stateProvince", normalizedProfile.addressRegion)
if (normalizedProfile.postalCode.isNotNull()) managedUser.put("postalCode", normalizedProfile.postalCode)
if ( managedUser.put("country",
if ( managedUser.put("telephoneNumber",

// if the givenName and familyName is null or empty
// then add a boolean flag to the shared state to indicate names are not present
// this could be used elsewhere
// for eg. this could be used in a scripted decision node to by-pass patching
// the user object with blank values when givenName  and familyName is not present
boolean noGivenName = normalizedProfile.givenName.isNull() || (!normalizedProfile.givenName.asString()?.trim())
boolean noFamilyName = normalizedProfile.familyName.isNull() || (!normalizedProfile.familyName.asString()?.trim())
sharedState.put("nameEmptyOrNull", noGivenName && noFamilyName)

return managedUser


View script
 * Copyright 2019-2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request
import org.forgerock.http.protocol.Response

import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

 * Defined variables:
 * accessToken - The access token to be updated. Mutable object, all changes to the access token will be reflected.
 * httpClient - always present, the HTTP client that can be used to make external HTTP requests
 * identity - always present, the identity of the resource owner
 * logger - always present, corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_MODIFICATION.
 * scopes - always present, the requested scopes
 * session - present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object
 * scriptName - always present, the display name of the script
 * requestProperties - always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - the request URI
 *                     realm - the realm that the request relates to
 *                     requestParams - a map of the request params and/or posted data. Each value is a list of one or
 *                     more properties. Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best
 *                     practices.
 * clientProperties - present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client
 *                    properties:
 *                    clientId - the client's Uri for the request locale
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - list of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType)
 *                                        for the client
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - list of the allowed response types for the client
 *                    allowedScopes - list of the allowed scopes for the client
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps, e.g:
 *                                       testMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as testmap -> Key1 -> Value1
 * No return value - changes shall be made to the accessToken parameter directly.
 * The changes made to OAuth2 access tokens will directly impact the size of the CTS tokens, and similarly the size of
 * the JWTs if client based OAuth2 tokens are utilised.
 * When adding/updating fields make sure that the token size remains within client/user-agent limits.

//Field to always include in token
accessToken.setField("hello", "world")

//Obtain additional values by performing a REST call to an external service
try {
    Response response = httpClient.send(new Request()
            .modifyHeaders({ headers -> headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8") })
//          .setEntity('foo=bar&hello=world'))
            .setEntity([foo: 'bar']))
    if (response.status.successful) {
        def result = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response.entity.string)
    } else {
        logger.error("Unable to obtain access token modifications: {}, {}", response.status, response.entity.toString())
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    logger.error("The request processing was interrupted", ex)
    //The access token request will fail with HTTP 500 error in this case.
    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to obtain response from ")

//Add new fields containing identity attribute values
def attributes = identity.getAttributes(["mail", "telephoneNumber"].toSet())
accessToken.setField("mail", attributes["mail"])
accessToken.setField("phone", attributes["telephoneNumber"])

//Add new fields containing session property values
if (session != null) { // session is not available for resource owner password credentials grant
    try {
        accessToken.setField("ipAddress", session.getProperty("Host"))
    } catch (SSOException ex) {
        logger.error("Unable to retrieve session property value", ex)

// Remove a native field from the token entry, that was set by AM. For complete list of remove* methods see the JavaDoc
// for org.forgerock.oauth2.core.AccessToken class.


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * Defined variables:
 * token - The access token to be updated. Mutable object, all changes to the access token will be reflected.
 * logger - always present, corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_MODIFICATION.
 * scriptName - always present, the display name of the script
 * session - present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object
 * requestProperties - always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - the request URI
 *                     realm - the realm that the request relates to
 *                     requestParams - a map of the request params and/or posted data. Each value is a list of one or
 *                     more properties. Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best
 *                     practices.
 * clientProperties - present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client
 *                    properties:
 *                    clientId - the client's Uri for the request locale
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - list of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType)
 *                                        for the client
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - list of the allowed response types for the client
 *                    allowedScopes - list of the allowed scopes for the client
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps, e.g:
 *                                       testMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as testmap -> Key1 -> Value1
 * identity - always present, the identity of the resource owner
 * scopes - always present, the requested scopes
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

        JsonValue.field("client_id", "myClient"), 
        JsonValue.field("sub", "(usr!myActor)"))))

Open oauth2-may-act.groovy in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2014-2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.UserInfoClaims
import org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim

* Defined variables:
* logger - always presents, the "OAuth2Provider" debug logger instance
* claims - always present, default server provided claims - Map<String, Object>
* claimObjects - always present, default server provided claims - List<Claim>
* session - present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object
* identity - always present, the identity of the resource owner
* scopes - always present, the requested scopes
* scriptName - always present, the display name of the script
* requestProperties - always present, contains a map of request properties:
*                     requestUri - the request URI
*                     realm - the realm that the request relates to
*                     requestParams - a map of the request params and/or posted data. Each value is a list of one or
*                     more properties. Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best practices.
* clientProperties - present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client
*                    properties:
*                    clientId - the client's Uri for the request locale
*                    allowedGrantTypes - list of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType)
*                                        for the client
*                    allowedResponseTypes - list of the allowed response types for the client
*                    allowedScopes - list of the allowed scopes for the client
*                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
*                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps, e.g:
*                                       testMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as testmap -> Key1 -> Value1
* requestedClaims - Map<String, Set<String>>
*                  always present, not empty if the request contains a claims parameter and server has enabled
*                  claims_parameter_supported, map of requested claims to possible values, otherwise empty,
*                  requested claims with no requested values will have a key but no value in the map. A key with
*                  a single value in its Set indicates this is the only value that should be returned.
* requestedTypedClaims - List<Claim>
*                       always present, not empty if the request contains a claims parameter and server has enabled
*                       claims_parameter_supported, list of requested claims with claim name, requested possible values
*                       and if claim is essential, otherwise empty,
*                       requested claims with no requested values will have a claim with no values. A claims with
*                       a single value indicates this is the only value that should be returned.
* claimsLocales - the values from the 'claims_locales' parameter - List<String>
* Required to return a Map of claims to be added to the id_token claims
* Expected return value structure:
* UserInfoClaims {
*    Map<String, Object> values; // The values of the claims for the user information
*    Map<String, List<String>> compositeScopes; // Mapping of scope name to a list of claim names.
* }

// user session not guaranteed to be present
boolean sessionPresent = session != null

 * Pulls first value from users profile attribute
 * @param claim The claim object.
 * @param attr The profile attribute name.
def fromSet = { claim, attr ->
    if (attr != null && attr.size() == 1){
    } else if (attr != null && attr.size() > 1){
    } else if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
        logger.warning("OpenAMScopeValidator.getUserInfo(): Got an empty result for claim=$claim");

// ---vvvvvvvvvv--- EXAMPLE CLAIM ATTRIBUTE RESOLVER FUNCTIONS ---vvvvvvvvvv---
 * Claim resolver which resolves the value of the claim from its requested values.
 * This resolver will return a value if the claim has one requested values, otherwise an exception is thrown.
defaultClaimResolver = { claim ->
    if (claim.getValues().size() == 1) {
        [(claim.getName()): claim.getValues().iterator().next()]
    } else {

 * Claim resolver which resolves the value of the claim by looking up the user's profile.
 * This resolver will return a value for the claim if:
 * # the user's profile attribute is not null
 * # AND the claim contains no requested values
 * # OR the claim contains requested values and the value from the user's profile is in the list of values
 * If no match is found an exception is thrown.
userProfileClaimResolver = { attribute, claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        userProfileValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute(attribute))
        if (userProfileValue != null && (claim.getValues() == null || claim.getValues().isEmpty() || claim.getValues().contains(userProfileValue))) {
            return [(claim.getName()): userProfileValue]

 * Claim resolver which resolves the value of the claim of the user's address.
 * This resolver will return a value for the claim if:
 * # the value of the address is not null
userAddressClaimResolver = { claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        addressFormattedValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute("postaladdress"))
        if (addressFormattedValue != null) {
            return [
                    "formatted" : addressFormattedValue

 * Claim resolver which resolves the value of the claim by looking up the user's profile.
 * This resolver will return a value for the claim if:
 * # the user's profile attribute is not null
 * # AND the claim contains no requested values
 * # OR the claim contains requested values and the value from the user's profile is in the list of values
 * If the claim is essential and no value is found an InvalidRequestException will be thrown and returned to the user.
 * If no match is found an exception is thrown.
essentialClaimResolver = { attribute, claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        userProfileValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute(attribute))
        if (claim.isEssential() && (userProfileValue == null || userProfileValue.isEmpty())) {
            throw new InvalidRequestException("Could not provide value for essential claim $claim")
        if (userProfileValue != null && (claim.getValues() == null || claim.getValues().isEmpty() || claim.getValues().contains(userProfileValue))) {
            return [(claim.getName()): userProfileValue]
    return [:]

 * Claim resolver which expects the user's profile attribute value to be in the following format:
 * "language_tag|value_for_language,...".
 * This resolver will take the list of requested languages from the 'claims_locales' authorize request
 * parameter and attempt to match it to a value from the users' profile attribute.
 * If no match is found an exception is thrown.
claimLocalesClaimResolver = { attribute, claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        userProfileValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute(attribute))
        if (userProfileValue != null) {
            localeValues = parseLocaleAwareString(userProfileValue)
            locale = claimsLocales.find { locale -> localeValues.containsKey(locale) }
            if (locale != null) {
                return [(claim.getName()): localeValues.get(locale)]
    return [:]

 * Claim resolver which expects the user's profile attribute value to be in the following format:
 * "language_tag|value_for_language,...".
 * This resolver will take the language tag specified in the claim object and attempt to match it to a value
 * from the users' profile attribute. If no match is found an exception is thrown.
languageTagClaimResolver = { attribute, claim, identity ->
    if (identity != null) {
        userProfileValue = fromSet(claim.getName(), identity.getAttribute(attribute))
        if (userProfileValue != null) {
            localeValues = parseLocaleAwareString(userProfileValue)
            if (claim.getLocale() != null) {
                if (localeValues.containsKey(claim.getLocale())) {
                    return [(claim.getName()): localeValues.get(claim.getLocale())]
                } else {
                    entry = localeValues.entrySet().iterator().next()
                    return [(claim.getName() + "#" + entry.getKey()): entry.getValue()]
            } else {
                entry = localeValues.entrySet().iterator().next()
                return [(claim.getName()): entry.getValue()]
    return [:]

 * Given a string "en|English,jp|Japenese,fr_CA|French Canadian" will return map of locale -> value.
parseLocaleAwareString = { s ->
    return result = s.split(",").collectEntries { entry ->
        split = entry.split("\\|")
        [(split[0]): value = split[1]]
// ---^^^^^^^^^^--- EXAMPLE CLAIM ATTRIBUTE RESOLVER FUNCTIONS ---^^^^^^^^^^---

 * List of claim resolver mappings.
// [ {claim}: {attribute retriever}, ... ]
claimAttributes = [
        "email": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("mail"),
        "address": { claim, identity -> [ "address" : userAddressClaimResolver(claim, identity) ] },
        "phone_number": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("telephonenumber"),
        "given_name": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("givenname"),
        "zoneinfo": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("preferredtimezone"),
        "family_name": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("sn"),
        "locale": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("preferredlocale"),
        "name": userProfileClaimResolver.curry("cn")

// -------------- UPDATE THIS TO CHANGE SCOPE TO CLAIM MAPPINGS --------------
 * Map of scopes to claim objects.
// {scope}: [ {claim}, ... ]
scopeClaimsMap = [
        "email": [ "email" ],
        "address": [ "address" ],
        "phone": [ "phone_number" ],
        "profile": [ "given_name", "zoneinfo", "family_name", "locale", "name" ]

// ---------------- UPDATE BELOW FOR ADVANCED USAGES -------------------
if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
    scopes.findAll { s -> !("openid".equals(s) || scopeClaimsMap.containsKey(s)) }.each { s ->
        logger.message("OpenAMScopeValidator.getUserInfo()::Message: scope not bound to claims: $s")

 * Computes the claims return key and value. The key may be a different value if the claim value is not in
 * the requested language.
def computeClaim = { claim ->
    try {
        claimResolver = claimAttributes.get(claim.getName(), { claimObj, identity -> defaultClaimResolver(claim)})
        claimResolver(claim, identity)
    } catch (IdRepoException e) {
        if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
            logger.warning("OpenAMScopeValidator.getUserInfo(): Unable to retrieve attribute=$attribute", e);
    } catch (SSOException e) {
        if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
            logger.warning("OpenAMScopeValidator.getUserInfo(): Unable to retrieve attribute=$attribute", e);

 * Converts requested scopes into claim objects based on the scope mappings in scopeClaimsMap.
def convertScopeToClaims = {
    scopes.findAll { scope -> "openid" != scope && scopeClaimsMap.containsKey(scope) }.collectMany { scope ->
        scopeClaimsMap.get(scope).collect { claim ->
            new Claim(claim)

// Creates a full list of claims to resolve from requested scopes, claims provided by AS and requested claims
def claimsToResolve = convertScopeToClaims() + claimObjects + requestedTypedClaims

// Computes the claim return key and values for all requested claims
computedClaims = claimsToResolve.collectEntries() { claim ->
    result = computeClaim(claim)

// Computes composite scopes
def compositeScopes = scopeClaimsMap.findAll { scope ->

return new UserInfoClaims((Map)computedClaims, (Map)compositeScopes)

Open oidc-claims-extension.groovy in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.user_id),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.given_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.family_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.picture),
        field("locale", rawProfile.zoneInfo)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

/* Default Social Identity Provider Profile Transformation script to use as a template for new scripts */


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.id_str),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.profile_image_url),
        field("username", rawProfile.screen_name)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("displayName", rawProfile.first_name),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.first_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.last_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.photo_50),


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.openid),
        field("displayName", rawProfile.nickname),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.headimgurl),
        field("username", rawProfile.nickname)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.username),
        field("displayName", rawProfile.display_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.avatar_URL),
        field("username", rawProfile.username)))


View script
 * Copyright 2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object

return json(object(
        field("id", rawProfile.sub),
        field("givenName", rawProfile.given_name),
        field("familyName", rawProfile.family_name),
        field("photoUrl", rawProfile.picture),
        field("locale", rawProfile.locale)))

JavaScript Samples

The comments describe the variables available in the execution context of the script, so use them for reference even if your script’s function differs from the sample:


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('user_id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open amazon-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required to be not empty:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 *          From RFC4517: A value of the Directory String syntax is a string of one or more
 *          arbitrary characters from the Universal Character Set (UCS).
 *          A zero-length character string is not permitted.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    var email = '';
    var subjectId = rawProfile.get('sub');
    var firstName = ' ';
    var lastName = ' ';
    var name = '';
    var username = subjectId;

    if(rawProfile.isDefined('email') && rawProfile.get('email').isNotNull()) { // User can elect to not share their email
        email = rawProfile.get('email').asString();
        username = email;
    if (rawProfile.isDefined('name') && rawProfile.get('name').isNotNull()) {
        if ('firstName') && rawProfile.get('firstName').isNotNull()) {
            firstName = rawProfile.get('name').get('firstName').asString()
        if ('lastName') && rawProfile.get('lastName')..isNotNull()) {
            lastName = rawProfile.get('name').get('lastName').asString()

    var hasFirstName = firstName && firstName.trim().length > 0
    var hasLastName = lastName && lastName.trim().length > 0
    name = (hasFirstName ? firstName : '') + (hasLastName ? (hasFirstName ? ' ' : '') + lastName : '')
    name =  name ? name : ' '

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', subjectId);
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', name);
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', email);
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', firstName);
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', lastName);
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', username);

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open apple-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2016-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.
/* Default Authentication client side script to use as a template for new scripts */

Open authentication-client-side.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2015-2023 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

var START_TIME = 9;  // 9am
var END_TIME   = 17; // 5pm
var longitude, latitude;
var localTime;

logger.message("Starting scripted authentication");
logger.message("User: " + username);

var userPostalAddress = getUserPostalAddress();
logger.message("User address: " + userPostalAddress);


logger.message("Current time at the users location: " + localTime.getHours());
if (localTime.getHours() < START_TIME || localTime.getHours() > END_TIME) {
    logger.error("Login forbidden outside work hours!");
    authState = FAILED;
} else {
    logger.message("Authentication allowed!");
    authState = SUCCESS;

function getLongitudeLatitudeFromUserPostalAddress() {

    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + encodeURIComponent(userPostalAddress));
  	//the above URI has to be extended with an API_KEY if used in a frequent manner
  	//see documentation:

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var geocode = JSON.parse(response.getEntity().getString());
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < geocode.results.length; i++) {
        var result = geocode.results[i];
        latitude =;
        longitude = result.geometry.location.lng;

   	    logger.message("latitude:" + latitude + " longitude:" + longitude);

function getLocalTime() {

    var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
    var location = "location=" + latitude + "," + longitude;
    var timestamp = "timestamp=" + now;

    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + location + "&" + timestamp);
  	//the above URI has to be extended with an API_KEY if used in a frequent manner
  	//see documentation:

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var timezone = JSON.parse(response.getEntity().getString());
    var localTimestamp = parseInt(now) + parseInt(timezone.dstOffset) + parseInt(timezone.rawOffset);
    localTime = new Date(localTimestamp*1000);

function getUserPostalAddress() {
    var userAddressSet = idRepository.getAttribute(username, "postalAddress");
    if (userAddressSet == null || userAddressSet.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No address specified for user: " + username);
        return false;
    return userAddressSet.iterator().next()

function logResponse(response) {
    logger.message("User REST Call. Status: " + response.getStatus() + ", Body: " + response.getEntity().getString());

Open authentication-server-side.js in your browser.


View script
  - Data made available by nodes that have already executed are available in the sharedState variable.
  - The script should set outcome to either "true" or "false".

outcome = "true";


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * The following script is a simplified template for understanding how to build
 * up a config Map object with custom values. The Config Provider Node will then
 * provide this config Map to the desired node type. It is important that the Map
 * you build here is named 'config'.
 * Defined variables:
 * nodeState - Node State (1)
 *           Always present, this represents the current values stored in the node state.
 * idRepository - Profile Data (2)
 *           Always present, a repository to retrieve user information.
 * secrets - Credentials and Secrets (3)
 *           Always present, an interface to access the Secrets API from a scripting context.
 * requestHeaders (4) - Map (5)
 *           Always present, an object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request.
 * logger - Debug Logging (6)
 *          Always present, the debug logger instance.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (7)
 *          Always present, the HTTP client that can be used to make external HTTP requests.
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *          Always present, the name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * existingSession - Map<String, String> (5)
 *          Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object. The returned map from
 *          SSOToken.getProperties() (8)
 * requestParameters - Map (5)
 *          Always present, the object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * Outputs:
 * config - Map (5)
 *           Define and fill a Map object named 'config' with custom values, this will define the configuration for the
 *           associated node selected in the ConfigProviderNode.
 * Reference:
 * (1) Node State -
 * (2) Profile Data -
 * (3) Credentials and Secrets -
 * (4) Request Headers -
 * (5) Map -
 * (6) Debug Logging -
 * (7) HTTP Client -
 * (8) SSOToken -

config = {
    "key0": {"subKey": "value0"},
    "key1": "value1"

Open config-provider-node.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
 * of the Common Development and Distribution License
 * (the License). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the License at
 * or
 * opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
 * See the License for the specific language governing
 * permission and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
 * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
 * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
 * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
 * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
 * your own identifying information:
 * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
 * Portions Copyrighted 2013 Syntegrity.
 * Portions Copyrighted 2013-2014 ForgeRock AS.

var collectScreenInfo = function () {
        var screenInfo = {};
        if (screen) {
            if (screen.width) {
                screenInfo.screenWidth = screen.width;

            if (screen.height) {
                screenInfo.screenHeight = screen.height;

            if (screen.pixelDepth) {
                screenInfo.screenColourDepth = screen.pixelDepth;
        } else {
            console.warn("Cannot collect screen information. screen is not defined.");
        return screenInfo;
    collectTimezoneInfo = function () {
        var timezoneInfo =  {}, offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();

        if (offset) {
            timezoneInfo.timezone = offset;
        } else {
            console.warn("Cannot collect timezone information. timezone is not defined.");

        return timezoneInfo;
    collectBrowserPluginsInfo = function () {

        if (navigator && navigator.plugins) {
            var pluginsInfo = {}, i, plugins = navigator.plugins;
            pluginsInfo.installedPlugins = "";

            for (i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
                pluginsInfo.installedPlugins = pluginsInfo.installedPlugins + plugins[i].filename + ";";

            return pluginsInfo;
        } else {
            console.warn("Cannot collect browser plugin information. navigator.plugins is not defined.");
            return {};

// Getting geolocation takes some time and is done asynchronously, hence need a callback which is called once geolocation is retrieved.
    collectGeolocationInfo = function (callback) {
        var geolocationInfo = {},
            successCallback = function(position) {
                geolocationInfo.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
                geolocationInfo.latitude = position.coords.latitude;
            }, errorCallback = function(error) {
                console.warn("Cannot collect geolocation information. " + error.code + ": " + error.message);
        if (navigator && navigator.geolocation) {
            // NB: If user chooses 'Not now' on Firefox neither callback gets called
            navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback);
        } else {
            console.warn("Cannot collect geolocation information. navigator.geolocation is not defined.");
    collectBrowserFontsInfo = function () {
        var fontsInfo = {}, i, fontsList = ["cursive","monospace","serif","sans-serif","fantasy","default","Arial","Arial Black",
            "Arial Narrow","Arial Rounded MT Bold","Bookman Old Style","Bradley Hand ITC","Century","Century Gothic",
            "Comic Sans MS","Courier","Courier New","Georgia","Gentium","Impact","King","Lucida Console","Lalit",
            "Modena","Monotype Corsiva","Papyrus","Tahoma","TeX","Times","Times New Roman","Trebuchet MS","Verdana",
        fontsInfo.installedFonts = "";

        for (i = 0; i < fontsList.length; i++) {
            if (fontDetector.detect(fontsList[i])) {
                fontsInfo.installedFonts = fontsInfo.installedFonts + fontsList[i] + ";";
        return fontsInfo;
    devicePrint = {};

devicePrint.screen = collectScreenInfo();
devicePrint.timezone = collectTimezoneInfo();
devicePrint.plugins = collectBrowserPluginsInfo();
devicePrint.fonts = collectBrowserFontsInfo();

if (navigator.userAgent) {
    devicePrint.userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
if (navigator.appName) {
    devicePrint.appName = navigator.appName;
if (navigator.appCodeName) {
    devicePrint.appCodeName = navigator.appCodeName;
if (navigator.appVersion) {
    devicePrint.appVersion = navigator.appVersion;
if (navigator.appMinorVersion) {
    devicePrint.appMinorVersion = navigator.appMinorVersion;
if (navigator.buildID) {
    devicePrint.buildID = navigator.buildID;
if (navigator.platform) {
    devicePrint.platform = navigator.platform;
if (navigator.cpuClass) {
    devicePrint.cpuClass = navigator.cpuClass;
if (navigator.oscpu) {
    devicePrint.oscpu = navigator.oscpu;
if (navigator.product) {
    devicePrint.product = navigator.product;
if (navigator.productSub) {
    devicePrint.productSub = navigator.productSub;
if (navigator.vendor) {
    devicePrint.vendor = navigator.vendor;
if (navigator.vendorSub) {
    devicePrint.vendorSub = navigator.vendorSub;
if (navigator.language) {
    devicePrint.language = navigator.language;
if (navigator.userLanguage) {
    devicePrint.userLanguage = navigator.userLanguage;
if (navigator.browserLanguage) {
    devicePrint.browserLanguage = navigator.browserLanguage;
if (navigator.systemLanguage) {
    devicePrint.systemLanguage = navigator.systemLanguage;

// Attempt to collect geo-location information and return this with the data collected so far.
// Otherwise, if geo-location fails or takes longer than 30 seconds, auto-submit the data collected so far.
autoSubmitDelay = 30000;
output.value = JSON.stringify(devicePrint);
collectGeolocationInfo(function(geolocationInfo) {
    devicePrint.geolocation = geolocationInfo;
    output.value = JSON.stringify(devicePrint);

Open deviceIdMatch-client-side.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
 * of the Common Development and Distribution License
 * (the License). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the License at
 * or
 * opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
 * See the License for the specific language governing
 * permission and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
 * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
 * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
 * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
 * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
 * your own identifying information:
 * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
 * Portions Copyrighted 2013 Syntegrity.
 * Portions Copyrighted 2013-2018 ForgeRock AS.

var ScalarComparator = {}, ScreenComparator = {}, MultiValueComparator = {}, UserAgentComparator = {}, GeolocationComparator = {};

var config = {
    profileExpiration: 30,              //in days
    maxProfilesAllowed: 5,
    maxPenaltyPoints: 0,
    attributes: {
        screen: {
            required: true,
            comparator: ScreenComparator,
            args: {
                penaltyPoints: 50
        plugins: {
            installedPlugins: {
                required: false,
                comparator: MultiValueComparator,
                args: {
                    maxPercentageDifference: 10,
                    maxDifferences: 5,
                    penaltyPoints: 100
        fonts: {
            installedFonts: {
                required: false,
                comparator: MultiValueComparator,
                args: {
                    maxPercentageDifference: 10,
                    maxDifferences: 5,
                    penaltyPoints: 100
        timezone: {
            timezone: {
                required: false,
                comparator: ScalarComparator,
                args: {
                    penaltyPoints: 100
        userAgent: {
            required: true,
            comparator: UserAgentComparator,
            args: {
                ignoreVersion: true,
                penaltyPoints: 100
        geolocation: {
            required: false,
            comparator: GeolocationComparator,
            args: {
                allowedRange: 100,			//in miles
                penaltyPoints: 100

//                           Comparator functions                            //

var all, any, calculateDistance, calculateIntersection, calculatePercentage, nullOrUndefined, splitAndTrim,

// ComparisonResult

 * Constructs an instance of a ComparisonResult with the given penalty points.
 * @param penaltyPoints (Number) The penalty points for the comparison (defaults to 0).
 * @param additionalInfoInCurrentValue (boolean) Whether the current value contains more information
 *                                               than the stored value (defaults to false).
function ComparisonResult() {

    var penaltyPoints = 0,
        additionalInfoInCurrentValue = false;

    if (arguments[0] !== undefined && arguments[1] !== undefined) {
        penaltyPoints = arguments[0];
        additionalInfoInCurrentValue = arguments[1];

    if (arguments[0] !== undefined && arguments[1] === undefined) {
        if (typeof(arguments[0]) === "boolean") {
            additionalInfoInCurrentValue = arguments[0];
        } else {
            penaltyPoints = arguments[0];

    this.penaltyPoints = penaltyPoints;
    this.additionalInfoInCurrentValue = additionalInfoInCurrentValue;


ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS = new ComparisonResult(0);

 * Static method for functional programming.
 * @return boolean true if comparisonResult.isSuccessful().
ComparisonResult.isSuccessful =  function(comparisonResult) {
    return comparisonResult.isSuccessful();

 * Static method for functional programming.
 * @return boolean true if comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue.
ComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue =  function(comparisonResult) {
    return comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue;

 * Comparison function that can be provided as an argument to array.sort
 */ = function(first, second) {
    if (nullOrUndefined(first) && nullOrUndefined(second)) {
        return 0;
    } else if (nullOrUndefined(first)) {
        return -1;
    } else if (nullOrUndefined(second)) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        if (first.penaltyPoints !== second.penaltyPoints) {
            return first.penaltyPoints - second.penaltyPoints;
        } else {
            return (first.additionalInfoInCurrentValue ? 1 : 0) - (second.additionalInfoInCurrentValue ? 1 : 0);

 * Amalgamates the given ComparisonResult into this ComparisonResult.
 * @param comparisonResult The ComparisonResult to include.
ComparisonResult.prototype.addComparisonResult = function(comparisonResult) {
    this.penaltyPoints += comparisonResult.penaltyPoints;
    if (comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue) {
        this.additionalInfoInCurrentValue = comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue;

 * Returns true if no penalty points have been assigned for the comparison.
 * @return boolean true if the comparison was successful.
ComparisonResult.prototype.isSuccessful = function() {
    return nullOrUndefined(this.penaltyPoints) || this.penaltyPoints === 0;

 * Compares two simple objects (String|Number) and if they are equal then returns a ComparisonResult with zero
 * penalty points assigned, otherwise returns a ComparisonResult with the given number of penalty points assigned.
 * @param currentValue (String|Number) The current value.
 * @param storedValue (String|Number) The stored value.
 * @param config: {
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
 *        }
 * @return ComparisonResult.
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));
    if (config.penaltyPoints === 0) {
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

    if (!nullOrUndefined(storedValue)) {
        if (nullOrUndefined(currentValue) || currentValue !== storedValue) {
            return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);
    } else if (!nullOrUndefined(currentValue)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(true);

    return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

 * Compares two screens and if they are equal then returns a ComparisonResult with zero penalty points assigned,
 * otherwise returns a ComparisonResult with the given number of penalty points assigned.
 * @param currentValue: {
 *            "screenWidth": (Number) The current client screen width.
 *            "screenHeight": (Number) The current client screen height.
 *            "screenColourDepth": (Number) The current client screen colour depth.
 *        }
 * @param storedValue: {
 *            "screenWidth": (Number) The stored client screen width.
 *            "screenHeight": (Number) The stored client screen height.
 *            "screenColourDepth": (Number) The stored client screen colour depth.
 *        }
 * @param config: {
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
 *        }
 * @return ComparisonResult
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));

    if (nullOrUndefined(currentValue)) {
        currentValue = {screenWidth: null, screenHeight: null, screenColourDepth: null};
    if (nullOrUndefined(storedValue)) {
        storedValue = {screenWidth: null, screenHeight: null, screenColourDepth: null};

    var comparisonResults = [, storedValue.screenWidth, config),, storedValue.screenHeight, config),, storedValue.screenColourDepth, config)];

    if (all(comparisonResults, ComparisonResult.isSuccessful)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(any(comparisonResults, ComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue));
    } else {
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);

 * Splits both values using delimiter, trims every value and compares collections of values.
 * Returns zero-result for same multi-value attributes.
 * If collections are not same checks if number of differences is less or equal maxDifferences or
 * percentage of difference is less or equal maxPercentageDifference.
 * If yes then returns zero-result with additional info, else returns penaltyPoints-result.
 * @param currentValue: (String) The current value.
 * @param storedValue: (String) The stored value.
 * @param config: {
 *            "maxPercentageDifference": (Number) The max difference percentage in the values,
 *                                                before the penalty is assigned.
 *            "maxDifferences": (Number) The max number of differences in the values,
 *                                       before the penalty points are assigned.
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
  *        }
 * @return ComparisonResult
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));

    var delimiter = ";",
        currentValues = splitAndTrim(currentValue, delimiter),
        storedValues = splitAndTrim(storedValue, delimiter),
        maxNumberOfElements = Math.max(currentValues.length, storedValues.length),
        numberOfTheSameElements = calculateIntersection(currentValues, storedValues).length,
        numberOfDifferences = maxNumberOfElements - numberOfTheSameElements,
        percentageOfDifferences = calculatePercentage(numberOfDifferences, maxNumberOfElements);

    if (nullOrUndefined(storedValue) && !nullOrUndefined(currentValue)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(true);

    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(numberOfTheSameElements + " of " + maxNumberOfElements + " are same");

    if (maxNumberOfElements === 0) {
        logger.message("Ignored because no attributes found in both profiles");
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

    if (numberOfTheSameElements === maxNumberOfElements) {
        logger.message("Ignored because all attributes are same");
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

    if (numberOfDifferences > config.maxDifferences) {
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Would be ignored if not more than " + config.maxDifferences + " differences");
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);

    if (percentageOfDifferences > config.maxPercentageDifference) {
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message(percentageOfDifferences + " percents are different");
            logger.message("Would be ignored if not more than " + config.maxPercentageDifference + " percent");
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);

    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message("Ignored because number of differences(" + numberOfDifferences + ") not more than "
            + config.maxDifferences);
        logger.message(percentageOfDifferences + " percents are different");
        logger.message("Ignored because not more than " + config.maxPercentageDifference + " percent");
    return new ComparisonResult(true);

 * Compares two User Agent Strings and if they are equal then returns a ComparisonResult with zero penalty
 * points assigned, otherwise returns a ComparisonResult with the given number of penalty points assigned.
 * @param currentValue (String) The current value.
 * @param storedValue (String) The stored value.
 * @param config: {
 *            "ignoreVersion": (boolean) If the version numbers in the User Agent Strings should be ignore
 *                                       in the comparison.
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
 *        }
 * @return A ComparisonResult.
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));

    if (config.ignoreVersion) {
        // remove version number
        currentValue = nullOrUndefined(currentValue) ? null : currentValue.replace(/[\d\.]+/g, "").trim();
        storedValue = nullOrUndefined(storedValue) ? null : storedValue.replace(/[\d\.]+/g, "").trim();

    return, storedValue, config);

 * Compares two locations, taking into account a degree of difference.
 * @param currentValue: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The current latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The current longitude.
 *        }
 * @param storedValue: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The stored latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The stored longitude.
 *        }
 * @param config: {
 *            "allowedRange": (Number) The max difference allowed in the two locations, before the penalty is assigned.
 *            "penaltyPoints": (Number) The number of penalty points.
*         }
 * @return ComparisonResult
 */ = function (currentValue, storedValue, config) {
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(currentValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(storedValue));
        logger.message(" " + JSON.stringify(config));

    // Check for undefined stored or current locations

    if (undefinedLocation(currentValue) && undefinedLocation(storedValue)) {
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;
    if (undefinedLocation(currentValue) && !undefinedLocation(storedValue)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);
    if (!undefinedLocation(currentValue) && undefinedLocation(storedValue)) {
        return new ComparisonResult(true);

    // Both locations defined, therefore perform comparison

    var distance = calculateDistance(currentValue, storedValue);

    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message("Distance between (" + currentValue.latitude + "," + currentValue.longitude + ") and (" +
            storedValue.latitude + "," + storedValue.longitude + ") is " + distance + " miles");

    if (parseFloat(distance.toPrecision(5)) === 0) {
        logger.message("Location is the same");
        return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;

    if (distance <= config.allowedRange) {
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Tolerated because distance not more then " + config.allowedRange);
        return new ComparisonResult(true);
    } else {
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Would be ignored if distance not more then " + config.allowedRange);
        return new ComparisonResult(config.penaltyPoints);

//                    Device Print Logic - DO NOT MODIFY                     //

// Utility functions

 * Returns true if evaluating function f on each element of the Array a returns true.
 * @param a: (Array) The array of elements to evaluate
 * @param f: (Function) A single argument function for mapping elements of the array to boolean.
 * @return boolean.
all = function(a, f) {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (f(a[i]) === false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * Returns true if evaluating function f on any element of the Array a returns true.
 * @param a: (Array) The array of elements to evaluate
 * @param f: (Function) A single argument function for mapping elements of the array to boolean.
 * @return boolean.
any = function(a, f) {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (f(a[i]) === true) {
            return true;
    return false;

 * Returns true if the provided location is null or has undefined longitude or latitude values.
 * @param location: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The longitude.
 *        }
 * @return boolean
undefinedLocation = function(location) {
    return nullOrUndefined(location) || nullOrUndefined(location.latitude) || nullOrUndefined(location.longitude);

 * Returns true if the provided value is null or undefined.
 * @param value: a value of any type
 * @return boolean
nullOrUndefined = function(value) {
    return value === null || value === undefined;

 * Calculates the distances between the two locations.
 * @param first: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The first latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The first longitude.
 *        }
 * @param second: {
 *            "latitude": (Number) The second latitude.
 *            "longitude": (Number) The second longitude.
 *        }
 * @return Number The distance between the two locations.
calculateDistance = function(first, second) {
    var factor = (Math.PI / 180),
    function degreesToRadians(degrees) {
        return degrees * factor;
    function radiansToDegrees(radians) {
        return radians / factor;
    theta = first.longitude - second.longitude;
    dist = Math.sin(degreesToRadians(first.latitude)) * Math.sin(degreesToRadians(second.latitude))
        + Math.cos(degreesToRadians(first.latitude)) * Math.cos(degreesToRadians(second.latitude))
        * Math.cos(degreesToRadians(theta));
    dist = Math.acos(dist);
    dist = radiansToDegrees(dist);
    dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    return dist;

 * Converts a String holding a delimited sequence of values into an array.
 * @param text (String) The String representation of a delimited sequence of values.
 * @param delimiter (String) The character delimiting values within the text String.
 * @return (Array) The comma separated values.
splitAndTrim = function(text, delimiter) {

    var results = [],
    if (text === null) {
        return results;

    values = text.split(delimiter);
    for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        value = values[i].trim();
        if (value !== "") {

    return results;

 * Converts value to a percentage of range.
 * @param value (Number) The actual number to be converted to a percentage.
 * @param range (Number) The total number of values (i.e. represents 100%).
 * @return (Number) The percentage.
calculatePercentage = function(value, range) {
    if (range === 0) {
        return 0;
    return parseFloat((value / range).toPrecision(2)) * 100;

 * Creates a new array containing only those elements found in both arrays received as arguments.
 * @param first (Array) The first array.
 * @param second (Array) The second array.
 * @return (Array) The elements that found in first and second.
calculateIntersection = function(first, second) {
    return first.filter(function(element) {
        return second.indexOf(element) !== -1;

function getValue(obj, attributePath) {
    var value = obj,
    for (i = 0; i < attributePath.length; i++) {
        if (value === undefined) {
            return null;
        value = value[attributePath[i]];
    return value;

function isLeafNode(attributeConfig) {
    return attributeConfig.comparator !== undefined;

function getAttributePaths(attributeConfig, attributePath) {

    var attributePaths = [],

    for (attributeName in attributeConfig) {
        if (attributeConfig.hasOwnProperty(attributeName)) {

            if (isLeafNode(attributeConfig[attributeName])) {
                attrPath = attributePath.slice();
            } else {
                attrPath = attributePath.slice();
                attrPaths = getAttributePaths(attributeConfig[attributeName], attrPath);
                for (i = 0; i < attrPaths.length; i++) {

    return attributePaths;

function getDevicePrintAttributePaths(attributeConfig) {
    return getAttributePaths(attributeConfig, []);

function hasRequiredAttributes(devicePrint, attributeConfig) {

    var attributePaths = getDevicePrintAttributePaths(attributeConfig),

    for (i = 0; i < attributePaths.length; i++) {

        attrValue = getValue(devicePrint, attributePaths[i]);
        attrConfig = getValue(attributeConfig, attributePaths[i]);

        if (attrConfig.required && attrValue === undefined) {
            logger.warning("Device Print profile missing required attribute, " + attributePaths[i]);
            return false;

    logger.message("device print has required attributes");
    return true;

function compareDevicePrintProfiles(attributeConfig, devicePrint, devicePrintProfiles, maxPenaltyPoints) {

    var attributePaths = getDevicePrintAttributePaths(attributeConfig),
        dao = sharedState.get('_DeviceIdDao'),

    results = [];
    for (j = 0; j < devicePrintProfiles.length; j++) {
        curDevicePrintProfile = JSON.parse(org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json(devicePrintProfiles[j]));
        aggregatedComparisonResult = new ComparisonResult();
        for (i = 0; i < attributePaths.length; i++) {

            currentValue = getValue(devicePrint, attributePaths[i]);
            storedValue = getValue(curDevicePrintProfile.devicePrint, attributePaths[i]);
            attrConfig = getValue(attributeConfig, attributePaths[i]);

            if (storedValue === null) {
                comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(attrConfig.penaltyPoints);
            } else {
                comparisonResult =, storedValue, attrConfig.args);

            if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
                logger.message("Comparing attribute path: " + attributePaths[i]
                    + ", Comparison result: successful=" + comparisonResult.isSuccessful() + ", penaltyPoints="
                    + comparisonResult.penaltyPoints + ", additionalInfoInCurrentValue="
                    + comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue);
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Aggregated comparison result: successful="
                + aggregatedComparisonResult.isSuccessful() + ", penaltyPoints="
                + aggregatedComparisonResult.penaltyPoints + ", additionalInfoInCurrentValue="
                + aggregatedComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue);

            key: aggregatedComparisonResult,
            value: devicePrintProfiles[j]

    if (results.length === 0) {
        return null;

    results.sort(function(a, b) {
        return, b.key);
    selectedComparisonResult = results[0].key;
    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
        logger.message("Selected comparison result: successful=" + selectedComparisonResult.isSuccessful()
            + ", penaltyPoints=" + selectedComparisonResult.penaltyPoints + ", additionalInfoInCurrentValue="
            + selectedComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue);

    selectedProfile = null;
    if (selectedComparisonResult.penaltyPoints <= maxPenaltyPoints) {
        selectedProfile = results[0].value;
        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("Selected profile: " + selectedProfile +
                " with " + selectedComparisonResult.penaltyPoints + " penalty points");

    if (selectedProfile === null) {
        return false;

    /* update profile */
        java.lang.Integer.valueOf(parseInt(selectedProfile.get("selectionCounter"), 10) + 1));
    selectedProfile.put("lastSelectedDate", java.lang.Long.valueOf(new Date().getTime()));
    selectedProfile.put("devicePrint", devicePrint);

    vals = [];
    for (i = 0; i < devicePrintProfiles.length; i++) {

    dao.saveDeviceProfiles(username, realm, vals);

    return true;

function matchDevicePrint() {

    if (!username) {
        logger.error("Username not set. Cannot compare user's device print profiles.");
        authState = FAILED;
    } else {

        if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
            logger.message("client devicePrint: " + clientScriptOutputData);

        var getProfiles = function () {

                function isExpiredProfile(devicePrintProfile) {
                    var expirationDate = new Date(),
                    expirationDate.setDate(expirationDate.getDate() - config.profileExpiration);

                    lastSelectedDate = new Date(devicePrintProfile.lastSelectedDate);

                    return lastSelectedDate < expirationDate;

                function getNotExpiredProfiles() {
                    var profile,
                        dao = sharedState.get('_DeviceIdDao'),
                        results = [],

                    profiles = dao.getDeviceProfiles(username, realm);

                    if (profiles) {
                        iter = profiles.iterator();

                        while (iter.hasNext()) {
                            profile =;
                            if (!isExpiredProfile(profile)) {
                    if (logger.messageEnabled()) {
                        logger.message("stored non-expired profiles: " + results);
                    return results;

                return getNotExpiredProfiles();
            devicePrint = JSON.parse(clientScriptOutputData),
            devicePrintProfiles = getProfiles();

        if (!hasRequiredAttributes(devicePrint, config.attributes)) {
            logger.message("devicePrint.hasRequiredAttributes: false");
            // Will fail this module but fall-through to next module. Which should be OTP.
            authState = FAILED;
        } else if (compareDevicePrintProfiles(config.attributes, devicePrint, devicePrintProfiles, config.maxPenaltyPoints)) {
            logger.message("devicePrint.hasValidProfile: true");
            authState = SUCCESS;
        } else {
            logger.message("devicePrint.hasValidProfile: false");
            sharedState.put('devicePrintProfile', JSON.stringify(devicePrint));
            // Will fail this module but fall-through to next module. Which should be OTP.
            authState = FAILED;


Open deviceIdMatch-server-side.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2020-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

/** ******************************************************************
 * The following script is a simplified template for understanding
 * the basics of device matching. _This is not functionally complete._
 * For a functionally complete script as well as a development toolkit,
 * visit
 * Global node variables accessible within this scope:
 * 1. `sharedState` provides access to incoming request
 * 2. `deviceProfilesDao` provides access to stored profiles
 * 3. `outcome` variable maps to auth tree node outcomes; values are
 *    'true', 'false', or 'unknownDevice' (notice _all_ are strings).
 * ******************************************************************/

 * Get the incoming request's device profile.
 * Returns serialized JSON (type string); parsing this will result a
 * native JS object.
var incomingJson = sharedState.get('forgeRock.device.profile').toString();
var incoming = JSON.parse(incomingJson);

 * Get the incoming user's username and realm.
 * Notice the use of `.asString()`.
var username = sharedState.get("username").asString();
var realm = sharedState.get("realm").asString();

 * Get the user's stored profiles for appropriate realm.
 * Returns a _special_ object with methods for profile data
var storedProfiles = deviceProfilesDao.getDeviceProfiles(username, realm);

// Default to `outcome` of 'unknownDevice'
outcome = 'unknownDevice';

if (storedProfiles) {
    var i = 0;
    // NOTE: `.size()` method returns the number of stored profiles
    var len = storedProfiles.size();

    for (i; i < len; i++) {
         * Get the stored profile.
         * Returns serialized JSON (type string); parsing this will result
         * a native JS object.
        var storedJson = storedProfiles.get(i);
        var stored = JSON.parse(storedJson);

         * Find a stored profile with the same identifier.
        if (incoming.identifier === stored.identifier) {

             * Now that you've found the appropriate profile, you will perform
             * the logic here to match the values of the `incoming` profile
             * with that of the `stored` profile.
             * The result of the matching logic is assigned to `outcome`. Since
             * we have profiles of the same identifier, the value (type string)
             * should now be either 'true' or 'false' (properties matched or not).
             * For more information about this topic, visit this Github repo:
            outcome = 'false';


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('first_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('last_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('picture').get('data').get('url'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open facebook-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
var fontDetector = (function () {
     * JavaScript code to detect available availability of a
     * particular font in a browser using JavaScript and CSS.
     * Author : Lalit Patel
     * Website:
     * License: Apache Software License 2.0
     * Version: 0.15 (21 Sep 2009)
     *          Changed comparision font to default from sans-default-default,
     *          as in FF3.0 font of child element didn't fallback
     *          to parent element if the font is missing.
     * Version: 0.2 (04 Mar 2012)
     *          Comparing font against all the 3 generic font families ie,
     *          'monospace', 'sans-serif' and 'sans'. If it doesn't match all 3
     *          then that font is 100% not available in the system
     * Version: 0.3 (24 Mar 2012)
     *          Replaced sans with serif in the list of baseFonts
     * Portions Copyrighted 2013 ForgeRock AS.
    var detector = {}, baseFonts, testString, testSize, h, s, defaultWidth = {}, defaultHeight = {}, index;

    // a font will be compared against all the three default fonts.
    // and if it doesn't match all 3 then that font is not available.
    baseFonts = ['monospace', 'sans-serif', 'serif'];

    //we use m or w because these two characters take up the maximum width.
    // And we use a LLi so that the same matching fonts can get separated
    testString = "mmmmmmmmmmlli";

    //we test using 72px font size, we may use any size. I guess larger the better.
    testSize = '72px';

    h = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];

    // create a SPAN in the document to get the width of the text we use to test
    s = document.createElement("span"); = testSize;
    s.innerHTML = testString;
    for (index in baseFonts) {
        //get the default width for the three base fonts = baseFonts[index];
        defaultWidth[baseFonts[index]] = s.offsetWidth; //width for the default font
        defaultHeight[baseFonts[index]] = s.offsetHeight; //height for the defualt font

    detector.detect = function(font) {
        var detected = false, index, matched;
        for (index in baseFonts) {
   = font + ',' + baseFonts[index]; // name of the font along with the base font for fallback.
            matched = (s.offsetWidth !== defaultWidth[baseFonts[index]] || s.offsetHeight !== defaultHeight[baseFonts[index]]);
            detected = detected || matched;
        return detected;

    return detector;

Open fontdetector.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('login'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open github-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - JsonValue (1).
 *              The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('sub'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('given_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('family_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('picture'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('locale', rawProfile.get('locale'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open google-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('username'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('sub'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('given_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('family_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open itsme-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('firstName').get('localized').get(0));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('lastName').get('localized').get(0));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('profilePicture').get('displayImage'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('elements').get(0).get('handle~').get('emailAddress'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('elements').get(0).get('handle~').get('emailAddress'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open linkedIn-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('displayName'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('givenName'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('surname'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('userPrincipalName'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('userPrincipalName'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script translates the normalized social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * into the identity object key/value pairs.
 * Defined variables:
 * normalizedProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user
 *                     in a standard format expected by this node.
 *                     JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var identityData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    identityData.put('givenName', normalizedProfile.get('givenName'));
    identityData.put('sn', normalizedProfile.get('familyName'));
    identityData.put('mail', normalizedProfile.get('email'));
    identityData.put('cn', normalizedProfile.get('displayName'));
    identityData.put('userName', normalizedProfile.get('username'));
    identityData.put('iplanet-am-user-alias-list', selectedIdp + '-' + normalizedProfile.get('id').asString());

    return identityData;

Open normalized-profile-to-identity.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script translates the normalized social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * into the managed user object key/value pairs.
 * Defined variables:
 * normalizedProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user
 *                     in a standard format expected by this node.
 *                     JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var managedUserData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    managedUserData.put('givenName', normalizedProfile.get('givenName'));
    managedUserData.put('sn', normalizedProfile.get('familyName'));
    managedUserData.put('mail', normalizedProfile.get('email'));
    managedUserData.put('userName', normalizedProfile.get('username'));

    if (normalizedProfile.get('postalAddress').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('postalAddress', normalizedProfile.get('postalAddress'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('addressLocality').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('city', normalizedProfile.get('addressLocality'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('addressRegion').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('stateProvince', normalizedProfile.get('addressRegion'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('postalCode').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('postalCode', normalizedProfile.get('postalCode'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('country').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('country', normalizedProfile.get('country'));
    if (normalizedProfile.get('phone').isNotNull()) {
        managedUserData.put('telephoneNumber', normalizedProfile.get('phone'));

    // if the givenName and familyName is null or empty
    // then add a boolean flag to the shared state to indicate names are not present
    // this could be used elsewhere
    // for eg. this could be used in a scripted decision node to by-pass patching
    // the user object with blank values when givenName  and familyName is not present
     var noGivenName = normalizedProfile.get('givenName').isNull()
                                      || normalizedProfile.get('givenName').asString().trim().length === 0
     var noFamilyName = normalizedProfile.get('familyName').isNull()
                                       || normalizedProfile.get('familyName').asString().trim().length === 0
     sharedState.put('nameEmptyOrNull', noGivenName && noFamilyName)

    return managedUserData;


View script
 * Copyright 2019-2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you modify information associated with an OAuth2 access token
 * with methods provided by the AccessToken (1) interface.
 * The changes made to OAuth2 access tokens will directly impact the size of the CTS tokens,
 * and, similarly, the size of the JWTs if client-based OAuth2 tokens are utilized.
 * When adding/updating fields make sure that the token size remains within client/user-agent limits.
 * Defined variables:
 * accessToken - AccessToken (1).
 *               The access token to be updated.
 *               Mutable object, all changes to the access token will be reflected.
 * scopes - Set<String> (6).
 *          Always present, the requested scopes.
 * requestProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                     Always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - The request URI.
 *                     realm - The realm that the request relates to.
 *                     requestParams - A map of the request params and/or posted data.
 *                                     Each value is a list of one or more properties.
 *                                     Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best practices:
 * clientProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                    Present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client properties:
 *                    clientId - The client's URI for the request locale.
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - List of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType) for the client.
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - List of the allowed response types for the client.
 *                    allowedScopes - List of the allowed scopes for the client.
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps; for example:
 *                                       customMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as customMap -> Key1 -> Value1.
 *                                       To add custom properties to a client, update the Custom Properties field
 *                                       in AM Console > Realm Name > Applications > OAuth 2.0 > Clients > Client ID > Advanced.
 * identity - AMIdentity (3).
 *            Always present, the identity of the resource owner.
 * session - SSOToken (4).
 *           Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the "OAuth2Provider" debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_MODIFICATION.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (8).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 * Return - no value is expected, changes shall be made to the accessToken parameter directly.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) AccessToken -
 * (3) AMIdentity -
 * (4) SSOToken -
 * (5) Map -,
 *           or
 * (6) Set -
 * (8) Client -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    // Always includes this field in the token.
    accessToken.setField('key1', 'value1');

    // Receives and adds to the access token additional values by performing a REST call to an external service.
    // WARNING: Below, you will find a reference to a third-party site, which is provided only as an example.
    var uri = '';

    try {
        var request = new frJava.Request();

        // You can chain methods that return the request object.
                updatedFields: {
                    key2: 'value2',
                    key3: 'value3'

        // You can call a method when chaining is not possible.
        request.getHeaders().add('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');

        // Sends the request and receives the response.
        var response = httpClient.send(request).getOrThrow();

        // Checks if the response status is as expected.
        if (response.getStatus() === org.forgerock.http.protocol.Status.CREATED) {
            var result = JSON.parse(response.getEntity().getString());

            // Set multiple token fields at once.
        } else {
            logger.error('Unable to obtain access token modifications. Status: ' + response.getStatus() + '. Content: ' + response.getEntity().getString());
    } catch (e) {
        logger.error('The request processing was interrupted. ' + e);

        // The access token request fails with the HTTP 500 error in this case.
        throw ('Unable to obtain response from: ' + uri);

    // Adds new fields containing identity attribute values to the access token.
    accessToken.setField('mail', identity.getAttribute('mail'));
    accessToken.setField('phone', identity.getAttribute('telephoneNumber').toArray()[0]);

    // Adds new fields containing the session property values.
    // NOTE: session may not be available for non-interactive authorization grants.
    if (session) {
        try {
            accessToken.setField('ipAddress', session.getProperty('Host'));
        } catch (e) {
            logger.error('Unable to retrieve session property value. ' + e);

    // Removes a native field from the token entry, that was set by AM.
    // WARNING: removing native fields from the token may result in loss of functionality.
    // accessToken.removeTokenName()

    // No return value is expected. Let it be undefined.


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2023 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you return additional data when authorize request is called.
 * Defined variables:
 * session - SSOToken (1)
 *           Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (2).
 *              Always present, the HTTP client that can be used to make external HTTP requests
 * logger - Debug (3)
 *          Always present, the "ScriptedAuthorizeEndpointDataProvider" debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_ENDPOINT_DATA_PROVIDER.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script
 * Return - a Map<String, String> of additional data (4).
 * Class reference:
 * (1) SSOToken -
 * (2) Client -
 * (3) Debug -
 * (4) Map -

 * Default authorize endpoint data provider script to use as a template for new scripts.

var map = new java.util.HashMap();

function addAdditionalData() {

    //If constant data needs to be returned
    map.put("hello", "world");

    //If some data needs to be returned from third party service

    //If there is a need to return some user session data

    return map;

function addAdditionalDataFromExternalService() {
  var frJava = JavaImporter(
  try {
        //Obtain additional data by performing a REST call to an external service
        var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
                    field("foo", "bar"))));
        var response = httpClient.send(request).getOrThrow();
        var result = JSON.parse(response.getEntity().getString());
  } catch (err) {
     throw new frJava.ServerException(err);

function addAdditionalDataFromSessionProperties() {
  //Add additional data from session property values
   if (session != null) { // session is not available for resource owner password credentials grant
     map.put("ipAddress", session.getProperty("Host"))

function logResponse(response) {
    logger.message("User REST Call. Status: " + response.getStatus() + ", Body: " + response.getEntity().getString());



View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you populate the scopes with profile attribute values when the tokeninfo endpoint is called.
 * For example, if one of the scopes is mail, AM sets mail to the resource owner's email address in the token information returned.
 * Defined variables:
 * accessToken - AccessToken (1).
 *               The access token to be updated.
 *               Mutable object, all changes to the access token will be reflected.
 * identity - AMIdentity (2).
 *            The client's identity if present or the resource owner's identity. Can be null.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_EVALUATE_SCOPE
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (3).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 * Return - a Map<String, Object> of the access token's information (4).
 * Class reference:
 * (1) AccessToken -
 * (2) AMIdentity -
 * (3) Client -
 * (4) Map -

 * Default evaluate scope script to use as a template for new scripts.

(function () {
    var map = new java.util.HashMap();
    if (identity !== null) {
        var scopes = accessToken.getScope().toArray();
        scopes.forEach(function (scope) {
            var attributes = identity.getAttribute(scope).toArray();
            map.put(scope, attributes.join(","));
    } else {
        logger.error('identity is null');
    return map;

Open oauth2-evaluate-scope.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you add may_act field
 * to an OAuth2 access token
 * or OIDC ID Token
 * object with the setMayAct method.
 * Defined variables:
 * token - AccessToken (1) or org.forgerock.openidconnect.OpenIdConnectToken.
 *               The token to be updated.
 *               Mutable object, all changes to the token will be reflected.
 * scopes - Set<String> (6).
 *          Always present, the requested scopes.
 * requestProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                     Always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - The request URI.
 *                     realm - The realm that the request relates to.
 *                     requestParams - A map of the request params and/or posted data.
 *                                     Each value is a list of one or more properties.
 *                                     Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best practices:
 * clientProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                    Present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client properties:
 *                    clientId - The client's URI for the request locale.
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - List of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType) for the client.
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - List of the allowed response types for the client.
 *                    allowedScopes - List of the allowed scopes for the client.
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps; for example:
 *                                       customMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as customMap -> Key1 -> Value1.
 *                                       To add custom properties to a client, update the Custom Properties field
 *                                       in AM Console > Realm Name > Applications > OAuth 2.0 > Clients > Client ID > Advanced.
 * identity - AMIdentity (3).
 *            Always present, the identity of the resource owner.
 * session - SSOToken (4).
 *           Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the "OAuth2Provider" debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_MAY_ACT.
 * Return - no value is expected, changes shall be made to the token parameter directly.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) AccessToken -
 * (3) AMIdentity -
 * (4) SSOToken -
 * (5) Map -,
 *           or
 * (6) Set -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var mayAct = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());
    mayAct.put('client_id', 'myClient');
    mayAct.put('sub', '(usr!myActor)');


    // No return value is expected. Let it be undefined.

Open oauth2-may-act.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script lets you to derive the configuration for a dynamic JWT issuer from the issuer string.
 * A JWT issuer is made up of the following:
 *   - issuer - the identifier of the entity that issues JWTs
 *   - resource owner subject claim - the name of the claim in the JWT that identifies the resource owner
 *   - consented scope claim - the name of the claim in the JWT that represents scope that the resource owner
 *                             has already consented to externally
 *   - authorized subjects - the set of principal identifiers that are authorized to be used as resource owners
 *                           by the issuer
 *   - JWKs - either a set of JWKs or connection details for obtaining that set, that are the public keys that
 *            can verify the signature on the issued JWTs.
 * Defined variables:
 * issuer - String
 *          The issuer from the bearer JWT.
 * realm - String
 *         The path of the realm that is handling the request.
 * scriptName - String.
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the script debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_SCRIPTED_JWT_ISSUER.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (1).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 * idRepository - Identity Repository (2). Always present.
 * secrets - Secrets accessor (3). Always present.
 * Return - org.forgerock.oauth2.core.TrustedJwtIssuerConfig (4) - the configuration of the trusted JWT issuer.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) Client -
 * (2) ScriptedIdentityRepository -
 * (3) ScriptedSecrets -
 * (4) TrustedJwtIssuerConfig -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var iss = idRepository.getIdentity(issuer);
    if (iss == null) {
        logger.message('No issuer found for: '+issuer);
        return null;
    logger.message('Found issuer: '+iss);
    // in this example either a JWK set or a URI to a JWK set are in the postalAddress attribute
    var jwksAttrs = iss.getAttributeValues('postalAddress');
    var jwkSet = jwksAttrs.length === 0 ? null : jwksAttrs[0];
    var config = new frJava.TrustedJwtIssuerConfig(
        // in this example, valid subjects are stored in the mail attribute
        jwkSet.startsWith('{') ? jwkSet : null,
        jwkSet.startsWith('http') ? jwkSet : null,
        '5 minutes',
        '1 minute'
    return config;

Open oauth2-scripted-jwt-issuer.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script validates the requested scopes against the allowed scopes.
 * If no scopes are requested, default scopes are assumed.
 * The script has four top level functions that could be executed during the different OAuth2 flows:
 *      - validateAuthorizationScope
 *      - validateAccessTokenScope
 *      - validateRefreshTokenScope
 *      - validateBackChannelAuthorizationScope
 * Defined variables:
 * requestedScopes - Set<String> (1).
 *          The set of requested scopes.
 * defaultScopes - Set<String> (1).
 *                 The set of default scopes.
 * allowedScopes - Set<String> (1).
 *                 The set of allowed scopes.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.OAUTH2_VALIDATE_SCOPE
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (2).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 * Throws InvalidScopeException:
 *      - if there are no scopes requested and default scopes are empty
 *      - if a requested scope is not allowed
 * Return - a Set<String> of validated scopes (1).
 * Class reference:
 * (1) Set -
 * (2) Client -

 * Default validate scope script.
function validateScopes () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var scopes;
    if (requestedScopes == null || requestedScopes.isEmpty()) {
        scopes = defaultScopes;
    } else {
        scopes = new java.util.HashSet(allowedScopes);
        if (requestedScopes.size() > scopes.size()) {
            var invalidScopes = new java.util.HashSet(requestedScopes);
            throw new frJava.InvalidScopeException('Unknown/invalid scope(s)');

    if (scopes == null || scopes.isEmpty()) {
        throw new frJava.InvalidScopeException('No scope requested and no default scope configured');
    return scopes;

function validateAuthorizationScope () {
    return validateScopes();

function validateAccessTokenScope () {
    return validateScopes();

function validateRefreshTokenScope () {
    return validateScopes();

function validateBackChannelAuthorizationScope () {
    return validateScopes();

Open oauth2-validate-scope.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2014-2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script computes claim values returned in ID tokens and/or at the UserInfo Endpoint.
 * The claim values are computed for:
 * the claims derived from the requested scopes,
 * the claims provided by the authorization server,
 * and the claims requested by the client via the claims parameter.
 * define the scope-to-claims mapping, and
 * assign to each claim a resolver function that will compute the claim value.
 * Defined variables (class references are provided below):
 * scopes - Set<String> (6).
 *          Always present, the requested scopes.
 * claims - Map<String, Object> (5).
 *          Always present, default server provided claims.
 * claimObjects - List<Claim> (7, 2).
 *                Always present, the default server provided claims.
 * requestedClaims - Map<String, Set<String>> (5).
 *                   Always present, not empty if the request contains the claims parameter and the server has enabled
 *                   claims_parameter_supported. A map of the requested claims to possible values, otherwise empty;
 *                   requested claims with no requested values will have a key but no value in the map. A key with
 *                   a single value in its Set (6) indicates that this is the only value that should be returned.
 * requestedTypedClaims - List<Claim> (7, 2).
 *                        Always present, the requested claims.
 *                        Requested claims with no requested values will have a claim with no values.
 *                        A claim with a single value indicates this is the only value that should be returned.
 * claimsLocales - List<String> (7).
 *                 The values from the 'claims_locales' parameter.
 *                 See for the OIDC specification details.
 * requestProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                     Always present, contains a map of request properties:
 *                     requestUri - The request URI.
 *                     realm - The realm that the request relates to.
 *                     requestParams - A map of the request params and/or posted data.
 *                                     Each value is a list of one or more properties.
 *                                     Please note that these should be handled in accordance with OWASP best practices:
 * clientProperties - Unmodifiable Map (5).
 *                    Present if the client specified in the request was identified, contains a map of client properties:
 *                    clientId - The client's URI for the request locale.
 *                    allowedGrantTypes - List of the allowed grant types (org.forgerock.oauth2.core.GrantType) for the client.
 *                    allowedResponseTypes - List of the allowed response types for the client.
 *                    allowedScopes - List of the allowed scopes for the client.
 *                    customProperties - A map of the custom properties of the client.
 *                                       Lists or maps will be included as sub-maps; for example:
 *                                       customMap[Key1]=Value1 will be returned as customMap -> Key1 -> Value1.
 *                                       To add custom properties to a client, update the Custom Properties field
 *                                       in AM Console > Realm Name > Applications > OAuth 2.0 > Clients > Client ID > Advanced.
 * identity - AMIdentity (3).
 *            Always present, the identity of the resource owner.
 * session - SSOToken (4).
 *           Present if the request contains the session cookie, the user's session object.
 * scriptName - String (primitive).
 *              Always present, the display name of the script.
 * logger - Always present, the "OAuth2Provider" debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding files will be prefixed with: scripts.OIDC_CLAIMS.
 * httpClient - HTTP Client (8).
 *              Always present, the HTTP Client instance:
 *              In order to use the client, you may need to add
 *              org.forgerock.http.Client,
 *              org.forgerock.http.protocol.*,
 *              and org.forgerock.util.promise.PromiseImpl
 *              to the allowed Java classes in the scripting engine configuration, as described in:
 * Return - a new UserInfoClaims(Map<String, Object> values, Map<String, List<String>> compositeScopes) (1) object.
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          See RESULTS section for additional details.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) UserInfoClaims -
 * (2) Claim -
 *         An instance of org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim has methods to access
 *         the claim name, requested values, locale, and whether the claim is essential.
 * (3) AMIdentity -
 * (4) SSOToken -
 * (5) Map -,
 *           or
 * (6) Set -
 * (7) List -
 * (8) Client -

(function () {
    // SETUP

     * Claim processing utilities.
     * An object that contains reusable functions for processing claims.
     * @see CLAIM PROCESSING UTILITIES section for details.
    var utils = getUtils();


     * OAuth 2.0 scope values (scopes) can be used by the Client to request OIDC claims.
     * Call this configuration method, and pass in as the first argument
     * an object that maps a scope value to an array of claim names
     * to specify which claims need to be processed and returned for the requested scopes.
     * @see {@link}
     * for the scope values that could be used to request claims as defined in the OIDC specification.
     * Below, find a default configuration that is expected to work in the current environment.
     * You can choose the claim names returned for a scope.
        profile: [
        email: ['email'],
        address: ['address'],
        phone: ['phone_number']

     * In this script, each claim
     * derived from the requested scopes,
     * provided by the authorization server, and
     * requested by the client via the claims parameter
     * will be processed by a function associated with the claim name.
     * Call this configuration method, and pass in as the first argument
     * an object that maps a claim name to a resolver function,
     * which will be automatically executed for each claim processed by the script.
     * The claim resolver function will receive the requested claim information
     * in an instance of org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim as the first argument.
     * @see {@link}
     * for details on the Claim class.
     * If the claim resolver function returns a value,
     * other than undefined or null,
     * the claim will be included in the script's results.
     * The Claim instance provides methods to check
     * what the name of the claim is,
     * which values the claim request contains,
     * whether the claim is essential, and
     * which locale the claim is associated with.
     * The resolver function can consider this information when computing and returning the claim value.
     * Below, find a default configuration that is expected to work in the current environment.
     * A reusable function, utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver(String attribute-name),
     * is called to return a claim resolver function based on a user profile attribute.
     * @see CLAIM RESOLVERS section for the implementation details and examples.
     * For the address claim, an example of a claim resolver that uses another claim resolver is provided.
     * You can reuse the predefined utils methods with your custom arguments.
     * You can also specify a custom resolver function for a claim name,
     * that will compute and return the claim value—as shown in the commented out example below.
        // An example of a simple claim resolver function that is defined for a claim
        // directly in the configuration object:
        custom-claim-name: function (requestedClaim) {
            // In this case, initially, the claim value comes straight from a user profile attribute value:
            var claimValue = identity.getAttribute('custom-attribute-name').toArray()[0]

            // Optionally, provide additional logic for processing (filtering, formatting, etc.) the claim value.
            // You can use:
            // requestedClaim.getName()
            // requestedClaim.getValues()
            // requestedClaim.getLocale()
            // requestedClaim.isEssential()

            return claimValue
         * The use of utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver shows how
         * an argument passed to a function that returns a claim resolver
         * becomes available to the resolver function (via its lexical context).
        name: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('cn'),
        family_name: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('sn'),
        given_name: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('givenname'),
        zoneinfo: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('preferredtimezone'),
        locale: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('preferredlocale'),
        email: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('mail'),
        address: utils.getAddressClaimResolver(
             * The passed in user profile claim resolver function
             * can be used by the address claim resolver function
             * to obtain the claim value to be formatted as per the OIDC specification:
             * @see
        phone_number: utils.getUserProfileClaimResolver('telephonenumber')


     * @returns {object} An object that contains reusable claim processing utilities.
     * @see PUBLIC METHODS section and the return statement for the list of exported functions.
    function getUtils () {
        // IMPORT JAVA

         * Provides Java scripting functionality.
         * @see {@link}.
        var frJava = JavaImporter(



         * Placeholder for a configuration option that contains
         * an object that maps the supported scope values (scopes)
         * and the corresponding claim names for each scope value.
        var scopeClaimsMap;

         * Placeholder for a configuration option that contains
         * an object that maps the supported claim names
         * and the resolver functions returning the claim value.
        var claimResolvers;

         * A (public) method that accepts an object that maps the supported scopes and the corresponding claim names,
         * and assigns it to a (private) variable that serves as a configuration option.
         * @param {object} params - An object that maps each supported scope value to an array of claim names,
         * in order to specify which claims need to be processed for the requested scopes.
         * @see {@link} for details.
         * @param {string[]} [params.profile] - An array of claim names to be returned if the profile scope is requested.
         * @param {string[]} [] - An array of claim names to be returned if the email scope is requested.
         * @param {string[]} [params.address] - An array of claim names to be returned if the address scope is requested.
         * @param {string[]} [] - An array of claim names to be returned if the phone scope is requested.
         * @returns {undefined}
        function setScopeClaimsMap(params) {
            scopeClaimsMap = params;

         * A (public) method that accepts an object that maps the supported claim names
         * and the resolver functions returning the claim value,
         * and assigns it to a (private) variable that serves as a configuration option.
         * @param {object} params - An object that maps
         * each supported claim name to a function that computes and returns the claim value.
        function setClaimResolvers(params) {
            claimResolvers = params;


         * Claim resolvers are functions that return a claim value.
         * @param {*}
         * @returns {*}

         * Defines a claim resolver based on a user profile attribute.
         * @param {string} attributeName - Name of the user profile attribute.
         * @returns {function} A function that will determine the claim value
         * based on the user profile attribute and the (requested) claim properties.
        function getUserProfileClaimResolver (attributeName) {
             * Resolves a claim with a user profile attribute value.
             * Returns undefined if the identity attribute is not populated,
             * OR if the claim has requested values that do not contain the identity attribute value.
             * ATTENTION: the aforementioned comparison is case-sensitive.
             * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
             * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
             * @see {@link} for details.
             * @returns {string|HashSet|undefined}
            function resolveClaim(claim) {
                var userProfileValue;

                if (identity) {
                    userProfileValue = getClaimValueFromSet(claim, identity.getAttribute(attributeName));

                    if (userProfileValue && !userProfileValue.isEmpty()) {
                        if (!claim.getValues() || claim.getValues().isEmpty() || claim.getValues().contains(userProfileValue)) {
                            return userProfileValue;

            return resolveClaim;

         * Returns an address claim resolver based on a claim value obtained with another claim resolver.
         * @param {function} resolveClaim - A function that returns a claim value.
         * @returns {function} A function that will accept a claim as an argument,
         * run the claim resolver function for the claim and obtain the claim value,
         * and apply additional formatting to the value before returning it.
        function getAddressClaimResolver (resolveClaim) {
             * Creates an address claim object from a value returned by a claim resolver,
             * and returns the address claim object as the claim value.
             * @see {@link}.
             * The claim value is obtained with a claim resolving function available from the closure.
             * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
             * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
             * @see {@link} for details.
             * @returns {java.util.LinkedHashMap|undefined} The address claim object created from a claim value.
            function resolveAddressClaim(claim) {
                var claimValue = resolveClaim(claim);
                var addressObject;

                if (isClaimValueValid(claimValue)) {
                    addressObject = new frJava.LinkedHashMap();

                    addressObject.put('formatted', claimValue);

                    return addressObject;

            return resolveAddressClaim;

         * Returns an essential claim resolver based on a claim value obtained with another claim resolver.
         * @param {function} resolveClaim - A function that returns a claim value.
         * @returns {function} A function that will accept a claim as an argument,
         * run the claim resolver function for the claim and obtain the claim value,
         * and apply additional logic for essential claims.
        function getEssentialClaimResolver (resolveClaim) {
             * Returns a claim value or throws an error.
             * The claim value is obtained with a claim resolving function available from the closure.
             * Throws an exception if the claim is essential and no value is returned for the claim.
             * Use of this resolver is optional.
             * @see {@link} stating:
             * "Note that even if the Claims are not available because the End-User did not authorize their release or they are not present,
             * the Authorization Server MUST NOT generate an error when Claims are not returned, whether they are Essential or Voluntary,
             * unless otherwise specified in the description of the specific claim."
             * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
             * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
             * @see {@link} for details.
             * @returns {*}
             * @throws {org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException}
            function resolveEssentialClaim(claim) {
                var claimValue = resolveClaim(claim);

                if (claim.isEssential() && !isClaimValueValid(claimValue)) {
                    throw new frJava.InvalidRequestException('Could not provide value for essential claim: ' + claim.getName());

                return claimValue;

            return resolveEssentialClaim;

         * Provides default resolution for a claim.
         * Use it if a claim-specific resolver is not defined in the configuration.
         * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
         * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
         * @see {@link} for details.
         * @returns {*} A single value associated with this claim.
        function resolveAnyClaim (claim) {
            if (claim.getValues().size() === 1) {
                return claim.getValues().toArray()[0];

        // UTILITIES

         * Returns claim value from a set.
         * If the set contains a single value, returns the value.
         * If the set contains multiple values, returns the set.
         * Otherwise, returns undefined.
         * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
         * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
         * @see {@link} for details.
         * @param {java.util.HashSet} set The set—for example, a user profile attribute value.
         * @returns {string|java.util.HashSet|undefined}
        function getClaimValueFromSet (claim, set) {
            if (set && set.size()) {
                if (set.size() === 1) {
                    return set.toArray()[0];
                } else {
                    return set;
            } else if (logger.warningEnabled()) {
                logger.warning('OIDC Claims script. Got an empty set for claim: ' + claim.getName());

        function isClaimValueValid (claimValue) {
            if (typeof claimValue === 'undefined' || claimValue === null) {
                return false;

            return true;


         * Constructs and returns an object populated with the computed claim values
         * and the requested scopes mapped to the claim names.
         * @returns {org.forgerock.oauth2.core.UserInfoClaims} The object to be returned to the authorization server.
         * @see {@link}.
         * @see RESULTS section for the use of this function.
        function getUserInfoClaims () {
            return new frJava.UserInfoClaims(getComputedClaims(), getCompositeScopes());

         * Creates a map of (requested) claim names populated with the computed claim values.
         * @returns {java.util.LinkedHashMap}
         * A map of the requested claim names and the corresponding claim values.
        function getComputedClaims () {
             * Creates a complete list of claim objects from:
             * the claims derived from the scopes,
             * the claims provided by the authorization server,
             * and the claims requested by the client.
             * @returns {java.util.ArrayList}
             * Returns a complete list of org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim objects available to the script.
             * @see {@link} for the claim object details.
            function getClaims() {
                 * Returns a list of claim objects for the requested scopes.
                 * Uses the scopeClaimsMap configuration option to derive the claim names;
                 * no other properties of a claim derived from a scope are populated.
                 * @returns {java.util.ArrayList}
                 * A list of org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim objects derived from the requested scopes.
                 * @see {@link} for the claim object details.
                function convertScopeToClaims() {
                    var claims = new frJava.ArrayList();

                    scopes.toArray().forEach(function (scope) {
                        if (String(scope) !== 'openid' && scopeClaimsMap[scope]) {
                            scopeClaimsMap[scope].forEach(function (claimName) {
                                claims.add(new frJava.Claim(claimName));

                    return claims;

                var claims = new frJava.ArrayList();


                return claims;

             * Computes and returns a claim value.
             * To obtain the claim value, uses the resolver function specified for the claim in the claimResolvers configuration object.
             * @see claimResolvers
             * If no resolver function is found, uses the default claim resolver function.
             * @param {org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim} claim
             * An object that provides methods to obtain information/requirements associated with a claim.
             * @see {@link} for details.
             * @returns {*} Claim value.
             * @throws {org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException}
             * Rethrows this exception if a claim resolver throws it.
             * You can throw org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException from your custom claim resolver
             * if you want to terminate the claim processing.
            function computeClaim(claim) {
                var resolveClaim;
                var message;

                try {
                    resolveClaim = claimResolvers[claim.getName()] || resolveAnyClaim;

                    return resolveClaim(claim);
                } catch (e) {
                    message = 'OIDC Claims script exception. Unable to resolve OIDC Claim. ' + e;

                    if (String(e).indexOf('org.forgerock.oauth2.core.exceptions.InvalidRequestException') !== -1) {
                        throw e;

                    if (logger.warningEnabled()) {

            var computedClaims = new frJava.LinkedHashMap();

            getClaims().toArray().forEach(function (claim) {
                var claimValue = computeClaim(claim);

                if (isClaimValueValid(claimValue)) {
                    computedClaims.put(claim.getName(), claimValue);
                } else {
                     * If a claim has been processed, but appears in the list again,
                     * and its value cannot be computed under the new conditions,
                     * the claim is removed from the final result.
                     * For example, a claim could be mapped to a scope and found in the user profile,
                     * but also requested by the client with required values that don't match the computed one.
                     * @see {link}.
                     * for the relevant OIDC specification details.

            return computedClaims;

         * Creates a map of requested scopes and the corresponding claim names.
         * @returns {java.util.LinkedHashMap}
        function getCompositeScopes () {
            var compositeScopes = new frJava.LinkedHashMap();

            scopes.toArray().forEach(function (scope) {
                var scopeClaims = new frJava.ArrayList();

                if (scopeClaimsMap[scope]) {
                    scopeClaimsMap[scope].forEach(function (claimName) {

                if (scopeClaims.size()) {
                    compositeScopes.put(scope, scopeClaims);

            return compositeScopes;


        return {
            setScopeClaimsMap: setScopeClaimsMap,
            setClaimResolvers: setClaimResolvers,
            getUserProfileClaimResolver: getUserProfileClaimResolver,
            getAddressClaimResolver: getAddressClaimResolver,
            getEssentialClaimResolver: getEssentialClaimResolver,
            getUserInfoClaims: getUserInfoClaims

    // RESULTS

     * This script returns an instance of the org.forgerock.oauth2.core.UserInfoClaims class
     * populated with the computed claim values and
     * the requested scopes mapped to the claim names.
     * @see {@link}.
     * Assigning it to a variable gives you an opportunity
     * to log the content of the returned value during development.
    var userInfoClaims = utils.getUserInfoClaims();

    logger.error(scriptName + ' results:')
    logger.error('Values: ' + userInfoClaims.getValues())
    logger.error('Scopes: ' + userInfoClaims.getCompositeScopes())

    return userInfoClaims;

Open oidc-claims-extension.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2015-2023 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.
 * This is a Policy Condition example script. It demonstrates how to access a user's information,
 * use that information in external HTTP calls and make a policy decision based on the outcome.

var userAddress, userIP, resourceHost;

if (validateAndInitializeParameters()) {

    var countryFromUserAddress = getCountryFromUserAddress();
    logger.message("Country retrieved from user's address: " + countryFromUserAddress);
    var countryFromUserIP = getCountryFromUserIP();
    logger.message("Country retrieved from user's IP: " + countryFromUserIP);
    var countryFromResourceURI = getCountryFromResourceURI();
    logger.message("Country retrieved from resource URI: " + countryFromResourceURI);

    if (countryFromUserAddress === countryFromUserIP && countryFromUserAddress === countryFromResourceURI) {
        logger.message("Authorization Succeeded");
        responseAttributes.put("countryOfOrigin", [countryFromUserAddress]);
        authorized = true;
    } else {
        logger.message("Authorization Failed");
        authorized = false;

} else {
    logger.message("Required parameters not found. Authorization Failed.");
    authorized = false;

 * Use the user's address to lookup their country of residence.
 * @returns {*} The user's country of residence.
function getCountryFromUserAddress() {

    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + encodeURIComponent(userAddress));

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var geocode = JSON.parse(response.getEntity().getString());
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < geocode.results.length; i++) {
        var result = geocode.results[i];
        var j;
        for (j = 0; j < result.address_components.length; i++) {
            if (result.address_components[i].types[0] == "country") {
                return result.address_components[i].long_name;

 * Use the user's IP to lookup the country from which the request originated.
 * @returns {*} The country from which the request originated.
function getCountryFromUserIP() {
    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + userIP);

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var result = JSON.parse(response.getEntity().getString());
    if (result) {

 * Use the requested resource's host name to lookup the country where the resource is hosted.
 * @returns {*} The country in which the resource is hosted.
function getCountryFromResourceURI() {
    var request = new org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request();
    request.setUri("" + encodeURIComponent(resourceHost));

    var response = httpClient.send(request).get();

    var result = JSON.parse(response.getEntity().getString());
    if (result) {

 * Retrieve and validate the variables required to make the external HTTP calls.
 * @returns {boolean} Will be true if validation was successful.
function validateAndInitializeParameters() {
    var userAddressSet = identity.getAttribute("postalAddress");
    if (userAddressSet == null || userAddressSet.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No address specified for user: " + username);
        return false;
    userAddress = userAddressSet.iterator().next();
    logger.message("User address: " + userAddress);

    if (!environment) {
        logger.warning("No environment parameters specified in the evaluation request.");
        return false;

    var ipSet = environment.get("IP");
    if (ipSet == null || ipSet.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No IP specified in the evaluation request environment parameters.");
        return false;
    userIP = ipSet.iterator().next();
    logger.message("User IP: " + userIP);

    if (!resourceURI) {
        logger.warning("No resource URI specified.");
        return false;
    resourceHost = resourceURI.match(/^(.*:\/\/)(www\.)?([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+)(:[0-9]+)?(.*)$/)[3];
    logger.message("Resource host: " + resourceHost);

    return true;

function logResponse(response) {
    logger.message("User REST Call. Status: " + response.getStatus() + ", Body: " + response.getEntity().getString());

Open policy-condition.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('user_id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('given_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('family_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('picture'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('locale', rawProfile.get('zoneInfo'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2023 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * The script has these top level functions that could be executed during a SAML2 flow.
 *      - preSingleSignOn
 *      - preAuthentication
 *      - preSendResponse
 *      - preSignResponse
 *      - preSendFailureResponse
 * Please see the javadoc for the interface definition and more information about these methods.
 * Note that the initialize method is not supported in the scripts.
 * Defined variables. Check the documentation on the respective functions for the variables available to it.
 * hostedEntityId - String
 *     Entity ID for the hosted IDP
 * realm - String
 *     Realm of the hosted IDP
 * idpAdapterScriptHelper - IdpAdapterScriptHelper (1)
 *     An instance of IdpAdapterScriptHelper containing helper methods. See Javadoc for more details.
 * request - HttpServletRequest (2)
 *     Servlet request object
 * response - HttpServletResponse (3)
 *     Servlet response object
 * authnRequest - AuthnRequest (4)
 *     The original authentication request sent from SP
 * reqId - String
 *     The id to use for continuation of processing if the adapter redirects
 * res - Response (5)
 *     The SAML Response
 * session - SSOToken (6)
 *     The single sign-on session. The reference type of this is Object and would need to be casted to SSOToken.
 * relayState - String
 *     The relayState that will be used in the redirect
 * faultCode - String
 *     the fault code that will be returned in the SAML response
 * faultDetail - String
 *     the fault detail that will be returned in the SAML response
 * logger - Logger instance
 *     Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.<script name>
 * Throws SAML2Exception (7):
 *     for any exceptions occurring in the adapter. The federation process will continue
 * Class reference:
 * (1) idpAdapterScriptHelper -
 * (2) HttpServletRequest -
 * (3) HttpServletResponse -
 * (4) AuthnRequest -
 * (5) Response -
 * (6) SSOToken -
 * (7) SAML2Exception -

 * Template/default script for SAML2 IDP Adapter scripted plugin.

 * Available variables for preSingleSignOn:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     authnRequest
 *     response
 *     reqId
 *     logger
 * Return - true if browser redirection is happening after processing, false otherwise. Default to false.
function preSingleSignOn () {
    return false;

 * Available variables for preAuthentication:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     authnRequest
 *     response
 *     reqId
 *     session
 *     relayState
 *     logger
 * Return - true if browser redirection is happening after processing, false otherwise. Default to false.
function preAuthentication () {
    return false;

 * Available variables for preSendResponse:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     authnRequest
 *     response
 *     reqId
 *     session
 *     relayState
 *     logger
 * Return - true if browser redirection happened after processing, false otherwise. Default to false.
function preSendResponse () {
    return false;

 * Available variables for preSignResponse:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     authnRequest
 *     session
 *     relayState
 *     res
 *     logger
function preSignResponse () {

 * Available variables for preSendFailureResponse:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     idpAdapterScriptHelper
 *     request
 *     response
 *     faultCode
 *     faultDetail
 *     logger
function preSendFailureResponse () {

Open saml2-idp-adapter.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021-2022 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns a list of SAML Attribute objects for the IDP framework to insert into the generated Assertion.
 * Defined variables:
 * session - SSOToken (1)
 *           The single sign-on session.
 * hostedEntityId - String (primitive).
 *                  The hosted entity ID.
 * remoteEntityId - String (primitive).
 *                  The remote entity ID.
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * logger - Always present, the debug logger instance:
 *          Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.SAML2_IDP_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPER
 * idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper - IdpAttributeMapperScriptHelper (2)
 *                                - An IdpAttributeMapperScriptHelper instance containing methods used for IDP attribute mapping.
 * Throws SAML2Exception:
 *      - on failing to map the IDP attributes.
 * Return - a list of SAML Attribute (3) objects.
 * Class reference:
 * (1) SSOToken -
 * (2) IdpAttributeMapperScriptHelper -
 * (3) Attribute -

 * Default SAML2 IDP Attribute Mapper.
function getAttributes() {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    const debugMethod = "ScriptedIDPAttributeMapper.getAttributes:: ";

    try {

        if (!idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isSessionValid(session)) {
            logger.error(debugMethod + "Invalid session.");
            return null;

        var configMap = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getRemoteSPConfigAttributeMap(realm, remoteEntityId);
        logger.message(debugMethod + "Remote SP attribute map = {}", configMap);
        if (configMap == null || configMap.isEmpty()) {
            configMap = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getHostedIDPConfigAttributeMap(realm, hostedEntityId);
            if (configMap == null || configMap.isEmpty()) {
                logger.message(debugMethod + "Configuration map is not defined.");
                return null;
            logger.message(debugMethod + "Hosted IDP attribute map = {}", configMap);

        var attributes = new java.util.ArrayList();
        var stringValueMap = new java.util.HashSet();
        var binaryValueMap;
        var localAttribute;

        // Don't try to read the attributes from the datastore if the ignored profile is enabled in this realm.
        if (!idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isIgnoredProfile(session, realm)) {
            try {
                // Resolve attributes to be read from the datastore.
                var stringAttributes = new java.util.HashSet();
                var binaryAttributes = new java.util.HashSet();
                var keyIter = configMap.keySet().iterator();
                while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
                    var key =;
                    localAttribute = configMap.get(key);
                    if (!idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isStaticAttribute(localAttribute)) {
                        if (idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isBinaryAttribute(localAttribute)) {
                            // add it to the list of attributes to treat as being binary
                        } else {

                if (!stringAttributes.isEmpty()) {
                    stringValueMap = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getAttributes(session, stringAttributes);
                if (!binaryAttributes.isEmpty()) {
                    binaryValueMap = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getBinaryAttributes(session, binaryAttributes);
            } catch (error) {
                logger.error(debugMethod + "Error accessing the datastore. " + error);
                //continue to check in ssotoken.

        var keyIter = configMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
            var key =
            var nameFormat = null;
            var samlAttribute = key;
            localAttribute = configMap.get(key);
            // check if samlAttribute has format nameFormat|samlAttribute
            var samlAttributes = String(new java.lang.String(samlAttribute));
            var tokens = samlAttributes.split('|');

            if (tokens.length > 1) {
                nameFormat = tokens[0];
                samlAttribute = tokens[1];

            var attributeValues = new java.util.HashSet();
            if (idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isStaticAttribute(localAttribute)) {
                // Remove the static flag before using it as the static value
                localAttribute = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.removeStaticAttributeFlag(localAttribute);
                attributeValues = new java.util.HashSet([localAttribute]);
                logger.message(debugMethod + "Adding static value {} for attribute named {}", localAttribute, samlAttribute);
            } else {
                if (idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.isBinaryAttribute(localAttribute)) {
                    // Remove the flag as not used for lookup
                    localAttribute = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.removeBinaryAttributeFlag(localAttribute);
                    attributeValues = idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getBinaryAttributeValues(samlAttribute, localAttribute,
                } else {
                    if (stringValueMap != null && !stringValueMap.isEmpty()) {
                        attributeValues = stringValueMap.get(localAttribute);
                    } else {
                        logger.message(debugMethod + "{} string value map was empty or null.", localAttribute);

                // If all else fails, try to get the value from the users ssoToken
                if (attributeValues == null || attributeValues.isEmpty()) {
                    logger.message(debugMethod + "User profile does not have value for {}, checking SSOToken.", localAttribute);
                    attributeValues = new java.util.HashSet(idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.getPropertySet(session, localAttribute));

            if (attributeValues == null || attributeValues.isEmpty()) {
                logger.message(debugMethod + "{} not found in user profile or SSOToken.", localAttribute);
            } else {
                attributes.add(idpAttributeMapperScriptHelper.createSAMLAttribute(samlAttribute, nameFormat, attributeValues));

        return attributes;

    } catch (error) {
        logger.error(debugMethod + "Error mapping IDP attributes. " + error);
        throw new frJava.SAML2Exception(error);


Open saml2-idp-attribute-mapper.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2023 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS.
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * The script has these top level functions that could be executed during a SAML2 flow.
 *      - preSingleSignOnRequest
 *      - preSingleSignOnProcess
 *      - postSingleSignOnSuccess
 *      - postSingleSignOnFailure
 *      - postNewNameIDSuccess
 *      - postTerminateNameIDSuccess
 *      - preSingleLogoutProcess
 *      - postSingleLogoutSuccess
 * Please see the JavaDoc for the interface for more information about these methods.
 * Note that the initialize method is not supported in the scripts.
 * Defined variables. Check the documentation on the respective functions for the variables available to it.
 * hostedEntityId - String
 *     Entity ID for the hosted IDP
 * realm - String
 *     Realm of the hosted IDP
 * idpEntityId - String
 *     The entity ID for the Identity Provider for which the sign-on request will be sent.
 * request - HttpServletRequest (1)
 *     Servlet request object
 * response - HttpServletResponse (2)
 *     Servlet response object
 * authnRequest - AuthnRequest (3)
 *     The authentication request sent that is sent from the Service Provider.
 * session - SSOToken (4)
 *     The single sign-on session. The reference type of this is Object and would need to be casted to SSOToken.
 * res - Response (5)
 *     The SSO Response received from the Identity Provider.
 * profile - String
 *     The protocol profile that is used, this will be one of the following values from SAML2Constants (6):
 *          - SAML2Constants.HTTP_POST
 *          - SAML2Constants.HTTP_ARTIFACT
 *          - SAML2Constants.PAOS
 * out - PrintWriter (7)
 *     The PrintWriter that can be used to write to.
 * isFederation - boolean
 *     Set to true if using federation, otherwise false.
 * failureCode - int
 *     An integer holding the failure code when an error has occurred. For potential values see SPAdapter.
 * userId - String
 *     The unique universal ID of the user with whom the new name identifier request was performed.
 * idRequest - ManageNameIDRequest (8)
 *     The new name identifier request, this will be null if the request object is not available
 * idResponse - ManageNameIDResponse (9)
 *     The new name identifier response, this will be null if the response object is not available
 * binding - String
 *     The binding used for the new name identifier request. This will be one of the following values:
 *          - SAML2Constants.SOAP
 *          - SAML2Constants.HTTP_REDIRECT
 * logoutRequest - LogoutRequest (10)
 *     The single logout request.
 * logoutResponse - LogoutResponse (11)
 *     The single logout response.
 * spAdapterScriptHelper - SpAdapterScriptHelper (12)
 *     An instance of SpAdapterScriptHelper containing helper methods. See Javadoc for more details.
 * logger - Logger instance
 *     Corresponding log files will be prefixed with: scripts.<script name>
 * Throws SAML2Exception (13):
 *     for any exceptions occurring in the adapter. The federation process will continue
 * Class reference:
 * (1) HttpServletRequest -
 * (2) HttpServletResponse -
 * (3) AuthnRequest -
 * (4) SSOToken -
 * (5) Response -
 * (6) SAML2Constants -
 * (7) PrintWriter -
 * (8) ManageNameIDRequest -
 * (9) ManageNameIDResponse -
 * (10) LogoutRequest -
 * (11) LogoutResponse -
 * (12) SpAdapterScriptHelper -
 * (13) SAML2Exception -

 * Template/default script for SAML2 SP Adapter scripted plugin.

 * Available variables for preSingleSignOnRequest:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     idpEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     authnRequest
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function preSingleSignOnRequest() {

 * Available variables for preSingleSignOnProcess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     authnRequest
 *     res
 *     profile
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function preSingleSignOnProcess() {

 * Available variables for postSingleSignOnSuccess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     out
 *     session
 *     authnRequest
 *     res
 *     profile
 *     isFederation
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
 * Return - true if response is being redirected, false if not. Default to false.
function postSingleSignOnSuccess() {
    return false;

 * Available variables for postSingleSignOnFailure:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     authnRequest
 *     res
 *     profile
 *     failureCode
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
 * Return - true if response is being redirected, false if not. Default to false.
function postSingleSignOnFailure() {
    return false;

 * Available variables for postNewNameIDSuccess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     userId
 *     idRequest
 *     idResponse
 *     binding
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function postNewNameIDSuccess() {

 * Available variables for postTerminateNameIDSuccess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     userId
 *     idRequest
 *     idResponse
 *     binding
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function postTerminateNameIDSuccess() {

 * Available variables for preSingleLogoutProcess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     userId
 *     logoutRequest
 *     logoutResponse
 *     binding
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function preSingleLogoutProcess() {

 * Available variables for postSingleLogoutSuccess:
 *     hostedEntityId
 *     realm
 *     request
 *     response
 *     userId
 *     logoutRequest
 *     logoutResponse
 *     binding
 *     spAdapterScriptHelper
 *     logger
function postSingleLogoutSuccess() {

Open saml2-sp-adapter.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - JsonValue (1).
 *              The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

 * Default Social Identity Provider Profile Transformation script to use as a template for new scripts.

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

     * Add profile data.
     * @example
     * normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('sub'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id_str'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('profile_image_url'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('screen_name'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open twitter-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('id'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('first_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('first_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('last_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('photo_50'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('openid'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('nickname'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('headimgurl'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('nickname'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open wechat-profile-normalization.js in your browser.


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('username'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('display_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('avatar_URL'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('username'));

    return normalizedProfileData;


View script
 * Copyright 2021 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
 * Use of this code requires a commercial software license with ForgeRock AS
 * or with one of its affiliates. All use shall be exclusively subject
 * to such license between the licensee and ForgeRock AS.

 * This script returns the social identity profile information for the authenticating user
 * in a standard form expected by the Social Provider Handler Node.
 * Defined variables:
 * rawProfile - The social identity provider profile information for the authenticating user.
 *              JsonValue (1).
 * logger - The debug logger instance:
 * realm - String (primitive).
 *         The name of the realm the user is authenticating to.
 * requestHeaders - TreeMap (2).
 *                  The object that provides methods for accessing headers in the login request:
 * requestParameters - TreeMap (2).
 *                     The object that contains the authentication request parameters.
 * selectedIdp - String (primitive).
 *               The social identity provider name. For example: google.
 * sharedState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *               The object that holds the state of the authentication tree and allows data exchange between the stateless nodes:
 * transientState - LinkedHashMap (3).
 *                  The object for storing sensitive information that must not leave the server unencrypted,
 *                  and that may not need to persist between authentication requests during the authentication session:
 * Return - a JsonValue (1).
 *          The result of the last statement in the script is returned to the server.
 *          Currently, the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (also known as Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
 *          is the last (and only) statement in this script, and its return value will become the script result.
 *          Do not use "return variable" statement outside of a function definition.
 *          This script's last statement should result in a JsonValue (1) with the following keys:
 *          {
 *              {"displayName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"email": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"familyName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"givenName": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"id": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"locale": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"photoUrl": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"},
 *              {"username": "corresponding-social-identity-provider-value"}
 *          }
 *          The consumer of this data defines which keys are required and which are optional.
 *          For example, the script associated with the Social Provider Handler Node and,
 *          ultimately, the managed object created/updated with this data
 *          will expect certain keys to be populated.
 *          In some common default configurations, the following keys are required:
 *          username, givenName, familyName, email.
 * (1) JsonValue -
 * (2) TreeMap -
 * (3) LinkedHashMap -

(function () {
    var frJava = JavaImporter(

    var normalizedProfileData = frJava.JsonValue.json(frJava.JsonValue.object());

    normalizedProfileData.put('id', rawProfile.get('sub'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('displayName', rawProfile.get('name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('givenName', rawProfile.get('given_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('familyName', rawProfile.get('family_name'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('photoUrl', rawProfile.get('picture'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('email', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('username', rawProfile.get('email'));
    normalizedProfileData.put('locale', rawProfile.get('locale'));

    return normalizedProfileData;

Open yahoo-profile-normalization.js in your browser.