
Obfuscate passwords

Using ABS command line interface, you can obfuscate the keys and passwords configured in The following keys and passwords are obfuscated:

  • mongo_password

  • jks_password

  • email_password

ABS ships with a default abs_master.key which is used to obfuscate the various keys and passwords. It is recommended to generate your own abs_master.key. The default jks_password abs123 is configured in the file. NOTE: During the process of obfuscation of keys and password, ABS must be stopped.

The following diagram summarizes the obfuscation process:


Generate abs_master.key

You can generate the abs_master.key by running the generate_obfkey command in the ABS CLI:

/opt/pingidentity/abs/bin/ generate_obfkey -u admin -p admin

Please take a backup of config/abs_master.key before proceeding.

Warning: Once you create a new obfuscation master key, you should obfuscate all config keys also using -obfuscate_keys

Warning: Obfuscation master key file
/pingidentity/abs/config/abs_master.key already exist. This command will delete it create a new key in the same file

Do you want to proceed [y/n]: y

creating new obfuscation master key
Success: created new obfuscation master key at /pingidentity/abs/config/abs_master.key

The new abs_master.key is used to obfuscate the passwords in file.

In an ABS cluster, the abs_master.key must be manually copied to each of the cluster nodes.

Obfuscate key and passwords

Enter the keys and passwords in clear text in file. Run the obfuscate_keys command to obfuscate keys and passwords:

/opt/pingidentity/abs/bin/ obfuscate_keys -u admin -p admin

Please take a backup of config/abs.password before proceeding

Enter clear text keys and password before obfuscation.

Following keys will be obfuscated

config/ mongo_password, jks_password and email_password
Do you want to proceed [y/n]: y

obfuscating /pingidentity/abs/config/

Success: secret keys in /pingidentity/abs/config/ obfuscated

Start ABS after passwords are obfuscated.

After the keys and passwords are obfuscated, the abs_master.key must be moved to a secure location from ABS.