
ID DataWeb Connector

The ID DataWeb connector lets you use ID DataWeb for identity verification in your PingOne DaVinci flow.

The connector allows you to direct users to ID DataWeb’s AXN Verify service where they can enter their information for identity verification. By mapping attributes from your DaVinci flow, you can pre-populate some of the information requested in the identity verification process. After ID DataWeb verifies the user’s identity, it sends the results to DaVinci where you can branch your flow accordingly.



For information and setup help, see the following:


To use the connector, you’ll need:

  • A configured ID DataWeb environment

  • Your ID DataWeb client ID and secret

Configuring the ID DataWeb connector

Add the connector in DaVinci as shown in Adding a connector, then configure it as follows.

Connector configuration

Redirect URL

This URL continues the DaVinci flow when ID DataWeb is finished. Add this URL to the Redirect URL(s) list on the Basic Info tab of your ID DataWeb verification service configuration. For help, ask an ID DataWeb representative.

Client ID

The client ID provided to you by ID DataWeb. This allows DaVinci to communicate with ID DataWeb.

Client Secret

The client secret provided to you by ID DataWeb.


Scopes customize the verification experience and determine the information provided by ID DataWeb. For help, see Scopes in the ID DataWeb documentation and speak to an ID DataWeb representative.

Separate multiple scopes with a space. For example, openid country.US.

AXN Federated Gateway Base URL

The ID DataWeb AXN Federated Gateway to use. Select the production or preproduction server, or use your custom base URL.

  • Production

    • DaVinci uses the live Gateway.

  • Preproduction

    • DaVinci uses the preproduction Gateway. Use this for testing.

  • Custom Base URL

DaVinci uses the Gateway address that you enter in the [.uicontrol]Custom Gateway Base URL** field. Use this if your organization has a custom domain or vanity URL configured for ID DataWeb.

Custom Gateway Base URL

When AXN Federated Gateway Base URL is set to Custom Gateway Base URL, this field determines the AXN Federated Gateway address. Enter your custom Gateway URL, such as

Data protection

Determines how DaVinci protects the user data it sends to ID DataWeb.

  • Signed

    • DaVinci sends user data in a signed JSON Web Token (JWT). ID DataWeb can detect whether the data was modified in transit.

  • Encrypted

    • DaVinci sends the user data in an encrypted JWT. Only ID DataWeb can read the data. Select this if you want to use a public encryption key provided by ID DataWeb.

Public Encryption Key

When Data Protection is set to Encrypted, DaVinci uses this key to encrypt the user data. Enter the a public encryption key provided by ID DataWeb.

Application Redirect URL

Your application’s redirect URL, such as Enter this URL if you embed the DaVinci widget in your application. This allows DaVinci to redirect the browser back to your application.

Using the connector in a flow

Verifying a user by redirecting them to ID DataWeb

A screen capture of the complete verification flow.

In this flow, an HTML form gathers user data, then the connector directs the browser to ID DataWeb. When the user completes the identity verification process, a simple HTML message shows the result.

  1. Download the ID DataWeb Identity Verification flow template. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

  2. Download the flow template and use it to create a new flow. For help, see Using DaVinci flow templates.

  3. (Optional) Customize the registration form:

    A screen capture of the registration form.
    1. Select the Registration node.

    2. (Optional) Customize the Title field.

    3. (Optional) In the Fields List section, customize the user data fields by clicking Add to add a new field or clicking Edit to remove fields.

    4. (Optional) Customize the Next Button Text field.

    5. Click Apply.

  4. If you customized the user data fields in the Registration node, update the attribute mappings for ID DataWeb:

    1. Select the ID DataWeb node.

    2. In the PII Parameters section, find the ID DataWeb parameter in the Key column, then click {} in the Value column and select the related variable from your HTML Form node.

      An animated image that shows the user inserting the username variable in the Subject field.
    3. Click Apply.

  5. Test the flow:

    1. Click Save, Deploy, then Try Flow.

    2. On the Registration page, enter a username, given name, and family name. Click Sign Up.

    3. Complete the ID DataWeb verification process.

      Notice that some of the fields are already populated, such as first name and last name.

      A screen capture that shows the user’s first and last names already populated from the HTML Form node.
    4. On the Verification complete page, see the verification result.

      A screen capture that shows the verification result in the Custom HTML Message node.


Verification Workflow

Show details


Subject textField required

Username/friendly reference to the transaction.

PII Parameters keyValueList

Provide ID DataWeb with user information for verification.


		"key": "fname",
		"value": ""
		"key": "mname",
		"value": ""
		"key": "lname",
		"value": ""
		"key": "email",
		"value": ""
		"key": "ssn9",
		"value": ""
		"key": "ssn4",
		"value": ""
		"key": "dobday",
		"value": ""
		"key": "dobmonth",
		"value": ""
		"key": "dobyear",
		"value": ""
		"key": "street_number",
		"value": ""
		"key": "route",
		"value": ""
		"key": "subpremise",
		"value": ""
		"key": "locality",
		"value": ""
		"key": "postal_code",
		"value": ""
		"key": "administrative_area_level_1",
		"value": ""
		"key": "dialCode",
		"value": ""
		"key": "telephone",
		"value": ""
		"key": "iat",
		"value": ""
		"key": "exp",
		"value": ""
		"key": "appID",
		"value": ""
ID DataWeb Verification button
showPoweredBy toggleSwitch
skipButtonPress toggleSwitch
Input Schema
default object
subject string required
piiParams array
clientId string required
clientSecret string required
scope string required
gatewayBaseUrl string required
customGatewayBaseUrl string
dataProtection string required
publicEncryptionKey string
Output Schema
output object
statusCode integer
rawResponse object
policyDecision string
tokenResponse object
properties object
id_token string
access_token string
token_type string
expires_in number