
Veriff Connector

The Veriff connector lets you verify users with Veriff’s artificial intelligence (AI)-powered identity solution for identity fraud prevention in your PingOne DaVinci flow.

You can use the Veriff connector to:

  • Verify a user’s age with user-submitted identity documents

  • Redirect to Veriff for age verification

  • Make a custom API call



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need:

  • A Veriff license

  • Your Veriff credentials

Setting up Veriff

Configuring the Veriff connector

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration

Base URL

The API URL to target, for example,


Your Veriff API key, for example, 123-456-789

Shared Secret Key

Your Veriff shared secret key, for example, 123-456-789

Using the connector in a flow

Verify a user’s age by redirecting to Veriff

The Redirect to Veriff for Verification capability provides an alternative to age verification with a custom DaVinci user experience flow, instead redirecting the user to a complete age verification experience hosted by Veriff.

No special configuration is needed. Add the capability and populate its properties according to the help text.

Creating a custom API call

If you want to do something that isn’t supported by one of the provided capabilities, you can use the Make a Custom API Call capability to define your own action.

This capability uses the credentials from your connector to make an API call with the HTTP method, headers, query parameters, and body you specify.


Create Session

Create a verification session with the user’s name and personal details.

Show details
First Name textField required

First name of the session to be created.

Last Name textField required

Last name of the session to be created.

Gender textField

The user’s gender, such as 'male' or 'female'.

Date of Birth textField

The user’s date of Birth, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, such as '1979-01-30'.

National Identification Number textField

The user’s national identification number, such as 'AB123456C'.

Vendor Data textField required

The Vendor Data to keep a track of the session.

Output Schema
output object
status string
verification object
properties object
id string
url string
vendorData string
host string
status string
sessionToken string
sessionId string

Upload Images

Submit the photos for a session.

Show details
Session ID textField required

The Session ID provided by Veriff.

Document Front textArea required

An image of the front of the document in base-64 encoding. Max Size: 300KB.

Document Back textArea required

An image of the back of the document in base-64 encoding. Max Size: 300KB.

Selfie Image textArea required

The selfie image in base-64 encoding. Max Size: 300KB.

Output Schema
output object
documentFront object
properties object
status string
image object
properties object
context string
id string
name string
timestamp string
size integer
mimetype string
url string
documentBack object
properties object
status string
image object
properties object
context string
id string
name string
timestamp string
size integer
mimetype string
url string
face object
properties object
status string
image object
properties object
context string
id string
name string
timestamp string
size integer
mimetype string
url string

Submit Session for Review

After photos are uploaded, submit a session for review

Show details
Session ID textField required

The Session ID provided by Veriff.

Output Schema
output object
response object
properties object
status string
verification object
properties object
id string
url string
vendorData string
host string
status string
sessionToken string
challengeId string

Wait for Session Review Result

Wait for Veriff to send the result of a document verification check to the DaVinci webhook URL.

Show details
Output Schema
output object
response object
properties object
status string
verification object
properties object
id string
code number
vendorData string
person object
status string
vendorData string
rawResponse object

Redirect to Veriff for Verification

Redirect the page to Veriff to start the verification process.

Show details
First Name textField required

First name of the session to be created.

Last Name textField required

Last name of the session to be created.

Vendor Data textField required

The Vendor Data to keep a track of the session.

Output Schema
output object
response object
properties object
status string
verification object
sessionId object
redirectUrl string
challenge string

Make Custom API Call

Make a custom API call to Veriff

Show details
Endpoint textField required

The Veriff API endpoint, such as “sessions/:sessionID/media”.

Method dropDown required

The method to use for the call.

  • GET (Default)

  • POST



Query parameters and values to include in the call keyValueList

Add query parameters and provide their values.

Headers keyValueList

HTTP headers and values to use in the call.

Body textArea

The raw JSON body

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
status number
headers object