
Secure PingIntelligence ASE APIs

The primary and secondary ASE APIs, added in Akana API Gateway, should be secured from unauthorized access of external clients. To ensure this, secure the ASE APIs using theAPI Consumer Application Security operational policy. The policy allows control on the clients attempting to access the ASE APIs. Add the policy to both primary and secondary ASEs in the Akana gateway.

Complete the following steps to add API Consumer Application Security operational policy to ASE APIs
  1. Sign on to Akana Policy Manager, navigate to the Tenant and select the ASE API.

  2. Click to expand and select Policies. Click Operational Policies and then click Add Policy on the bottom-right.


  3. In theAdd Policy Wizard, select API Consumer Application Security Policy from Add Policy. Enter a Policy Name, click Next and then click Finish to save the policy.



  4. The policy appears underPolicies in ASE API. Click the policy. ClickModify in API Consumer Application Security Policy section.


  5. Click Apply on the next screen without making any changes.


  6. Next click Activate Policy.


  7. Select the ASE API and click Manage in Policy Attachments section.


  8. Click Attach on the next page, to attach the policy to ASE API.


  9. In the Attach Organization Policies window, select the policy added from Policies window, and select the <Policy Name> checkbox in front of it. Click Apply.


  10. Click Close.

  11. Repeat steps 1-10, and add the policy to secondary ASE API.