
SEON Connector

The SEON connector lets you uncover fraud patterns through SEON’s device fingerprinting and intelligent insights in your PingOne DaVinci flow.

You can use the SEON connector to:

  • Request a fraud score from SEON.

  • Send feedback to SEON.



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need:

  • A SEON license

  • Your SEON credentials

Setting up SEON

Follow the instructions in Quick Start.

Configuring the SEON connector

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration

License Key

Your SEON license key. For help, see the SEON REST API documentation.


The API URL to target.

Using the connector in a flow

Fraud score request

You can use the Request Fraud Score capability to get the fraud score for submitted data.

No special configuration is needed. Add the capability and populate its properties according to the help text.


You can use the Send Feedback capability to send feedback to SEON to improve their fraud identification.

No special configuration is needed. Add the capability and populate its properties according to the help text.

Creating a custom API call

If you want to do something that isn’t supported by one of the provided capabilities, you can use the Make a Custom API Call capability to define your own action.

This capability uses the credentials from your connector to make an API call with the HTTP method, headers, query parameters, and body you specify.


Request Fraud Score

Get the fraud score for data submitted.

Show details
Config Type dropDown required

The configuration type. Can be either Multiselect or JSON.

  • Multiselect (Default)

  • JSON

Config dropDownMultiSelect
  • Email

  • Phone Number (19 Digits Limit)

  • IP

  • AML

  • Device Fingerprinting

Config Response Fields dropDownMultiSelect
  • ID

  • State

  • Fraud Score

  • IP Details

  • Email Details

  • Phone Details

  • BIN Details

  • Version

  • Applied Rules

  • Device Details

  • Calculation Time


  • Rule Category Details

  • Blackbox Score

  • Geolocation Details

Config textArea

JSON config

User selectNameValueListColumn
  • Email

  • Phone Number (19 Digits Limit)

  • Password Hash

  • Email Address Domain

  • User Full Name

  • Username

  • User First Name

  • User Middle Name

  • User Last Name

  • User Place of Birth

  • User Photo ID Number

  • User ID

  • User Created

  • User Category

  • User Account Status

  • User Bank Account Number

  • User Bank

  • User Bank Account Balance

  • User Verification Level

  • User Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)

  • User Country

  • User City

  • User Region

  • User Zip Code

  • User Address Line 1

  • User Address Line 2

  • Action Type

  • IP

  • Affiliate ID

  • Affiliate Name

  • Session ID (64 Characters Limit)

  • Session

  • Device ID

Payment selectNameValueListColumn
  • Receiver Full Name

  • Receiver Bank Account Number

  • Details URL

  • Payment Method

  • Payment Provider

  • Card Full Name

  • Card Bin (15 Characters Limit)

  • Card Hash (500 Characters Limit)

  • Card Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

  • Card Last Four Digits

  • AVS Result

  • CVV Result

  • Transaction Type

  • Transaction Amount

  • Transaction Currency (4 Characters Limit)

  • Status of 3D Secure Results

  • Payment ID

E-commerce selectNameValueListColumn
  • Shipping Country

  • Shipping City

  • Shipping Region

  • Shipping Zip Code

  • Shipping Address

  • Shipping Address Line 2

  • Shipping Phone Number

  • Shipping Full Name

  • Shipping Method (50 Characters Limit)

  • Gift

  • Gift Message

  • Merchant Category

  • Merchant ID

  • Merchant Created At

  • Merchant Country

  • Regulation

  • Bonus Campaign ID

  • Brand ID

  • Order Memo

  • Discount Code (50 Characters Limit)

  • Items

Billing selectNameValueListColumn
  • Billing Country

  • Billing City

  • Billing Region

  • Billing Zip Code

  • Billing Address Line

  • Billing Address Line 2

  • Billing Phone Number

Others selectNameValueListColumn
  • Action Type

  • Transaction ID (255 Characters Limit)

  • SCA Method

Custom Fields keyValueList

You can use unlimited custom fields to inform our machine learning system and scoring engine. These can be string, boolean and numeric, for example is_intangible_item, is_pay_on_delivery, departure_airport, arrival_airport, days_to_board

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
success boolean
error object
data object
properties object
id string
state string
fraud_score number
bin_details object
properties object
card_bin string
bin_bank string
bin_card string
bin_type string
bin_level string
bin_country string
bin_country_code string
bin_website string
bin_phone string
bin_valid boolean
card_issuer string
version string
applied_rules array
items array
type object
calculation_time number
seon_id number
ip_details object
properties object
success boolean
error object
data object
properties object
ip string
score number
country string
state_prov string
city string
timezone_offset string
isp_name string
latitude number
longitude number
type string
open_ports array
items array
type integer
tor boolean
harmful boolean
vpn boolean
web_proxy boolean
public_proxy boolean
spam_number integer
spam_urls array
items array
type string
applied_rules array
items array
type object
history object
properties object
hits integer
customer_hits integer
first_seen integer
last_seen integer
flags array
items array
type object
id string
email_details object
properties object
email string
score number
deliverable boolean
domain_details object
properties object
domain string
tld string
registered boolean
created string
updated string
expires string
registrar_name string
registered_to string
disposable boolean
free boolean
custom boolean
dmarc_enforced boolean
spf_strict boolean
valid_mx boolean
accept_all boolean
suspicious_tld boolean
website_exists boolean
account_details object
properties object
apple object
properties object
registered boolean
ebay object
properties object
registered boolean
facebook object
properties object
registered boolean
url string
name string
photo string
flickr object
properties object
registered boolean
foursquare object
properties object
registered boolean
github object
properties object
registered boolean
google object
properties object
registered boolean
photo string
gravatar object
properties object
registered boolean
instagram object
properties object
registered boolean
lastfm object
properties object
registered boolean
linkedin object
properties object
registered boolean
url string
name string
company string
title string
location string
website string
twitter string
photo string
microsoft object
properties object
registered boolean
myspace object
properties object
registered boolean
pinterest object
properties object
registered boolean
skype object
properties object
registered boolean
country string
city string
gender string
name string
id string
handle string
bio string
age number
language string
state string
photo string
spotify object
properties object
registered boolean
tumblr object
properties object
registered boolean
twitter object
properties object
registered boolean
vimeo object
properties object
registered boolean
weibo object
properties object
registered boolean
yahoo object
properties object
registered boolean
breach_details object
properties object
haveibeenpwned_listed boolean
number_of_breaches integer
first_breach string
breaches array
items array
type object
phone_details object
properties object
number number
valid boolean
type string
country string
carrier string
score number
account_details object
properties object
facebook object
properties object
registered boolean
photo string
url string
name string
google object
properties object
registered boolean
photo string
url string
name string
apple object
properties object
registered boolean
twitter object
properties object
registered boolean
photo string
url string
microsoft object
properties object
registered boolean
yahoo object
properties object
registered boolean
ebay object
properties object
registered boolean
gravatar object
properties object
registered boolean
photo string
url string
name string
username string
instagram object
properties object
registered boolean
spotify object
properties object
registered boolean
tumblr object
properties object
registered boolean
linkedin object
properties object
registered boolean
photo string
url string
location string
name string
company string
title string
website string
twitter string
connection_count number
weibo object
properties object
registered boolean
github object
properties object
registered boolean
vimeo object
properties object
registered boolean
flickr object
properties object
registered boolean
photo string
username string
foursquare object
properties object
registered boolean
photo string
url string
name string
bio string
lastfm object
properties object
registered boolean
myspace object
properties object
registered boolean
pinterest object
properties object
registered boolean
skype object
properties object
registered boolean
photo string
location string
name string
country string
city string
gender integer
id string
handle string
bio string
age integer
language string
state string
discord object
properties object
registered boolean
ok object
properties object
registered boolean
city string
gender integer
age integer
date_joined integer
kakao object
properties object
registered boolean
booking object
properties object
registered boolean
airbnb object
properties object
registered boolean
image string
url string
location string
name string
about string
first_name string
created_at string
reviewee_count string
trips integer
work string
identity_verified string
amazon object
properties object
registered boolean
qzone object
properties object
registered boolean
adobe object
properties object
registered boolean
mailru object
properties object
registered boolean
wordpress object
properties object
registered boolean
imgur object
properties object
registered boolean
disneyplus object
properties object
registered boolean
netflix object
properties object
registered boolean
jdid object
properties object
registered boolean
flipkart object
properties object
registered boolean
bukalapak object
properties object
registered boolean
archiveorg object
properties object
registered boolean
lazada object
properties object
registered boolean
zoho object
properties object
registered boolean
samsung object
properties object
registered boolean
evernote object
properties object
registered boolean
envato object
properties object
registered boolean
patreon object
properties object
registered boolean
tokopedia object
properties object
registered boolean
rambler object
properties object
registered boolean
quora object
properties object
registered boolean
atlassian object
properties object
registered boolean
aml_details object
properties object
has_crimelist_match boolean
has_pep_match boolean
has_watchlist_match boolean
has_sanction_match boolean
result_payload object
properties object
searched_at string
sanctionlist_sources array
items array
type object
crimelist_entries array
items array
type object
watchlist_entries array
items array
type object
sanctionlist_entries array
items array
type object
pep_entries array
items array
type object
device_details object
properties object
session_id string
type string
dns_ip string
dns_ip_country string
dns_ip_isp string
source string
device_hash string
device_name string
device_cellular_id string
android_id string
build_id string
build_device string
build_time integer
build_number string
build_manufacturer string
app_guid string
android_version string
last_boot_time integer
system_uptime integer
sensor_hash string
audio_volume_current integer
audio_mute_status boolean
battery_level integer
battery_charging boolean
battery_temperature integer
battery_voltage integer
battery_health string
has_proximity_sensor boolean
cpu_type string
cpu_count integer
cpu_speed integer
cpu_hash string
kernel_name string
kernel_version string
kernel_arch string
physical_memory integer
screen_brightness integer
screen_height integer
screen_width integer
screen_scale integer
total_storage integer
free_storage integer
network_config string
wifi_mac_address string
wifi_ssid string
carrier_name string
pasteboard_hash string
region_timezone string
region_language string
region_country string
carrier_country string
is_emulator boolean
is_rooted boolean
device_ip_address string
device_ip_country string
device_ip_isp string
geolocation_details object
properties object
user_billing_distance number
user_shipping_distance number
billing_shipping_distance number
ip_user_distance number
ip_billing_distance number
ip_shipping_distance number
rule_category_details array
items array
type object
status string
headers object

Send Feedback

Send feedback to SEON to improve the fraud identification.

Show details
Transactions keyValueList

The list of transactions you want to label with the label texts.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
success boolean
error object
data object
status string
headers object

Make Custom API Call

Define a custom API call to SEON.

Show details
Endpoint textField required

The SEON API endpoint, such as “SeonRestService/fraud-api/v2.0”. This endpoint is added to the base API URL selected in the connector configuration.

HTTP Method dropDown required

The HTTP method of the API call.

  • GET (Default)

  • POST

  • PUT



Query Parameters keyValueList

Define additional query parameters to send to SEON. For help, see the SEON REST API documentation.

Additional Headers keyValueList

Define additional headers to send to SEON. For help, see the SEON REST API documentation.

Body textArea

The raw JSON body of the API call.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
success boolean
error object
data object
status string
headers object
properties object
content-type string
content-length string
connection string
date string
x-amzn-requestid string
x-xss-protection string
access-control-allow-origin string
x-frame-options string
x-amzn-remapped-connection string
x-amz-apigw-id string
vary string
cache-control string
x-amzn-remapped-server string
expires string
x-content-type-options string
pragma string
x-amzn-remapped-date string
x-cache string
via string
x-amz-cf-pop string
x-amz-cf-id string