
Start and Stop ABS

Start ABS

To start ABS, run the script located in the /opt/pingidentity/abs/bin directory. Change working directory to /opt/pingidentity/abs/bin. Then start ABS by typing the following command. To start ABS, you need to accept EULA. You can accept EULA in two ways:

  • Scroll through the text on screen and enter yes to accept EULA, or

  • Use the --acceptLicense option with as shown in the screen output below. By using this option, you do not have to scroll through the EULA.

Once the EULA is accepted, ABS creates a license.accepted file in the /opt/pingidentity/abs/config directory. On subsequent start of ABS, it checks for

$ /opt/pingidentity/abs/bin/ --acceptLicense
End-User License Agreement accepted
Starting API Behavioral Security Version 4.1...
please see /opt/pingidentity/abs/logs/abs/abs.log for more details

To verify whether ABS has started, change the working directory to data directory and look for two .pid files, and Check the newly added ABS node is connecting to MongoDB and has a heartbeat.

> use abs_metadata
switched to db abs_metadata
> db.abs_cluster_info.find().pretty()
 "_id" : ObjectId("58d0c633d78b0f6a26c056ed"),
 "cluster_id" : "c1",
 "nodes" : [
 "os" : "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.1 (Maipo)",
 "last_updated_at" : "1490088336493",
 "management_port" : "8080",
 "log_port" : "9090",
 "cpu" : "24",
 "start_time" : "1490077235426",
 "log_ip" : "",
 "uuid" : "8a0e4d4b-3a8f-4df1-bd6d-3aec9b9c25c1",
 "dashboard_node" : false,
 "memory" : "62G",
 "filesystem" : "28%"
 } ] }

Stop ABS

To stop ABS, first stop API Security Enforcer (if it is running) or turn OFF the ABS flag in API Security Enforcer. If no machine learning jobs are processing, run the script available in the bin directory.

# /opt/pingidentity/abs/bin/
checking API Behavioral Security status
sending shutdown signal to ABS, please wait...
API Behavioral Security stopped

If streaming or machines learning jobs are in progress, add the force parameter to kill running jobs and stop ABS.

# /opt/pingidentity/abs/bin/ --force
checking API Behavioral Security status
sending shutdown signal to ABS, please wait...
API Behavioral Security stopped

Ensure that you stop ABS before performing any of the following tasks:

  • When deleting the ABS directory.

  • When deleting the data or metadata DB.

  • When changing the user permissions.

Omitting to do so will result in excessive logs in the Mongo DB node.