
ServiceNow Connector

The ServiceNow connector lets you manage users, group memberships, and incidents in ServiceNow from your PingOne DaVinci flow.

You can use the ServiceNow connector to:

  • Create, deactivate, modify, and search for users

  • Add users to groups

  • Read, create, and modify incidents



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need a ServiceNow license.

Configuring the ServiceNow connector

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration


The API URL to target, such as "". This domain is visible in the URL bar when you sign on to the ServiceNow administrator portal.

Admin Username

Your ServiceNow administrator username.

Admin Password

Your ServiceNow administrator password.

Using the connector in a flow

Searching for users

There are two ways to search for users with the ServiceNow connector:

  • Search for a specific user by user ID using the Search User capability.

  • Search for multiple users based on their attributes using the Search capability.

No special flow configuration is needed. Add the capability you want and populate its properties according to the help text.

Managing users

The connector has two capabilities that allow you to create, modify, activate, and deactivate users in ServiceNow:

  • Create User

  • Modify User

No special flow configuration is needed. Add the capability you want and populate its properties according to the help text.

Managing group memberships

The Add User to Group connector allows you to manage the groups that a user belongs to in ServiceNow:

No special flow configuration is needed. Add the capability you want and populate its properties according to the help text.

Managing incidents

The connector has several capabilities that allow you to manage incidents in ServiceNow:

  • Read an incident

  • Create an incident

  • Modify an incident

No special flow configuration is needed. Add the capability you want and populate its properties according to the help text.


ServiceNow does not provide support for:

  • Deleting users

  • Removing users from groups

  • Deleting incidents


Search User

Search a single user by the Service Now ID.

Show details
User System ID textField required

System ID associated with the user

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
calendar_integration string
country string
user_password string
last_login_time string
x_pd_integration_pagerduty_id string
hashed_user_id string
source string
sys_updated_on string
building string
web_service_access_only string
notification string
enable_multifactor_authn string
sys_updated_by string
sso_source string
sys_created_on string
sys_domain object
properties object
link string
value string
state string
vip string
sys_created_by string
zip string
home_phone string
time_format string
last_login string
default_perspective string
active string
sys_domain_path string
cost_center string
phone string
name string
employee_number string
password_needs_reset string
gender string
city string
failed_attempts string
user_name string
roles string
title string
sys_class_name string
sys_id string
internal_integration_user string
ldap_server string
mobile_phone string
street string
company string
first_name string
email string
introduction string
preferred_language string
manager string
locked_out string
sys_mod_count string
last_name string
photo string
avatar string
middle_name string
sys_tags string
time_zone string
schedule string
date_format string
location string
statusCode number
headers object

Search for Users

Search for users based on an attribute filter.

Show details
Number of results textField

Max number of results

Email textField

Users email.

First Name textField

User first name

Last Name textField

User last name

Query Parameters keyValueList

Define additional query parameters to send to Service Now. For help, see the Service Now user table documentation.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result array
items array
type object
statusCode number
headers object

Delete a User

Delete a user by the Service Now ID.

Show details
User System ID textField required

System ID associated with the user

Output Schema
output object
statusCode number
headers object

Create a User

Create a new user.

Show details
Username textField


First Name textField

User first name

Middle Name textField

User middle name

Last Name textField

User last name

Phone textField

User phone

Email textField

Users email.

Activate the User toggleSwitch

User status

Group dropDown

List of Instance Groups.

City textField

The user’s city.

Employee Number textField

The user’s employee number.

Custom Attributes keyValueList

Additional attributes for user creation or modification.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
country string
user_password string
gender string
city string
sys_import_state_comment string
template_import_log string
sys_updated_on string
sys_class_name string
sys_target_sys_id object
properties object
link string
value string
notification string
sys_id string
sys_updated_by string
sys_created_on string
sys_import_set object
properties object
link string
value string
sys_transform_map object
properties object
link string
value string
first_name string
email string
preferred_language string
sys_created_by string
group string
sys_import_row string
home_phone string
sys_row_error string
sys_target_table string
locked_out string
sys_mod_count string
active string
last_name string
import_set_run object
properties object
link string
value string
middle_name string
sys_tags string
sys_import_state string
phone string
employee_number string
mobile_number string
username string
group_record_id string
group_sys_id string
statusCode number
headers object

Remove a User from a Group

Remove user from a group.

Show details
User System ID textField required

System ID associated with the user

Remove Group dropDown required

Removes the user from a specific group.

  • Use Group ID (Default)

Remove Group ID textField

Insert group ID or select on from the Group drop down menu.

Output Schema
output object
statusCode number
headers object

Add a User to a Group

Add a user to a group.

Show details
User System ID textField required

System ID associated with the user

Add Group dropDown

Add User to a specific group.

Output Schema
output object
statusCode number
headers object

Modify a User

Modify a user.

Show details
User System ID textField required

System ID associated with the user

Username textField


First Name textField

User first name

Middle Name textField

User middle name.

Last Name textField

User last name

Phone textField

User phone

Email textField

Users email.

Activate the User toggleSwitch

User status

Lock the User Out dropDown

When enabled, the user is locked out of ServiceNow.

  • Locked

  • Active

Custom Attributes keyValueList

Additional attributes for user creation or modification.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
calendar_integration string
country string
user_password string
last_login_time string
x_pd_integration_pagerduty_id string
hashed_user_id string
source string
sys_updated_on string
building string
web_service_access_only string
notification string
enable_multifactor_authn string
sys_updated_by string
sso_source string
sys_created_on string
sys_domain object
properties object
link string
value string
state string
vip string
sys_created_by string
zip string
home_phone string
time_format string
last_login string
default_perspective string
active string
sys_domain_path string
cost_center string
phone string
name string
employee_number string
password_needs_reset string
gender string
city string
failed_attempts string
user_name string
roles string
title string
sys_class_name string
sys_id string
internal_integration_user string
ldap_server string
mobile_phone string
street string
company string
department string
first_name string
email string
introduction string
preferred_language string
manager string
locked_out string
sys_mod_count string
last_name string
photo string
avatar string
middle_name string
sys_tags string
time_zone string
schedule string
date_format string
location string
statusCode number
headers object

Create an Incident

Create a new incident.

Show details
Caller ID textField

System ID for the caller.

Category dropDown

Incident Categories.

Subcategory dropDown

Incident Subcategories.

Service dropDown


Configuration Item ID textField

System ID for the configuration item.

Short description textArea

Provide a short description for the incident.

Description textArea

Provide a description for the incident.

Channel dropDown

Channel in which the incident was reported.

Status dropDown

Incident status.

Impact dropDown

Impact of the incident.

Urgency dropDown

Urgency of the incident.

Group dropDown

List of Instance Groups.

Custom Attributes keyValueList

Additional attributes for user creation or modification.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
x_pd_integration_conf_bridge string
parent string
made_sla string
caused_by string
watch_list string
upon_reject string
sys_updated_on string
child_incidents string
hold_reason string
origin_table string
task_effective_number string
approval_history string
number string
resolved_by string
sys_updated_by string
opened_by object
properties object
link string
value string
user_input string
sys_created_on string
sys_domain object
properties object
link string
value string
x_pd_integration_incident string
state string
route_reason string
sys_created_by string
knowledge string
order string
calendar_stc string
closed_at string
cmdb_ci string
delivery_plan string
contract string
impact string
active string
work_notes_list string
business_service object
properties object
link string
value string
business_impact string
priority string
sys_domain_path string
rfc string
time_worked string
expected_start string
opened_at string
business_duration string
group_list string
work_end string
caller_id object
properties object
link string
value string
reopened_time string
resolved_at string
approval_set string
subcategory string
work_notes string
x_pd_integration_incident_id string
universal_request string
short_description string
close_code string
correlation_display string
delivery_task string
work_start string
assignment_group object
properties object
link string
value string
additional_assignee_list string
business_stc string
cause string
description string
origin_id string
calendar_duration string
close_notes string
notify string
service_offering string
sys_class_name string
closed_by string
follow_up string
parent_incident string
sys_id string
contact_type string
reopened_by string
incident_state string
urgency string
problem_id string
company string
reassignment_count string
x_pd_integration_incident_key string
activity_due string
assigned_to string
severity string
comments string
approval string
sla_due string
comments_and_work_notes string
due_date string
sys_mod_count string
reopen_count string
sys_tags string
escalation string
upon_approval string
correlation_id string
location string
category string
statusCode number
headers object

Read an Incident

Search for an incident by the incident number or by the ServiceNow ID.

Show details
Incident Search Attribute dropDown required

Choose an option to search for incident.

  • Use Incident ID (Default)

  • Use Incident number

Incident Number textField required

Record number for the incident, found as the property "task_effective_number".

Incident ID textField required

System ID for the incident.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
x_pd_integration_conf_bridge string
parent string
made_sla string
caused_by string
watch_list string
upon_reject string
sys_updated_on string
child_incidents string
hold_reason string
origin_table string
task_effective_number string
approval_history string
number string
resolved_by string
sys_updated_by string
opened_by object
properties object
link string
value string
user_input string
sys_created_on string
sys_domain object
properties object
link string
value string
x_pd_integration_incident string
state string
route_reason string
sys_created_by string
knowledge string
order string
calendar_stc string
closed_at string
cmdb_ci string
delivery_plan string
contract string
impact string
active string
work_notes_list string
business_service object
properties object
link string
value string
business_impact string
priority string
sys_domain_path string
rfc string
time_worked string
expected_start string
opened_at string
business_duration string
group_list string
work_end string
caller_id object
properties object
link string
value string
reopened_time string
resolved_at string
approval_set string
subcategory string
work_notes string
x_pd_integration_incident_id string
universal_request string
short_description string
close_code string
correlation_display string
delivery_task string
work_start string
assignment_group object
properties object
link string
value string
additional_assignee_list string
business_stc string
cause string
description string
origin_id string
calendar_duration string
close_notes string
notify string
service_offering string
sys_class_name string
closed_by string
follow_up string
parent_incident string
sys_id string
contact_type string
reopened_by string
incident_state string
urgency string
problem_id string
company string
reassignment_count string
x_pd_integration_incident_key string
activity_due string
assigned_to string
severity string
comments string
approval string
sla_due string
comments_and_work_notes string
due_date string
sys_mod_count string
reopen_count string
sys_tags string
escalation string
upon_approval string
correlation_id string
location string
category string
statusCode number
headers object

Delete an Incident

Delete an incident by the ServiceNow ID.

Show details
Incident ID textField required

System ID for the incident.

Output Schema
output object
statusCode number
headers object

Modify an Incident

Modify an incident by its ServiceNow ID.

Show details
Incident ID textField required

System ID for the incident.

Caller ID textField

System ID for the caller.

Category dropDown

Incident Categories.

Subcategory dropDown

Incident Subcategories.

Service dropDown


Configuration Item ID textField

System ID for the configuration item.

Short description textArea

Provide a short description for the incident.

Description textArea

Provide a description for the incident.

Channel dropDown

Channel in which the incident was reported.

Status dropDown

Incident status.

Impact dropDown

Impact of the incident.

Urgency dropDown

Urgency of the incident.

Group dropDown

List of Instance Groups.

Custom Attributes keyValueList

Additional attributes for user creation or modification.

Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
result object
properties object
x_pd_integration_conf_bridge string
parent string
made_sla string
caused_by string
watch_list string
upon_reject string
sys_updated_on string
child_incidents string
hold_reason string
origin_table string
task_effective_number string
approval_history string
number string
resolved_by string
sys_updated_by string
opened_by object
properties object
link string
value string
user_input string
sys_created_on string
sys_domain object
properties object
link string
value string
x_pd_integration_incident string
state string
route_reason string
sys_created_by string
knowledge string
order string
calendar_stc string
closed_at string
cmdb_ci string
delivery_plan string
contract string
impact string
active string
work_notes_list string
business_service object
properties object
link string
value string
business_impact string
priority string
sys_domain_path string
rfc string
time_worked string
expected_start string
opened_at string
business_duration string
group_list string
work_end string
caller_id object
properties object
link string
value string
reopened_time string
resolved_at string
approval_set string
subcategory string
work_notes string
x_pd_integration_incident_id string
universal_request string
short_description string
close_code string
correlation_display string
delivery_task string
work_start string
assignment_group object
properties object
link string
value string
additional_assignee_list string
business_stc string
cause string
description string
origin_id string
calendar_duration string
close_notes string
notify string
service_offering string
sys_class_name string
closed_by string
follow_up string
parent_incident string
sys_id string
contact_type string
reopened_by string
incident_state string
urgency string
problem_id string
company string
reassignment_count string
x_pd_integration_incident_key string
activity_due string
assigned_to string
severity string
comments string
approval string
sla_due string
comments_and_work_notes string
due_date string
sys_mod_count string
reopen_count string
sys_tags string
escalation string
upon_approval string
correlation_id string
location string
category string
statusCode number
headers object