
OneTrust Connector

The OneTrust connector lets you use OneTrust to manage receipts for user consent in your PingOne DaVinci flow.

Using OneTrust as part of your user privacy and data governance solution, this connector lets you track whether a user has consented to a specific document, such as your terms and conditions. Specifically, the connector can create a consent receipt or get an existing consent receipt.



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need a OneTrust license.

  1. Set up consent management in OneTrust as shown in Consent Management.

    For your Collection Point, use the following settings:

    • Choose the Custom API type.

    • On the Collection Points → <your collection point> → Settings tab, turn on Enable Consent Withheld Transactions on this Collection Point.

  2. Create client credentials as shown in Managing OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials, with the following settings:

    • Access Token Lifetime: 1 hour

    • Restrict IP Addresses: Off

    • Scopes:

      • CONSENT


        Note your client ID and secret. You’ll use them to set up the connector configuration.

Configuring the OneTrust connector

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration

Client ID

The client ID you created in Setting up OneTrust consent management.

Client Secret

The client secret you created in Setting up OneTrust consent management.

Setting up PingOne

The example flows below use the PingOne user directory to store consent receipts. To use the provided flow templates:

  1. If you don’t have an existing PingOne connection in DaVinci, set up the PingOne connector, including the required PingOne setup.

  2. In PingOne, add a user attribute to hold a list of the user’s consent receipts. For help, see Adding user attributes. Use the following details:

    • Attribute Type: JSON

    • Name: consentReceipts

    • Select Allow multiple values

Setting up OneTrust URL variables in DaVinci

The flow templates provided below use variables to populate your organization’s OneTrust URLs.

To use the flow templates, set the following variables in DaVinci.

For help, see Adding a variable in the DaVinci documentation.

Name Variable Context Data Type Example Value










Using the connector in a flow

A screen capture of the complete consent receipt creation flow.

This flow collects the user’s consent and user ID, checks that the user account exists, and sends the consent and user information to OneTrust. After OneTrust generates a consent receipt, the flow adds the new receipt to the user’s list of existing receipts and updates the user account in include::partial$common_product_keydefs.adoc[tags=pingone].

This flow uses include::partial$common_product_keydefs.adoc[tags=pingone]as an example user directory. You can modify the flow to use a different directory.

  1. Download the OneTrust - New consent receipt flow template. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

  2. Customize the consent form:

    1. Select the Consent Form node.

    2. In the HTML Template field, modify the HTML to include the text of the terms and conditions (or other document) that you want consent for, and modify the example form controls to show the relevant "purposes", "options", and "custom preferences" in your OneTrust consent management scheme.

      • Click Switch View to see the HTML formatted with syntax highlighting.

      • Click the Maximize () icon to give yourself more room to work.

      • To access a variety of useful tools, right-click the field when you’re in syntax highlighting mode (dark background).

    3. In the Output Fields List section, edit the Property Name of the purposes, options, and custom preferences to match the element IDs of the purposes and options you included in the HTML form. Remove any unwanted properties by clicking Edit at the end of the list.

    4. Click Apply.

  3. Add the IDs for your OneTrust purposes, options, and custom preferences.

    The flow uses a custom function to match the consent form inputs with the IDs of your OneTrust consent management elements. The function then builds a purposes object that is ready to send to OneTrust.

    1. In OneTrust, get the id value for each purpose, option, and custom preference you want to use:

      1. Go to the OneTrust Universal Consent & Preference Management portal. For example,

      2. For purposes, see Purposes → <your purpose> → Details → Purpose ID.

      3. For custom preferences, see Purposes → <your purpose> → Custom Preferences → ID. Also, go to Options and note the options listed.

      4. For options, see Collection Points → <your collection point> → Integrations → Example Payload. Match the IDs under Options with the options that you noted in the Custom Preferences view.

        A screen capture of the example payload IDs matched up with a screen capture of the options from the Custom Preferences view.
    2. Select the Combine Form Results node.

    3. In the Variable Input List section, edit the Variable Name of the purposes, options, and custom preferences to match the Property Name in your Consent Form node. In the Value field, click {} and select the matching variable from your Consent Form node. Remove any unwanted properties by clicking Edit at the end of the list.

    4. In the Code field, modify the code to use the name and ID of your own purposes, options, and custom preferences and remove unused elements.

    5. Click Apply.

  4. Configure the OneTrust node:

    1. Select the OneTrust node.

    2. In the API Token field, enter the API token from Collection Points → Integrations → Your API Token in OneTrust.

    3. Modify the Additional Data Elements list to reflect the data elements you included when configuring your collection point in OneTrust. To see the data elements, go to Collection Points → Details → Configuration → Data Elements.

    4. Click Apply.

  5. Test the flow:

    1. Click Save, Deploy, then Run.

    2. On the consent form, enter the email address for one of the identities in your include::partial$common_product_keydefs.adoc[tags=pingone] directory, select the purposes, options, and custom preferences, then click I Agree.

    3. See the resulting consent receipt, including the receipt ID.

      A screen capture of the Consent Result page.

      Note the value of x-onetrust-receiptId. You’ll use this to test the "Get information about an existing consent receipt" use case below.

A screen capture of the complete

You can use a receipt ID to check for an existing consent receipt in OneTrust. This allows you to check whether a user has consented to your terms before using your service, for example.

  1. Download the OneTrust - Consent receipt retrieval flow template. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

  2. Test the flow:

    1. Click Save, Deploy, then Run.

    2. In the Enter Receipt ID form, enter the receipt ID that you copied from your test run of the Creating a consent receipt flow. Click Next.

      A screen capture of the Enter Receipt ID form.
    3. See the receipt information.

      A screen capture of the Receipt Information page.


Create Receipt from a Collection Point

Show details


Privacy Portal Domain textField required

The URL of your OneTrust Privacy Portal, such as "".

API Token textField required

Your OneTrust API token.

User Identifier textField required

The unique identifier for the user, such as a username or user ID.

Additional Data Elements keyValueList

Additional information collected about the user.

Purposes textField required

The flow variable that contains the “purposes” to associate with the consent.

Input Schema

default object
privacyPortalDomain string required

Data Subject Portal Domain

apiToken string required

API Token

userIdentifier string required

User identifier

dataElements array required

Data Elements

items array
type object
purposes string required
Output Schema
output object
rawResponse object
properties object
access_token string
refresh_token string
id_token string
token_type string
expires_at number
statusCode number
headers object
claims object
properties object
moc string
sub string
processVersion number
enableParentPrimaryIdentifiers boolean
authenticationRequired boolean
dynamicCollectionPoint boolean
processId string
dsDataElements array
items array
type string
doubleOptIn boolean
consentType string
additionalIdentifiers object
iat string
jti string
identifier string
reconfirmActivePurpose boolean
allowNotGivenConsents boolean
notices array
isAnonymous boolean
multipleIdentifierTypes boolean
purposes array
items array
type object
tenantId string
overrideActivePurpose boolean
parentPrimaryIdentifiers array
otJwtVersion number
enableGeolocation boolean

Get Receipt Information

Get Receipt Information

Show details


Application Domain textField required

The URL of your OneTrust domain, such as "".

Receipt ID textField required

The flow variable that contains the unique identifier for the consent receipt.

Include "Consent Not Given" Transactions toggleSwitch

When enabled, OneTrust returns results for transactions where the user did not provide consent.

Input Schema

default object
applicationDomain string required

Application Domain

clientId string required

Client ID

clientSecret string required

Client Secret

receiptId string required

Receipt ID

includeNotGiven boolean required

Include Not Given Transactions

Output Schema

output object
collectionPointName string
attributes object
collectionPointType string
collectionPointUUID string
collectionPointVersion number
consentCreationDate string
customPayload string
dataSubjectIdentifier string
dataSubjectIdentifierHash string
doubleOptIn boolean
unsubscribeAll boolean
id string
interactionDate string
isAnonymous boolean
language string
origin string
otJwtVersion number
purposes array
items array
type object
receiptJwt string
test boolean