
ABS log messages

The following tables list the critical log messages from abs.log and aad.log file. abs.log file is rotated every 24-hours. For more information, see ABS logs.

abs.log mesaages
Log message Description

Warn :-Maximum Transaction limit is reached for this month

This message is logged in abs.log when the transaction limit is reached for the allotted license usage. For more information, see ABS license

Warn :- Attempt to shutdown ABS from

This message is logged in abs.log when shutdown of ABS AI engine is initiated.

Warn :- Failed to delete IPs from IOCs - try again

This message is logged in abs.log when the Attack list REST API encounters an issues while deleting the IP address from the blacklist.

Warn :- Failed to delete tokens from IOCs - try again

This message is logged in abs.log when the Attack list REST API encounters an issues while deleting the OAuth token from the blacklist

Warn :- Failed to delete usernames from IOCs - try again

This message is logged in abs.log when the Attack list REST API encounters an issues while deleting the usernames from the blacklist.

Warn :- Failed to delete api keys from IOCs - try again

This message is logged in abs.log when the Attack list REST API encounters an issues while deleting the API Keys from the blacklist.

Warn :- License is Expired. Please renew your license

This message is logged in abs.log when ABS license has expired. For more inforamtion, see ABS license

Warn :- MongoDB primary node is down

This message is logged in abs.log when a MongoDB connection failure occurs.

Warn :- Stream init-wait interrupted

This message is logged in abs.log when streaming of access log files is interrupted.

Warn :- File system usage reached configured value of: 80 % ABS will not accept new logs from ASE.

This message is logged in abs.log when ABS stops accepting access log files from ASE because of maximum use of filesystem.

Warn :- Error while closing mongo connections

This message is logged in abs.log when shutdown of MongoDB connection was not successful.

Warn :- Error while loading anomaly dictionary from mongo

This message is logged in abs.log when writing of anomalies to data directory fails.

Warn :- Error while closing file handle for stream config

This message is logged in abs.log when an error occurs while closing the streaming configuration file.

Error: exception while parsing license file/opt/pingidentity/abs/config/PingIntelligence.lic

This message is logged in abs.log when an error occurs while reading the license file.

Add the file named “PingIntelligence.lic” to the specified path with read permission and restart the ABS AI engine

Error: License /opt/pingidentity/abs/config/PingIntelligence.lic is invalid. ABS will shut down now.

This message is logged in abs.log when an error is encountered while validating the license file.

Provide a valid license file and restart the ABS AI engine

ABS will shut down now

This message is logged in abs.log when your free ABS license expires.

Attempting to initialize abs, but abs is already in <message>

This message is logged in abs.log when another ABS process is already running.

error while loading <Custom run-time message>

The various custom error messages could be:

  • property <abs_propertie> is missing

  • invalid value for property log_level. Value should be string and member of [ALL,DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,FATAL,OFF]

  • property management_port is missing

  • invalid value for property management_port, value should be integer and ( >=1 && ⇐65535 )

  • invalid value for property jks_password, deobfuscation of password failed. Please make sure you are using the correct config/abs_master.key file

  • invalid value for property jks_password, value should be obfuscated using the 'bin/ -u admin -p <password> obfuscate_keys' command

  • invalid value for property host_ip, value should be string and ipv4 address

  • property enable_emails is missing

  • invalid value for property smtp_host value should be string and should be as per rfc1024 and rfc1123

This message is logged in abs.log when:

  • Error occurs when file is not configured with log_level specifications

  • Error occurs when file is not configured with management_port specifications

error while loading

This message is logged in abs.log when doesn’t contain values for memory and CPU parameters

error while initializing mongodb replica set connections

This message is logged in abs.log when MongoDB initialization fails and cannot access a read or write client for connections.

error while reading enable_ssl key from mongo master

This message is logged in abs.log when MongoDB client tries to fetch the key from MongoDB collections.

error while reading root_api_attack key from mongo master

This message is logged in abs.log when MongoDB client tries to fetch the key from MongoDB collections.

error while reading /config/

This message is logged in abs.log while loading and validating the file. Check whether file exists and its permission.

invalid value for property jks_password, value should be obfuscated using the 'bin/ -u admin -p <password> obfuscate_keys' command

This message is logged in abs.log when an error occurs while deobfuscating the jks_password using the master_key

error while loading auth keys from metadata db in mongo

This message is logged in abs.log when MongoDB is not accessible.

error while loading restricted user auth keys from metadata db in mongo

This message is logged in abs.log when MongoDB is not accessible.

Unable to read <abs_root_dir>/config/abs.jks file

This message is logged in abs.log when abs.jks is not created properly or could not read the file or there is a permission issue.

error while starting management server <runtime exception>

This message is logged in abs.log when there is an issue when ABS starts.

API Behavioral Security stopped

This message is logged in abs.log when ABS is shut down.

MongoDB heartbeat failure

This message is logged in abs.log when ABS is unable to connect to MongoDB primary node.

ABS started successfully

This message is logged in abs.log when ABS starts.