
AuthenticID Connector

The AuthenticID connector lets you use AuthenticID for identity verification in your PingOne DaVinci flow.

The connector supports the AuthenticID CFAir and CFWeb services.

For CFAir, the connector can upload a previously-captured identity document and selfie images to AuthenticID.

For CFWeb, the connector allows you to direct users to a unique verification URL where they will submit their driver license or passport along with a selfie photo. After AuthenticID verifies the user’s identity, it sends the results to DaVinci where you can branch your flow accordingly.

To make sure a camera is available to scan the documents and take photos, the user typically completes the verification process on a mobile device, either in a web browser or using a mobile app:

  • Mobile web browser

    With this approach, the connector generates a unique verification URL and lets you provide it to the user in a few ways:

    • The connector makes the URL available as a variable in your flow.

      In the Using the connector in a flow section below, we use this URL to show a QR code in the web browser, which makes it easy to open the link on the mobile device.

    • The connector sends the URL directly to the customer as an SMS message.

    • The connector sends the URL directly to the customer as an email message.

  • Mobile app

    • The connector starts the verification process directly in an Android or iOS app that you built using the AuthenticID mobile SDK.



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need:

  • Your AuthenticID application programming interface (API) access credentials (provided by an AuthenticID representative)

  • Your SMTP email server credentials, if you want to send verification URLs by email

  • A Twilio account, if you want to send verification URLs by SMS

Configuring the AuthenticID connector

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration

To get the following information, speak to an AuthenticID representative.

Base URL

The API URL provided by AuthenticID. Change this URL to target the AuthenticID sandbox or production environment.


The REST API URL provided by AuthenticID. Change this URL to target the AuthenticID sandbox or production environment.

Account Access Key

The account access key provided to you by AuthenticID.

Secret Token

The secret token provided to you by AuthenticID.

Client Certificate

The client certificate provided to you by AuthenticID.

Client Key

The client key provided to you by AuthenticID.

Certificate Passphrase

The certificate passphrase, if AuthenticID provided you with one.

iOS SDK License Key

The iOS SDK license key provided to you by AuthenticID. This is only required if you built an iOS app with the AuthenticID mobile SDK.

Android SDK License Key

The Android SDK license key provided to you by AuthenticID. This is only required if you built an Android app with the AuthenticID mobile SDK.

Using the connector in a flow

Verifying identities with CFAir

A screen capture of the complete CFAir flow.

If you’re satisfied with your existing document and selfie image capture experience, this flow shows how you can send the resulting images to AuthenticID for identity verification.

Both capabilities allow you to associate the images with an existing AuthenticID transaction ID to build a profile.

Verifying identities with CFWeb

A screen capture of the complete flow.

In this flow, you use AuthenticID to generate a unique verification URL and show it as a QR code in the user’s web browser. When the user opens the QR code link with their mobile device, they’re guided through the process of taking photos of their identification card (either a driver license or passport), then instructed to take a selfie photo. After the documents and photos are accepted, the flow continues where it started in the web browser.

This flow uses the AuthenticID connector to create a "challenge". This lets you pause the main flow on the QR code while a secondary flow continues the verification process. When the verification process is complete, you use a Challenge connector to trigger the main flow to continue. To learn more about this technique, see the Challenge connector.

  1. Download the AuthenticID Identity verification with CFWeb flow template. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

  2. (Optional) Customize the document verification QR code prompt:

    A screen capture of the default document verification prompt.
    1. Select the Custom HTML Template node in the Wait for the user to complete verification section.

    2. In the HTML Template field, customize the HTML.

    3. Click Apply.

  3. (Optional) Customize the result page:

    A screen capture of the default result page.
    1. Select the Custom HTML Message node in the Show the verification result section.

    2. In the Message field, customize the message.

    3. Click Apply.

      The flow template shows the user the result of the verification process. In a product environment, this is where you should redirect the user to their account page, another step in the registration process, or similar.

  4. Test the flow by clicking Save, Deploy, and Try Flow.


Verify ID with CFWeb

Verify the authenticity of an identity document with the AuthenticID hosted solution, CFWeb.

Show details


channel dropDown
Phone Number textField

Phone number to which the link is to be sent for ID Verification. (Required if channel is PHONE)

Email textField

Email address to which the link is to be sent for ID Verification. (Required if channel is EMAIL)

Mail Host textField

Contains the email server hostname.

Mail Port textField

Contains the email server port number.

Mail Username textField

Contains the email server login username.

Mail Password textField

Contains the email server login password.

Mail SMTP Auth toggleSwitch

If true, attempt to authenticate the user using the AUTH command. Defaults to false.

Mail SMTP Start TLS Enable toggleSwitch

If true, enables the use of the STARTTLS command.

Email Subject textField

Contains the subject line of the email sent to the customer. Please make sure no new lines characters are in this string.

Email Content textField

This variable provides the email content that will be sent to your customer. Use '%URL%' in your content template as a placeholder for the verification link. Please make sure no new lines characters are in this string.

Email From textField

Contains the email from which the verification email will be sent to the customer.

Twilio Account String Identifier (SID) textField

Contains Twilio account accountSid.

Twilio Authorization Token textField

Contains Twilio account authToken.

Twilio From Number textField

Contains the phone number from which the SMS will be sent.

Twilio SMS Content textField

Contains the structure of the SMS message to be sent to the customer. Use '%URL%' in your message as a placeholder for the verification link. Please make sure no new lines characters are in this string.

channelResponse dropDownMultiSelect
Request Expiry Time in Minutes textField

This value dictates the expiry time of the verify request’s token. Default: 4320

Transaction Expiry Time in Minutes textField

This value dictates the expiry time of the transaction. Default: 60

Transaction Attempts textField

This value specifies the number of transaction a user can attempt before the request is marked as failures. Default: 4

Front Capture Attempt textField

This value specifies the number of front capture attempts the user is allowed to use to capture a good image, after this threshold the last image is used. Default: 4

Back Capture Attempt textField

This value specifies the number of back capture attempts the user is allowed to use to capture a good image, after this threshold the last image is used. Default: 4

Selfie Capture Attempt textField

This value specifies the number of selfies capture attempts the user can use to capture a good image, after this threshold the last image is used. Default: 4

Enable Selfie Capture toggleSwitch

Setting this value to true lets the application request for a near selfie to be captured. Default: true

Enable Far Selfie toggleSwitch

Setting this value to true lets the application request for a far selfie to be captured. Default: true

Focus Front textField

Specifies the front images focus threshold, any image which does not have a focus value greater than this value will be rejected by the application. Default: 30

Focus Back textField

Specifies the back images focus threshold, any image which does not have a focus value greater than this value will be rejected by the application. Default: 30

Glare Front textField

Specifies the front images glare threshold, any image which does not have a glare value less than this value will be rejected by the application. Default: 2.5

Glare Back textField

Specifies the front images glare threshold, any image which does not have a glare value less than this value will be rejected by the application. Default: 2.5

Review Screen Front toggleSwitch

If this flag is set to true, Front review screen is shown once front image is captured. Default: true

Review Screen Back toggleSwitch

If this flag is set to true, Back review screen is shown once back image is captured. Default: true

Logo (Base64 image) textField

This value is used to show the logo at the welcome screen. The value in this field should be Base64 encoded image file.

Home Screen (Base64 image) textField

This value is used to show the background image in the welcome and consent screen. The value in this field should be a Base64 encoded image file.

frontCaptureMode dropDown
Front Overlay Text Manual textField

This message is shown on top of the front capture screen when the frontCaptureMode is set to Manual


Align ID and tap <br/> to capture.
Front Overlay Text Auto textField

This message is shown on top of the front capture screen when the frontCaptureMode is set to Auto


Align ID within box and capture
Front Overlay Color textField

This value is used to color the text shown on the front capture screen. The value should be in CSS3 Hex format.

Front Enable Face Detection toggleSwitch

This flag specifies if the face detection should be enabled when the front image is captured.

Front Set Manual Timeout in Seconds textField

This value specifies after how many seconds to pass before the capture mode is switched from Auto to Manual

backCaptureMode dropDown
Back Overlay Text Manual textField

This message is shown on top of the back capture screen when the backCaptureMode is set to Manual


Align ID and tap <br/> to capture.
Back Overlay Text Auto textField

This message is shown on top of the back capture screen when the backCaptureMode is set to Auto


Align ID within box and capture
Back Overlay Color textField

This value is used to color the text shown on the back capture screen. The value should be in CSS3 Hex format.

Back is Barcode Detected toggleSwitch

This flag specifies if the face detection should be enabled when the back image is captured.

Back Set Manual Timeout in Seconds textField

This value specifies after how many seconds to pass before the capture mode is switched from Auto to Manual

selfieCaptureMode dropDown
Selfie Use Back Camera textField

This value specifies if the back camera should be used instead of the front facing camera

Selfie Overlay Text Manual textField

This message is shown on top of the selfie capture screen when the selfieCaptureMode is set to Manual


Align face and tap button</br> to capture.
Selfie Overlay Text Auto textField

This message is shown on top of the selfie capture screen when the selfieCaptureMode is set to Auto


Align face and capture
Selfie Overlay Color textField

This value is used to color the text shown on the selfie capture screen. The value should be in CSS3 Hex format.

Selfie Enable Face Detection toggleSwitch

This flag specifies if the face detection should be enabled when the selfie image is captured.

Selfie Orientation Error Text textField

This value is used when the mobile device is oriented incorrectly when selfie is being captured. The correct orientation is Portrait.

Selfie Set Manual Timeout in Seconds textField

This value specifies after how many seconds to pass before the capture mode is switched from Auto to Manual

Custom Color textField

This value is used to color all the buttons in the application. The value should in CSS3 Hex format.

Retry Count textField

Number of retries

Enable Location Detection toggleSwitch

This value specifies if GPS location should be captured and embedded in the front and back image.

Show Consent toggleSwitch

If this value is set to true then the consent screen will be shown.

Call Post Back Securely toggleSwitch

If this value is set to true then the results will be returned to the customer using a secure postback call. The postback URL should be passed in the verify request.

Transaction Expired Message textArea

Message to display when the transaction has expired


Your verification request has expired. Please contact support to start a new verification request.
Redirect URL textField

This is the url where the Digital Mobile Application will be redirected once the identity verification is completed

authenticIdDocumentType dropDown
Account Code textField

Your AuthenticID account code.

Input Schema

default object
baseUrl string required
clientCertificate string required
clientKey string required
passphrase string
channel string required
phone string
email string
channelResponse array
items array
type string
requestExpiryTimeInMin string
transactionExpiryTimeInMin string
transactionAttempts string
frontCaptureAttempt string
backCaptureAttempt string
selfieCaptureAttempt string
enableSelfieCapture boolean
enableFarSelfie boolean
focusFront string
focusBack string
glareFront string
glareBack string
reviewScreenFront boolean
reviewScreenBack boolean
logo string
homeScreen string
frontCaptureMode string
frontOverlayTextManual string
frontOverlayTextAuto string
frontOverlayColor string
frontEnableFaceDetection boolean
frontSetManualTimeout string
backCaptureMode string
backOverlayTextManual string
backOverlayTextAuto string
backOverlayColor string
backIsBarcodeDetectedEnable boolean
backSetManualTimeout string
selfieCaptureMode string
selfieUseBackCamera string
selfieOverlayTextManual string
selfieOverlayTextAuto string
selfieOverlayColor string
selfieEnableFaceDetection boolean
selfieOrientationErrorText string
selfieSetManualTimeout string
mailHost string
mailPort number/string
mailUsername string
mailPassword string
mailSmtpAuth boolean
mailSmtpStarttlsEnable boolean
emailSubject string
emailContent string
emailFrom string
twilioAccountSid string
twilioAuthToken string
twilioFromNumber string
twilioSmsContent string
customColor string
retryCount string
enableLocationDetection boolean
showConsent boolean
callPostbackSecurely boolean
transactionExpiredMessage string
redirectURL string
authenticIdDocumentType number/string
accountCode number/string

Output Schema

output object
challenge string
rawResponse object
properties object
url string
requestID string

Verify Document with CFAir

Verify the authenticity of an identity document with the AuthenticID API solution, CFAir.

Show details


Account Code textField

Your AuthenticID account code.

Document Type dropDown required

The type of identity document.

  • License

  • Passport

Front Image textField required

Image of the front side of the identity document, encoded as Base64 data.

Back Image textField

Image of the back side of the identity document, encoded as Base64 data.

Transaction ID textField

Transaction ID obtained from Authenticate Document response.

Input Schema

default object
apiUrl string required
accountAccessKey string required
secretToken string required
transactionID string
frontImageData string required
backImageData string
authenticIdDocumentTypeV2 string required
accountCode number/string required

Output Schema

output object
rawResponse object
properties object
systemId string
ApiRequestHeaders object
properties object
HOST string
X-B3-TRACEID string
TransactionDate string
TransactionId string
ApiVersion integer
AccessKey string
MerchantId string
LocationCode string
DocumentImageAnalysis object
properties object
Front object
properties object
ColorSpace string
DPI integer
Back object
properties object
ColorSpace string
DPI integer
Result string
DocumentId string
DocumentCharacteristics object
properties object
Classification object
properties object
state string
type string
year string
country string
IssuerCode string
IssuerCountry string
IssuerContinent string
IssuerRegion string
DocumentClassName string
Authentication object
properties object
imagery number
Pass1 object
properties object
result_inlier object
properties object
angle number
country string
inliers string
state string
type string
year string
rotation integer
Pass2 object
properties object
result_inlier object
properties object
angle integer
country string
inliers string
state string
type string
year string
rotation integer
DocumentEncoding object
properties object
Label_29 string
Label_27 string
Label_28 string
GivenName string
EyeColor string
Version string
Label_21 string
Label_22 string
Label_20 string
Label_25 string
Label_26 string
Label_23 string
Label_24 string
Label_38 string
processed_image_height string
Label_39 string
Label_32 string
Label_33 string
processed_image_width string
Label_30 string
Label_31 string
Label_36 string
Label_37 string
Label_34 string
BirthDate string
Label_35 string
Sex string
Height string
Label_18 string
Label_19 string
Label_16 string
Label_17 string
Address2 string
IssueDate string
Address1 string
DocumentNumber string
Label_2 string
Label_10 string
Label_7 string
Label_11 string
Label_8 string
Label_9 string
Label_14 string
Label_3 string
Surname string
Label_15 string
Label_4 string
Label_12 string
Label_5 string
Label_13 string
Label_6 string
FullName string
DocumentMaterialAnalysis object
DocumentImageIntegrityAnalysis object
properties object
PaperSplice object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered number
IDSaturation object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered number
PrintDetector object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered number
Natural number
Glare object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered integer
Back object
properties object
Tampered integer
Focus object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered integer
BiometricTamper object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered number
PhotoBorderDetector object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered integer
PaperDetector object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered number
ScreenPhotoDetector object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered integer
Back object
properties object
Tampered number
PhotoSplice object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered number
CredentialDetector object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered number
PhotoStitch object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Tampered number
DocumentImages object
properties object
HeadShot string
CatfishNetUsed boolean
DocumentFields object
properties object
Fused object
properties object
VizNative object
2DBarcode object
Custom2DBarcode object
properties object
error string
transactionId string
DocumentRiskVectorData object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Exif object
MobileSDK object
Back object
properties object
Exif object
MobileSDK object
DocumentRiskConditions object
properties object
DQL_Default_Results object
SegmentName string
SegmentUiSettings string
MatchedSegmentAlgorithms array
items array
0 string
1 string
2 string
3 string
ErrorCodes object
ActionCodes object
properties object
code integer
actionMessage string
cat string
DocumentRiskVectorAnalysis object
properties object
CaptureTime object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Result string
Display string
Back object
properties object
Result string
Display string
FrontAndBack object
properties object
Result string
Display string
LocationAnalysis object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Result string
Display string
Back object
properties object
Result string
Display string
FrontAndBack object
properties object
Result string
Display string
CameraUsed object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Result string
Display string
Back object
properties object
Result string
Display string
DeviceOrientation object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Result string
Display string
Back object
properties object
Result string
Display string
CaptureMethod object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Result string
Display string
Back object
properties object
Result string
Display string
CaptureType object
properties object
Front object
properties object
Result string
Display string
Back object
properties object
Result string
Display string
Result string
ProcessingTimeInMilliSeconds integer
statusCode number
headers object

Match Selfie to Document with CFAir

Match selfie to document with CFAir.

Show details


Transaction ID textField

Transaction ID obtained from Authenticate Document response.

Account Code textField

Your AuthenticID account code.

Selfie Image textField required

Selfie photo of the user, encoded as Base64 data.

Use Selfie for Liveness Check toggleSwitch

When selected, the selfie image is used to fulfill the "liveness" check instead of the regular selfie image.

Input Schema

default object
apiUrl string required
accountAccessKey string required
secretToken string required
transactionID string required
selfieImageData string required
livenessSelfie boolean required
accountCode number/string required
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
systemId string
TransactionDate string
ApiRequestHeaders object
properties object
HOST string
X-B3-SAMPLED string
X-B3-SPANID string
X-B3-TRACEID string
TransactionId string
ApiVersion integer
AccessKey string
MerchantId string
ProcessingTimeInMilliSeconds integer
LivenessSelfie boolean
SelfieRiskVectorAnalysis object
properties object
CaptureTime object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Result string
Display string
LocationAnalysis object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Result string
Display string
CameraUsed object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Result string
Display string
DeviceOrientation object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Result string
Display string
CaptureMethod object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Result string
Display string
CaptureType object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
ExifData null
Result string
Display string
AuthenticityAnalysis object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Result string
Display string
Result string
SelfieImageAnalysis object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
ColorSpace string
Width integer
Height integer
NumFaces integer
Result string
SelfieScores array
items array
0 object
properties object
Name string
VerificationScore number
LivenessSelfieScores array
SelfieImageIntegrityAnalysis object
properties object
Result string
PaperSplice object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Natural number
Tampered number
PrintDetector object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Tampered integer
Natural integer
Glare object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Tampered number
Natural number
Focus object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Natural number
Tampered number
BiometricTamper object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Tampered number
Natural number
PhotoBorderDetector object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Tampered integer
Natural integer
NaturalCapture object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Tampered integer
Natural integer
PhotoSplice object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Tampered number
Natural number
CredentialDetector object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Tampered integer
Natural integer
PhotoStitch object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Threshold integer
Result string
Tampered number
Natural number
SelfieRiskVectorData object
properties object
Selfie object
properties object
Exif object
properties object
Width integer
Height integer
Orientation integer
MobileSDK object
SelfieDemographicData object
properties object
HeadShot object
properties object
leftEyeX integer
leftEyeY integer
rightEyeX integer
rightEyeY integer
faceScore number
chinX integer
chinY integer
yaw integer
pitch integer
roll integer
iod integer
gender string
age integer
ethnicity string
glasses string
spoof integer
lips string
Selfie object
properties object
leftEyeX integer
leftEyeY integer
rightEyeX integer
rightEyeY integer
faceScore number
chinX integer
chinY integer
yaw integer
pitch integer
roll integer
iod integer
gender string
age integer
ethnicity string
glasses string
spoof integer
lips string
SelfieRiskConditions object
properties object
DQL_Default_Results object
properties object
DQL_Series_9000_Result string
DQL_FRScore1_Final_Result_Reason string
DQL_FRScore1_Final_Result string
DQL_Selfie1_Score_Result string
DQL_Series_9200_Result string
DQL_FRScore_Final_Result string
DQL_FarSelfie_Usable_Result_Reason string
DQL_Selfie1_Usable_Result_Reason string
DQL_Selfie1Liveness_Result string
DQL_FarSelfie_Liveness_Result_Reason null
DQL_FarSelfie_Liveness_Result string
DQL_Version string
DQL_Series_9100_Result string
DQL_Selfie1_Score_Result_Reason string
DQL_Series_9500_Result string
DQL_Headshot_Usable_Result string
DQL_Final_EnrollFace_Result null
DQL_FarSelfie_Usable_Result string
DQL_Headshot_Usable_Result_Reason string
DQL_Final_EnrollFace_Which_Result string
DQL_Series_9400_Result string
DQL_Selfie2Liveness_Result string
DQL_Selfie1_Usable_Result string
DQL_Selfie1Liveness_Result_Reason string
SegmentName string
SegmentUiSettings string
MatchedSegmentAlgorithms array
ErrorCodes object
ActionCodes object
properties object
code integer
actionMessage string
cat string
FRVerifications integer
statusCode number
headers object

Verify Identity with Mobile SDK

Verify the authenticity of an identity document with an app powered by the AuthenticID mobile SDK.

Show details


title textField


ID Verification
bodyHeaderText textField
authenticIdDocumentType dropDown
Input Schema
default object
apiUrl string required
accountAccessKey string required
secretToken string required
authenticIdDocumentType number/string
Output Schema
output object
challenge string
userReference string

Get Result from CFWeb

Get the result of an ID verification check from CFWeb.

Show details

Output Schema

output object
challenge string
rawResponse object
properties object
requestID string
requestStatus string
uid string
transactions array
items array
type object