

Commonly used terms for deployment machines

Following terms are frequently used during automated deployment steps:

  • Management machine - Management host machine or a management machine is the server on which the PingIntelligence for APIs automated deployment script is downloaded and run.

  • Host machine - Server or servers where PingIntelligence for APIs components are installed.


The following prerequisites must be met before proceeding with the installation:

  • Management machine operating system :

    • PingIntelligence for APIs, automated deployment requires RHEL 7.9 operating system on the management machine.

  • Host machine operating system -PingIntelligence for APIs host machine operating system can be RHEL 7.9 or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

    For all the provisioned host machines, make sure the deployment is homogenous with respect to the operating systems and their versions. For example if the host machines are provisioned to run RHEL 7.9 then ensure all of them are running RHEL 7.9. Do not create a setup with a mixture of deployments across host machines.
  • Ansible - The management host machine must have Ansible 2.10.0 installed.

    From version 2.10, Ansible distributes two artifacts:

    • A community package called ansible

    • A minimalist language and runtime called ansible-core (called ansible-base in version 2.10).

    As some required packages are not available in ansible-base, the ansible community package is also required.

    When installing the ansible community version 2.10.0, running the ansible --version command returns the following output:

    ansible --version
    ansible 2.10.17
     config file = None
     configured module search path = ['/home/abhalla/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
     ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
     executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
     python version = 3.6.8 (default, Sep 26 2019, 11:57:09) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)]

    The ansible 2.10.0 community package includes ansible-base 2.10.17.

  • Python - The management host machine must have Python installed. The supported version is Python 3.6.8.

  • User - Automated installation requires a user with password-less authentication for SSH connection to the host machines. User should also have password-less sudo access to all the host machines. Alternatively, you can also set up a user with password by editing the hosts file. For more information on hosts file, see Step 3 - Configure hosts file and download software.

  • firewalld package - All the host machines should have an active firewalld [python 3.6.8] package on both Ubuntu and RHEL machines. If the package is not available, then manually open the ports that are used in the deployment. For more information on ports, see the respective Change default settings topics.

  • If you are deploying the setup on a Ubuntu machine, make sure that the MongoDB host machine has libcurl4-openssl-dev.

  • Ensure that there are no pre-existing Java installations on the host machines. You can use the command, # java -version to verify this. We highly recommend that you uninstall all existing versions of Java from the host machines, before proceeding with the installation of PingIntelligence components.

  • libselinux-python - Each node (management and host) should have the libselinux-python package installed.