Kubernetes deployment
This document discusses the steps for installing PingIntelligence for APIs in the Kubernetes cluster(AWS EKS).
PingIntelligence ships with Helm-Chart that is packaged with the Docker Toolkit, and can be used to deploy PingIntelligence in a Kubernetes cluster.
PingIntelligence creates the following resources in the Kubernetes cluster:
Seven statefulsets with one container each, for MongoDB, ABS AI engine, ASE, APIPublish, PingIntelligence Dashboard, Apache Zookeeper and Kafka.
Seven external services (LoadBalancer type), one each for MongoDB, ABS AI engine, ASE, APIPublish, Zookeeper and Kafka.(Configurable to expose)
Each component has an external service of type LoadBalancer, that can be exposed by setting the flag in
(expose_external_service: false
). By default, this value is true for ASE. The dashboard will always be exposed since it must be accessible externally. -
Six internal services (clusterIP type), one each for MongoDB, ABS AI engine, ASE, APIPublish, Zookeeper and Kafka.
PingIntelligence Kubernetes supports RHEL 7.9. NOTE: This deployment of PingIntelligence on a Kubernetes cluster node is suitable for AWS EKS.
The Kubernetes cluster can be configured on the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). This section describes installing PingIntelligence on a Kubernetes cluster node using Amazon EKS.
Deploying PingIntelligence using Amazon EKS
About this task
This section discusses installing PingIntelligence on Kubernetes cluster node using Amazon EKS.To deploy PingIntelligence:
Create an Amazon EKS cluster on a RHEL or host. You can use either
or AWS CLI for creating the Kubernetes cluster. Refer to the following links, for creating and managing the Kubernetes cluster using Amazon EKS. -
Follow the steps in Deploying PingIntelligence in Kubernetes cluster, and deploy PingIntelligence on the Kubernetes cluster created in step 1.
Deploying PingIntelligence in Kubernetes cluster
About this task
The Helm-Chart to deploy PingIntelligence in Kubernetes is shipped inside the Docker Toolkit.
Complete the following steps to deploy PingIntelligence in a Kubernetes cluster:
Download PingIntelligence Docker toolkit from the download site.
Untar the docker toolkit by entering the following command.
tar -zxf <PingIntelligence Docker toolkit>
Directory structure:
pingidentity/ |-- docker-toolkit `-- helm-chart
Directory Structure for Helm-Chart:
helm-chart/ `-- pi4api |-- Chart.yaml |-- templates | |-- abs_deployment.yaml | |-- abs_external_service.yaml | |-- abs_internal_service.yaml | |-- apipublish_deployment.yaml | |-- apipublish_external_service.yaml | |-- apipublish_internal_service.yaml | |-- ase_deployment.yaml | |-- ase_external_service.yaml | |-- ase_internal_service.yaml | |-- dashboard_deployment.yaml | |-- dashboard_external_service.yaml | |-- _helpers.tpl | |-- kafka_deployment.yaml | |-- kafka_external_service.yaml | |-- kafka_internal_service.yaml | |-- license_configmap.yaml | |-- mongo_deployment.yaml | |-- mongo_external_service.yaml | |-- mongo_internal_service.yaml | |-- namespace.yaml | |-- service_account.yaml | |-- zookeeper_deployment.yaml | |-- zookeeper_external_service.yaml | `-- zookeeper_internal_service.yaml |-- values.yaml `-- version.txt
Folder contains all PingIntelligence resources to deploy on Kubernetes
PingIntelligence chart details
PingIntelligence deployable resources yamls
PingIntelligence configuration example file
Build the PingIntelligence docker images by completing the steps mentioned in PingIntelligence Docker toolkit topic.
Create a custom
file with all the configurations for PingIntelligence.The
packed with Helm-Chart is for example purposes and with default values. Override the values in a customvalues.yaml
, or change the values in the default yaml. -
Provide the license for PingIntelligence in
(prerequisite).#License required for ABS and ASE license : | ID= Organization= Product= Version= IssueDate= EnforcementType= ExpirationDate= MaxTransactionsPerMonth= Tier= SignCode= Signature=
Install PingIntelligence Helm-Chart:
Helm-Chart creates Kubernetes secrets to store data of the released version in the namespace. The user can decide where to store them, in the default namespace in which PingIntelligence is being deployed.)
There are two options:
Creating the namespace through Helm-Chart:
. -
Install by running the following command:
helm install -f values.yaml pi4api ~/pingidentity/helm-chart/pi4api
This will create the namespace at deployment time, and the Helm-Chart release secret will be stored in default namespace.
Creating the namespace before installation::
Create a namespace:
kubectl create namespace pingidentity
Install by running the following command:
helm install -f values.yaml pi4api ~/pingidentity/helm-chart/pi4api
In this case, Helm-Chart will create a release secret that will be stored in the namespace where PingIntelligence gets deployed.
Currently, PingIntelligence supports only image and license upgrades in Helm-Chart:
helm upgrade -f values.yaml pi4api ~/pingidentity/helm-chart/pi4api -n <namespace>
Currently PingIntelligence Helm-Chart supports a single node Kafka, Zookeeper, API Publish and Mongo installation.
Default values.yaml example:
# Default values for pi4api kubernetes setup. # This template is for example puprose # Override these values in custom values.yaml # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. deployment : Namespace creation if required create_namespace: false #Namespace to deploy PI4API namespace : pingidentity run_user : 10001 fsgroup_user : 101 #Timzeone in which PI4API can be deployed. timezone : "utc" #Update Stratergy for pods. updateStrategy: RollingUpdate #License required for ABS and ASE license : | ID= Organization= Product= Version= IssueDate= EnforcementType= ExpirationDate= MaxTransactionsPerMonth= Tier= SignCode= Signature= #This is required to configure max_map_count in node running dashboard, if set manually you can make enabled as false. dashboard_init: enabled: true repository: "busybox" tag: "latest" pullPolicy: "Always" #ABS configuration abs : image : pingidentity/abs:5.1 terminationGracePeriodSeconds : 60 replicas : 1 #Port for ABS port : 8080 health_api_path: /abs/health #ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES environment_variables : # Access keys and secret keys to access ABS abs_access_key : "abs_ak" abs_secret_key : "abs_sk" abs_access_key_ru : "abs_ak_ru" abs_secret_key_ru : "abs_sk_ru" #Mongo url is passed here, you can configura external mongo url . mongo_rs: "mongodb://mongo-0.mongo-internal-service:27017" # Communication between mongo and ABS mongo_ssl : "true" # Mongo DB Server Certificate Verification # Set to true if Mongo DB instance is configured in SSL mode and you want to do the server certificate verification # By default ABS will not verify the MongoDB server certificate mongo_certificate : "false" # Mongo DB User and password mongo_username : "absuser" mongo_password : "abs123" # Duration of initial training period (units in hours) # This value will be set in the mongo nodes attack_initial_training : "24" attack_update_interval : "24" api_discovery_initial_period : "1" api_discovery_update_interval : "1" api_discovery : "true" api_discovery_subpath : "1" poc_mode: "true" # Give the host:port combination of mutiple kafka server in comma seperated. kafka_server: kafka:9093 kafka_min_insync_replica: 1 #Users in Kafka for abs abs_consumer_user: abs_consumer abs_producer_user: abs_producer abs_consumer_group: pi4api.abs # Kafka Consumer Producer Password abs_consumer_password: changeme abs_producer_password: changeme #topics to be created in kafka transaction_topic: pi4api.queuing.transactions attack_topic: pi4api.queuing.ioas anomalies_topic: pi4api.queuing.anomalies topic_partition: 1 replication_factor: 1 retention_period: "172800000" attack_list_count: 100000 # Memory for webserver and streaming server (unit is in MB) system_memory: 4096 # CLI admin password abs_cli_admin_password: admin # Configure Email Alert. Set enable_emails to true to configure # email settings for ABS enable_emails: false smtp_host: smtp.example.com smtp_port: 587 smtp_ssl: true smtp_cert_verification: false sender_email: sender@example.com sender_email_password: changeme receiver_email: receiver@example.com pvc : volume_home_mount_path: /opt/pingidentity accessModes: ReadWriteOnce abs_data : pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 100Gi abs_logs: pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 10Gi resources: limits: cpu: "6" memory: 22G requests: cpu: "3" memory: 16G external_service : expose_external_service: false type : "LoadBalancer" port : 8080 #API Publish deployment Configuration apipublish : image : pingidentity/apipublish:5.1 replicas : 1 #ports for the PingIntelligence API Publish Service port : 8050 health_api_path: /apipublish/health environment_variables : # MongoDB Database names, Mongo url are picked from abs they are same database_name: abs_data meta_database: abs_metadata resources: limits: cpu: "1" memory: 4G requests: cpu: "1" memory: 3G external_service : expose_external_service: false type : "LoadBalancer" port: 8050 #Mongo deployment Configuration mongo : # Flag to install mongo pod as part of setup, currently mongo cluster in not supported , for using external mongo set it to false and put mongo url in abs mongo_rs. install_mongo : true image : pingidentity/mongo:4.2.0 replicas: 1 port: 27017 environment_variables : mongo_username : "absuser" mongo_password : "abs123" wired_tiger_cache_size_gb : "3" mongo_ssl : "true" pvc : volume_home_mount_path: /opt/pingidentity accessModes: ReadWriteOnce mongo_data : pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 50Gi mongo_logs : pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 50Gi resources: limits: cpu: "4" memory: 6G requests: cpu: "1" memory: 4G service : type: "ClusterIP" external_service : expose_external_service: false type : "LoadBalancer" port: 27017 #Dashboard Deployment Configuration dashboard : image : pingidentity/dashboard:5.1 replicas: 1 webgui_port: 8030 dataengine_port : 8040 terminationGracePeriodSeconds : 60 dataengine_health_api_path: /status environment_variables : #ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES enable_syslog : "false" syslog_host : "" syslog_port : "514" enable_attack_log_to_stdout : "true" ase_access_key : "admin" webgui_admin_password : "changeme" # User with permission set similar to "elastic" user, set user if using external elastic search elastic_username: "elastic" # Passwords for "elasticsearch","ping_user" and "ping_admin" users # dataengine will be accessible for these accounts # Please set strong passwords # If enable_xpack is set to false, below passwords are ignored elastic_password: "changeme" # Configuration distribution type of elasticsearch. Allowed values are default or aws distro_type : "default" # external elastic search url if not using internal elastic search elasticsearch_url: "" #Users and passord in Kafka for dataengine de_consumer_password : "changeme" de_consumer_user: "pi4api_de_user" de_consumer_group: "pi4api.data-engine" # allowed values: native, sso. # In native mode, webgui users are self managed and stored in webgui. # In sso mode, webgui users are managed and stored in an Identity provider. authentication_mode: native # Maximum duration of a session. # Value should be in the form of <number><duration_suffix> # Duration should be > 0. # Allowed duration_suffix values: m for minutes, h for hours, d for days. session_max_age: 6h # Number of active UI sessions at any time. # Value should be greater than 1. max_active_sessions: 50 # webgui "ping_user" account password webgui_ping_user_password: "changeme" Below sso configuration properties are applicable in sso authentication_mode only. # Client ID value in Identity provider. sso_oidc_client_id: pingintelligence # Client Secret of the above Client ID. sso_oidc_client_secret: changeme # OIDC Client authentication mode. # Valid values: BASIC, POST, or NONE sso_oidc_client_authentication_method: BASIC # OIDC Provider uri # WebGUI queries <issuer-uri>/.well-known/openid-configuration to get OIDC provider metadata # issuer ssl certificate is not trusted by default. So import issuer ssl certificate into config/webgui.jks # issuer should be reachable from both back-end and front-end sso_oidc_provider_issuer_uri: # Place the sso provider issuer-certificate in the following path => <installation_path>/pingidentity/certs/webgui/ # Name of the file should be => webgui-sso-oidc-provider.crt # claim name for unique id of the user in UserInfo response # a new user is provisioned using this unique id value sso_oidc_provider_user_uniqueid_claim_name: sub # claim name for first name of the user in UserInfo response # either first name or last name can be empty, but both should not be empty sso_oidc_provider_user_first_name_claim_name: given_name # claim name for last name of the user in UserInfo response # either first name or last name can be empty, but both should not be empty sso_oidc_provider_user_last_name_claim_name: family_name # claim name for role of the user in UserInfo response sso_oidc_provider_user_role_claim_name: role # additional scopes in authorization request # multiple scopes should be comma (,) separated # openid,profile scopes are always requested sso_oidc_client_additional_scopes: End of sso configuration # ssl key store password of webgui hosts server_ssl_key_store_password: "changeme" server_ssl_key_alias: webgui # local h2 db datasource properties h2_db_password: changeme h2_db_encryption_password: changeme # allowed values: abs/pingaccess/axway discovery_source: abs # allowed values: auto/manual discovery_mode: auto # value is in minutes discovery_mode_auto_polling_interval: 10 discovery_mode_auto_delete_non_discovered_apis: false # valid only if discovery_source is set to pingaccess pingaccess_url: pingaccess_username: Administrator pingaccess_password: # valid only if discovery_source is set to axway axway_url: axway_username: apiadmin axway_password: pvc : volume_home_mount_path: /opt/pingidentity accessModes: ReadWriteOnce elasticsearch_data : pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 50Gi webgui_data : pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 50Gi resources: limits: cpu: "6" memory: 16G requests: cpu: "2" memory: 6G external_service : type : "LoadBalancer" https_Port : 443 #ASE Deployment Configuration ase : image : pingidentity/ase:5.1 # Define ports for the PingIntelligence API Security Enforcer http_ws_port: 8000 https_wss_port: 8443 management_port: 8010 cluster_manager_port: 8020 replicas : 1 terminationGracePeriodSeconds : 60 environment_variables : # Deployment mode for ASE. Valid values are inline or sideband mode : "inline" enable_cluster : "false" enable_abs : "true" # Password for ASE keystore keystore_password: asekeystore # enable keepalive for ASE in sideband mode enable_sideband_keepalive : "false" enable_ase_health : "false" ## Set this value to true, to allow API Security Enforcer to fetch attack list from ABS. enable_abs_attack : "true" # Set this value to true, to allow API Security Enforcer to fetch published API list from ABS enable_abs_publish : "false" #This value determines how often API Security Enforcer will get published API list from ABS. abs_publish_request_minutes : 10 # enable strict parsing checks for client requests # If enabled, ASE will block request with invalid header start # If disabled, it will allow requests enable_strict_request_parser : "true" # cluster_secret_key for ASE cluster cluster_secret_key: yourclusterkey # CLI admin password ase_secret_key: admin pvc : volume_home_mount_path: /opt/pingidentity accessModes: ReadWriteOnce ase_data : pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 10Gi ase_logs: pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 100Gi ase_config: pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 1Gi resources: limits: cpu: "4" memory: 8G requests: cpu: "1" memory: 4G external_service : expose_external_service: true type : "LoadBalancer" http_Port : 8000 https_Port : 8443 #Kafka Deployment Configuration kafka : # Flag to install kafka and zookeeper pod as part of setup,for using external kafka set it to false and put kafka url in abs kafka_server. install_kafka : true image : pingidentity/kafka:5.1 replicas : 1 # Define ports for the Kafka sasl_port : 9093 ssl_port: 9092 environment_variables : #Zookeeper Service host:port. zookeeper_url: zookeeper:2182 #Enable delete topic delete_topic: true resources: limits: cpu: "2" memory: 8G requests: cpu: "1" memory: 4G pvc : volume_home_mount_path: /opt/pingidentity accessModes: ReadWriteOnce data_volume : pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 10Gi log_volume: pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 1Gi external_service : expose_external_service: false type : "LoadBalancer" sasl_port : 9093 ssl_port: 9092 #Zookeeper Deployment Configuration zookeeper : image : pingidentity/zookeeper:5.1 replicas: 1 # Define ports for the Zookeeper port : 2181 ssl_port: 2182 resources: limits: cpu: "2" memory: 8G requests: cpu: "1" memory: 4G pvc : volume_home_mount_path: /opt/pingidentity accessModes: ReadWriteOnce data_volume : pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 10Gi data_log_volume : pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 100Gi log_volume: pvc_type: gp2 pvc_size: 1Gi external_service : expose_external_service: false type : "LoadBalancer" ssl_port: 2182
Next steps
Verify that the deployment is successful by entering the following command.
kubectl get pods -n pingidentity NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE abs-0 1/1 Running 0 3d apipublish-0 1/1 Running 1 3d ase-0 1/1 Running 0 3d dashboard-0 1/1 Running 0 3d kafka-0 1/1 Running 0 3d mongo-0 1/1 Running 0 3d zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 0 3d
Fetch the IP addresses of ASE, ABS, and Dashboard by entering the following command.
kubectl get svc -n pingidentity NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE abs-internal-service ClusterIP None <none> 8080/TCP 3d apipublish-internal-service ClusterIP None <none> 8050/TCP 3d ase-external-service LoadBalancer a0f15298c7d7d42f183605d73258ebb1-2044570848.ap-northeast-2.elb.amazonaws.com 8000:30180/TCP,8443:31961/TCP 3d ase-internal-service ClusterIP None <none> 8020/TCP,8010/TCP 3d dashboard-external-service LoadBalancer aa08fa369b08a4ed997a9371faf4418c-349939151.ap-northeast-2.elb.amazonaws.com 443:32068/TCP 3d kafka ClusterIP <none> 9092/TCP,9093/TCP 3d mongo-internal-service ClusterIP None <none> 27017/TCP 3d zookeeper ClusterIP <none> 2182/TCP,2181/TCP 3d
If you are deploying in the sideband mode, take the NodePort IP address of ASE to use in API gateway integration.