
Microsoft Teams Connector

The Microsoft Teams connector lets you manage user memberships and send messages in Microsoft Teams from your PingOne DaVinci flow.

You can use the Microsoft Teams connector to:

  • Add, remove, and list members of a team

  • Add, remove, and list members of a channel

  • Send messages in channels and chats

  • Define custom API calls to Microsoft Azure



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need:

  • A Microsoft Teams account

  • Administrator access to Microsoft Azure

Setting up Microsoft Teams

  1. Sign on to the Azure portal.

  2. Create the application:

    1. Search for and select Azure Active Directory.

    2. Under Manage, select App registrations → New registration.

    3. On the Register an Application page, for Supported account types, select Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts.

    4. In the Redirect URI section, select Web and add the redirect URL for your DaVinci environment, such as:

      To get your redirect URL, add a Microsoft Teams connection in DaVinci, open the connection settings, and copy the Redirect URL. For help adding the connection, see Adding a connector.

      A screen capture of the Redirect URL on the Microsoft Teams connector settings window.
    5. Click Register.

  3. On your app’s Overview page, note the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID. You’ll use these in the connector configuration.

    A screen capture of the application details page in Microsoft Azure.
  4. Create a client secret:

    1. Under Manage, click Certificates & secrets. On the Client secrets tab, click New client secret.

    2. Enter a name and select an expiry time. Click Add.

    3. Note the Value of the secret. You’ll use this in the connector configuration.

      A screen capture of the client secret in Microsoft Azure.
  5. Give the connector permission to manage users and send messages:

    1. Under Manage, click API permissions.

    2. Click Add a permission and add the following Microsoft Graph API permissions:

      Type Permission























Configuring the Microsoft Teams connector

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration

DaVinci Redirect URL

Your DaVinci redirect URL. This allows Microsoft to redirect the browser back to DaVinci. after the user authenticates with the Sign on with Microsoft capability. Use this in Setting up Microsoft Teams.

Application Redirect URL

Your application’s redirect URL, such as Enter this URL if you embed the DaVinci widget in your application. This allows DaVinci to redirect the browser back to your application.

Client ID

The Application (client) ID that you noted in Setting up Microsoft Teams.

Client Secret

The client secret Value that you noted in Setting up Microsoft Teams.

Tenant ID

The Directory (tenant) ID that you noted in Setting up Microsoft Teams.

Using the connector in a flow

Managing team and channel memberships

The connector has several capabilities that allow you to manage the users that belong to each team or channel in Microsoft Teams:

  • Teams:

    • Add a Member to a Team

    • Remove a Member from a Team

    • List Team Members

  • Channels:

    • Add a Member to a Channel

    • Remove a Member from a Channel

    • List Channel Members

No special configuration is needed. Add the capability and populate its properties according to the help text.

Sending a message to a channel

A screen capture of the complete send message flow.

You can use the connector to send a message to a channel.

This flow requires the user to sign on with Microsoft and agree to let the connector send messages on their behalf. The Sign on with Microsoft node directs the browser to Microsoft. After the user signs on, Microsoft redirects the browser back to DaVinci to continue the flow.

  1. Download the Microsoft Teams Channel Message flow template. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

  2. Select the Send Message in Channel node.

  3. In the Team list, select the team associated with the channel or select Use Team ID and enter an ID in the Team ID field, such as 98c28bef-98f1-a658-435b-71eee19c8f5e.

  4. In the Channel list, select the channel or select Use Channel ID and enter an ID in the Channel ID field, such as 98c28bef-a658-435b-98f1-71eee19c8f5e.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Test the flow:

    1. Click Save, Deploy, and Try Flow.

    2. In Microsoft Teams, check the channel to see the message.

Sending a message to a chat

A screen capture of the complete send message flow.

You can use the connector to send a message to a chat.

This flow requires the user to sign on with Microsoft and agree to let the connector send messages on their behalf. The Sign on with Microsoft node directs the browser to Microsoft. After the user signs on, Microsoft redirects the browser back to DaVinci to continue the flow.

The flow also requires a chat ID. For help getting a chat ID, see [dv-microsoft-teams-connector-listing-a-users-chats].

  1. Download the Microsoft Teams - Chat message flow template. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

  2. Select the Send a Message in a Chat node.

  3. In the Chat ID field, enter the unique ID of one of the user’s chats, such as 19:ce95abaa0e9f4d22a0e0faa6aad76c56@thread.v2. For help getting a chat ID, see [dv-microsoft-teams-connector-listing-a-users-chats].

  4. In the Message Object field, create a JSON object with the message details. This allows you to use all features supported by the Microsoft Graph API, such as HTML formatting, user @mentions, and file attachments.

    For example:

      "body": {
        "contentType": "html",
        "content": "Welcome, <at id=\"0\">Jane Smith</at>"
      "mentions": [
          "id": 0,
          "mentionText": "Jane Smith",
          "mentioned": {
            "user": {
              "displayName": "Jane Smith",
              "id": "19:ce95abaa0e9f4d22a0e0faa6aad76c56@thread.v2",
              "userIdentityType": "aadUser"

    For help creating the JSON object, see Chat message in the Microsoft Graph API documentation.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Test the flow:

    1. Click Save, Deploy, and Try Flow.

    2. In Microsoft Teams, check the chat to see the message.

Listing a user’s chats

A screen capture of the complete List Chats flow.

You can use the connector to get a list of chats that the user belongs to. You can use the chat IDs from this flow to send messages to specific chats.

Download the Microsoft Teams - Chat list flow template. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

This flow requires the user to sign on with Microsoft and agree to let the connector send messages on their behalf. The Sign on with Microsoft node directs the browser to Microsoft. After the user signs on, Microsoft redirects the browser back to DaVinci to continue the flow.

The Custom HTML Message node shows a list of chats. You can copy a chat ID to send messages to that chat on behalf of the user.

A screen capture of the output from the List Chats capability.

Creating a custom API call

If you want to do something that isn’t supported by one of the provided capabilities, you can use the Make a Custom API Call capability to define your own action.

This capability uses the credentials from your connection to make an API call with the HTTP method, headers, query parameters, and body you specify.


Add a Member to a Team

Add a member to a team and assign a display name.

Show details


Member dropDown required

The member to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Member ID and enter a value in the Member ID field.

  • Use Member/Membership ID

Member ID textField

The ID of the member, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Team dropDown required

The team to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Team ID and enter a value in the Team ID field.

  • Use team ID

Team ID textField

The ID of the team, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Roles textFieldArrayView

The roles to assign to the member, such as "owner" or "guest". Basic members should not have any assigned roles. Type a role name and press Enter to add it.

Display Name textField

The display name to assign to the member.

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
members string required
memberId string
teams string required
teamId string
roles array
displayName string
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
@odata.context string
@odata.type string
id string
roles array
displayName string
visibleHistoryStartDateTime string
userId string
email string
tenantId string
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
transfer-encoding string
content-type string
location string
strict-transport-security string
request-id string
client-request-id string
x-ms-ags-diagnostic string
odata-version string
date string
connection string

Remove a Member from a Team

Remove a member from team.

Show details


Team dropDown required

The team to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Team ID and enter a value in the Team ID field.

  • Use team ID

Team ID textField

The ID of the team, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Member dropDown required

The member to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Member ID and enter a value in the Member ID field.

  • Use Member/Membership ID

Membership ID textField

The ID of the membership, such as "MCMjMSMjMDdlYzlhZjItN2NlNS00YWI3LTg2MzgtMTE1NzM2YmJmOTkwIyM5OGMyOGJlZi05OGYxLTQzNWItYTY1OC03MWVlZTE5YzhmNWUjI2U5MTk4MzA3LTRlMzItNDgwMC1hM2M1LTExNTUxYWQ4MzFhMg=="

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
members string required
membershipId string
teams string required
teamId string
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse string
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
strict-transport-security string
request-id string
client-request-id string
x-ms-ags-diagnostic string
date string
connection string

List Team Members

Get a list of members of a team.

Show details


Team dropDown required

The team to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Team ID and enter a value in the Team ID field.

  • Use team ID

Team ID textField

The ID of the team, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
teams string required
teamId string
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
@odata.context string
@odata.count integer
value array
items array
0 object
properties object
@odata.type string
id string
roles array
items array
type string
displayName string
visibleHistoryStartDateTime string
userId string
email null/string
tenantId string
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
transfer-encoding string
content-type string
strict-transport-security string
request-id string
client-request-id string
x-ms-ags-diagnostic string
odata-version string
date string
connection string

Add a Member to a Channel

Add a member to a channel and assign a display name.

Show details


Team dropDown required

The team to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Team ID and enter a value in the Team ID field.

  • Use team ID

Team ID textField

The ID of the team, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Channel dropDown required

The channel to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Channel ID and enter a value in the Channel ID field.

  • Use channel ID

Channel ID textField required

The ID of the channel to target, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Member dropDown required

The member to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Member ID and enter a value in the Member ID field.

  • Use Member/Membership ID

Member ID textField

The ID of the member, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Roles textFieldArrayView

The roles to assign to the member, such as "owner" or "guest". Basic members should not have any assigned roles. Type a role name and press Enter to add it.

Display Name textField

The display name to assign to the member.

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
teams string required
teamId string
channels string required
channelId string
members string required
memberId string
roles array
displayName string
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
@odata.context string
@odata.type string
id string
roles array
items array
displayName string
visibleHistoryStartDateTime string
userId string
email string
tenantId string
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
transfer-encoding string
content-type string
location string
strict-transport-security string
request-id string
client-request-id string
x-ms-ags-diagnostic string
odata-version string
date string
connection string

Remove a Member from a Channel

Remove a member from a channel.

Show details


Team dropDown required

The team to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Team ID and enter a value in the Team ID field.

  • Use team ID

Team ID textField

The ID of the team, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Channel dropDown required

The channel to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Channel ID and enter a value in the Channel ID field.

  • Use channel ID

Channel ID textField required

The ID of the channel to target, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Member dropDown required

The member to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Member ID and enter a value in the Member ID field.

  • Use Member/Membership ID

Membership ID textField

The ID of the membership, such as "MCMjMSMjMDdlYzlhZjItN2NlNS00YWI3LTg2MzgtMTE1NzM2YmJmOTkwIyM5OGMyOGJlZi05OGYxLTQzNWItYTY1OC03MWVlZTE5YzhmNWUjI2U5MTk4MzA3LTRlMzItNDgwMC1hM2M1LTExNTUxYWQ4MzFhMg=="

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
teams string required
teamId string
channels string required
channelId string
members string required
membershipId string
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse string
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
strict-transport-security string
request-id string
client-request-id string
x-ms-ags-diagnostic string
date string
connection string

List Channel Members

Get a list of members in a channel.

Show details


Team dropDown required

The team to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Team ID and enter a value in the Team ID field.

  • Use team ID

Team ID textField

The ID of the team, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Channel dropDown required

The channel to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Channel ID and enter a value in the Channel ID field.

  • Use channel ID

Channel ID textField required

The ID of the channel to target, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
teams string required
teamId string
channels string required
channelId string
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
@odata.context string
@odata.count integer
value array
items array
0 object
properties object
@odata.type string
id string
roles array
items array
0 string
displayName string
visibleHistoryStartDateTime string
userId string
email string
tenantId string
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
transfer-encoding string
content-type string
strict-transport-security string
request-id string
client-request-id string
x-ms-ags-diagnostic string
odata-version string
date string
connection string

Send Message in a Channel

Send a message in a channel on behalf of a user.

Show details


Team dropDown required

The team to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Team ID and enter a value in the Team ID field.

  • Use team ID

Team ID textField

The ID of the team, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

Channel dropDown required

The channel to target. For a dynamic value, select Use Channel ID and enter a value in the Channel ID field.

  • Use channel ID

Channel ID textField required

The ID of the channel to target, such as "0b2b7c5b-4eb2-5c7b-a94b-bea34ac31c30".

User Access Token textField

The user’s access token. This token is provided by the Sign on with Microsoft capability.

Message Object textArea

The JSON object that contains the message body. For help, see "Chat message" in the Microsoft Graph REST API documentation.

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
teams string required
teamId string
channels string required
channelId string
userAccessToken string required
messageBodyData string required
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
@odata.context string
id string
replyToId string
etag string
messageType string
createdDateTime string
lastModifiedDateTime string
lastEditedDateTime string
deletedDateTime string
subject string
summary string
chatId string
importance string
locale string
webUrl string
policyViolation string
eventDetail string
from object
properties object
application string
device string
user object
properties object
id string
displayName string
userIdentityType string
body object
properties object
contentType string
content string
channelIdentity object
properties object
teamId string
channelId string
attachments array
mentions array
reactions array
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
transfer-encoding string
content-type string
location string
strict-transport-security string
request-id string
client-request-id string
x-ms-ags-diagnostic string
odata-version string
date string
connection string

Send Message in a Chat

Send a message in a chat on behalf of a user.

Show details


User Access Token textField

The user’s access token. This token is provided by the Sign on with Microsoft capability.

Chat ID textField

The ID of the chat, such as "19:ce95abaa0e9f4d22a0e0faa6aad76c56@thread.v2".

Message Object textArea

The JSON object that contains the message body. For help, see "Chat message" in the Microsoft Graph REST API documentation.

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
chatId string required
userAccessToken string required
messageBodyData string required
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
@odata.context string
id string
replyToId string
etag string
messageType string
createdDateTime string
lastModifiedDateTime string
lastEditedDateTime string
deletedDateTime string
subject string
summary string
chatId string
importance string
locale string
webUrl string
channelIdentity string
policyViolation string
eventDetail string
from object
properties object
application string
device string
user object
properties object
id string
displayName string
userIdentityType string
body object
properties object
contentType string
content string
attachments array
mentions array
reactions array
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
transfer-encoding string
content-type string
location string
strict-transport-security string
request-id string
client-request-id string
x-ms-ags-diagnostic string
odata-version string
date string
connection string

List Chats

Get a list of chats for a user.

Show details


User Access Token textField

The user’s access token. This token is provided by the Sign on with Microsoft capability.

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
userAccessToken string required
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
@odata.context string
@odata.count integer
value array
items array
0 object
properties object
id string
topic string
createdDateTime string
lastUpdatedDateTime string
chatType string
webUrl string
tenantId string
onlineMeetingInfo string
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
transfer-encoding string
content-type string
strict-transport-security string
request-id string
client-request-id string
x-ms-ags-diagnostic string
odata-version string
date string
connection string

Sign on with Microsoft

Redirect the browser and prompt the user to authenticate with Microsoft. This creates a token needed to list the user’s chats or send messages as the user.

Show details


Microsoft Login button
showPoweredBy toggleSwitch
skipButtonPress toggleSwitch
Input Schema
default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
token_type string
scope string
expires_in integer
ext_expires_in integer
access_token string
refresh_token string
statusCode integer
headers object
properties object
cache-control string
pragma string
content-type string
expires string
strict-transport-security string
x-content-type-options string
p3p string
x-ms-request-id string
x-ms-ests-server string
x-xss-protection string
set-cookie array
items array
0 string
1 string
2 string
date string
connection string
content-length string
tokens string
connectionId string
connectorId string

Make a Custom API Call

Define and use your own call to the Microsoft Team REST API

Show details


Endpoint textField required

The API endpoint, such as "".

HTTP Method dropDown required

The HTTP method of the API call.

  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT


Query Parameters keyValueList

Query parameters for the request.

Additional Headers keyValueList

Define additional headers to send to Microsoft Teams. For help, see the API documentation.

Body codeEditor

The body of the API call.

Input Schema

default object
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
tenantId string required
endpoint string required
method string required
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
statusCode integer
headers object