
Start and stop Dashboard

You can choose to start and stop all the components together or individually.

It is recommended to start and stop components together using the following command:

# cd  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/webgui
# ./bin/

starting elasticsearch...
warning: usage of JAVA_HOME is deprecated, use ES_JAVA_HOME
warning: usage of JAVA_HOME is deprecated, use ES_JAVA_HOME
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
elasticsearch started
starting data-engine
Data Engine configured for UTC timezone.
PingIntelligence Data Engine 5.1 starting...
data-engine started
starting webgui
WebGUI configured for UTC timezone.
WebGUI 5.1 starting...
please see  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/webgui/logs/admin/admin.log for more details
success: all ui components started

To stop all the components of PingIntelligence Dashboard together, enter the following command:

# cd  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/webgui
# ./bin/

WebGUI 5.1
WebGUI is stopped.
PingIntelligence Data Engine 5.1
PingIntelligence Data Engine is stopped.
elasticsearch stopped
success: all ui components stopped

Start PingIntelligence Dashboard components individually

Start the components in the following order:

  1. Start Elasticsearch: Enter the following command to start Elasticsearch:

    # cd  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/elasticsearch
    # ./bin/elasticsearch -d -p logs/

    If Elasticsearch is running as a service, use the following command:

    # sudo systemctl start pi-elasticsearch.service
  2. Start Dashboard: Enter the following command to start Dashboard:

    # cd  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/webgui
    # ./bin/
    WebGUI configured for UTC timezone.
    WebGUI 5.1 starting...
    please see  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/webgui/logs/admin/admin.log for more details

    If Dashboard is running as a service, use the following command:

    # sudo systemctl start pi-dashboard.service
  3. Start Web GUI: Enter the following command to start Web GUI:

    # cd  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/webgui
    # ./bin/

    If Web GUI is running as a service, use the following command:

    # sudo systemctl start pi-webgui.service

Stop PingIntelligence Dashboard components individually

Stop the components in the following order:

  1. Stop Web GUI: Enter the following command to stop Web GUI:

    # cd  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/webgui
    # ./bin/

    If Web GUI is running as a service, use the following command:

    # sudo systemctl stop pi-webgui.service
  2. Stop Dashboard : Stop the dashboard engine by entering the following command:

    # cd  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/webgui
    # ./bin/
    WebGUI 5.1
    WebGUI is stopped.

    If Dashboard is running as a service, use the following command:

    # sudo systemctl stop pi-dashboard.service
  3. Stop Elasticsearch: Stop Elasticsearch by entering the following command:

    # cd  <pi_install_dir>/pingidentity/elasticsearch
    # kill -15 "$(<logs/"

    If Elasticsearch is running as a service, use the following command:

    # sudo systemctl stop pi-elasticsearch.service