• Use the manage-topology add-server command to add a PingDirectoryProxy Server instance to a topology after it has been installed.

    You can only do this if the PingDirectoryProxy Server instance is not already part of any other topology, since it is not possible to join two topologies together. This tool supports all of the normal arguments for connecting and authenticating to the local server instance, including the following:

    • --hostname {address}
    • --port {port}
    • --useSSL
    • --useStartTLS
    • --trustStorePath {path}
    • --trustStorePassword {password}
    • --trustStorePasswordFile {path}
    • --bindDN {dn}
    • --bindPassword {password}
    • --bindPasswordFile {path}

    The manage-topology add-server command also allows the following arguments to provide information about a server in the topology to be joined:

    The address of a server in the topology to be joined.
    The port for communication with the remote server.
    --remoteServerConnectionSecurity {noSecurity|useSSL|useStartTLS}
    The type of security to use when communicating with the remote server. This value must be one of useSSL, to indicate that the communication should be encrypted with SSL, useStartTLS, to indicate that the communication should be encrypted with the StartTLS extended operation, or noSecurity to indicate that the communication should not be encrypted.
    The DN of the account to use to authenticate to the remote server.
    The password for the account to use to authenticate to the remote server.
    --remoteServerBindPasswordFile {path}
    The path to a file containing the password for the account to use to authenticate to the remote server.

    Use a command similar to the following to add a PingDirectoryProxy Server to an existing Directory Server topology.

    $ bin/manage-topology add-server \
         --hostname proxy1.example.com \
         --port 636 \
         --useSSL \
         --trustStorePath config/truststore \
         --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
         --bindPasswordFile directory-manager-password.txt \
         --remoteServerHostname ds1.example.com \
         --remoteServerPort 636 \
         --remoteServerConnectionSecurity useSSL \
         --remoteServerBindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
         --remoteServerBindPasswordFile directory-manager-password.txt