
Install PingIntelligence as a systemd service

You can install the various PingIntelligence components as a systemd service. Installing as a service, the various components are started automatically when the host system restarts. You require sudo access to install PingIntelligence components as a service. Complete the following steps only if the automated deployment did not install PingIntelligence components as a service. Run the following command on the host machine for which you want to verify that is service is installed or not:

# systemctl status <service-name>

For example, to check ASE service, enter the following command on ASE host machine:

systemctl status pi-ase.service
● ase.service - ASE
  Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ase.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
  Active: active (running) since Sun 2019-11-03 23:01:19 MST; 23h ago
Nov 03 23:01:19 T5-06 systemd[1]: Started ASE.

Prerequisite for installing PingIntelligence service:

  • Verify that PingIntelligence services are not running. Use the following service names to verify the status of each component:

    • ASE: pi-ase.service

    • ABS: pi-abs.service

    • MongoDB: pi-mongodb.service

    • Dashboard: pi-dashboard.service

    • Web GUI: pi-webgui.service

    • Elasticsearch: pi-elasticsearch.service

    • Kafka: pi-kafka.service

    • Zookeeper: pi-zookeeper.service

    • API Publish: pi-apipublish.service

  • Stop the component for which you want to install the service.

Steps: Complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure that the component for which you want to install the service is stopped.

  2. Log in to the host machine for which you want to install the service. For example, if you want to install ASE as a service, log in to the ASE host machine.

  3. Navigate to the util directory. Enter the following command as a root user to install PingIntelligence as a service:

    #sudo ./ <component_name> <ansible_user_name>

    For example, on ASE host machine:

    #sudo ./ pi-ase pi-user

    Install service for each component in a similar way on the respective host machine.

Order of restarting PingIntelligence components: Edit the service files to make sure that PingIntelligence components in the following order. Use the Required option to set the order of starting of service. For more information, see Creating and modifying systemd unit files:

  1. MongoDB

  2. Kafka

  3. ABS

  4. ASE

  5. API Publish

  6. Elasticsearch

  7. Dashboard

  8. Web GUI