
Yoti Connector

The Yoti connector lets you provide customers with a safe way to prove who they are through Yoti’s identity verification, age estimate, and age verification services in your PingOne DaVinci flow.

You can use the Yoti connector to:

  • Estimate a user’s age with a selfie photo.

  • Verify users with multiple different methods.

  • Wait for verification results from Yoti.



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need:

  • A Yoti license

  • Your Yoti credentials

Setting up Yoti

Follow the instructions in Yoti Quick Start.

Configuring the Yoti connector

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration


Your Yoti client SDK ID.


Your Yoti client API key.

Using the connector in a flow

Age estimation

You can use the Estimate Age Using Live Photo capability to prompt the user to take a selfie photo and return an estimated age.

Following your Estimate Age Using Live Photos capability, add another Yoti connector node and select the Wait for Verification Result result.

You can customize the waiting page HTML or CSS in the Wait for Verification Result node.

Age verification

The connector has several capabilities that allow you to verify the user’s age:

  • Verify Age Using Digital ID Credential

  • Verify Age Using Identity Documentation

  • Verify Age Using Credit Card

  • Verify Age Using Mobile Carrier Contact

  • Verify Age with Credit Agency

Following your age verification capability, for all capabilities except the Verify Age with Credit Agency capability, add another Yoti connector node and select the Wait for Verification Result capability.

You can customize the waiting page HTML or CSS in the Wait for Verification Result node.


Estimate Age Using Live Photo

Prompt the user to take a selfie photo. Yoti analyzes the photo and returns an estimated age, such as "25".

Show details
Age Check Method dropDown required

Determines whether Yoti returns a true or false response or provides the user’s numerical age.

  • Must be over Age Threshold (Default)

  • Must be under Age Threshold

  • Get age from Yoti

Age Threshold textField required

Enter the required age, such as "21". The user must be over or under this age, depending on the Age Check Method.

Check for Liveness toggleSwitch required

When enabled, Yoti uses passive analysis to check the image for signs that it might be a 2D image, mask, or bot.

Yoti button
showPoweredBy toggleSwitch
skipButtonPress toggleSwitch
Input Schema
default object
type string
ageEstimation boolean
threshold number
estimationLevel string
required undefined
Output Schema
location string
type string
output object
challenge string
databaseVerification object
properties object
status string
result boolean
age number
method string
type string

Verify Age Using Digital ID Credential

Prompt the user to scan a QR code and open a digital ID app, then provide Yoti with a verified age attribute from the app.

Show details
Age Check Method dropDown required

Determines whether Yoti returns a true or false response or provides the user’s numerical age.

  • Must be over Age Threshold (Default)

  • Must be under Age Threshold

  • Get age from Yoti

Age Threshold textField required

Enter the required age, such as "21". The user must be over or under this age, depending on the Age Check Method.

Yoti button
showPoweredBy toggleSwitch
skipButtonPress toggleSwitch
Input Schema
default object
type string
ageEstimation boolean
threshold number
estimationLevel string
Output Schema
location string
type string
output object
challenge string
databaseVerification object
properties object
status string
result boolean
age number
method string
type string

Verify Age Using Identity Document

Prompt the user to scan a photo ID document and take an optional selfie photo. Yoti verifies the document ID and matches the photo to the document.

Show details
Age Check Method dropDown required

Determines whether Yoti returns a true or false response or provides the user’s numerical age.

  • Must be over Age Threshold (Default)

  • Must be under Age Threshold

  • Get age from Yoti

Age Threshold textField required

Enter the required age, such as "21". The user must be over or under this age, depending on the Age Check Method.

Additional Authenticity Check dropDown

Determines whether Yoti performs a visual check on the document. For more information, contact your Yoti representative.

  • None

  • Automatic

  • Manual

Country Code textField

The user’s three-digit country code, in ISO 3166 Alpha-3 format, such as "USA".

Check for Liveness toggleSwitch required

When enabled, Yoti uses passive analysis to check the image for signs that it might be a 2D image, mask, or bot.

Yoti button
showPoweredBy toggleSwitch
skipButtonPress toggleSwitch
Input Schema
default object
type string
ageEstimation boolean
threshold number
estimationLevel string
Output Schema
location string
type string
output object
challenge string
databaseVerification object
properties object
status string
result boolean
age number
method string
type string

Verify Age Using Credit Card

Prompt the user to enter their credit card number, expiry, postal code, and CV number. Yoti verifies the information to prove that the user is old enough to possess a credit card.

Show details
Yoti button
showPoweredBy toggleSwitch
skipButtonPress toggleSwitch
Input Schema
default object
botton string
showPoweredBy boolean
skipButtonPress number
Output Schema
location string
type string
output object
challenge string
databaseVerification object
properties object
status string
result boolean
age number
method string
type string

Verify Age Using Mobile Carrier Contract

Prompt the user to enter their name, date of birthday, mobile phone number, and address. Yoti sends an SMS confirmation message to prove the user is old enough to possess a mobile carrier contract.

Show details
Yoti button
showPoweredBy toggleSwitch
skipButtonPress toggleSwitch
Input Schema
default object
botton string
showPoweredBy boolean
skipButtonPress number
Output Schema
location string
type string
output object
challenge string
databaseVerification object
properties object
status string
result boolean
age number
method string
type string

Verify Age with Credit Agency

Prompt the user to enter their name, address, and date of birth. Yoti verifies the information against credit bureau databases to prove the user’s age.

Show details
First Name textField required

The user’s first name.

Last Name textField required

The user’s last name.

Country textField required

The user’s country, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, such as "US".

Address Line 1 textField required

The first line of the user’s address, such as "123 Main Street".

Address Line 2 textField

The second line of the user’s address, such as "Unit 10".

Address Line 3 textField

The third line of the user’s address.

Postal Code textField required

The user’s postal code.

Date of Birth textField required

Date of birth in format "MM/DD/YYYY".

Input Schema
default object
type object
additionalProperties additionalProperties: true
Output Schema
output object
status string
result boolean
age number
method string
type string

Wait for Verification Result

Wait for Yoti to send the result of an age estimation or verification to the DaVinci webhook URL.

Show details
Output Schema
output object
age number
state string
method string
id string
challenge string