• To monitor the memory consumed by your entry cache, use the entry-cache-info property in the periodic stats logger.
    • To retrieve the monitor entry over LDAP, issue a search on baseDN="cn=monitor" using filter="(objectClass=ds-fifo-entry-cache-monitor-entry)".

    By default, the entry cache memory is set to 75% with a maximum of 90%.

    dn: cn=Static Group Entry Cache Monitor,cn=monitor 
    objectClass: top 
    objectClass: ds-monitor-entry 
    objectClass: ds-fifo-entry-cache-monitor-entry 
    objectClass: extensibleObject
    cn: Static Group Entry Cache Monitor 
    cacheName: Static Group Entry Cache 
    entryCacheHits: 6416407 
    entryCacheTries: 43069073 
    entryCacheHitRatio: 14 
    maxEntryCacheSize: 12723879900 
    currentEntryCacheCount: 1 
    maxEntryCacheCount: 175000 
    entriesAddedOrUpdated: 1 
    evictionsDueToMaxMemory: 0 
    evictionsDueToMaxEntries: 0 
    entriesNotAddedAlreadyPresent: 0 
    entriesNotAddedDueToMaxMemory: 0 
    entriesNotAddedDueToFilter: 36652665 
    entriesNotAddedDueToEntrySmallness: 0 
    lowMemoryOccurrences: 0 
    percentFullMaxEntries: 0 
    jvmMemoryMaxPercentThreshold: 75 
    jvmMemoryCurrentPercentFull: 24 
    jvmMemoryBelowMaxMemoryPercent: 51 
    isFull: false
    capacityDetails: NOT FULL: The JVM is using 24% of its available memory. Entries can be 
    added to the cache until the overall JVM memory usage reaches the configured limit of 
    75%. Cache has 174999 remaining entries before reaching the configured limit of 175000.