
Marketo Connector

The Marketo connector lets you add, search, and update leads into Marketo in your PingOne DaVinci flow.

You can use the Marketo connector to:

  • Manage leads in Marketo

  • Manage lists in Marketo



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need:

  • A Marketo license

  • Your Marketo credentials

Setting up Marketo

Follow the instructions in Marketo Setup Checklist.

Configuring the Marketo connector

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration


The API endpoint for your Adobe Marketo instance, for example,

Client ID

Your Adobe Marketo client ID

Client Secret

Your Adobe Marketo client secret

Using the connector in a flow

Lead management

The connector has several capabilities that allow you to manage users:

  • Create Lead

  • Read Lead

  • Update Lead

  • Search Lead

No special configuration is needed. Add the capability and populate its properties according to the help text.

List Management

The connector has several capabilities that allow you to manage lists:

  • Create Static List

  • Get List Information

  • Read Static List Leads

  • Add Leads to List

No special configuration is needed. Add the capability and populate its properties according to the help text.

Creating a custom API call

If you want to do something that isn’t supported by one of the provided capabilities, you can use the Make a Custom API Call capability to define your own action.

This capability uses the credentials from your connector to make an API call with the HTTP method, headers, query parameters, and body you specify.


Create Lead

Create a new lead.

Show details
First Name textField

The user’s first name.

Middle Name textField

The user’s middle name.

Last Name textField

The user’s last name.

Email textField required

The user’s email address.

Phone Number textField

The user’s phone number.

Custom Attributes keyValueList

Additional attributes.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
requestId string
result object
properties object
id string
status string
success string
statusCode number
headers object

Create Static List

Create a new static list.

Show details
List Name textField required

Enter a name for the new list.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
id number
name string
createdAt date
updatedAt date
folder object
properties object
id number
type string
name string
computedUrl string
statusCode number
headers object

Get List Information

Get information about one or more lists using the list ID, name, or folder.

Show details
Search Type dropDown required

Select “Use List ID” or “Use List Name” to get information about a single list, or select a folder to get information about all lists within it.

  • Use Folder Name (Default)

  • Use List ID

  • Use List Name

Folder dropDown required

Select the folder that contains the lists you want information about.

List Name textField

The name of the list to get information about, such as "Founders".

List Type dropDown

Select the type of list you are reading. Smart lists support additional accuracy and functionality.

  • Static List (Default)

  • Smart List

List ID textField required

The unique ID for the list, such as "56789".

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result array
items array
type object
statusCode number
headers object

Read Lead

Read a lead using the lead ID.

Show details
Lead ID textField required

The unique identifier for the lead, such as "318581".

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
requestId string
result object
properties object
id string
email string
firstName string
lastName string
updatedAt string
createdAt string
success string
statusCode number
headers object

Update Lead

Update an existing lead using the lead ID.

Show details
Lead ID textField required

The unique identifier for the lead, such as "318581".

First Name textField

The user’s first name.

Middle Name textField

The user’s middle name.

Last Name textField

The user’s last name.

Email textField required

The user’s email address.

Phone Number textField

The user’s phone number.

Custom Attributes keyValueList

Additional attributes.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
requestId string
result array
items array
type object
success string
statusCode number
headers object

Search Leads

Search for one or more leads.

Show details
Search Attribute dropDown required

Select the Marketo lead attribute that you want to search.

  • Cookies

  • Department

  • Email

  • Email Suspended Cause

  • External Company ID

  • External Sales Person ID

  • ID

  • Lead Partition ID

  • Marketo Name

Search Values textField required

Enter the values to look for in the search attribute. Separate multiple values with a comma, such as "138273,".

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
requestId string
result array
items array
type object
success string
statusCode number
headers object

Read Static List Leads

Read leads in a static list using the list ID.

Show details
List ID textField required

The unique ID for the list, such as "56789".

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
requestId string
result array
items array
type object
success string
statusCode number
headers object

Add Leads to List

Add leads to a list using lead IDs.

Show details
List ID textField required

The unique ID for the list, such as "56789".

Lead IDs textField required

Enter the unique ID of the leads to add to the list. Separate multiple values with a comma, such as "456123,987654".

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
requestId string
result array
items array
type object
success string
statusCode number
headers object

Make Custom API Call

Define and use your own call to Adobe Marketo.

Show details
Custom Endpoint textField required

This endpoint is added to the base API URL selected in the connector configuration. Remeber to removed "rest/" from the endpoint

HTTP Method dropDown required

The HTTP method of the API call.

  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT



Query Parameters keyValueList

Query parameters for the request.

Additional Headers keyValueList

Define additional headers to send to Adobe Marketo. For help, see the API documentation.

Body codeEditor

The body of the API call.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
statusCode number
headers object