
PingOne Verify Connector

Use the PingOne Verify DaVinci connector to securely verify a user’s identity based on a government-issued document and other user-submitted data, such as a live face capture (selfie).

The user ID information is captured using a unique QR code and sent to the PingOne ID verification service. The PingOne ID verification service interacts with service providers that verify the submitted user ID information. When a user’s ID information is successfully verified, the PingOne ID verification service approves the user authentication and sends the ID verification status to the browser or to the next connector in the flow.



For information and setup help, see the following sections of the PingOne Verify and DaVinci documentation:


To use the PingOne Verify connector, you’ll need:

  • A PingOne license with PingOne Verify(Try PingOne for free)

  • A PingOne environment with a configured application

Setting up PingOne

Setting up your PingOne environment

Sign up for PingOne and configure an environment with PingOne Verify. Follow the instructions in Getting started with PingOne.

Getting your environment details

Get your Environment ID and Region before setting up the PingOne Verify connector in DaVinci:

  1. In your PingOne environment, go to Settings → Environment Properties.

  2. Locate the Environment ID and Region.

  3. Copy these values to a secure location.

Getting your application credentials

Get the Client ID and Client secret from the PingOne console before setting up the PingOne Verify connector in DaVinci:

  1. In your PingOne environment, go to Applications → Applications. If you haven’t added the application yet, see Adding an application.

  2. Locate the appropriate application and then click its entry to open the details panel.

  3. On the Profile tab, locate the Client ID and Client secret.

  4. Copy these values to a secure location.

Setting up the connector

In DaVinci, go to Connections and add a PingOne Verify connection. For help, see Adding a connector.

Connector settings

Environment ID

The unique identifier for the appropriate PingOne environment. To find the environment ID, see Environment properties.

Client ID

The unique public identifier for the PingOne application. To find the Client ID, see Viewing application details.

Client secret

The cryptographic secret that is known only to the application and the authorization server. To find the client secret, see Viewing a client secret.


The geographic region that hosts your PingOne tenant. To find the region, see Environment properties.

Using the PingOne Verify connector in a flow

You can use the PingOne Verify connector to add user verification based on a government-issued document and live face capture (selfie) and the other PingOne Verify types of verification configurable with a PingOne Verify policy.

The PingOne Verify connector is typically added to an existing flow, such as a registration flow or sign-on flow.

When Debug Mode is selected in the flow settings, logs can include sensitive data. For more information, see Debugging and Analytics.

In the flow example below, when a user’s ID information is successfully verified, the PingOne ID verification service approves the user authentication and sends the ID verification status to the browser or to the next connector in the flow.

The example flow contains the following nodes:A screen capture of a PingOne Verify flow example showing various nodes.

The Get user details node lets the user input their information into PingOne using the Create user node. This information is also used for biographic matching requirements needed in a PingOne Verify transaction.

The Create transaction node enables the user verification status and creates the PingOne Verify transaction. You can use this node to add biographic fields, such as a user’s first name, last name, and birth date, which are used for biographic matching. If the transaction succeeds, the user sees a unique QR code in the browser.

The Read transaction and Check status nodes read the results of the verification transaction, and then check the status of the transaction. The status is evaluated as follows:

  • Fail: The flow continues to Read government ID node, Return all collected node, and Read metadata node.

  • Success: The flow continues to Read government ID node, Return all collected node, and Read metadata node.

  • No match: The flow shows the QR code again, and the user can try again.

The Read government ID, Return all collected, and Read metadata nodes then read the verified data from the government ID, desired user-submitted data, and metadata related to the verification, which their output can be selectively used in the Display user data node.

Read metadata results include biographic matching that was required in the Create transaction node. The biographic matching results show the comparison between what the end user inputs as their data against the verified data extracted from their government ID, returning a confidence level of high, medium, or low.

The Return all collected data node captures all user-submitted data, which can be selected based on the desired document types.


Create Transaction

Create verify transaction

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Device OS Type dropDown

The OS type of the device to receive SMS messages during verification.

  • Mobile Web (Default)

Verify Policy dropDown

Name of the verify policy.

  • Use Verify Policy ID

Verify Policy ID textField

ID of the verify policy.

Notification Phone Number textField

The phone number to receive SMS notifications during verification.

Notification Email Address textField

The email address to receive email notifications during verification.

Verification Phone Number multipleTextFields

The phone number(s) to be verified for phone-verification-required policy.

Verification Email Address multipleTextFields

The email address(es) to be verified for email-verification-required policy.

Reference Image textField

Base64 encoded reference image for facial-comparison-only verify policy.

Biographic Fields selectNameValueListColumn

Use this section to add biographic fields

  • Given Name

  • Family Name

  • Name

  • Address

  • Birthdate

Challenge textField

Optional challenge. If not provided, a random challenge will be generated.

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

deviceOsType string required

device OS type

verifyPolicy string minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

verify policy

verifyPolicyId string minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

verify policy ID

notifyPhone string

phone number for notification

notifyEmail string

email address for notification

verifyPhone array uniqueItems: true:::

phone number(s) for verification

items array
type object

verifyEmail array [.attr-uniqueitems]##[.codeph]``uniqueItems:


email address(es) for verification

items array
type object
referenceImage string

base64 encoded reference image for facial-comparison-only verify policy

biographic array

biographic info

items array
type object
challenge string minLength: 1 maxLength: 100

challenge Id

Output Schema
output object
transaction object
properties object
id string
verifyPolicy object
properties object
id string
transactionStatus object
properties object
status string
qrUrl string
webVerificationUrl string
webVerificationCode string
createdAt string
updatedAt string
expiresAt string
rawResponse object
properties object
id string
verifyPolicy object
properties object
id string
transactionStatus object
properties object
status string
qrUrl string
webVerificationUrl string
webVerificationCode string
createdAt string
updatedAt string
expiresAt string
headers object
statusCode integer
challenge string

Read Transaction

Read verify transaction

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

Output Schema
output object
transaction object
properties object
id string
verifyPolicy object
properties object
id string
transactionStatus object
properties object
status string
providerMessagesList array
items array
type object
qrUrl string
webVerificationUrl string
webVerificationCode string
verifiedDocuments string
createdAt string
updatedAt string
expiresAt string
rawResponse object
properties object
id string
verifyPolicy object
properties object
id string
transactionStatus object
properties object
status string
providerMessagesList array
items array
type object
qrUrl string
webVerificationUrl string
webVerificationCode string
verifiedDocuments string
createdAt string
updatedAt string
expiresAt string
headers object
statusCode integer

Read User Data

Read verified user data

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

Output Schema
output object
userData object
properties object
id string
transactionStatus object
properties object
status string
verifiedUserData object
properties object
firstName string
lastName string
middleName string
gender string
expirationDate string
idNumber string
addressStreet string
addressCity string
addressState string
addressZip string
country string
issueDate string
weight string
height string
hairColor string
eyeColor string
nationality string
issuingCountry string
personalNumber string
birthDate string
idType string
rawResponse object
properties object
id string
transactionStatus object
properties object
status string
verifiedUserData object
properties object
firstName string
lastName string
middleName string
gender string
expirationDate string
idNumber string
addressStreet string
addressCity string
addressState string
addressZip string
country string
issueDate string
weight string
height string
hairColor string
eyeColor string
nationality string
issuingCountry string
personalNumber string
birthDate string
idType string
headers object
statusCode integer

Read Government ID

Read verified data parsed off the government ID images

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

Output Schema
output object
governmentID object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
verifiedData array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
rawResponse object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
verifiedData array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
headers object
statusCode integer

Read Selfie

Read selfie provided by the user

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

Output Schema
output object
selfie object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
verifiedData array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
rawResponse object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
verifiedData array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
headers object
statusCode integer

Read Metadata

Read metadata related to verification

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Metadata Type dropDown

Type of the metadata. Select ALL to get all metadata.








Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

metadataType string

metadata type

Output Schema
output object
metaData object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
metaData array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
rawResponse object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
metaData array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
headers object
statusCode integer

Read Verify Policy

Read verify policy for verification

Show details
Verify Policy dropDown

Name of the verify policy.

  • Use Verify Policy ID (Default)

Verify Policy ID textField

ID of the verify policy.

Input Schema
default object
verifyPolicySelect string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

verify policy

verifyPolicyIdSelect string minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

verify policy ID

Output Schema
output object
verifyPolicy object
properties object
id string
environment object
properties object
id string
name string
description string
default boolean
governmentId object
properties object
verify string
facialComparison object
properties object
verify string
threshold string
liveness object
properties object
verify string
threshold string
email object
properties object
verify string
createMfaDevice boolean
otp object
properties object
attempts object
properties object
count number
lifeTime object
properties object
duration number
timeUnit object
deliveries object
properties object
count number
cooldown object
notification object
properties object
templateName string
variantName string
phone object
properties object
verify string
createMfaDevice boolean
otp object
properties object
attempts object
properties object
count number
lifeTime object
properties object
duration number
timeUnit object
deliveries object
properties object
count number
cooldown object
notification object
properties object
templateName string
variantName string
createdAt string
updatedAt boolean
rawResponse object
properties object
id string
environment object
properties object
id string
name string
description string
default boolean
governmentId object
properties object
verify string
facialComparison object
properties object
verify string
threshold string
liveness object
properties object
verify string
threshold string
email object
properties object
verify string
createMfaDevice boolean
otp object
properties object
attempts object
properties object
count number
lifeTime object
properties object
duration number
timeUnit object
deliveries object
properties object
count number
cooldown object
notification object
properties object
templateName string
variantName string
phone object
properties object
verify string
createMfaDevice boolean
otp object
properties object
attempts object
properties object
count number
lifeTime object
properties object
duration number
timeUnit object
deliveries object
properties object
count number
cooldown object
notification object
properties object
templateName string
variantName string
createdAt string
updatedAt boolean
headers object
statusCode integer

Set Verify Status

Set verify status for user

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Verify Status dropDown

Verify status of the user to be set.

  • ENABLED (Default)



Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

verifyStatus string required

verify status

Output Schema
output object
verifyStatus object
properties object
verifyStatus string
rawResponse object
properties object
verifyStatus string
headers object
statusCode integer

Return All Collected Data

Return all data collected from the user.

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Document Types dropDownMultiSelect

Types of the data collected. The document types accepted are determined by the transaction’s policy requirements.

  • Driver License Front

  • Driver License Back

  • Driver License Code

  • Passport Front

  • Passport Card Front

  • Passport Card Back

  • Selfie

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Voice Sample

  • Voice Input

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

documentTypes array uniqueItems: true:::

document types

items array
type string
maxLength maxLength: 255
Output Schema
output object
documents object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
documents array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
rawResponse object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
documents array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
headers object
statusCode integer

Read Collected Data

Return a piece of data collected from the user.

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Document ID textField

ID of the data collected from user.

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

documentId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

document ID

Output Schema
output object
document object
properties object
id string
environment object
properties object
id string
user object
properties object
id string
verifyTransaction object
properties object
id string
type string
value string
status string
source object
properties object
provider string
rawResponse object
properties object
id string
environment object
properties object
id string
user object
properties object
id string
verifyTransaction object
properties object
id string
type string
value string
status string
source object
properties object
provider string
headers object
statusCode integer

Submit Collected Data

Submit a piece of data collected from the user during verification.

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Document Type dropDown

Type of the data collected. The document types accepted are determined by the transaction’s policy requirements.

  • Driver License Front (Default)

  • Driver License Back

  • Driver License Code

  • Passport Front

  • Passport Card Front

  • Passport Card Back

  • Selfie

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Voice Sample

  • Voice Input

Voice Sample Index textField

voice sample index starting from 1.

Document Value textField

Base64 encoded jpeg or textual data collected from user.

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

documentTypeName string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 255

document type

voiceSampleIndex integer

voice sample index starting from 1

documentValue string required

base64 encoded jpeg or textual document depending on document type

Output Schema
output object
document object
properties object
id string
environment object
properties object
id string
user object
properties object
id string
verifyTransaction object
properties object
id string
type string
value string
status string
source object
properties object
provider string
rawResponse object
properties object
id string
environment object
properties object
id string
user object
properties object
id string
verifyTransaction object
properties object
id string
type string
value string
status string
source object
properties object
provider string
headers object
statusCode integer

Update Collected Data

Update a piece of data collected from the user.

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Document ID textField

ID of the data collected from user.

Document Type dropDown

Type of the data collected. The document types accepted are determined by the transaction’s policy requirements.

  • Driver License Front (Default)

  • Driver License Back

  • Driver License Code

  • Passport Front

  • Passport Card Front

  • Passport Card Back

  • Selfie

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Voice Sample

  • Voice Input

Document Value textField

Base64 encoded jpeg or textual data collected from user.

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

documentId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

document ID

documentTypeName string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 255

document type

documentValue string required

base64 encoded jpeg or textual document depending on document type

Output Schema
output object
document object
properties object
id string
environment object
properties object
id string
user object
properties object
id string
verifyTransaction object
properties object
id string
type string
value string
status string
source object
properties object
provider string
rawResponse object
properties object
id string
environment object
properties object
id string
user object
properties object
id string
verifyTransaction object
properties object
id string
type string
value string
status string
source object
properties object
provider string
headers object
statusCode integer

Delete Collected Data

Delete a piece of data collected from the user.

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Document ID textField

ID of the data collected from user.

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

documentId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

document ID

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
headers object
statusCode integer

Process All Data Collected

Process all data collected from the user during verification.

Show details
User ID textField

ID of the user

Transaction ID textField

ID of the transaction

Input Schema
default object
userId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

User ID

transactionId string required minLength: 0 maxLength: 100

Transaction ID

Output Schema
output object
documents object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
documents array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
rawResponse object
properties object
_embedded object
properties object
documents array
items array
type object
properties {"type":"string"}
size number
headers object
statusCode integer

Create Response for External Client

Create JSON response for an integration with a mobile application.

Show details
Web Verification URL textField

web verification url

Challenge textField

Required challenge. To be added to the output for polling in subsequent step.

Is Last Client Step toggleSwitch

If isLastClientStep is false, the continueLink will be generated and added to the output, otherwise the link will not be added.

Input Schema
default object
webVerificationUrl string required

web verification url

challengeId string required minLength: 1 maxLength: 100

challenge Id

isLastClientStep boolean

If isLastClientStep is false, the continueLink will be generated and added to the output, otherwise the link will not be added.

Output Schema
output object
clientState string
webVerificationUrl string
continueLink string
challenge string


The following resources can help you solve issues with the connector.


The flow fails with no error message

Ensure that the application is enabled in PingOne. For more information, see Enabling or disabling an application.

The flow fails when reading or updating a user

Ensure that you are using the PingOne user ID attribute, not the username attribute.



You can use the audit log to identify potential issues. For more information, see Audit.

Testing capabilities

Testing your flows frequently is the key to making them work correctly. For more information, see Getting Started with DaVinci.