
TransUnion TLOxp Connector

The TransUnion TLOxp connector lets you verify a user’s identity information in your PingOne DaVinci flow by checking TransUnion’s trusted data sources.

After you have collected a user’s personally identifying information, such as their name and date of birth, you can use the connector to:

  • Match a user’s personal information against TransUnion’s records

    • TransUnion searches for a person that matches the provided information then provides a report token, an overall match score, and individual match scores for each attribute that was provided. You can adjust your search scope to return a single person, allow multiple results, or allow TransUnion to expand the search parameters if it doesn’t find a result right away.

  • Get additional information about a person

    • With the token provided from a information match report, you can search TransUnion for more information associated with the same person.Automatically collecting more information about a user can improve the user experience for your registration flows.



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need TransUnion TLO API credentials. For help getting credentials, speak to a TransUnion representative.

Setting up TransUnion TLOxp

You must contact TransUnion support to get DaVinci and PingOne IP addresses added to the allow list for your TransUnion tenant.

For lists of IP addresses, see:

Configuration and TransUnion TLOxp conenctor

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration

For help with these settings, speak to a TransUnion representative.


Your TransUnion TLO web service URL.


Your TransUnion API user name.


Your TransUnion API password.

DPPA Purpose Code

The Drivers’ Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) code that determines the level of data access in the API.

GLB Purpose Code

The Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) code that determines the level of data access in the API.

The DPPA and GLBA codes are legal declarations required to safeguard the proper use of personal information. The codes you provide must correspond to allowable codes for your industry. To determine which codes are allowed for your industry, go to and sign on with your TLOxp API credentials. For help, speak to a TransUnion representative.

The example flows below use the following TransUnion TLOxp demo API settings:

Ask a TransUnion representative for a username and password to access the demo API.

Testing the connector

To test the connector, use the Echo Test capability and output the result in an HTML message.

  1. In your flow, add the TransUnion TLOxp connector and select the Echo Test capability. Select the node that appears in your flow.

  2. Following your Echo Test node, add an HTTP node and select the Custom HTML Message capability. Select the node that appears in your flow.

  3. In the Message field, click {} and select the rawResponse object from your Echo Test node by clicking (+).

  4. Click Apply. Save, deploy, and run your flow.

  5. If you receive an error, check the log for the Echo Test node. For help, see Viewing flow analytics.

Using the connector in a flow

To see these use cases in a flow, search for TransUnion TLOxp in the Flow Library.

Build these two use cases in the order presented to create a single flow.

If you want to follow them exactly as described, use the TransUnion demo API information mentioned in the Connector configuration section.

Looking up a person with TransUnion VerifyPlus

A screen capture that shows the flow for the

This flow collects user information with an HTML form, uses the connector to send it to TransUnion, then shows the results on an HTML page.

  1. Download the TransUnion TLOxp - VerifyPlus identity lookup flow template. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

  2. (Optional) Customize the verification form:

    A screen capture that shows the test information entered in the Verification Form.
    1. Select the Sign On Form node.

    2. In the HTML Template field, customize the page that users see when signing on. Click Apply.

  3. (Optional) Customize how the connector sends user information to TransUnion:

    1. Select the Verify Plus node.

    2. (Optional) Turn on Find Best Match if you want TransUnion to apply additional checks and possibly additional searches in an attempt to match the results against the search criteria. For details, speak to a TransUnion representative.

    3. (Optional) Turn off Do Not Modify Search if you want TransUnion to expand the search parameters in cases where no match was found.

    4. Click Apply.

  4. Test the flow:

    1. Click Save, Deploy, then Run.

    2. Enter the following test information:

      • Social Security Number (SSN): 903-25-8349

      • First Name: Xavier

      • Last Name: Clark

        A screen capture that shows the test information entered in the Verification Form.
    3. Click Check my information.

    4. On the Your results page, we can see that TransUnion found one matching record with a total score of 50.

      A screen capture that shows the results from TransUnion.

      You can use the Function connector to check these variables to make branching decisions. For example:

      • When the errorCode attribute is anything other than 0, bypass the verification process.

      • When the totalScore attribute is below 50, show an error.

For a complete list of attributes you can work with in your flow, see the capability’s output schema (Verify Plus → Schema → Output Schema).

Getting more information about a person

A screen capture that shows the flow for the

This flow takes the result of a VerifyPlus lookup and requests additional information about the person.

  1. Download the TransUnion TLOxp - Additional personal information flow template. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

  2. (Optional) Customize the verification form:

    A screen capture that shows the test information entered in the Verification Form.
    1. Select the Sign On Form node.

    2. In the HTML Template field, customize the page that users see when signing on. Click Apply.

  3. (Optional) Customize how the connector sends user information to TransUnion:

    1. Select the Verify Plus node.

    2. (Optional) Turn on Find Best Match if you want TransUnion to apply additional checks and possibly additional searches in an attempt to match the results against the search criteria. For details, speak to a TransUnion representative.

    3. (Optional) Turn off Do Not Modify Search if you want TransUnion to expand the search parameters in cases where no match was found.

    4. Click Apply.

  4. Test the flow:

    1. Click Save, Deploy, then Run.

    2. Complete the Verification Form:

      1. Enter the following test information:

        • Social Security Number (SSN): 903-25-8349

        • First Name: Xavier

        • Last Name: Clark

          A screen capture that shows the test information entered in the Verification Form.
      2. Click Check my information.

    3. On the Your results page, click Get more information.

      A screen capture that shows the result of the TransUnion person search.
  5. Review the information that TransUnion matched for Xavier Clark. It provides his various email addresses, names, phone numbers, and so on.

How you process this information will vary depending on your organization’s needs. When you build your flow, follow your Person Search with Report Token node with a Function connector to branch your flow based on the results from TransUnion.


Echo Test

Test whether your credentials can reach the API

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Echo Test Input textField

A test string for the TransUnion service to echo back.

Input Schema

default object
echoTestInput string

Test Input

Output Schema

output object
rawResponse object
transactionId string
errorCode number
testOutput string
numberOfRecordsFound number
responseTime number

Verify Plus

Verify your identity with TransUnion’s Verify Plus endpoint.

Show details


Find Best Match toggleSwitch

Inform the Verify Plus service to return the best match for the search parameters.

Do Not Modify Search toggleSwitch

Inform the Verify Plus service to modify the search parameters if a good match is not found.

Social Security Number textField

The social security number of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

First Name textField

The first name of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Middle Name textField

The middle name of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Last Name textField

The last name of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Address Line One textField

The Line One Address of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Address Line Two textField

The Line Two Address of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Address Line Three textField

The Line Three Address of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

City textField

The resident city of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

State textField

The resident state of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

ZIP Code textField

The resident ZIP Code of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Country textField

The resident country of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Birth Day textField

The day portion of the birth date of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Birth Month textField

The month portion of the birth date of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Birth Year textField

The year portion of the birth date of the identity you want to verify with Verify Plus.

Input Schema

default object
findBestMatch boolean

Find Best Match

doNotModifySearch boolean

Do Not Modify Search

ssn string

Social Security Number (SSN)

firstName string

First Name

middleName string

Middle Name

lastName string

Last Name

addressLineOne string

Address Line One

addressLineTwo string

Address Line Two

addressLineThree string

Address Line Three

city string


state string


zip string

ZIP Code

county string


dobDay string

Birth Day

dobMonth string

Birth Month

dobYear string

Birth Year

Output Schema

output object
rawResponse object
transactionId string
errorCode number
numberOfRecordsFound number
responseTime number
searchSynopsis string
reportToken string
totalScore number
ssnScore number
fullSsnMatches boolean
nameScore number
firstNameMatches boolean
middleNameMatches boolean
lastNameMatches boolean
addressScore number
unitDesignationMatches boolean
streetAddressMatches boolean
cityStateZipMatches boolean
dobScore number
dobDayMatches boolean
dobMonthMatches boolean
dobYearMatches boolean

Person Search with Report Token

Search for a person in TransUnion with a report token.

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Report Token textField

The token returned from a Verify Plus response.

Input Schema

default object
reportToken string required

Your report token to search with.

Output Schema

output object
rawResponse object
transactionId string
errorCode number
numberOfRecordsFound number
responseTime number
deceased string
emails array
items array
type string
names array
items array
type object
addressPhones array
items array
type string
otherPhones array
items array
type string