
Jira Connector

The Jira connector lets you manage issues and trigger Jira workflows in your PingOne DaVinci flow.

You can use the Jira connector to:

  • Search for issues in the Jira workflow

  • Receive information about new and updated issues by listening for a webhook

  • Set up a custom application programming interface (API) call to suit your needs



For information and setup help, see the following documentation:


To use the connector, you’ll need a Jira license.

Setting up Jira

Follow the instructions in Create an API token.

Setting up the Jira connector configuration

In DaVinci, add a Jira connection. For help, see Adding a connector.

Connector configuration

Base URL

The base URL for your Jira Cloud API. For example,

Email Address

Your Jira administrator email address.

Jira API token

The Jira API token that you created in Setting up Jira, such as "bACbrdOf3q6vLCLGMSbxDDDD".

Using the connector in a flow

Managing Jira issues

The connector has several capabilities that allow you to manage issues in Jira:

  • Create an Issue

  • Get Issue Details

  • Delete an Issue

  • Assign an Issue

  • Update an Existing Issue

No special flow configuration is needed. Add the capability you want and populate its properties according to the help text.

For capabilities that have a Query Parameters section, you can add any query parameters that are supported by the Jira API. For help, see the Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation.

Searching for Jira issues

You can use the connector to search for Jira issues using the Jira Query Language (JQL).

The JQL Query field in the Search for Issues Using JQL capability accepts an advanced search string. For help, see Use advanced search with Jira Query Language (JQL) in the Jira documentation.

Other properties let you control the type of information you get about the issues.

If you expect to get more results than the Maximum Number of Results you define, you can run the query several times with a different Starting Result Number to paginate the results.

Creating a custom API call

If you want to do something that isn’t supported by one of the provided capabilities, you can use the Make a Custom API Call capability to define your own action.

This capability uses the credentials from your connector to make an API call with the HTTP method, headers, query parameters, and body you specify.


Create an Issue

Create an issue in JIRA.

Show details
Project dropDown required

The Jira project to create the issue in. For a dynamic value, select Use Project Key and enter a value in the Project Key field.

  • Use Project Key (Default)

Project Key textField required

The Jira project to create the issue in, such as "PROJ".

Summary textField required

The issue summary, such as "Fix development workflow".

Issue Type dropDown required

The type of issue to create.

  • Story

  • Task

  • Sub-task

  • Bug

  • Epic

Parent Issue ID textField

The ID of an existing issue, such as "PROJ-10". When this value is provided, the new issue will be created as a sub-task of the parent issue.

Components textFieldArrayView

The ID of the component to associate with the issue, such as "10000".

Description textField

The issue description, such as "Please fix the following development workflow issue…"

Reporter dropDown

The person reporting the issue. For a dynamic value, select Use Reporter ID and enter a value in the Reporter ID field.

  • Leave Blank (Default)

  • Use Reporter ID

Reporter ID textField required

The ID of the reporter, such as "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g".

Fix Versions textFieldArrayView

The ID of the fix version to associate with the issue, such as "10001". Type an ID and press Enter to add it.

Versions textFieldArrayView

The ID of the version to associate with the issue, such as "10001". Type an ID and press Enter to add it.

Due Date textField

The due date for the issue, formatted as "2022-01-30".

Assignee dropDown

The person to assign the issue to. For a dynamic value, select Use Assignee ID and enter a value in the Assignee ID field.

  • Leave Blank (Default)

  • Use Assignee ID

Assignee ID textField required

The ID of the assignee, such as "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g".

Priority textField

The priority for the issue, such as "3".

Labels textFieldArrayView

The labels to associate with the issue. Type a label and press enter to add it.

Query Parameters keyValueList

Define additional query parameters to send to Jira. For help, see the Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation.

Other Attributes variableInputList

Add other attributes and their values. Will overwrite attributes in General tab if key is the same.

Input Schema
default object
apiUrl string required
email string required
apiKey string required
project string required
projectKey string
summary string required
issueType string required
parent string
components array
description string
reporter string
reporterId string
fixVersions array
versions array
dueDate string
assignee string
assigneeId string
priority string
labels array
items array
0 string
queryParams array
otherAttributes array
Output Schema
output object
headers object
statusCode integer
rawResponse object

Get Issue Details

Get details for an issue by providing the issue ID.

Show details
Issue ID textField required

The ID of the issue, such as "PROJ-1".

Query Parameters keyValueList

Define additional query parameters to send to Jira. For help, see the Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation.

Input Schema
default object
apiUrl string required
email string required
apiKey string required
issueId string required
queryParams array
Output Schema
output object
headers object
statusCode integer
rawResponse object

Update an Issue

Update an issue in JIRA.

Show details
Issue ID textField required

The ID of the issue, such as "PROJ-1".

Summary textField

The issue summary, such as "Fix development workflow".

Issue Type dropDown

The updated issue type.

  • Story

  • Task

  • Sub-task

  • Bug

  • Epic

Parent Issue ID textField

The ID of an existing issue, such as "PROJ-10". When this value is provided, the new issue will be created as a sub-task of the parent issue.

Components textFieldArrayView

The ID of the component to associate with the issue, such as "10000".

Description textField

The issue description, such as "Please fix the following development workflow issue…"

Reporter dropDown

The person reporting the issue. For a dynamic value, select Use Reporter ID and enter a value in the Reporter ID field.

  • Leave Blank (Default)

  • Use Reporter ID

Reporter ID textField required

The ID of the reporter, such as "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g".

Fix Versions textFieldArrayView

The ID of the fix version to associate with the issue, such as "10001". Type an ID and press Enter to add it.

Versions textFieldArrayView

The ID of the version to associate with the issue, such as "10001". Type an ID and press Enter to add it.

Due Date textField

The due date for the issue, formatted as "2022-01-30".

Assignee dropDown

The person to assign the issue to. For a dynamic value, select Use Assignee ID and enter a value in the Assignee ID field.

  • Leave Blank (Default)

  • Use Assignee ID

Assignee ID textField required

The ID of the assignee, such as "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g".

Priority textField

The priority for the issue, such as "3".

Labels textFieldArrayView

The labels to associate with the issue. Type a label and press enter to add it.

Query Parameters keyValueList

Define additional query parameters to send to Jira. For help, see the Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation.

Other Attributes variableInputList

Add other attributes and their values. Will overwrite attributes in General tab if key is the same.

Input Schema
default object
apiUrl string required
email string required
apiKey string required
issueId string required
updateSummary string
parent string
components array
updateIssueType string
description string
reporter string
reporterId string
fixVersions array
versions array
dueDate string
assignee string
assigneeId string
priority string
labels array
items array
0 string
queryParams array
otherAttributes array
Output Schema
output object
headers object
statusCode integer

Delete an Issue

Delete an issue in the project.

Show details
Issue ID textField required

The ID of the issue, such as "PROJ-1".

Query Parameters keyValueList

Define additional query parameters to send to Jira. For help, see the Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation.

Input Schema
default object
apiUrl string required
email string required
apiKey string required
issueId string required
queryParams array
Output Schema
output object
headers object
statusCode integer

Assign an Issue

Assign an issue to an account.

Show details
Assignee dropDown

The person to assign the issue to. For a dynamic value, select Use Assignee ID and enter a value in the Assignee ID field.

  • Leave Blank (Default)

  • Use Assignee ID

Assignee ID textField required

The ID of the assignee, such as "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g".

Issue ID textField required

The ID of the issue, such as "PROJ-1".

Input Schema
default object
apiUrl string required
email string required
apiKey string required
assignee string
assigneeId string
issueId string required
Output Schema
output object
headers object
statusCode integer

Search for Issues Using JQL

Search for issues using Jira Query Language.

Show details
JQL Query textField

The JQL query used to search for issues, such as "project=SysAdmin AND assignee=jsmith". For help, see documentation for the Jira Query Language.

Starting Result Number textField

The index number of the first item to return in the results. For example, "101" will return the maximum number of results starting with result number 101. Use this to get pages of results for queries that return more than the maximum number of results.

Maximum Number of Results textField

The maximum number of results to return from the query. Use with Starting Result Number to get pages of results for queries that return more than the maximum number of results.

Fields textFieldArrayView

The fields to get for each issue returned in the results, such as "assignee" or "comment". Type a field name and press enter to add it.

Identify Fields with Keys toggleSwitch

Enable this when the "Fields" list uses keys, rather than IDs, to identify fields.

Query Validation dropDown

The method to use to validate the JQL query.

  • Strict (Default)

  • Warn

  • None

Expanded Information textFieldArrayView

Additional information to get for the issues returned in the results, such as "names", "schema", or "changelog". For help, see "Search for issues with JQL (POST)" in the Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation.

Properties textFieldArrayView

The app or entity properties to get for each issue returned in the results. Type a property name and press enter to add it, to a maximum of five properties.

Input Schema
default object
apiUrl string required
email string required
apiKey string required
jql string required
startAt string
maxResults string
fields array
validateQuery string
expand array
searchProperties array maxItems: 5
fieldsByKeys boolean
Output Schema
output object
headers object
statusCode integer
rawResponse object

Make Custom API Call

Define and invoke custom call to the Atlassian Jira REST API.

Show details
Endpoint textField required

The Jira API endpoint, such as /rest/api/3/search.

HTTP Method dropDown required

The HTTP method of the API call.

  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT


Query Parameters keyValueList

Define additional query parameters to send to Jira. For help, see the Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation.

Additional Headers keyValueList

Additional headers for the request, connector automatically adds 'Authorization' and 'Content-Type' headers.

Body codeEditor

The body of the API call.

Input Schema
default object
apiUrl string required
email string required
apiKey string required
endpoint string required
method string required
customQueryParams array
headers array
bodyData object
Output Schema
output object
headers object
statusCode integer
rawResponse object