
View ASE REST APIs in Postman

To view the reports, complete the following steps:

  1. Download ASE_4.3_Inline or ASE_4.3_Sideband and ASE_4.3_Environment JSON files from Ping Identity Download site. These configuration files will be used by Postman.

  2. Download and install the Postman application 6.2.5 or higher.

  3. In Postman, import the two Ping Identity files downloaded in step 1 by clicking the Import button.


  4. After importing the files, click the gear button in the upper right corner.

  5. In the MANAGE ENVIRONMENTS pop-up window, click ASE_4.3_Environment


  6. In the pop-up window, configure the following values and then click Update

    • ASE_IP: IP address of the ASE node.

    • Port: Port number of the ASE node.

    • Access_Key_Header and Secret_Key_Header: Use the default values.

    • Access_Key and Secret_Key: Use admin for access key and secret key. If you have changed the admin password, use the updated one.

    • API_Name: The name of the API which you want to administer.

      Do not edit any fields that start with the word System.


  7. In the main Postman window, select the report to display on the left column and then click Send.