
Access PingIntelligence Dashboard

Access the PingIntelligence for APIs Dashboard from a browser at this default URL: https://<pi_install_host>:8030.


There are two pre-configured login users in PingIntelligence for APIs Dashboard:

  • admin

  • ping_user

Multiple users can share the admin and ping_user logins simultaneously on PingIntelligence for APIs Dashboard. The admin user has access to all PingIntelligence for APIs Dashboard functions. A ping_user can only view all the API dashboards.


At the login screen, login as admin or ping_user. The default password for both the users is changeme.

You must change the default password for production deployments. However, in a Docker PoC deployment use the default password.

You can change the password using the following CLI command.

# <pi_install_dir>/webgui/bin/ -u admin update_ui_password --username -value <admin or ping_user> --new-password -p
Enter admin password > <current admin password>
Enter new password > <new password>
Reenter new password > <new password>
success: password updated.
A screen capture of the sign-on screen.

If the Dashboard is not accessible, check if the default port (8030) was changed by your system administrator.

PingIntelligence Dashboard is categorized into the following components:

  • Main Dashboard - Available for admin and ping_user

  • APIs - Available only for admin user

  • Discovered APIs - Available only for admin user

  • Attack Management - Available only for admin user

  • License - Available only for admin user

  • Active Sessions - Available only for admin user

  • Settings - Available only for admin user

See PingIntelligence Dashboard for further information on dashboard features, usage, and administration.

Session management

The PingIntelligence Dashboard allows you to configure the maximum number of active sessions. You can set the pi.webgui.session.max-active-sessions parameter in the <pi_install_dir>/webgui/config/ file to limit the maximum number of allowable active sessions. The default value is 50.

Delete active sessions - You can delete active sessions using the following CLI command. The current active users will be prompted to re-login in to the Dashboard.

#  <pi_install_dir>/webgui/bin/ -u  <username>  -p  <password>  delete_sessions

You need to have Admin user privileges to delete active user sessions.