PingAM 7.5.1


These topics are written for administrators that are comfortable securing web applications. Although the topics lay out a comprehensive list of actions to take, security is a very broad subject, and every environment is different; readers are expected to do their own research and complement the information found in these topics.

These topics do not provide guidance on securing specific AM features, such as OAuth 2.0 or SAML v2.0. You will find this information in the topics dedicated to those features.

When you deploy AM, you must ensure that your environment is built and configured with security in mind. This includes:

  • The network infrastructure.

  • The operating system.

  • The container where AM runs.

  • The Java installation and the cryptography settings.

  • The clients and applications that will connect to AM.

  • The CTS store, identity stores, and any other application stores.

  • AM’s own configuration.

Name changes for ForgeRock products

Product names changed when ForgeRock became part of Ping Identity.

The following name changes have been in effect since early 2024:

Old name New name

ForgeRock Identity Cloud

PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

ForgeRock Access Management


ForgeRock Directory Services


ForgeRock Identity Management


ForgeRock Identity Gateway


Learn more about the name changes in New names for ForgeRock products in the Knowledge Base.

General security considerations

This list does not intend to show you best practices in network and system administration. Rather, it suggests a number of security mechanisms that you can expand upon.

Keep up to date on patches

Security vulnerabilities are the reason why you should keep your operating systems, web and application servers, and any other application in your environment up to date. Knowledge of vulnerabilities spread fast across malicious users, who would not hesitate in trying to exploit them.

Ping Identity maintains a list of security advisories you should follow. You should also follow similar lists from all your vendors.

Keep up to date on cryptographic methods and algorithms

Different algorithms and methods are discovered and tested over time, and communities of experts decide which are the most secure for different uses. Do not use outdated algorithms such as RSA for generating your keys.

Turn off unnecessary features

The more features you have turned on, the more features you need to secure, patch, and audit. If something is not being used, disable it or uninstall it.

Limit access to the servers hosting AM

A large part of protecting your environment is making sure only authorized people can access your servers and applications through the appropriate network, using the appropriate ports, and presenting strong-enough credentials.

Ensure users connect through SSL / TLS to the systems and audit system access periodically.

For a list of ports used in AM by default, see Ports used.

Enforce security

Do not expect your users to follow security practices on their own; enforce security when possible by requiring secure connections, password resets, and strong authentication methods.

Audit Access and Changes

Audit logs record all events that have happened. Some applications store them with their engine logs, some others use specific files or send the information to a different server for archiving. Operating systems have audit logs as well, to detect unauthorized login attempts and changes to the software.

AM has its own audit logging service that adheres to the log structure common across the Ping Identity Platform.

Secure network communication

It is extremely important to keep your AM instances safe from both internal and external attacks. This can be a challenge when you cannot control who connects to your instances.

For example, a client could send unprotected credentials in an HTTP Authorization header. Even if AM were to reject the request, the credentials would already be leaked to any eavesdroppers.

The best way to protect your environment is to enforce the use of secure HTTPS communication.

The following table summarizes best practices about network security in AM environments:

Task Resources

Enforce secure connections

Secure connections between AM and the rest of your platform, whether it is DS servers or your applications.

Use a reverse proxy

Configure AM behind a reverse proxy. This will protect AM against DoS attacks and restrict access to AM and its endpoints to networks you trust.

Configure CORS filters

Configure a CORS filter such that only your trusted clients and applications can make cross-domain calls to your AM instances.

Adjust AM’s cookie domain

Configure AM cookie domain so that AM communicates with the hosts in the required domains and sub-domains.

Learn about the CSRF protection filter for REST endpoints

By default, AM protects its /json endpoints using a header filter.

Secure HTTP and LDAP connections

HTTPS and LDAPS secure connections use the transport layer security protocol (TLS). TLS depends on digital certificates (public key certificates) to share the public keys for signing and encryption. These certificates include information such as the public key, the owner of the key, and a digital signature created by the issuer of the certificate.

In client-server environments, the server provides a certificate that proves that the content it serves is as intended and hasn’t been changed by malicious users. In some environments, the client must also present its own certificate. This is called mutual TLS (mTLS).

To begin the TLS handshake, the actor receiving the certificate must know and trust the issuer of the certificate. This happens by default for certificates issued by a certificate authority (CA), but not for self-signed certificates. If you decide to use self-signed certificates, you must share them across the servers and applications that need to communicate in your environment.

Be mindful of security breaches and vulnerabilities that happen across the world, and ensure your environment isn’t using outdated, insecure protocols, such as SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and others.

Configure the AM container for HTTPS connections

Configure the container where AM runs for HTTPS to prevent communication over insecure HTTP. This includes HTTPS communication between AM and the following components:

  • Web and Java agents

  • Client applications

  • Any other member of the Ping Identity Platform

Configuring AM for HTTPS is only the first step. You must also configure the web or Java agent, applications, and any other member of the Ping Identity Platform for HTTPS.

HTTPS connections happen at the container level, encapsulated in the TLS protocol. This means AM itself isn’t involved in checking or sending certificates. The same is true for web and Java agents.

Some advanced AM features, however, require AM to be able to validate certificates without the mediation of the container. For more information about those features, refer to AM features that use keys.

To secure communication to AM, configure the container for HTTPS connections and install AM using the https protocol and the appropriate secure port. Follow the steps in Installation to prepare your environment and install AM.

You can also reconfigure your instances to use HTTPS. Learn more in How do I enable SSL in PingAM for an existing installation?.

To control the protocols used for outbound HTTPS connections, configure the -Dhttps.protocols JVM setting in the container where AM runs. For details, refer to Security settings.

Secure Directory Server communication

Configure AM and its connected data stores to enforce secure communication. This includes communication between AM and the following data stores:

  • Configuration store

  • Identity store

  • Application and policy stores

  • CTS and UMA stores

Configure AM to trust Directory Server certificates

Secure directory server connections check certificates stored in the truststore of the container where AM runs. This procedure assumes you are using Apache Tomcat and a DS instance. Refer to your container and directory server documentation for more information.

  1. Configure your directory server to enforce secure communication if it doesn’t already.

    For DS instances, refer to Require LDAPS in the DS documentation.

    • On the DS host, export the DS CA certificate.

      DS uses a deployment ID and password to generate a CA key pair. Learn more in Deployment IDs.

      Use the dskeymgr command to export the CA certificate:

      $ /path/to/opendj/bin/dskeymgr \
      export-ca-cert \
      --deploymentId $DEPLOYMENT_ID \
      --deploymentIdPassword password \
      --outputFile /path/to/ca-cert.pem
    • Copy the ca-cert.pem file to an accessible location on the AM host.

    • Import the DS certificate into the AM truststore:

      $ keytool \
      -importcert \
      -file /path/to/ca-cert.pem \
      -keystore /path/to/openam/security/keystores/truststore

    You are now ready to configure AM to use secure connections to the directory server.

Configure secure DS connections

  1. Make a backup of your environment, as explained in Back up configurations.

  2. Ensure your stores are ready for secure connections, and that AM can trust the certificates of the directory servers. Failure to do so may cause several problems, such as the amAdmin user being unable to log in, or AM being unable to start up.

    Try the change first in test or development environments.

    Certificate hostname validation is strict. AM checks that the hostname in the LDAP server certificate matches the hostname of the directory server, and DS checks that the server it’s trying to connect to has a certificate that matches its hostname.

  3. Specify the TLS protocol(s) AM will use for outbound LDAPS connections by configuring the JVM setting in the container where AM runs.

    For example:,TLSv1.3

    For details, refer to Security settings.

  4. To configure identity stores:

    • In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Identity Stores > Store Name > Server Settings.

    • In the LDAP Connection Mode drop-down list, choose LDAPS.

    • Click Save Changes.

    Perform these steps in every realm as necessary.

  5. To configure LDAPS for the external CTS store:

    • In the AM admin UI, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > CTS > External Store Configuration.

    • Enable the SSL/TLS Enabled option.

    • Click Save Changes.

  6. To configure the configuration store:

    • Go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Directory Configuration > Server.

    • On the Connection type drown-down list, choose SSL.

    • Click Save Changes.

    Perform these steps on every server as necessary.

  7. To configure external policy and application stores:

    • Go to Configure > Global Service > External Data Stores > Secondary Configurations > Store Name.

    • Enable the Use SSL option.

    • Click Save Changes.

    Perform these steps for each store in every realm as necessary.

  8. To configure external UMA stores:

    • Go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > UMA > External UMA store.

    • Enable the SSL/TLS Enabled option.

    • Click Save Changes.

    Perform these steps for each store as necessary.

  9. When using clients, make LDAP calls through the LDAPS port and make sure the client has access to the store certificate.

    Otherwise, the LDAP server won’t be able to validate the connection.

    For DS stores, you should also specify the keystore file containing the store certificate, and its password. For example:

    --port 1636 \
    --useSsl \
    --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \
    --truststorepassword:file /path/to/opendj/config/ \

    Different commands and keystore types may require different options. For more information, refer to the PingDS Tools Reference.

Configure AM behind a reverse proxy

Reverse proxies (such as PingGateway) are proxy servers that sit between clients and application servers. Their main function is to act on behalf of the application server, forwarding resources to the client as if they were the application server itself.

Modern reverse proxies provide additional functionality such as load balancing, compression, SSL termination, web acceleration, and firewall capabilities.

Configuring a reverse proxy in front of your AM instances provides the following security benefits:

  • Protecting AM servers from denial of service attacks.

    A reverse proxy will terminate incoming connections and reopen them against the AM servers, effectively masking the AM IP addresses. This makes it more difficult for attackers to launch DoS attacks against them. A firewall can prevent direct access to the AM servers.

  • SSL termination/SSL offloading.

    Since reverse proxies terminate incoming connections to AM, they also decrypt the HTTPS requests and pass them unencrypted to the container where AM runs.

    This has several benefits, such as removing the need to install certificates in the containers, which simplifies the management of SSL/TLS.

    Depending on your environment, though, you may decide to configure SSL/TLS between AM and the reverse proxy, or configure the proxy to pass-through the SSL traffic to the container where AM runs.

    These topics assume that AM is configured to use HTTPS communication.

  • Unique point of access to AM.

    Configuring a reverse proxy in front of AM creates a channel between the public network and the internal network.

    Since all communication to AM needs to come from the reverse proxy, you can, for example, restrict access to a set of trusted networks. You can fine-tune the access restrictions for each request and apply rate-limiting and load balancing such that a possible attack does not bring down your whole infrastructure.

  • Protecting endpoints

    In the same way that you can restrict access to trusted networks, you can also restrict access to any endpoint AM is exposing.

    AM exposes a number of internal administration endpoints, such as the /sessionservice endpoint. You must ensure those are not reachable over the Internet.

    For a list of internal endpoints that you should protect, see Service endpoints.

    Regarding feature endpoints, AM makes endpoints accessible the moment an administrator creates a service. For example, the OAuth 2.0 endpoints are not available by default, but configuring an instance of the OAuth 2.0 provider service in a realm will make the endpoints available for that realm.

    You must ensure you are exposing the correct endpoints to the Internet.

Recommending how to set up your network infrastructure is beyond the scope of this document. There are too many permutations that are valid use cases; for example, some environments may deploy a reverse proxy for its load balancing capabilities instead of dedicated, hardware-based load balancers. More complex deployments may have multiple layers of firewalls, load balancers, and reverse proxies.

The following figure is an example of a possible configuration:

Expose only the necessary endpoints outside your infrastructure.
Figure 1. Exposing only the reverse proxy to the internet

The following table summarizes the high-level tasks required to configure AM when it is behind a proxy:

Task Resources

Configure the proxy’s details

Configure AM or the container where it runs to route outbound traffic through the proxy.

Configure the Base URL service

Services configure their endpoints based on AM’s URL. The Base URL service remaps the endpoints of the services that require it to the proxy’s URL.

Configure AM for outbound communication

Clients from different networks connect to AM to use its functionality. These clients initiate communication with AM and the container where it runs. However, when AM acts as a client to a third-party application, it makes outbound calls outside its container to retrieve information or services.

When AM is behind a proxy, you must route AM’s client through the proxy. To do so, provide the proxy’s details to AM and the container where it runs:

  1. Set the relevant proxy JVM options in the container where AM runs.

    HTTPS options

    IP address or hostname of the proxy server. For example,


    Port number of the proxy server. For example, 8443.


    A pipe-separated (|) list of IP addresses or hostnames that should be reached directly, bypassing the proxy configuration. For example, localhost|

    Use wildcards (*) at the beginning or the end of the address or hostname. For example, * or internal*.

    HTTP options

    IP address or hostname of the proxy server. For example,


    Port number of the proxy server. For example, 8080.


    A pipe-separated (|) list of IP addresses or hostnames that should be reached directly, bypassing the proxy configuration. For example, localhost|

    Use wildcards (*) at the beginning or the end of the address or hostname. For example, * or internal*.

    For example, set the properties in the JAVA_OPTS variable of the $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ Apache Tomcat file.

  2. Check whether your proxy requires authentication:

    1. If the proxy requires authentication:

      • In the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.uri advanced server property, configure the URI of the proxy.

        The URI must be in the format scheme://hostname:port.

        For example,

      • Set the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.username advanced property.

      • Store the proxy password in a secret store, instead of in the configuration. Use the secret label am.servers.httpclienthandler.proxy.secret to map an alias for the password.

        If AM finds a matching secret for the am.servers.httpclienthandler.proxy.secret label in a secret store, AM ignores the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.password advanced server property.

      • In the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.nonProxyHosts advanced server property, provide one or more target hosts for which resulting HTTP client requests should not be proxied.

        The list must be comma-separated, for example [localhost,127.*,*].

    2. If the proxy does not require authentication:

      • Set the org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.proxy.enabled advanced server property to true.

        This lets features using the HTTPClientHandler access the JVM proxy settings.

For more information about the advanced server properties, see Advanced Properties.

How do I configure advanced server properties?
  • To configure advanced server properties for all the instances of the AM environment, in the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

  • To configure advanced server properties for a particular instance, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced.

  • To configure advanced server properties for a particular instance, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced.

If the property you want to add or edit is already configured, click on the pencil () button to edit it. When you are finished, click on the tick () button.

Click Save Changes.

You can tune the connection factory behavior of the features that use the HttpClientHandler. For example, the scripting engine, or the social provider authentication nodes.

Client connection handler properties

The following advanced server properties control different aspects of the connection factory:

  • org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.clients.connection.timeout

  • org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.clients.max.connections

  • org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.clients.pool.ttl

  • org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.clients.response.timeout

  • org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.clients.retry.failed.requests.enabled

  • org.forgerock.openam.httpclienthandler.system.clients.reuse.connections.enabled

They have sensible defaults configured, but if you need to change them, see Advanced Properties.

Configure the Base URL source service

In many deployments, AM determines the base URL of a provider using the incoming HTTP request. However, there are often cases when the base URL of a provider cannot be determined from the incoming request alone, especially if the provider is behind a proxying application. For example, if an AM instance is part of a site where the external connection is over SSL but the request to the AM instance is over plain HTTP, AM will have difficulty reconstructing the base URL of the provider.

In these cases, AM supports a provider service that lets you configure a realm to obtain the base URL, including the protocol, for components that need to return a URL to the client.

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services, and click Add a Service.

  2. Click Base URL Source, and click Create. Leave the fields empty.

  3. For Base URL Source, choose one of the following options:

    Base URL source options
    Option Description

    Extension class

    Click the Extension class to return a base URL from a provided HttpServletRequest object. In the Extension class name field, enter

    Fixed value

    Click Fixed value to enter a specific base URL value. In the Fixed value base URL field, enter the base URL.

    Forwarded header

    Click Forwarded header to retrieve the base URL from the Forwarded header field in the HTTP request. The Forwarded HTTP header field is standardized and specified in RFC 7239.

    Host/protocol from incoming request (default)

    Click Host/protocol from incoming request to get the hostname, server name, and port from the HTTP request.

    X-Forwarded-* headers

    Click X-Forwarded-* headers to use non-standard header fields, such as X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-By, and X-Forwarded-Proto.

  4. In the Context path, enter the context path for the base URL.

    If provided, the base URL includes the deployment context path appended to the calculated URL. For example, /openam.

  5. Click Finish to save your configuration.

Configure CORS support

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) allows requests to be made across domains from user agents.

To configure CORS support in AM, use the global CORS service UI, or use the /global-config/services/CorsService REST endpoint.

The configurations you create with either method are combined to form the entire set of rules for resource sharing. The CORS service also collects the values of the JavaScript Origins property in each OAuth 2.0 client configured, and adds them to the list of accepted origins.

Ensure that customers allowlist all headers for CORS and OAuth 2.0 client integration with AM.

For details, refer to Authentication session allowlisting.

Any changes you make to CORS configurations, using either the UI or REST, take effect immediately without requiring a restart.

In previous AM releases, you configured CORS filters in the deployment descriptor file (web.xml). This method of configuring CORS is not supported, from AM version 7 onwards.

Configure CORS in the UI

You can use the UI to add multiple CORS configurations to AM, which are combined and used to ensure that only your trusted clients and applications can access your AM instance’s resources.

For example, you could use the REST endpoint to add a base configuration, allowing a broad set of headers, and then add a stricter configuration; for example, for your OAuth 2.0 clients.

Enable the CORS filter

To enable CORS globally, go to Configure > Global Services > CORS Service > Configuration, and enable the Enable the CORS filter property.

If this property is not enabled, no CORS headers are added to any responses from AM, and CORS is disabled.

Add a CORS configuration

To add a CORS configuration, go to Configure > Global Services > CORS Service > Secondary Configurations, and click Add a Secondary Configuration.

The initial page contains the following properties:


Provide a descriptive name for the configuration to make management of multiple rules easier.

Accepted Origins

Add the origins allowed when making CORS requests to AM. Wildcards are not supported; each value should be an exact match for the origin of the CORS request.

The CORS service automatically collects the values of the JavaScript Origins property in each OAuth 2.0 client configured, and adds them to an internal list of accepted origins. You do not need to add them manually, unless you plan to use non-standard headers. Refer to JavaScript Origins for details.

During development, you may not be using FQDNs as the origin of a CORS request; for example, when you are using the file:// protocol locally.

If so, you can add these non-FQDN origins to the list; for example, file:// and null.

Accepted Methods

Add the HTTP methods allowed when making CORS requests to AM. The list is included in pre-flight responses, in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.

The method names are case-sensitive, ensure they are entered in all uppercase characters.

Accepted Headers

Add the request header names allowed when making CORS requests to AM. The list is included in pre-flight responses, in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.

The header names are case-insensitive.

By default, the following simple headers are explicitly accepted:

  • Cache-Control

  • Content-Language

  • Expires

  • Last-Modified

  • Pragma

If you do not specify values for this element, the presence of any header in the CORS request, other than the simple headers listed above, will cause the request to be rejected.

What are the commonly used headers?

Headers commonly used when accessing an AM server include the following:

Commonly used headers
Header Information



Used to pass credentials in REST calls that use the HTTP POST method.


Used to request a specific AM endpoint version.


Required for cross-origin calls to AM REST API endpoints.


Used to ensure the correct version of a resource will be affected when making a REST call, for example when updating an UMA resource.

Exposed Headers

Add the response header names that AM returns in the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.

The header names are case-insensitive.

User agents can make use of any headers that are listed in this property, as well as the simple response headers, which are as follows:

  • Cache-Control

  • Content-Language

  • Expires

  • Last-Modified

  • Pragma

  • Content-Type

User agents must filter out all other response headers.


Example of a CORS configuration in the UI.

After you have completed the initial form fields, click Create.

The main CORS configuration page has the following additional properties:

Enable the CORS filter

Specifies whether the values specified in this CORS configuration instance will be active.

Max Age

The maximum length of time, in seconds, that the browser is allowed to cache the pre-flight response. The value is included in pre-flight responses, in the Access-Control-Max-Age header.

Allow Credentials

Whether to allow requests with credentials in either HTTP cookies or HTTP authentication information.

Enable this property if you send Authorization headers as part of the CORS requests, or need to include information in cookies when making requests.

When enabled, AM sets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true header.

Delete a CORS configuration

To delete a CORS configuration, go to Configure > Global Services > CORS Service > Secondary Configurations. Then, find the configuration to delete and click its Delete button.

You can disable a CORS configuration, and enable it again later, by choosing the rule and toggling the Enable the CORS filter property.

Configure CORS over REST

You can use the endpoint to add multiple CORS configurations to AM, which are combined and used to ensure that only your trusted clients and applications can access your AM instance’s resources.

For example, you could use the REST endpoint to add a base configuration, allowing a broad set of headers, and then add a stricter configuration; for example, for your OAuth 2.0 clients.

For information about the /global-config/services/CorsService endpoint, refer to the API Explorer available in the AM admin UI.

These examples demonstrate managing a CORS configuration by using REST:

Add a CORS configuration

To add a new CORS configuration, send an HTTP POST request, with the create action to the /global-config/services/CorsService/configuration endpoint.

You will require the SSO token of an administrative user; for example, amAdmin.

For information on obtaining an SSO token over REST, refer to Authenticate over REST.

The payload of the request must contain the CORS configuration:


Specifies whether the values specified in the CORS configuration instance will be active (true), or not (false).

At least one instance must be enabled for AM to enforce CORS.

A comma-separated list of the origins allowed when making CORS requests to AM. Wildcards are not supported; each value should be an exact match for the origin of the CORS request.


    "acceptedOrigins": [

The CORS service automatically collects the values of the JavaScript Origins property in each OAuth 2.0 client configured, and adds them to an internal list of accepted origins. You do not need to add them manually, unless you plan to use non-standard headers. Refer to JavaScript Origins for details.

During development, you may not be using fully qualified domain names as the origin of a CORS request; for example, you are using the file:// protocol locally.

If so, you can add these non-FQDN origins to the list; for example,,, file://, null.


A list of HTTP methods allowed when making CORS requests to AM. The list is included in pre-flight responses, in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.

The method names are case-sensitive, ensure they are entered in all uppercase characters.


    "acceptedMethods": [

A list of request header names allowed when making CORS requests to AM. The list is included in pre-flight responses, in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.

The header names are case-insensitive.


    "acceptedHeaders": [

By default, the following simple headers are explicitly accepted:

  • Cache-Control

  • Content-Language

  • Expires

  • Last-Modified

  • Pragma

If you do not specify values for this element, the presence of any header in the CORS request, other than the simple headers listed above, will cause the request to be rejected.

What are the commonly used headers?

Headers commonly used when accessing an AM server include the following:

Commonly used headers
Header Information



Used to pass credentials in REST calls that use the HTTP POST method.


Used to request a specific endpoint version.


Required for cross-origin calls to AM REST API endpoints.


Used to ensure the correct version of a resource will be affected when making a REST call.

For an example, refer to Update an UMA resource over REST.


A list of response header names that AM returns in the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.

The header names are case-insensitive.

User agents can make use of any headers that are listed in this property, as well as the simple response headers, which are as follows:

  • Cache-Control

  • Content-Language

  • Expires

  • Last-Modified

  • Pragma

  • Content-Type

    User agents must filter out all other response headers.


        "exposedHeaders": [

The maximum length of time, in seconds, that the browser is allowed to cache the pre-flight response. The value is included in pre-flight responses, in the Access-Control-Max-Age header.


Whether to allow requests with credentials in either HTTP cookies or HTTP authentication information.

Set to true if you send Authorization headers as part of the CORS requests, or need to include information in cookies when making requests.

When enabled, AM sets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true header.

The following shows an example of configuring CORS rules by using the /global-config/services/CorsService endpoint:

$ curl \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" \
--header 'Accept-API-Version: protocol=1.0,resource=1.0' \
--header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w…​2NzEz*" \
--data '{
    "enabled": true,
    "acceptedOrigins": [
    "acceptedMethods": [
    "acceptedHeaders": [
    "exposedHeaders": [
    "maxAge": 1800,
    "allowCredentials": true
}' \
    "_id": "ef61e99c-6c83-4044-a1f5-71f472531b71",
    "_rev": "-1255664842",
    "maxAge": 1800,
    "exposedHeaders": [
    "acceptedOrigins": [
    "acceptedMethods": [
    "acceptedHeaders": [
    "enabled": true,
    "allowCredentials": true,
    "_type": {
        "_id": "CORSService",
        "name": "CORS Service",
        "collection": true

On success, AM returns an HTTP 201 response code, and a representation of the CORS settings, in JSON format. AM generates a UUID for the configuration, returned as the value of the _id property. You can use this ID value to update or delete the configuration with additional REST calls.

The new settings take effect immediately.

Delete a CORS configuration

To delete a CORS configuration, create an HTTP DELETE request to the /global-config/services/CorsService REST endpoint.

You will need the SSO token of an administrative user; for example, amAdmin.

For information on obtaining an SSO token by using REST, refer to Authenticate over REST.

Add the ID of the configuration to delete to the URL.

The following shows an example of deleting CORS rules by using the /global-config/services/CorsService endpoint:

$ curl \
--request DELETE \
--header "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" \
--header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w…​2NzEz*" \
    "_id": "ef61e99c-6c83-4044-a1f5-71f472531b71",
    "_rev": "-1255664842",
    "maxAge": 1800,
    "exposedHeaders": [
    "acceptedOrigins": [
    "acceptedMethods": [
    "acceptedHeaders": [
    "enabled": true,
    "allowCredentials": true,
    "_type": {
        "_id": "CORSService",
        "name": "CORS Service",
        "collection": true

On success, AM returns an HTTP 200 response code, and a representation of the CORS settings that were deleted, in JSON format.

The changes to the CORS settings take effect immediately.

Configure AM’s cookie domain to ensure only users and entities from trusted domains can be authenticated.

By default, the AM installer sets the cookie domain based on the fully qualified hostname of the server on which it installs AM, such as

After installation, you may want to change the cookie domain to so AM can communicate with any host in the sub-domain.

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Global Services > Platform > Cookie Domain.

  2. In the Cookie Domain field, set the list of domains into which AM should write cookies. Consider the following points:

    • Configure as many cookie domains as your environment requires. For example, for the realms configured with DNS aliases. (For more information, see Realms.) Browsers ignore any cookies that do not match the current domain to ensure the correct one is used.

    • If you do not specify any cookie domain, AM uses the fully qualified name of the server, which implies that a host cookie is set rather than a domain cookie.

      When configuring AM for Cross-Domain Single Sign-On (CDSSO), you must protect your AM deployment against cookie hijacking by setting a host cookie rather than a domain cookie. For more information, see Restrict tokens for CDSSO session cookies.

    • Do not configure a top-level domain as your cookie domain because browsers will reject them. Top-level domains are browser-specific. For example, Firefox considers special domains like Amazon’s web service (for example, to be a top-level domain. (For a list of effective top-level domains, see

    • Do not configure the cookie domain such that it starts with a dot (.) character. For example, configure instead of

    • If you are using Wildfly as the AM web container with multiple cookie domains, you must set the advanced server property, com.sun.identity.authentication.setCookieToAllDomains, to false.

      Set this property in the AM admin UI, under Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

  3. Save your changes.

  4. Restart AM or the container where it runs.

Protect against CSRF attacks

AM includes a global filter to harden protection against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. The filter applies to all REST endpoints under json/. It requires that all requests, other than GET, HEAD, or OPTIONS, include at least one of the following headers:

  • X-Requested-With

    This header is often sent by Javascript frameworks, and the UI already sends it on all requests.

  • Accept-API-Version

    This header specifies which version of the REST API to use. Use this header in your requests to ensure future changes to the API do not affect your clients.

    For more information about API versioning, see REST API versions.

Failure to include at least one of the headers causes the REST request to fail with a 403 Forbidden error, even if the SSO token is valid.

The CSRF filter applies only when the request includes the SSO token in the session cookie (iPlanetDirectoryPro by default).

To disable the CSRF filter, go to Configure > Global Services > REST APIs and turn off Enable CSRF Protection.

The json/ endpoint is not vulnerable to CSRF attacks when the filter is disabled, because it requires the Content-Type: application/json header, which currently triggers the same protection in browsers. This might change in the future, however, so it is advisable to enable the CSRF filter.

Secure authentication to data stores

By default, AM authenticates to external data stores using simple (username/password) authentication. To enhance security, you can configure mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication. This lets AM and the DS server authenticate each other using trusted certificates.

For additional security, you should periodically rotate the certificates, as described in Map and rotate secrets.

  • When AM uses certificates to authenticate to external data stores, if the active certificate expires, the TLS handshake will be unsuccessful. In this case, AM won’t be able to establish the connection or process any requests to that data store.

    Having a long certificate expiry time can expose your deployment to attacks, for example, in cases of certificate theft.

    You must implement best security practices to balance the requirement of reasonable certificate expiry times with the need for an active certificate for authentication.

  • Due to a known issue in OpenJDK, you can’t configure mTLS authentication to data stores if you’re using Java version 11.0.2. If you’re using this Java version and attempt to authenticate with mTLS, the connection fails and the DS server generates the following error in the ldap-access.audit.json log:

    "failureReason":"The SASL EXTERNAL bind request could not be processed because the client did not present a certificate
    chain during SSL/TLS negotiation"

    AM then enters an invalid state.

    To work around this issue, upgrade to Java 11.0.3 or higher, or authenticate using simple authentication.

This topic describes how to configure mTLS authentication between AM and the following external data stores:

mTLS for identity stores

You can configure mTLS authentication to the following identity stores:

  • PingDS

  • ForgeRock IAM Directory Server

Configuring mTLS authentication to an identity store requires configuration changes on the directory server and on AM. The DS configuration is the same, regardless of which DS type you’re using.

Configure DS for mTLS

By default, the credentials of the identity bind account you created when you installed DS are:

  • Bind DN: uid=am-identity-bind-account,ou=admins,ou=identities.

  • Password: The password you set with am-identity-store/amIdentityStoreAdminPassword.

Adjust the following steps if you used different credentials.

  1. When the DS server is running, create a keystore and TLS key pair for the AM identity bind account. This command creates the keypair in a new keystore in the default AM security folder:

    $ ./dskeymgr create-tls-key-pair \
    --deploymentId $DEPLOYMENT_ID \
    --deploymentIdPassword <password> \
    --keyStoreFile /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore \
    --keyStorePassword:file /path/to/am/security/ \
    --alias am-identities-sa-cert \
    --subjectDn "uid=am-identity-bind-account,ou=admins,ou=identities"
    • The subjectDn must match the subject DN of the identity bind account. If you followed the procedure in Install DS for platform identities, the subjectDn is as shown in this example.

    • The --keyStorePassword:file option points to a file that contains the password to the new keystore.

    • You can choose any certificate alias. The alias used here (am-identities-sa-cert) is an example.

  2. Configure the Certificate Mapper property of the DS External SASL Mechanism Handler:

    $ /path/to/opendj/bin/dsconfig set-sasl-mechanism-handler-prop \
    --handler-name External \
    --set certificate-mapper:Fingerprint\ Mapper \
    --hostname \
    --port 4444 \
    --bindDn uid=admin \
    --bindPassword <password> \
    --trustAll \
    The External SASL Mechanism Handler was modified successfully

    This example configures a Fingerprint Certificate Mapper, but you can use any supported Certificate Mapper.

  3. Obtain the SHA256 fingerprint of the identity bind account.

    This command obtains the fingerprint of the certificate you generated in Step 1:

    $ keytool -list \
    -v \
    -alias am-identities-sa-cert \
    -keyStore /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore \
    -storePass:file /path/to/am/security/
    Alias name: am-identities-sa-cert
    Creation date: Sep 26, 2023
    Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
    Certificate chain length: 1
    Owner: UID=am-identity-bind-account, OU=admins, OU=identities
    Issuer: CN=Deployment key,
    Serial number: dba446f7de186933e34a
    Valid from: Tue Sep 26 18:02:03 SAST 2023 until: Fri Sep 27 18:02:03 SAST 2024
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 SHA1: EB:7D:17:BF:88:F4:1E:43:12:A9:BC:56:53:CB:29:91:4C:3D:DE:03
    	 SHA256: D3:A2:DA:97:A3:6B:9C:D0:B2:A6:E7:45:62:B7:51:69:66:AB:22:FA:0C:C3:E2:63:DF:67:4E:DA:CB:C2:DA:65
    Signature algorithm name: SHA256withECDSA
    Subject Public Key Algorithm: 256-bit EC (secp256r1) key
    Version: 3
  4. Import the certificate details, including the fingerprint, into the identity bind account on DS.

    1. Use the ldapmodify command to add the certificate details to DS.

      Replace the value of the ds-certificate-fingerprint attribute with the SHA256 fingerprint you obtained in the previous step:

      $ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \
       --hostname \
       --port 1636 \
       --useSsl \
       --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \
       --truststorepassword:file /path/to/opendj/config/ \
       --bindDN uid=admin \
       --bindPassword <password> << EOF
      dn: uid=am-identity-bind-account,ou=admins,ou=identities
      changetype: modify
      add: objectclass
      objectclass: ds-certificate-user
      add: ds-certificate-fingerprint
      ds-certificate-fingerprint: D3:A2:DA:97:A3:6B:9C:D0:B2:A6:E7:45:62:B7:51:69:66:AB:22:FA:0C:C3:E2:63:DF:67:4E:DA:CB:C2:DA:65
      add: ds-certificate-issuer-dn
      ds-certificate-issuer-dn: CN=Deployment key,
      add: ds-certificate-subject-dn
      ds-certificate-subject-dn: UID=am-identity-bind-account, OU=admins, OU=identities
      # MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=am-identity-bind-account,ou=admins,ou=identities
    2. Repeat this step for each replicated DS server in your deployment.

Configure mTLS between AM and the identity store

These steps assume you’re configuring a separate secret store for mTLS certificates. Although this isn’t mandatory, it’s best practice to configure separate secret stores. If your deployment uses only one secret store, you can skip the first step of this procedure.

  1. Configure the mTLS secret store in AM:

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and click Add Secret Store.

    2. Enter the following details, and click Create:

      • Secret Store ID: mtls-keystore

      • Store Type: Keystore

      • File: /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore

    3. On the Settings tab, enter the following details:

      • Keystore type: PKCS12

      • Store password secret label: <mtlsstorepass>

      • Entry password secret label: <mtlsentrypass>

        Click Save Changes.

  2. Add the path to the AM secrets store:

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and click Add Secret Store.

    2. Enter the following details, and click Create:

      • Secret Store ID: mtls-password-store

      • Store Type: File System Secret Volumes

      • Directory: /path/to/am/security/secrets

    3. Set the File format to Plain text and click Save Changes.

      For demonstration purposes, this example uses a plain text secret. In production systems, you should use a more secure secret format. For details of the secret types supported by file system secret volumes, refer to Configure a file system secret volume.
  1. Configure mappings.

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and select mtls-keystore.

    2. On the Mappings tab, click Add Mapping and enter a mapping for the identity store.

      • Secret Label: am.identity.repository.label.cert, where label is the value of the mTLS Secret Label Identifier property in the identity store configuration.

        You can only select the am.identity.repository.label.cert secret label for mapping after you have created the mTLS Secret Label Identifier in the identity store configuration.
      • Aliases: am-identities-sa-cert

        Click Add, then click Create.

AM can now use mTLS to authenticate to the identity store.

mTLS for configuration stores

Configuring mTLS authentication to an external configuration store requires configuration changes on both the DS directory server and on AM.

Configure DS for mTLS

By default, the credentials of the configuration account you created when you installed DS are:

  • Bind DN: uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config

  • Password: The password you set with am-config/amConfigAdminPassword

Adjust the following steps if you used different credentials.

  1. When the DS server is running, create a keypair and save it to a new keystore:

    $ dskeymgr create-tls-key-pair \
    --deploymentId $DEPLOYMENT_ID \
    --deploymentIdPassword <password> \
    --keyStoreFile /path/to/mtls-keystore \
    --keyStorePassword:file /path/to/ \
    --alias am-config-sa-cert \
    --subjectDn "uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config"
    • The subjectDn must match the subject DN of the configuration account. If you followed the procedure in Install DS for AM configuration, the subjectDn is as shown in this example.

    • The --keyStorePassword:file option points to a file containing the password to the new keystore.

    • You can choose any certificate alias. The alias used here (am-config-sa-cert) is an example.

    • For details on the dskeymgr command, refer to dskeymgr.

  2. Configure the Certificate Mapper property of the DS External SASL Mechanism Handler:

    $ /path/to/opendj/bin/dsconfig set-sasl-mechanism-handler-prop \
    --handler-name External \
    --set certificate-mapper:Fingerprint\ Mapper \
    --hostname \
    --port 4444 \
    --bindDn uid=admin \
    --bindPassword <password> \
    --trustAll \
    The External SASL Mechanism Handler was modified successfully

    This example configures a Fingerprint Certificate Mapper, but you can use any supported Certificate Mapper.

  3. Obtain the SHA256 fingerprint of the configuration account.

    This command obtains the fingerprint of the certificate you generated in Step 1:

    $ keytool -list \
    -v \
    -alias am-config-sa-cert \
    -keyStore /path/to/mtls-keystore \
    -keyStorePassword:file /path/to/ \
    Alias name: am-config-sa-cert
    Creation date: Sep 20, 2023
    Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
    Certificate chain length: 1
    Owner: UID=am-config, OU=admins, OU=am-config
    Issuer: CN=Deployment key,
    Serial number: dba446f7de186933e34a
    Valid from: Fri Sep 20 18:02:03 SAST 2023 until: Sat Sep 29 18:02:03 SAST 2024
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 SHA1: EB:7D:17:BF:88:F4:1E:43:12:A9:BC:56:53:CB:29:91:4C:3D:DE:03
    	 SHA256: D3:A2:DA:97:A3:6B:9C:D0:B2:A6:E7:45:62:B7:51:69:66:AB:22:FA:0C:C3:E2:63:DF:67:4E:DA:CB:C2:DA:65
    Signature algorithm name: SHA256withECDSA
    Subject Public Key Algorithm: 256-bit EC (secp256r1) key
    Version: 3
  4. Import the certificate details, including the fingerprint, into the configuration account on DS.

    1. Use the ldapmodify command to add the certificate details to DS.

      Replace the value of the ds-certificate-fingerprint attribute with the SHA256 fingerprint you obtained in the previous step:

      $ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \
       --hostname \
       --port 1636 \
       --useSsl \
       --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \
       --truststorepassword:file /path/to/opendj/config/ \
       --bindDN uid=admin \
       --bindPassword <password> << EOF
      dn: uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config
      changetype: modify
      add: objectclass
      objectclass: ds-certificate-user
      add: ds-certificate-fingerprint
      ds-certificate-fingerprint: D3:A2:DA:97:A3:6B:9C:D0:B2:A6:E7:45:62:B7:51:69:66:AB:22:FA:0C:C3:E2:63:DF:67:4E:DA:CB:C2:DA:65
      add: ds-certificate-issuer-dn
      ds-certificate-issuer-dn: CN=Deployment key,
      add: ds-certificate-subject-dn
      ds-certificate-subject-dn: UID=am-config,OU=admins,OU=am-config
      # MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config
    2. Repeat this step for each replicated DS server in your deployment.

Configure mTLS between AM and the configuration store

Unlike other data stores, the configuration store doesn’t use the secrets API for mTLS authentication. Because AM stores secret mappings in the configuration store, you can’t use them to authenticate to the configuration store.

To set up mTLS authentication from AM to the configuration store:

  1. Import the keypair that you created in Step 1 from the DS PKCS12 keystore to an AM JCEKS keystore.

    (It’s not possible to export the keypair from DS directly to a JCEKS keystore.)

    $ keytool -importkeystore \
     -srckeystore /path/to/mtls-keystore \
     -srcstorepass "" \
     -srckeypass "" \
     -destkeystore /path/to/am/security/keystores/keystore.jceks \
     -deststorepass $(cat /path/to/am/security/secrets/default/.storepass) \
     -destkeypass $(cat /path/to/am/security/secrets/default/.keypass) \
     -alias am-config-sa-cert
  2. Go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Directory Configuration.

  3. Select mTLS Enabled.

  4. Enter the details of the mTLS certificate that you imported in the previous step, for example:

    • mTLS Certificate Alias: am-config-sa-cert

    • mTLS KeyStore File: /path/to/am/security/keystores/keystore.jceks

    • mTLS KeyStore Type: JCEKS

    • mTLS KeyStore Password File: /path/to/am/security/secrets/default/.storepass

    • mTLS Key Password File: /path/to/am/security/secrets/default/.keypass

AM can now use mTLS to authenticate to the configuration store.

For security reasons, periodically rotate the certificate that AM uses to authenticate to the configuration store. Update the mTLS Certificate Alias in the Directory Configuration to refer to the new certificate.

When you rotate the active certificate used to authenticate to the configuration store, AM closes existing connections to that data store and establishes new connections. If this directory server is configured as your Default Data Store, AM closes all existing connections that use this server, and terminates any transactions in progress. AM then establishes new connections.

Make sure the Maximum Connection Pool setting for this server has sufficient connections so that AM can grab replacement connections from the pool without disrupting the service.

mTLS for policy and application stores

Configuring mTLS authentication to an external policy or application store requires configuration changes on both the DS directory server and on AM.

Configure DS for mTLS

By default, the credentials of the configuration account you created when you installed DS are:

  • Bind DN: uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config

  • Password: The password you set with am-config/amConfigAdminPassword

Adjust the following steps if you used different credentials.

  1. When the DS server is running, create a keystore and TLS key pair for the AM configuration account. This command creates the keypair in a new keystore in the default AM security folder:

    $ ./dskeymgr create-tls-key-pair \
    --deploymentId $DEPLOYMENT_ID \
    --deploymentIdPassword <password> \
    --keyStoreFile /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore \
    --keyStorePassword:file /path/to/am/security/ \
    --alias am-config-sa-cert \
    --subjectDn "uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config"
    • The subjectDn must match the subject DN of the configuration account. If you followed the procedure in Install DS for AM configuration, the subjectDn is as shown in this example.

    • The --keyStorePassword:file option points to a file that contains the password to the new keystore.

    • You can choose any certificate alias. The alias used here (am-config-sa-cert) is an example.

  2. Configure the Certificate Mapper property of the DS External SASL Mechanism Handler:

    $ /path/to/opendj/bin/dsconfig set-sasl-mechanism-handler-prop \
    --handler-name External \
    --set certificate-mapper:Fingerprint\ Mapper \
    --hostname \
    --port 4444 \
    --bindDn uid=admin \
    --bindPassword <password> \
    --trustAll \
    The External SASL Mechanism Handler was modified successfully

    This example configures a Fingerprint Certificate Mapper, but you can use any supported Certificate Mapper.

  3. Obtain the SHA256 fingerprint of the configuration account.

    This command obtains the fingerprint of the certificate you generated in Step 1:

    $ keytool -list \
    -v \
    -alias am-config-sa-cert \
    -keyStore /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore \
    -storePass:file /path/to/am/security/
    Alias name: am-config-sa-cert
    Creation date: Jun 30, 2023
    Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
    Certificate chain length: 1
    Owner: UID=am-config, OU=admins, OU=am-config
    Issuer: CN=Deployment key,
    Serial number: dba446f7de186933e34a
    Valid from: Fri Jun 30 18:02:03 SAST 2023 until: Sat Jun 29 18:02:03 SAST 2024
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 SHA1: EB:7D:17:BF:88:F4:1E:43:12:A9:BC:56:53:CB:29:91:4C:3D:DE:03
    	 SHA256: D3:A2:DA:97:A3:6B:9C:D0:B2:A6:E7:45:62:B7:51:69:66:AB:22:FA:0C:C3:E2:63:DF:67:4E:DA:CB:C2:DA:65
    Signature algorithm name: SHA256withECDSA
    Subject Public Key Algorithm: 256-bit EC (secp256r1) key
    Version: 3
  4. Import the certificate details, including the fingerprint, into the configuration account on DS.

    1. Use the ldapmodify command to add the certificate details to DS.

      Replace the value of the ds-certificate-fingerprint attribute with the SHA256 fingerprint you obtained in the previous step:

      $ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \
       --hostname \
       --port 1636 \
       --useSsl \
       --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \
       --truststorepassword:file /path/to/opendj/config/ \
       --bindDN uid=admin \
       --bindPassword <password> << EOF
      dn: uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config
      changetype: modify
      add: objectclass
      objectclass: ds-certificate-user
      add: ds-certificate-fingerprint
      ds-certificate-fingerprint: D3:A2:DA:97:A3:6B:9C:D0:B2:A6:E7:45:62:B7:51:69:66:AB:22:FA:0C:C3:E2:63:DF:67:4E:DA:CB:C2:DA:65
      add: ds-certificate-issuer-dn
      ds-certificate-issuer-dn: CN=Deployment key,
      add: ds-certificate-subject-dn
      ds-certificate-subject-dn: UID=am-config,OU=admins,OU=am-config
      # MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config
    2. Repeat this step for each replicated DS server in your deployment.

Configure mTLS between AM and the policy or application store

These steps assume that you are configuring a separate secret store for mTLS certificates. Although this isn’t mandatory, it’s best practice to configure separate secret stores. If your deployment uses only one secret store, you can skip the first step of this procedure.

  1. Configure the mTLS secret store in AM:

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and click Add Secret Store.

    2. Enter the following details, and click Create:

      • Secret Store ID: mtls-keystore

      • Store Type: Keystore

      • File: /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore

    3. On the Settings tab, enter the following details:

      • Keystore type: PKCS12

      • Store password secret label: <mtlsstorepass>

      • Entry password secret label: <mtlsentrypass>

        Click Save Changes.

  2. Add the path to the AM secrets store:

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and click Add Secret Store.

    2. Enter the following details, and click Create:

      • Secret Store ID: mtls-password-store

      • Store Type: File System Secret Volumes

      • Directory: /path/to/am/security/secrets

    3. Set the File format to Plain text and click Save Changes.

      For demonstration purposes, this example uses a plain text secret. In production systems, you should use a more secure secret format. For details of the secret types supported by file system secret volumes, refer to Configure a file system secret volume.
  3. Configure mappings.

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and select mtls-keystore.

    2. On the Mappings tab, click Add Mapping and enter a mapping for the policy or application store.

      • Secret Label: am.external.datastore.label.mtls.cert, where label is the value of the mTLS Secret Label Identifier property in the data store configuration.

      • Aliases: am-config-sa-cert

        Click Add, then click Create.

AM can now use mTLS to authenticate to the policy or application store.

mTLS for CTS stores

This section assumes you installed PingDS as a CTS store, as described in Install DS for AM CTS.

You must configure DS and AM for mTLS authentication.

Configure DS for mTLS

  1. When the DS server is running, create a keystore and TLS key pair for the AM CTS account. This command creates the keypair in a new keystore in the default AM security folder:

    $ /path/to/opendj/bin/dskeymgr create-tls-key-pair \
    --deploymentId $DEPLOYMENT_ID \
    --deploymentIdPassword <password> \
    --keyStoreFile /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore \
    --keyStorePassword:file /path/to/am/security/ \
    --alias am-cts-sa-cert \
    --subjectDn "uid=openam_cts,ou=admins,ou=famrecords,ou=openam-session,ou=tokens"
    • The subjectDn must match the subject DN of the CTS account. If you followed the procedure in Install DS for AM CTS, the subjectDn is as shown in this example.

    • The --keyStorePassword:file option points to a file that contains the password to the new keystore.

    • You can choose any certificate alias. The alias used here (am-cts-sa-cert) is an example.

  2. Configure the Certificate Mapper property of the DS External SASL Mechanism Handler:

    $ /path/to/opendj/bin/dsconfig set-sasl-mechanism-handler-prop \
    --handler-name External \
    --set certificate-mapper:Fingerprint\ Mapper \
    --hostname \
    --port 4444 \
    --bindDn uid=admin \
    --bindPassword <password> \
    --trustAll \
    The External SASL Mechanism Handler was modified successfully

    This example configures a Fingerprint Certificate Mapper, but you can use any supported Certificate Mapper.

  3. Obtain the SHA256 fingerprint of the CTS account.

    This command obtains the fingerprint of the certificate you generated in Step 1:

    $ keytool -list \
    -v \
    -alias am-cts-sa-cert \
    -keyStore /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore \
    -storePass:file /path/to/am/security/
    Alias name: am-cts-sa-cert
    Creation date: Jun 30, 2023
    Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
    Certificate chain length: 1
    Owner: UID=openam_cts, OU=admins, OU=famrecords, OU=openam-session, OU=tokens
    Issuer: CN=Deployment key,
    Serial number: 6c100c4b05819d97ee86
    Valid from: Fri Jun 30 09:39:00 SAST 2023 until: Sat Jun 29 09:39:00 SAST 2024
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 SHA1: 46:E9:0E:7B:A6:51:52:6A:BE:7A:02:04:40:7A:6D:1B:F1:D6:6A:9A
    	 SHA256: E2:68:4F:D0:87:A7:E5:52:45:91:CE:EC:46:90:3D:59:5C:6A:6E:31:E2:0D:34:07:63:27:6C:E8:C3:09:25:00
    Signature algorithm name: SHA256withECDSA
    Subject Public Key Algorithm: 256-bit EC (secp256r1) key
    Version: 3
  4. Import the certificate details, including the fingerprint, into the CTS account on DS.

    1. Use the ldapmodify command to add the certificate details to DS.

      Replace the value of the ds-certificate-fingerprint attribute with the SHA256 fingerprint you obtained in the previous step:

      $ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \
       --hostname \
       --port 1636 \
       --useSsl \
       --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \
       --truststorepassword:file /path/to/opendj/config/ \
       --bindDN uid=admin \
       --bindPassword <password> << EOF
      dn: uid=openam_cts,ou=admins,ou=famrecords,ou=openam-session,ou=tokens
      changetype: modify
      add: objectclass
      objectclass: ds-certificate-user
      add: ds-certificate-fingerprint
      ds-certificate-fingerprint: E2:68:4F:D0:87:A7:E5:52:45:91:CE:EC:46:90:3D:59:5C:6A:6E:31:E2:0D:34:07:63:27:6C:E8:C3:09:25:00
      add: ds-certificate-subject-dn
      ds-certificate-subject-dn: UID=openam_cts, OU=admins, OU=famrecords, OU=openam-session, OU=tokens
      add: ds-certificate-issuer-dn
      ds-certificate-issuer-dn: CN=Deployment key,
      # MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=openam_cts,ou=admins,ou=famrecords,ou=openam-session,ou=tokens
    2. Repeat this step for each replicated DS server in your deployment.

Configure mTLS between AM and the CTS store

  1. Configure the mTLS secret store in AM:

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and click Add Secret Store.

    2. Enter the following details, and click Create:

      • Secret Store ID: mtls-keystore

      • Store Type: Keystore

      • File: /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore

    3. On the Settings tab, enter the following details:

      • Keystore type: PKCS12

      • Store password secret label: <mtlsstorepass>

      • Entry password secret label: <mtlsentrypass>

        Click Save Changes.

    4. On the Mappings tab, click Add Mapping and enter the following details.

      • Secret Label: am.cts.mtls.cert

      • Aliases: am-cts-sa-cert

        Click Add, then click Create.

  2. Add the path to the AM secrets store:

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and click Add Secret Store.

    2. Enter the following details, and click Create:

      • Secret Store ID: mtls-password-store

      • Store Type: File System Secret Volumes

      • Directory: /path/to/am/security/secrets

    3. Set the File format to Plain text and click Save Changes.

      For demonstration purposes, this example uses a plain text secret. In production systems, you should use a more secure secret format. For details of the secret types supported by file system secret volumes, refer to Configure a file system secret volume.
  3. Configure the CTS for mTLS:

    1. Go to Configure > Server Defaults > CTS.

    2. On the External Store Configuration tab, set SSL/TLS Enabled and mTLS Enabled.

    3. In the Connection String(s) field, enter the connection details of the DS server that you configured as a CTS store, in the format <host>:<port>; for example,

      If you enable mTLS, the port must be a secure LDAP (LDAPS) port.
    4. Leave the Login Id and Password fields blank; AM ignores these fields when mTLS is enabled.

    5. On the CTS Token Store tab > Store Mode, select External Token Store.

    6. Set the Root Suffix to ou=famrecords,ou=openam-session,ou=tokens and click Save Changes.

    7. Click Save Changes.

  4. AM can now use mTLS to authenticate to the CTS store.

You must configure the corresponding secret mapping before you enable an mTLS connection to the external data store. If you try to save an mTLS configuration before configuring the mapping, the UI returns an error.

mTLS for UMA stores

This section assumes you installed PingDS as an UMA store, as described in Configure external UMA stores. By default, the credentials of the configuration account you created when you installed DS are:

  • Bind DN: uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config

  • Password: The password you set with am-config/amConfigAdminPassword

You must configure DS and AM for mTLS authentication.

Configure DS for mTLS

  1. When the DS server is running, create a keystore and TLS key pair for the AM configuration account. This command creates the keypair in a new keystore in the default AM security folder:

    $ ./dskeymgr create-tls-key-pair \
    --deploymentId $DEPLOYMENT_ID \
    --deploymentIdPassword <password> \
    --keyStoreFile /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore \
    --keyStorePassword:file /path/to/am/security/ \
    --alias am-config-sa-cert \
    --subjectDn "uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config"
    • The subjectDn must match the subject DN of the configuration account. If you followed the procedure in Install DS for AM configuration, the subjectDn is as shown in this example.

    • The --keyStorePassword:file option points to a file that contains the password to the new keystore.

    • You can choose any certificate alias. The alias used here (am-config-sa-cert) is an example.

  2. Configure the Certificate Mapper property of the DS External SASL Mechanism Handler:

    $ /path/to/opendj/bin/dsconfig set-sasl-mechanism-handler-prop \
    --handler-name External \
    --set certificate-mapper:Fingerprint\ Mapper \
    --hostname \
    --port 4444 \
    --bindDn uid=admin \
    --bindPassword <password> \
    --trustAll \
    The External SASL Mechanism Handler was modified successfully

    This example configures a Fingerprint Certificate Mapper, but you can use any supported Certificate Mapper.

  3. Obtain the SHA256 fingerprint of the configuration account.

    This command obtains the fingerprint of the certificate you generated in Step 1:

    $ keytool -list \
    -v \
    -alias am-config-sa-cert \
    -keyStore /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore \
    -storePass:file /path/to/am/security/
    Alias name: am-config-sa-cert
    Creation date: Jun 30, 2023
    Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
    Certificate chain length: 1
    Owner: UID=am-config, OU=admins, OU=am-config
    Issuer: CN=Deployment key,
    Serial number: dba446f7de186933e34a
    Valid from: Fri Jun 30 18:02:03 SAST 2023 until: Sat Jun 29 18:02:03 SAST 2024
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 SHA1: EB:7D:17:BF:88:F4:1E:43:12:A9:BC:56:53:CB:29:91:4C:3D:DE:03
    	 SHA256: D3:A2:DA:97:A3:6B:9C:D0:B2:A6:E7:45:62:B7:51:69:66:AB:22:FA:0C:C3:E2:63:DF:67:4E:DA:CB:C2:DA:65
    Signature algorithm name: SHA256withECDSA
    Subject Public Key Algorithm: 256-bit EC (secp256r1) key
    Version: 3
  4. Import the certificate details, including the fingerprint, into the configuration account on DS.

    1. Use the ldapmodify command to add the certificate details to DS.

      Replace the value of the ds-certificate-fingerprint attribute with the SHA256 fingerprint you obtained in the previous step:

      $ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \
       --hostname \
       --port 1636 \
       --useSsl \
       --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \
       --truststorepassword:file /path/to/opendj/config/ \
       --bindDN uid=admin \
       --bindPassword <password> << EOF
      dn: uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config
      changetype: modify
      add: objectclass
      objectclass: ds-certificate-user
      add: ds-certificate-fingerprint
      ds-certificate-fingerprint: D3:A2:DA:97:A3:6B:9C:D0:B2:A6:E7:45:62:B7:51:69:66:AB:22:FA:0C:C3:E2:63:DF:67:4E:DA:CB:C2:DA:65
      add: ds-certificate-issuer-dn
      ds-certificate-issuer-dn: CN=Deployment key,
      add: ds-certificate-subject-dn
      ds-certificate-subject-dn: UID=am-config,OU=admins,OU=am-config
      # MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config
    2. Repeat this step for each replicated DS server in your deployment.

Configure mTLS between AM and the UMA store

These steps assume that you’re configuring a separate secret store for mTLS certificates. Although this isn’t mandatory, it’s best practice to configure separate secret stores. If your deployment uses only one secret store, you can skip the first step of this procedure.

  1. Configure the mTLS secret store in AM:

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and click Add Secret Store.

    2. Enter the following details, and click Create:

      • Secret Store ID: mtls-keystore

      • Store Type: Keystore

      • File: /path/to/am/security/keystores/mtls-keystore

    3. On the Settings tab, enter the following details:

      • Keystore type: PKCS12

      • Store password secret label: <mtlsstorepass>

      • Entry password secret label: <mtlsentrypass>

        Click Save Changes.

  2. Add the path to the AM secrets store:

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and click Add Secret Store.

    2. Enter the following details, and click Create:

      • Secret Store ID: mtls-password-store

      • Store Type: File System Secret Volumes

      • Directory: /path/to/am/security/secrets

    3. Set the File format to Plain text and click Save Changes.

      • For demonstration purposes, this example uses a plain text secret. In production systems, you should use a more secure secret format. For details of the secret types supported by file system secret volumes, refer to Configure a file system secret volume.

      • You must configure the corresponding secret mapping before you enable an mTLS connection to the external data store. If you try to save an mTLS configuration before configuring the mapping, the UI returns an error.

  3. Configure the UMA stores for mTLS:

    1. Go to Configure > Server Defaults > UMA.

    2. On the External UMA Resource Store Configuration tab:

      1. Set SSL/TLS Enabled and mTLS Enabled.

      2. In the Connection String(s) field, enter the connection details of the DS server that you configured as a configuration store, in the format <host>:<port>; for example,

        If you enable mTLS, the port must be a secure LDAP (LDAPS) port.
      3. Leave the Login Id and Password fields blank; AM ignores these fields when mTLS is enabled.

    3. On the UMA Resource Store tab:

      1. Under Store Mode, select External Token Store.

      2. Set the Root Suffix to ou=am-config and click Save Changes.

    4. Click Save Changes.

    5. Repeat steps b and c for each UMA store type that will use mTLS authentication.

  4. Configure mappings.

    1. Go to Configure > Secret Stores and mtls-keystore.

    2. On the Mappings tab, click Add Mapping and enter a mapping for each UMA store.

      This example uses the same certificate alias for all UMA stores. If your UMA stores are on separate DS servers, you can specify a different certificate alias for each store.
      • Secret Label: am.uma.audit.messages.mtls.cert

      • Aliases: am-config-sa-cert

        Click Add, then click Create.

      • Secret Label: am.uma.pending.requests.mtls.cert

      • Aliases: am-config-sa-cert

        Click Add, then click Create.

      • Secret Label: am.uma.resource.labels.mtls.cert

      • Aliases: am-config-sa-cert

        Click Add, then click Create.

      • Secret Label: am.uma.resource.sets.mtls.cert

      • Aliases: am-config-sa-cert

        Click Add, then click Create.

  5. AM can now use mTLS to authenticate to the UMA stores.

Secure administrative access

Some deployments may need only one administrator; for example, deployments whose configuration never changes in production. If your deployment requires more than one administrative user, it makes sense to limit what individual administrators can do.

This approach reduces the risk of accidental or intentional abuse of power and lets you divide work between different teams and audit configuration changes.

To secure administrative access to AM make sure you:

  • Understand and secure the amAdmin user.

  • Know how to delegate realm privileges to groups of users.

  • Secure access to the AM admin UI.

  • Secure access to the tools you use to configure AM (Amster and the ssoadm command).

The amAdmin user

The AM installation process creates an amAdmin administrative account. This account has unrestricted access to the AM configuration, including the ability to create new users and augment their list of administrative privileges.

You can’t delete the amAdmin account because it’s hard-coded in the source code of several files. The amAdmin user is defined in AM’s configuration, so it’s always available to AM even if the identity stores become unavailable. Because this account isn’t an identity defined in an identity store, it can’t use any capabilities that require a user profile, such as device match or push notifications.

The advanced server property com.sun.identity.authentication.super.user defines the DN of the amAdmin user. You can change this property to the DN of a regular user that exists in any identity store configured in AM.

Changing the name of the amAdmin user might affect functionality in some areas where the name is hardcoded. Make sure you test a change like this before deploying it in production.

Secure the amAdmin user with a strong password and restrict its use as much as possible; delegate realm administration privileges to regular users instead.

Change the amAdmin password

This topic describes how to use the AM admin UI to change the amAdmin user. The steps differ depending on whether you’re using an external configuration store or the embedded DS configuration store (evaluation deployments only).

A better way to secure the amAdmin password, regardless of the configuration store, is to Store the amAdmin password in a secret store.

Change the amAdmin password (external configuration store)

If AM is configured to use an external configuration store, follows these steps to change the amAdmin password:

  1. In the AM admin UI, click on the user avatar () in the top right corner.

  2. Click Change Password.

  3. Enter the current password in the Current password field.

  4. Enter the new password in the New password and Confirm new password fields.

  5. Save your work.

    If your deployment has multiple AM servers, the new password replicates across all servers.

Change the amAdmin password (embedded configuration store)
  1. Back up your deployment as described in Back up configurations.

  2. In the AM admin UI, click on the user avatar () in the top right corner.

  3. Click Change Password.

  4. Enter the current password in the Current password field.

  5. Enter the new password in the New password and Confirm new password fields.

  6. Click Save Changes.

    When AM is configured to use the embedded DS server for the configuration store, you must change the passwords of the uid=admin user to match the new amAdmin password.

  7. Change the uid=admin account’s bind password in the AM configuration as follows:

    • Change the password for the configuration store binding:

      • Go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Directory Configuration.

      • Enter the new Bind Password (the new amAdmin password) and click Save Changes.

        Changing the bind password of the configuration store updates the configstorepwd alias in the AM keystore file the next time AM starts.

    • (Optional) If you use the embedded DS server as a data store, change the following bind passwords:

      • Go to Realms > Realm Name > Identity Stores > embedded:

        • Enter the new bind password, which is the new amAdmin password, and click Save Changes.

          Make this change in every AM realm that uses the embedded DS as an identity store.

      • Go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Policy Configuration:

        • Enter the new bind password, which is the new amAdmin password, and click Save Changes.

          Make this change in every AM realm that uses the embedded DS as a data store.

      • Go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Modules, and click LDAP:

        • Enter the new bind password, which is the new amAdmin password, and save your changes.

          Make this change in every AM realm that uses the embedded DS as a data store.

  8. To change the uid=admin and the global administrator passwords in the embedded DS, see Forgotten superuser password in the DS documentation.

Store the amAdmin password in a secret store

Using a secure secret store is more secure than storing the amAdmin password in the configuration.

  • The secret store you use for the amAdmin password is a special secret store and is not visible in the AM admin UI. If you store the amAdmin password in a secret store, you can’t change the password in the AM admin UI unless you remove the secret configuration.

  • When you remove the secret configuration, the amAdmin password reverts to what it was before you configured the secret.

  • You must salt and hash an amAdmin password stored in a secret. Encryption is optional but highly recommended.

To store the amAdmin password in a secret store:

  1. Create a new password then salt and hash it using a script similar to the following. The comments in the script indicate the salt and hash requirements:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import getpass
    import os
    import sys
    import struct
    import hashlib
    import base64
    if os.isatty(0):
       pwd = getpass.getpass()
       cnf = getpass.getpass('Confirm: ')
       pwd = sys.stdin.buffer.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
       cnf = pwd
    if pwd != cnf:
       sys.exit("Password and confirmation don't match")
    ## Create some random bytes as the salt
    salt = os.urandom(20)
    ## Hash the salt and the new password with a SHA-512 function
    h = hashlib.sha512()
    hash = h.digest()
    ## Concatenate the salt length as a single byte, the raw salt, and the hashed password
    packed = struct.pack("B20s64s", 20, salt, hash)
    ## Generate the final hashed string
    outform = "{SSHA-512}" + base64.b64encode(packed).decode('ascii')
  2. Optionally, encrypt the hashed string with the AM encryption password or with a secret stored in the Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS).

    • Encrypt with the AM encryption password:

      1. Log in to the AM admin UI as an administrative user.

      2. Go to, and paste the hashed string in the field.

        Alternatively, use the ampassword command to encrypt the password.

        Copy the encrypted password string.

      3. Go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

      4. Set the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.special.user.passwords.format advanced server property to ENCRYPTED_PLAIN.

    • Encrypt with a secret stored in the Google Cloud KMS:


      You need a Google Cloud Platform account with a project that includes the following:

      • A key ring containing the secrets that you will use to encrypt the hash of the password of the amAdmin user.

        You can configure the key ring in any Google Cloud location.

      • A service account that AM will use to connect to the project.

      Refer to the Google Key Management Service documentation and Google’s Getting Started with Authentication for more information.

      To configure AM to connect to the Google Cloud KMS with the service account, refer to Configure Google service account credentials.

      1. Check if you already have a Google Cloud KMS secret for decrypting.

        Go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced, and check if the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.googlekms.decryptionkey advanced server property is configured.

        If the property is configured, you don’t need to create another key.

        If the property isn’t configured, log in to your Google Cloud dashboard and create a secret of one of the following types in the key ring of your choosing:

        • Symmetric encrypt/decrypt

        • Asymmetric decrypt

      2. Use the secret you identified or created in the previous step to encrypt the hashed string.

        You can use the gcloud tool included in Google Cloud’s SDK to encrypt the string. The tool creates a binary file with the encrypted secret, but AM does not support secrets in binary format. To work around this, base64-encode the encrypted secret. For example:

        gcloud kms encrypt \
        --plaintext-file=./amadmin_password_hashed_string.txt \
        --ciphertext-file=- \
        --project=my_project_ID \
        --location=my_location \
        --keyring=my_keyring_for_AM \
        --key=my_key_for_decrypting_secrets_in_AM \| base64 > encrypted_hash_of_amadmin_password.enc
      3. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

      4. (Optional) If unset, set the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.googlekms.decryptionkey advanced server property to the fully qualified resource ID of the Google Cloud KMS secret that you used to encrypt the hash string. For example:


        To find the key ID, refer to Object Hierarchy in the Google Cloud KMS documentation.

      5. Set the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.special.user.passwords.format advanced server property to GOOGLE_KMS_ENCRYPTED.

    • Leave the hashed string unencrypted (not recommended)

      Ensure that the password is randomly generated and has high entropy before continuing.
      1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

      2. Set the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.special.user.passwords.format advanced server property to PLAIN.

    If you don’t have access to the AM admin UI, you can add the required property to the CATALINA_OPTS variable. For example, for Apache Tomcat, add the following to the $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ file:

    export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dorg.forgerock.openam.secrets.special.user.passwords.format=PLAIN"
  3. Map the encrypted secret to the secret label that you will use. Perform one of the following:

    • Save the encrypted password to a file in the special secret store directory:

      $ echo -n <salted_encrypted_password> > /path/to/openam/security/secrets/userpasswords/password.amadmin

      The default location of the special secret store is /path/to/openam/security/secrets/userpasswords. To change it, configure the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.special.user.passwords.dir advanced server property.

    • Create an operating system variable named PASSWORD_AMADMIN and set its value to the encrypted password. Make the variable available to the user running the container where AM runs; for example, add it to the user’s bash.profile file.

    • Create a Java system variable called password.amadmin and set its value to the encrypted password. Make the variable available to the container where AM runs.

      For example, if using Apache Tomcat, add it to $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ as follows:

      export password.amadmin="y3GVzNP5Z3$EXZQHX75aRE!8FjN"

AM caches this special secret after it’s been read. The expiry time of the cache is 900 seconds (15 minutes) by default. To change the expiry time, set the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.special.user.secret.refresh.seconds advanced server property.

For increased security, rotate this secret periodically. For details, refer to Map and rotate secrets.

Delegate privileges

The amAdmin user can change any setting in AM’s configuration, but giving that power to each of your administrative users is not ideal.

In AM, you do not create administrative users. You create regular users and delegate realm administration privileges to a group they belong to. For example, you can create a group of users that are only allowed to make REST calls to endpoints in a specific realm, or a group of users that have full administrative privileges for a particular realm.

This approach of splitting responsibilities lowers the risk of accidental or intentional abuse.

Because users with delegated administration privileges are regular users in the identity store, they can use any form of multi-factor authentication.

You can also delegate other kinds of privileges, such as making REST calls to realms for policy evaluation, modifying policies, and more.

Realm privileges available for delegation

The following table describes privileges that you can assign in the AM admin UI or by using the ssoadm add-privileges command:

Privilege as it appears in the AM admin UI Privilege name to use with the ssoadm add-privileges command Notes

Read and write access to all realm and policy properties

Realm Admin

Assign this privilege to administrators in order to let them modify or read any part of an AM realm.

Use this privilege when you do not require granularity in your delegation model. All other AM privileges are included with this privilege. Administrators using the AM admin UI must have this privilege.

Read and write access to all configured agents

Agent Admin

Provides access to centralized agent configuration; subset of the RealmAdmin privilege.

Read and write access to all log files

Log Admin

Subset of the Realm Admin privilege.

Read access to all log files

Log Read

Subset of the Realm Admin privilege.

Write access to all log files

Log Write

Subset of the RealmAdmin privilege.

Read and write access to all federation metadata configurations

Federation Admin

Subset of the Realm Admin privilege.

REST calls for reading realms

Realm Read Access

Subset of the Realm Admin privilege.

Read and write access only for policy properties, including REST calls

Policy Admin

Assign this privilege to policy administrators in order to let them modify or read any part of the AM policy configuration.

This privilege lets an administrator modify or read all policy components: policies, applications, subject types, condition types, subject attributes, and decision combiners. All other AM privileges that affect policy components are included with this privilege. Subset of the Realm Admin privilege.

REST calls for policy evaluation

Entitlement Rest Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for reading policies

Privilege Rest Read Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for managing policies

Privilege Rest Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for reading policy applications

Application Read Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for modifying policy applications

Application Modify Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for reading policy resource types

Resource Type Read Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for modifying policy resource types

Resource Type Modify Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for reading policy application types

Application Types Read Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for reading environment conditions

Condition Types Read Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for reading subject conditions

Subject Types Read Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for reading decision combiners

Decision Combiners Read Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for reading subject attributes

Subject Attributes Read Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

REST calls for modifying session properties

Session Property Modify Access

Subset of the Realm Admin and Policy Admin privileges.

These steps describe how to create a user and assign administrative privileges using the AM admin UI. You can also delegate privileges over REST. Learn more in How do I add privileges to identity groups in PingAM?.

  1. Go to the realm for which you want to delegate privileges.

    For example, go to Realms > Top Level Realm.

    Delegating administrative privileges in the Top Level Realm allows members of the group full access to the AM instance. Administration privileges in any other realm allows the group to access administrative functionality only in that realm, and any child realms.

  2. Go to Identities > Groups and click the name of the group to which you intend to grant access.

    If you do not have a group yet, create one.

    The All Authenticated Identities virtual group lets you assign privileges to any identity that has a valid session in AM. Use it with caution, since not every identity authenticates to AM by using strong authentication.

  3. Choose the administrative privileges to delegate for the realm:

    1. To grant users in the group access to the AM admin UI for the realm, click Realm Admin.

      Administrators can use the AM admin UI as follows:

      • Delegated administrators with the Realm Admin privilege can access full administration console functionality within the realms they can administer.

      • Users with lesser privileges, such as the Policy Admin privilege, can not access the AM admin UI, but can use REST to create and manage the functionality for which they have privileges.

      • Both the top-level administrator (such as amAdmin) and delegated administrators in the Top Level Realm with the Realm Admin privilege have access to full console functionality in all realms and can access AM’s global configuration.

    2. To grant users in the group access to REST endpoints, choose the required privileges from the list.

    For information about the available AM privileges, see Realm privileges available for delegation.

  4. Click Save Changes.

To enable delegated subrealm administrators to invalidate sessions, you must add an attribute to their entry in the data store, as described in the following procedure:

Let delegated subrealm administrators invalidate sessions

  1. Create an LDIF file that modifies the distinguished name entry of the subrealm administrator, adds the iplanet-am-session-destroy-sessions attribute, and sets its value to the subrealm’s DN.

    In the following example, the delegated administrator is named subRealmAdmin and the subrealm is called mySubRealm:

    dn: uid=subrealmadmin,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org
    changetype: modify
    add: objectClass
    objectClass: iplanet-am-session-service
    add: iplanet-am-session-destroy-sessions
    iplanet-am-session-destroy-sessions: o=mysubrealm,ou=services,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,
    All values in the LDIF must be in lowercase, even if the subrealm or administrator name is not.
  2. Run the ldapmodify command included with DS to apply the LDIF file to the user data store.

    For example:

    $ /path/to/opendj/bin/ldapmodify \
    --hostname '' \
    --port 1636  \
    --useSsl \
    --usePkcs12TrustStore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore \
    --truststorepassword:file /path/to/opendj/config/ \
    --bindDN uid=admin \
    --bindPassword str0ngAdm1nPa55word \
    # Processing MODIFY request for uid=subrealmadmin,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org
    # MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=subrealmadmin,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org

    The delegated realm administrator will now be able to invalidate sessions created in the subrealm.

Delegate agent profile creation

If you want to create agent profiles when installing web or Java agents, then you need the credentials of an AM user who can read and write agent profiles.

You can use the AM administrator account when creating agent profiles. If you delegate web or Java agent installation, then you might not want to share AM administrator credentials with everyone who installs agents.

Follow these steps to create agent administrator users for a realm:

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Identities.

  2. On the Groups tab, click Add Group and create a group for agent administrators.

  3. On the Privileges tab, choose Realm Admin.

  4. Click Save Changes.

  5. Go to Realms > Realm Name > Identities.

    On the Identities tab, create as many agent administrator users as needed.

  6. For each agent administrator user, edit the user profile.

    On the Groups tab of the user profile, add the user to agent profile administrator group.

  7. Click Save Changes.

  8. Provide each system administrator who installs web or Java agents with their agent administrator credentials.

    When installing Java agents with the --custom-install option, the system administrator can choose the option to create the profile during installation, and then provide the agent administrator user name and the path to a read-only file containing the agent administrator password. For silent installs, you can add the --acceptLicense option to auto-accept the software license agreement.

Secure access to the admin UIs

AM provides end-user pages, located at openam/XUI, and an administration UI, located at openam/ui-admin.

Consider the following points to secure the AM admin UI:

  • Limit access to the AM admin UI.

    For example, allow access to the console URI only to inbound connections from a specific network, or create a denylist or an allowlist with the endpoints the console uses. Learn more in How do I remove admin UI access in PingAM?.

  • Ensure administrative users present sufficiently strong credentials when logging in to the AM administrative console.

    By default, users that log to the console make use of the chain or tree configured in the Organization Authentication Configuration property for the realm. To locate this property, go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings > Core.

    Ensure that you change the default for all realms, including the Top Level Realm.

The API Explorer is enabled by default. For security reasons, it is strongly recommended that you disable it in production environments.

To disable the API Explorer, go to Configure > Global Services > REST APIs, and select Disabled in the API Descriptors drop-down list.

Secure access to the admin tools

AM provides the following administrative tools that you can use instead of the administrative console to configure AM: Amster and ssoadm.

Do not install the tools on the same server as AM, so that administrators do not require a local system account on that server.

Also, make sure you create a username/password tree specifically for tools, so that you can track it easily in your logs.

Review the following information to secure access to the tools:

  • By default, users logging in through Amster or ssoadm use the chain or tree configured in the Administrator Authentication Configuration property for the realm.

    To locate this property, go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings > Core.

  • Amster:

    • If the administrative users connect to AM using interactive login, ensure that they present sufficiently strong credentials.

    • If the administrative users connect to AM using private key connections, make sure that you create your own keys and share them with AM.

      For more information, see the Amster User Guide.

  • ssoadm

    • Ensure that your administrative users present sufficiently strong credentials.

    • The ssoadm command requires that you provide the password of the administrative user stored in cleartext in a file.

      Ensure the file is read-only for its owner.

Secure realms

The AM installation process creates the Top Level Realm (/), which contains AM default configuration data. This realm cannot be deleted or renamed, since it is the root of the realm hierarchy in AM.

Consider the following list of security best practices related to realms:

Disable module-based authentication

Module-based authentication lets users authenticate using the module=module-name login parameter, therefore bypassing multi-factor authentication if multiple modules are configured in a chain with the same authLevel.

To disable module-based authentication, go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings > Security, and clear the Module Based Authentication check box.

Create strong authentication trees

Ensure your users log in to AM using sensible authentication trees, such as trees that enforce multi-factor authentication.

Configure sensible default authentication services

By default, users that log in to the console make use of the chain or tree configured in the Organization Authentication Configuration property for the realm. To locate this property, go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings > Core.

Be extra careful when setting your default authentication tree or chain.

If you leave the default authentication service as the ldapService chain, users can still post their username and password to the authentication endpoint to retrieve a session, regardless of the services configured for authentication.

For example, consider a deployment where you disable module-based authentication but retain the default authentication chain, ldapService. If you set up two-factor authentication, your users can still access their accounts without performing the correct two-factor authentication chain login sequence by using the default ldapService chain.

When you are ready to go to production, set the default authentication tree or chain to your most secure tree or chain. Don’t leave it set to ldapService.

Ensure that you change the default for all realms, including the Top Level Realm.

Prevent access to the Top Level Realm

If most of your privileged accounts reside in the Top Level Realm, consider blocking authentication endpoints that allow access to the Top Level Realm.

The demo user

When you install AM for evaluation, using the embedded DS server, a demo user is created. This is a regular account with no administrative permissions and is intended for test and demo purposes. You should remove this user from production environments.

To remove the demo account, go to Realms > Top Level Realm > Identities, choose the demo account, and click Delete.

Secrets, certificates, and keys

Encryption lets you protect sensitive data, encoding it in such a way that only authorized parties can access it.

Signing lets the receiver of data validate the sender’s identity and ensures that the data hasn’t been tampered with.

AM depends on signing and encryption to protect network communication and to keep data confidential and unalterable. In turn, signing and encryption depend on keys or secrets that are generated using cryptographic algorithms.

AM uses the following methods to store keys or secrets:

The AM keystore

The default AM keystore is used by certain features, and during AM startup.

You can configure the default keystore globally, so its configuration is shared by all AM instances in a deployment, or per individual server.

AM secret stores

Secret stores are repositories for cryptographic keys and credentials. You can configure them globally, or per realm.

Secret stores can be JVM system properties, key aliases stored in keystores or HSMs, or files stored in filesystems or secret volumes.

Most AM features use the secrets API (secret stores). Using the traditional AM keystore for these features isn’t supported. You can, however, configure the AM keystore as a secret store and continue to use the keys inside it.

Default keystores and secret stores

During installation, AM creates a JKS and a JCEKS keystore with several self-signed certificates for demo and test purposes.

The AM keystore and the default keystore-type secret store use the JCEKS keystore. The JKS keystore isn’t used by default and can be safely deleted.

Don’t use the default keys, keystores, and secret stores in production environments.

Default JCEKS and JKS keystores

This table lists the contents of the default keystores, generated when AM starts up.


Used by default in AM?



Default path



Where is its password stored?(2)



Which test aliases does it contain?

es256test (ECDSA key)
es384test (ECDSA key)
es512test (ECDSA key)
hmacsigningtest (Symmetric HMAC key)
directenctest (Symmetric Direct AES encryption key)
rsajwtsigningkey (Asymmetric RSA key)
selfserviceenctest (Asymmetric RSA key)
selfservicesigntest (Symmetric secret signing key)
test (Asymmetric RSA key)

test (Asymmetric RSA key)

Which password strings does it contain?



Where is the private key password file?(4)



(1) New AM installations use the JCEKS keystore as the default keystore.

(2) The password of the JCEKS and JKS keystores is a random-generated string stored in cleartext.

(3) The value of the configstorepwd is a string. It’s the password of the configuration store and is accessed during AM startup.

(4) The default password for all the key aliases in the JCEKS and JKS keystores is changeit stored in cleartext.

Default secret stores

  • default-keystore. This keystore-type secret store is mapped to the default JCEKS keystore.

    It contains secret label mappings for several of the AM features that use keys.

  • default-password-store. This filesystem-type secret store is mapped to /path/to/openam/security/secrets/encrypted

    It provides the passwords to open the default-keystore secret store:

    • The storepass file contains the encrypted password of the keystore.

    • The entrypass file contains the encrypted password of the keys inside the keystore.

    These password files look similar to those of the default JCEKS keystore; however, the password files for the JCEKS keystore are in cleartext, and the password files for the default secret store are encrypted with AM’s encryption key.

    Remember that the keystore file is the same, so if you change the passwords for the JCEKS keystore, you must also change them in the default secret store.

Configure keystores and secret stores

The default keystores and secret stores are sufficient for testing and demonstrating AM features.

For production and pre-production environments, configure the keystores and secret stores that your environment needs, before you configure the AM features that use them.

Keystores and secret stores in production
High-level steps to configure keystores and secret stores in production environments
  1. Create a new keystore to use as the AM keystore. Delete the default keystores and the default secret stores.

    AM will use the new keystore to start up.

    Configure different keys for different features when possible.

  2. Create separate secret stores for each AM feature you are using.

    For example, create one for SAML v2.0 secrets, and a different one for OAuth 2.0 secrets.

    Use different passwords for keystores and secret stores. This reduces the risk of compromised keys or secrets if a malicious user is able to gain access to one of the passwords.

    Keystore secret stores require at least one other secret store to provide the password of the keystore, and the password for the keys. For example, a file system volume secret store.

  3. Configure AM features to use your custom key aliases and secrets.

The following table guides you through the tasks you need to perform to configure the keys and secrets AM requires:

Task Resources

Understand AM’s secret needs

Review the list of features that use keys in AM, and their possible keystore and secrets configurations.

Create and configure a new AM keystore

Create and configure a new AM keystore, that will also serve as the AM bootstrap keystore. Delete the default keystores and secret stores.

Create secrets, as needed

Create as many keystores, key aliases, and/or secrets as required in your environment, based on the information you learned when you reviewed the list on the first task. You will configure them in AM in the next steps.

Keys and secrets protect the credentials, tokens, and other sensitive information that your environment needs to send and receive. Therefore, ensure that keys and secrets are protected and only shared when required. This may result in configuring multiple keystores and/or secret stores for different features.

Don’t reuse passwords between keystores or secret stores. This reduces the risk of compromised keys or secrets, if a malicious user is able to gain access to one of the passwords.

Configure secret stores in AM

Create new secret stores to map the new keys you created in previous tasks, for example, those for the OAuth 2.0 providers.

Make keystores and secret stores available to all AM instances

Keystores and secret stores must be available in the same location across all AM instances.

This step might mean mounting a filesystem with the required files across the instances, installing cryptographic cards, and so on.

Configure key aliases and secrets in AM

Change the default key aliases and secrets to the new ones you have created.

AM features that use keys

Features that require secrets for signing or encryption can use one of the following mechanisms:

  • The AM keystore, configured at Configure > Server Defaults > Security > Key Store.

  • The secrets API (secret stores).

Certain features require secret stores, and some support either secret mechanism. This list outlines which features can use which secret mechanism:

Features that only use the AM keystore
Features that use secret stores
  • Client-side sessions

    Require keys or secrets for signing and encrypting client-side sessions and authentication sessions.

    For more information, see Client-side session security.

  • Authentication trees

    Requires a key alias to encrypt values stored in the authentication tree’s secure state.

    For more information, see Store values in a tree’s node states.

  • OAuth 2.0 providers

    Require a key alias for signing client-side tokens and OpenID Connect ID tokens. Also require a key alias for encryption of client-side OAuth 2.0 access and refresh tokens.

  • Web and Java agents

    Web agents and Java agents communicate with AM using a built-in OAuth 2.0 provider, configured globally in AM. This communication requires a key alias for signing tokens.

    Learn more in the Web Agents User Guide and the Java Agents User Guide.

  • Remote Consent service

    Requires a key alias for signing consent responses, and another key alias for encrypting consent responses.

    For more information, see Remote consent.

  • SAML v2.0 federation

    Requires key pairs for signing and encrypting messages, responses, and assertions; for example, a key to encrypt the JWT stored in the local storage of supported browsers.

    You might also require a key to sign exported metadata.

    For more information, see Sign and encrypt messages. For a list of the secret label mappings, refer to Secret label default mappings.

  • Persistent Cookie module (authentication chains)

    Requires a key pair alias for encryption.

    For more information, see Persistent Cookie module.

Features that support different keystore configurations
  • ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH), ForgeRock Authenticator (PUSH) modules, and the WebAuthn Profile Encryption service

    Support configuring a different keystore to encrypt device profiles. Also support keystore types that are not available to other features.

    For more information, see Multi-factor authentication.

  • AM’s startup (bootstrap) process

    Requires two password strings. Use the AM keystore as the bootstrap keystore where possible. If you configure a different bootstrap keystore, you must:

    • Keep the password strings updated.

    • Overwrite the boot.json file before AM starts up.

    Learn more in Replace the AM keystore.

Features that require different keystore configurations
  • Java fedlets

    Require a keystore containing a key pair to sign and verify XML assertions and to encrypt and decrypt SAML assertions. Keystore and key information are configurable in the file. For more information, see Configure Java fedlet properties.

  • Security token service

    Requires a JKS keystore for encrypting SAML v2.0 and OpenID Connect tokens. Does not require files to store the keystore password or the key aliases' passwords.

    For more information, see Configure STS instances.

  • CSV audit logging handler

    Requires a keystore for tamper-proofing. Does not require a file to store the keystore password; the password is configured in the AM admin UI. For more information, see Configure CSV audit event handlers.

The AM keystore

AM provides a JCEKS keystore by default, containing several test-only key aliases. For production deployments, you should create a new keystore with your own key aliases.

Before you start, note the following points about the AM keystore:

  • Different AM features support different keystore configurations. Some features don’t use the default keystore to store their key aliases. For more information, see AM features that use keys.

  • Key aliases aren’t migrated from one keystore to another. You must prepare a new keystore before you configure it, then migrate the required key aliases manually.

  • If you make any changes to the keystore, such as adding or removing keys or changing key or keystore passwords, you must restart AM.

  • All passwords for Java keystores (keystore passwords, entry passwords, and key passwords) can contain only ASCII characters. Using non-ASCII characters in these passwords results in errors.

Replace the AM keystore

The AM keystore provides the secrets required by several features, but it also lets AM start up.

About the bootstrap keystore

The AM startup process checks a file (/path/to/openam/config/boot.json), for the bootstrap settings. These settings include the path to a keystore file, and the files containing the keystore and key passwords. For example:

  "instance" : "",
  "dsameUser" : "cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
  "keystores" : {
    "default" : {
      "keyStorePasswordFile" : "/path/to/am/security/secrets/default/.storepass",
      "keyPasswordFile" : "/path/to/am/security/secrets/default/.keypass",
      "keyStoreType" : "JCEKS",
      "keyStoreFile" : "/path/to/am/security/keystores/keystore.jceks"
  "configStoreList" : [ {
    "baseDN" : "dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
    "dirManagerDN" : "cn=Directory Manager",
    "ldapHost" : "",
    "ldapPort" : 50636,
    "ldapProtocol" : "ldaps"
  } ]

The dsameUser is an internal account that AM uses to connect to the configuration store. AM generates the password for this account on startup and you can’t read or change it.

AM looks for the configuration store password (configstorepwd) in the default keystore specified in the boot.json file. The alias is password-protected with the password specified in the /path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.keypass file.

To change this password, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Directory Configuration, and change the configuration store bind password. When you change the bind alias, AM modifies the content of the key alias in the keystore file.

You can’t create this string manually. AM recreates it in a new keystore after a successful start.

To change the bootstrap keystore, configure a new AM keystore and restart AM while the old keystore is still available. The startup process does the following:

  • Boots up using the original keystore

  • Writes the password string in the new keystore

  • Rewrites the boot.json file.

Follow these steps to create a new keystore with the password strings AM needs to start up, and configure it as the default AM keystore:

  1. Ensure that AM is running, and that you can access the AM admin UI as an administrative user.

  2. Create a new keystore in any writable directory. This directory must be the same for all AM instances in the site, for example, /path/to/openam/security/keystores.

  3. Obtain a new key from your certificate authority and add it to the new keystore, or generate a new self-signed key in the new keystore.

    This example creates a self-signed key alias in a new keystore file, am_keystore.jceks, with a new asymmetric RSA key alias, newkey.

    In production environments, you should use the strongest algorithm you can.
    $ keytool \
    -genkeypair \
    -alias newkey \
    -keyalg RSA \
    -keysize 2048 \
    -validity 730 \
    -storetype JCEKS \
    -dname 'CN=newkey' \
    -keystore am_keystore.jceks
    Enter keystore password:
    Reenter new password:
    Enter key password for <newkey>
    (RETURN if same as keystore password):
    Reenter new password:

    Take note of the passwords you entered.

  4. Store the keystore passwords in cleartext in a writable directory.

    This directory should be the same for all AM instances in the site, for example, /path/to/openam/security/secrets/default.

    For example:

    $ echo -n newstorepassword > .am_keystore_storepass
    $ echo -n newkeypassword > .am_keystore_keypass

    Use echo -n to avoid inserting hidden trailing newline characters. Even if the keytool command is able to use the password in the file, AM might not be able to open the keystore or the key aliases.

  5. Make sure that the password files have read-only permission for their owner. For example:

    $ chmod 400 .am_keystore_storepass
    $ chmod 400 .am_keystore_keypass
  6. Configure the new keystore as the AM keystore in the site.

    Follow the steps in Change AM keystore properties.

    When AM starts successfully, the new keystore contains the password strings that AM uses to start up. You can delete the default JCEKS keystore now. The default secret stores also use the JCEKS keystore. You can also delete them now.

Change AM keystore properties

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Security > Key Store.

  2. Enter the keystore file name and path in the Keystore File field.

    For example, /path/to/openam/security/keystores/am_keystore.jceks.

  3. Enter the Keystore Type.

    For example JKS, JCEKS, PKCS11, or PKCS12.

  4. In the Keystore Password File field, enter the location of the keystore password file.

    For example, /path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.am_keystore_storepass.

  5. In the Private Key Password File field, enter the location of the private key password file.

    For example, /path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.am_keystore_keypass.

  6. Click Save Changes.

    At this point, AM still holds the old keystore configuration in memory, and cannot use key aliases contained in the new keystore.

  7. If you need to change key aliases in the AM configuration, decide whether to change them before or after restarting the AM instances in the next step.

    If you are using client-side sessions, ensure the signing key exists in the new keystore. You can check the configuration for client-side sessions by going to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings > Security.

    To configure the rest of the features that need key aliases before or after the restart, see Change default key aliases.

  8. Make the new keystore files available in the same location to all the instances in the site.

    This step may mean mounting a filesystem with the required files across the instances, copying the files across instances, and others.

  9. Restart the AM instance or instances.

    The new default keystore and its keys are ready to use.

Key aliases and passwords

You might need to create new key aliases because you are using additional AM features, or because you are installing a new environment. In either case, consider these points:

  • First, review the list of AM features to understand which features use the AM keystore and which ones do not.

    For more information, see AM features that use keys.

  • Avoid sharing certificates between features when possible, even if this means you need to configure multiple different keystores or secret stores.

  • Make sure keystores, key aliases, and certificates are maintained on every instance; in a site environment, every instance has its own keystore files.

  • Make sure keystores and secret stores are in the same location across all instances in the site.

The following table lists the tasks related to managing key aliases in your environment:

Task Resources

Create a new key alias in an existing keystore or in a new keystore.

A suitable certificate must exist in the keystore before you map secrets to that keystore. If you change the default mapping before installing the required certificates, the features that require those secrets will fail.

Copy key aliases between keystores; for example, when configuring IDM’s provisioning.

Change key alias passwords.

Change keystore passwords.

Create key aliases

Several AM features require key aliases for signing and encryption. AM provides default key aliases for all features, but you should create new key aliases in production.

You can create key aliases in a new keystore that will be configured later as the AM keystore, or you can create key aliases in the existing AM keystore:

Create a keystore and key aliases for keystore-type secret stores

These instructions are for keystore-type secret stores. To create a new AM keystore, see The AM keystore instead.

  1. Obtain a new key from your certificate authority and add it to a new keystore, or generate a self-signed key in a new keystore.

    A suitable certificate must exist in the keystore before you map secrets to that keystore. If you change the default mapping before installing the required certificates, the features that require those secrets will fail.

    This example creates an asymmetric key pair and self-signed certificate, with alias newkey in a new keystore file named keystoreA.jceks. The RSA algorithm is used to generate the key pair.

    In production environments you should use the strongest possible algorithm.
    $ cd /path/to/openam/security/keystores/
    $ keytool \
    -genkeypair \
    -alias newkey \
    -keyalg RSA \
    -keysize 2048 \
    -validity 730 \
    -storetype JCEKS \
    -dname 'CN=newkey' \
    -keystore keystoreA.jceks
    Enter keystore password:
    Reenter new password:
    Enter key password for <newkey> (RETURN if same as keystore password):
    Reenter new password:

    Take note of the passwords. You need to make them available within another secret store; for example, by using a file system volume secret store, as shown below:

    • Go to the directory that the filesystem volume secret store will point to.

      For example, /path/to/openam/security/secrets/mydir.

      You can use different methods to encode the content of the files. Consider creating a directory for each encoding method you plan to use.

    • Create two files, one for the keystore password, and another for the password of the keys inside the keystore.

      The files will contain the encoded passwords expected by the file system secret volume store.

      For example, if you chose Base64 encoded as the encoding, you must base64-encode the passwords, and then add them to their respective files.

      For example:

      $ echo -n bmV3c3RvcmVwYXNzd29yZA== > keystoreA_storepass
      $ echo -n bmV3a2V5cGFzc3dvcmQ= > keystoreA_keypass

      Use echo -n to avoid inserting hidden trailing newline characters. Even if the keytool command is able to use the password in the file, AM may not be able to open the keystore or the key aliases.

    • Make sure the password files have read-only permission for their owner.

      For example:

      $ chmod 400 keystoreA_storepass
      $ chmod 400 keystoreA_keypass
  2. Create any other keys and keystores required by your environment by repeating the steps in this procedure and/or following the steps in Create key aliases in an existing keystore.

  3. Ensure that password files and keystores are maintained on every instance in your environment. Every AM instance has its own keystores and password files.

  4. Configure the keystore in a keystore-type secret store.

    To configure the file system secret store too, see File system secret volumes.

Create key aliases in an existing keystore

Perform the following steps to create new key aliases in an existing keystore. For example, the AM keystore:

  1. Change directories to the keystore location, for example, /path/to/openam/security/keystores/.

  2. Acquire a new key from your certificate authority, or generate a new self-signed key.

    When you create or import a new key, the keytool command adds the new alias to the specified keystore if it exists, or creates a new keystore if it does not exist.

    This example creates a self-signed key alias in the AM keystore, am_keystore.jceks, with a new asymmetric RSA key alias called mynewkey.

    Note than in production environments you should use the strongest algorithm you can use.

    $ cd /path/to/openam/security/keystores/
    $ keytool \
    -genkeypair \
    -alias mynewkey \
    -keyalg RSA \
    -keysize 2048 \
    -validity 730 \
    -storetype JCEKS \
    -dname 'CN=mynewkey' \
    -keystore am_keystore.jceks
    Enter keystore password: Enter the password in the .keystore_storepass file.
    Enter key password for <mynewkey> (RETURN if same as keystore password): Enter the password in the .keystore_keypass file.
    Reenter new password: Enter the password in the .keystore_keypass file.


    • The contents of the password files of the AM keystore are in cleartext.

    • The contents of the password files in a file system volume secret store are not in cleartext by default. This means that you need to decode them before you can use them in the keytool command.

  3. Ensure that password files and keystores are maintained on every instance in your environment.

    Every AM instance has its own keystores and password files.

  4. (AM keystore) Restart the AM instances affected by the configuration changes to use the new key aliases.

  5. Configure the new key aliases in AM.

    For a list of features that use key aliases and links to their relevant sections, see AM features that use keys.

Create self-service key aliases

User self-service requires a key pair for encryption and a signing secret key to be available in the AM keystore before configuring any of its features. Follow the steps in this procedure to create new key aliases for the user self-service features in the AM keystore:

  1. Acquire a new key from your certificate authority, or generate new self-signed keys.

    The password of the new keys for the user self-service features must match the passwords of those keys already present in the keystore, and configured in the /path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.am_keystore_keypass file.

    This example generates a self-signed key for encryption and a new signing secret key in the am_keystore.jceks keystore, but you could also import CA-provided keys to the keystore.

    • Create the new self-signed encryption key alias:

      $ cd /path/to/openam/security/keystores/
      $ keytool \
      -genkeypair \
      -alias newenckey \
      -keyalg RSA \
      -keysize 2048 \
      -validity 730 \
      -storetype JCEKS \
      -dname 'CN=newenckey' \
      -keystore am_keystore.jceks
      Enter keystore password: Enter the password in the .am_keystore_storepass file.
      Enter key password for <newenckey> (RETURN if same as keystore password): Enter the password in the .am_keystore_keypass file.
      Reenter new password: Enter the password in the .am_keystore_keypass file.
    • Create the new signing secret key alias:

      $ cd /path/to/openam/security/keystores/
      $ keytool \
      -genseckey \
      -alias newsigkey \
      -keyalg HmacSHA256 \
      -keysize 256 \
      -storetype JCEKS \
      -keystore am_keystore.jceks
      Enter keystore password: Enter the password in the .am_keystore_storepass file.
      Enter key password for <newsigkey> (RETURN if same as keystore password): Enter the password in the .am_keystore_keypass file.
      Reenter new password: Enter the password in the .am_keystore_keypass file.
  2. Ensure that password files and keystores are maintained on every instance in your environment.

    Every AM instance has its own keystores and password files.

  3. Restart the AM instances affected by the configuration changes.

  4. Configure user self-service to use the new keys.

    For instructions, see Create a user self-service instance.

Copy key aliases between keystores

Some AM features require access to the key aliases used by other components of the Ping Identity Platform. For example, the IDM Provisioning feature requires access to the key aliases that IDM uses to sign and encrypt data.

This section covers copying key aliases from the keystore of a Ping Identity Platform component to AM’s default keystore.

  1. Use the keytool command to export the required key from the source keystore into a temporary keystore:

    $ keytool -importkeystore -srcstoretype jceks -srcalias "myKeyAlias" \
    -deststoretype jceks -destalias "myKeyAlias" \
    -srckeystore "/path/to/openidm/security/keystore.jceks" \
    -destkeystore "/path/to/openidm/security/temp_keystore.jceks" \
    -srckeypass "changeit" \
    -srcstorepass "changeit" \
    -destkeypass "myT3mPK3yP4ssword" \
    -deststorepass "myT3mPK3yP4ssword"

    This command exports the myKeyAlias key alias, specified by the srcalias argument, to a temporary keystore file /path/to/openidm/security/temp_keystore.jceks. The store and key password is set to myT3mPK3yP4ssword. You need to use the temporary passwords when importing to the AM instance.

  2. Move the temporary keystore file created in the previous step, in this example temp_keystore.jceks, to the filesystem of the target AM server.

  3. On the target AM server, import the key alias into the AM keystore:

    $ keytool -importkeystore -srcstoretype jceks -srcalias "myKeyAlias" \
    -deststoretype jceks -destalias "myKeyAlias" \
    -srckeystore "/path/to/openam/security/keystores/temp_keystore.jceks" \
    -destkeystore "/path/to/openam/security/keystores/am_keystore.jceks" \
    -srckeypass "myT3mPK3yP4ssword" \
    -srcstorepass "myT3mPK3yP4ssword" \
    -destkeypass:file "/path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.am_keystore_keypass" \
    -deststorepass:file "/path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.am_keystore_storepass"

    This command imports the key alias from the temporary temp_keystore.jceks keystore file, which was copied from the IDM instance, into the AM keystore. The command also sets the passwords to match those used by the default AM keystore.

  4. Repeat the previous steps to copy any additional key aliases from the source keystore to the destination keystore.

  5. Restart the AM instance for the key change to take effect.

    The AM instance will now be able to correctly encrypt, decrypt, sign or verify data and share it with the source Ping Identity Platform component.

Change key alias passwords

Decrypting a key alias in a keystore requires a password. This password is initially specified when you generate the key, or when you import the key into a keystore, but you might need to update the password at a later time.

  1. Back up your keystore and password files.

  2. Depending on the location of the key alias whose password you are changing, perform one of the following steps:

    1. To change the password that opens the AM keystore:

      Replace the old password in the .am_keystore_keypass file with the new one:

      $ echo -n newpassword > /path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.am_keystore_keypass

      Use echo -n to avoid inserting hidden trailing newline characters. Even if the keytool command can use the password in the file, AM may not be able to use the key aliases if there are hidden, trailing, newline characters in the password file.

    2. To change the password that opens a secret store:

      Replace the old password in the secret containing it with the new one. If the secret is a file in a file system volume secret store, ensure that the new password is encoded appropriately.

      For example, for base64-encoded passwords, use the following command:

      $ echo -n bmV3a2V5cGFzc3dvcmQ= > keystoreA_keypass
    3. To change a password value used to decrypt a PEM-formatted secret:

      Encode the new password using the page, and write the result to a file system secret or environment variable that uses the secret label:

      • File system secret

      • Environment variable

      $ echo -n AQICmX1ntZv3XETMgDo+0zFynC8UMGJgop+K >
  3. Depending on the location of the secret, perform one of the following steps to update the secret’s password to match the value you configured in the previous step:

    1. To change the password of key aliases in the AM Keystore:

      Use the keytool command to change the password of each of the key aliases, for example:

      $ keytool -keypasswd -storetype JCEKS -keystore /path/to/openam/security/keystores/am_keystore.jceks -alias mykey
      Enter keystore password: Enter the password in the .am_keystore_storepass file
      New key password for <mykey> Enter the password in the .am_keystore_keypass file
      Re-enter new key password for <mykey> Enter the password in the .am_keystore_keypass file

      Remember to change the password of the configstorepwd alias. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to start AM.

      To list the keys and password strings in the AM keystore, run this command:

      $ keytool -list -storetype JCEKS -keystore /path/to/openam/security/keystores/am_keystore.jceks
    2. To change the password of key aliases in a secret store:

      Use the keytool command to change the password of each key alias, for example:

      $ keytool -keypasswd -storetype JCEKS -keystore /path/to/openam/security/keystores/keystoreA.jceks -alias mykey
      Enter keystore password: Enter the password in the keystoreA_storepass file
      New key password for <mykey> Enter the password in the keystoreA_keypass file
      Re-enter new key password for <mykey> Enter the password in the keystoreA_keypass file Remember 

      Secrets in file system volume secret stores are, by default:

      $ `keytool -keypasswd -storetype JCEKS -keystore /path/to/openam/security/keystores/keystoreA.jceks -alias mykey
      Enter keystore password: Enter the password in the keystoreA_storepass file
      New key password for <mykey> Enter the password in the keystoreA_keypass file
      Re-enter new key password for <mykey> Enter the password in the keystoreA_keypass file

      Secrets in file system volume secret stores are, by default, not in cleartext. You need to decode them before using them with the keytool command.

      You can list the keys and password strings contained in a secret store using this command:

      $ keytool -list -storetype JCEKS -keystore /path/to/openam/security/keystores/keystoreA.jceks
    3. To change the password of a PEM-formatted secret:

      Use the openssl command to open, and then export the secret alias with a new password:

      $ openssl rsa -aes256 -in originalkey.pem -out new_password_key.pem
      Enter pass phrase for originalkey.pem: Enter the original password
      writing RSA key
      Enter PEM pass phrase: Enter the new password
      Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: Re-enter new password
      The algorithm you specify must match the input PEM file.

      When completed, overwrite the original PEM file with the replacement, for example:

      $ mv new_password_key.pem originalkey.pem
  4. If you also need to change the keystore password, see Change keystore passwords.

  5. Ensure that password files and keystores are maintained on every instance in your environment.

    Every AM instance has its own keystores and password files.

  6. (AM keystore) Restart the AM instances affected by the configuration changes.

Change keystore passwords

Decrypting and viewing the contents of a keystore requires a password. This password is specified by the user at the time the keystore is created, but you might need to update the password at a later time.

  1. (AM keystore) Replace the old password in the .am_keystore_storepass file with the new one:

    $ echo -n newpassword > /path/to/openam/security/secrets/default/.am_keystore_storepass

    Use echo -n to avoid inserting hidden trailing newline characters. Even if the keytool command is able to use the password in the file, AM may not be able to use the key aliases if there are hidden trailing newline characters in the password file.

  2. (Secret stores) Replace the old password in the secret containing it with the new one.

    If the secret is a file in a file system volume secret store, ensure that the new password is encoded appropriately.

    For example, base64-encode the password, and add it to the file:

    $ echo -n bmV3c3RvcmVwYXNzd29yZA== > keystoreA_storepass
  3. Change the password of the keystore:

    • AM keystore

    • Secret stores

    $ keytool -storepasswd -storetype JCEKS -keystore /path/to/openam/security/keystores/am_keystore.jceks
    Enter keystore password: Enter the password in the .am_keystore_storepass file.
    New keystore password: Enter the new password.
    Re-enter new keystore password:
    $ keytool -storepasswd -storetype JCEKS -keystore /path/to/openam/security/keystores/keystoreA.jceks
    Enter keystore password: Enter the password in the keystoreA_storepass file.
    New keystore password: Enter the new password.
    Re-enter new keystore password:

    Secrets in file system volume secret stores are, by default, not in cleartext. You need to decode them before using them with the keytool command.

  4. If you also need to change the key aliases' password, see Change keystore passwords.

  5. Ensure that password files and keystores are maintained on every instance in your environment.

    Each AM instance has its own keystores and password files.

  6. (AM keystore only) Restart the AM instance or instances affected by the configuration changes.

Secret stores

Secret stores are repositories for cryptographic keys and credentials. You can configure secret stores globally or per realm. Secrets in a global secret store are visible to realms, unless the realm has its own secret store with the same secrets defined.

All AM servers in a site share secrets. It’s therefore good practice to keep secrets under the same directory or mount point, for example, /path/to/openam/security/secrets.

AM supports the following secret store types:

A default AM installation includes a keystore-type secret store and a filesystem secret store. These are provided for testing and demonstration purposes only. In production environments, you should create your own secret stores.
Tasks to configure secret stores
Task Resources

Understand how AM resolves secrets

Secrets are first resolved at the realm level, and then globally.

Configure secret stores

Configure as many secret stores as your environment needs.

Map secret labels to secrets

A number of AM features require secrets for signing and encryption. For each requirement, AM has a secret label.

In previous AM releases, secret labels were referred to as secret IDs. This term is being phased out in favor of secret label but you might come across instances of secret ID in the documentation and in the UI until the terminology change is complete.

You can create active aliases in keystore and HSM secret stores.

How AM resolves secrets

Most secret stores are configured globally, (at Configure > Secret Stores), or per realm (at Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores).

Secrets derived from environment or system properties are configured globally, in a special, persistent secret store.

When resolving secrets, AM searches secret stores in the following order:

  1. Any secret store configured for the realm, regardless of type.

  2. Any secret store configured globally, regardless of type.

If AM cannot find an alias, it logs an error. The operation being attempted (for example, signing a client-side session token) will then fail.

Map each secret label once across the secret stores configured for the realm, or globally. For example, in a realm with two secret stores (a keystore secret store and an HSM secret store) the secret label is mapped only in the keystore secret store and not in the HSM secret store.

Environment and system property secret stores

A global instance of the environment and system property secret store is configured by default.

Secrets in the environment and system property secret store are derived from the following:

  • system properties with the same key as the secret value name (for example,

  • environment variables with keys that have the secret value name in upper case, and separated by underscores (for example, AM_SERVICES_OAUTH2_STATELESS_TOKEN_ENCRYPTION).

AM configures this secret store each time it starts up. Restart AM, or the container where it runs, if you add or change secret mappings.

Only the secrets format can be configured for the environment and system property secret store. Secrets in this store cannot be rotated, retired (deleted), or removed.

Configure the environment and system property secret store

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Secret Stores > Environment and System Property Secrets Store.

  2. From the Value format drop-down list, choose one of the following:

    Secrets supported by the environment and system property secret store
    • Plain Text: the secret is provided in UTF-8 encoded text.

    • Base64 encoded: the secret is provided in Base64 encoded binary values.

    • Encrypted text: the plain text secrets are encrypted using AM’s encryption key, found at Deployment > Servers > Security > Encryption.

    • Encrypted Base64 encoded: the Base64 encoded binary values are encrypted using AM’s encryption key.

    • Encrypted HMAC key: the Base64 encoded binary representation of the HMAC key is encrypted using AM’s encryption key.

    • Base64 encoded HMAC key: the Base64 encoded binary representation of the HMAC key.

    • Encrypted with Google KMS: the secrets are encrypted with a secret stored in the Google Cloud KMS, then base64-encoded.

    • Google KMS-encrypted HMAC key: the HMAC key is encrypted with a secret stored in the Google Cloud KMS, then base64-encoded.

    • PEM encoded certificate or key: the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) formatted certificate or key. Commonly used by tools such as OpenSSL, and a large percentage of certificate authorities.

    Use PEM-formatted secrets where possible.

  3. Click Save.

Keystore secret stores

A keystore secret store is a secret store that maps to a keystore file, for example, a JKS, JCEKS, PKCS11, or PKCS12 file.

During installation or after an upgrade from a version of AM earlier than 6.5, AM creates a number of secret stores. Use these as an example to configure your own secret stores. Learn more in Secrets, certificates, and keys.

Create a keystore secret store

Keystore secret stores can be configured at a global or realm level:

  1. To create a global secret store, go to Configure > Secret Stores.

    To create a realm-specific secret store, go to Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores.

  2. Click Add Secret Store.

  3. Enter the Secret Store ID.

  4. From the Store Type drop-down list, choose Keystore.

  5. Enter the keystore file to use.

    This file must be available to all AM instances, for example, by storing it on a shared filesystem, or by copying and maintaining the file across instances.

  6. Click Create.

Configure a keystore secret store

  1. To configure a global keystore, go to Configure > Secret Stores.

    To configure a realm keystore, go to Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores.

  2. Choose the store you want to modify.

  3. Enter the keystore file name in the File field.

  4. Enter the Keystore Type, for example JKS, JCEKS, PKCS11, or PKCS12.

    The specified keystore type must be supported by, and configured in, the local Java runtime environment.

  5. Set the Provider name.

    If left blank, the JRE default is used.

  6. In the Store password secret label field, enter the secret label from which AM will resolve the password to the keystore, or none if the password is blank.

    For example, storepass.

    AM resolves this secret label using the other secret stores configured; for example, from a file system secret volume mapped to the directory where the file containing the password is stored, or from an HSM secret store.

    Learn more in How AM resolves secrets.

  7. In the Entry password secret label field, enter the secret label from which AM will resolve the password to the keys stored in the keystore, or none if the password is blank.

    For example, entrypass.

    AM resolves this secret label using another configured secret stores; for example, from a file system secret volume mapped to the directory where the file containing the password is stored, or from an HSM secret store.

    Learn more in How AM resolves secrets.

  8. Set the Key lease expiry time in minutes.

  9. Click Save.

File system secret volumes

A file system secret volume maps to a directory storing files that contain secrets—one secret per file. For a given secret value, file system secret volumes will look for a file with the same name as the secret value name, and read its contents using the configured value format.

File system secret volumes can be configured globally, or per realm.

During installation or after an upgrade from a version of AM earlier than 6.5, AM deploys a number of secret stores. You can use them as an example to configure your own secret stores. Learn more in Secrets, certificates, and keys.

Create a file system secret volume

  1. To create a global file system secret volume, go to Configure > Secret Stores.

    To create a realm file system secret volume, go to Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores.

  2. Click Add Secret Store.

  3. Enter the Secret Store ID.

  4. From the Store Type drop-down list, choose File System Secret Volumes.

  5. Enter the name of the directory that contains the secret files.

    This directory must be available to all AM instances, for example, by converting it to a shared filesystem, or by creating and maintaining it and its files across instances.

  6. Click Create.

  7. On the FILE SYSTEM SECRET VOLUMES page, enter the full path to secret files in the Directory field.

  8. Optionally, add a suffix to add to the name of each secret in the File suffix field.

    For example, .txt.

  9. Optionally, add a Version suffix.

    A version suffix lets you maintain multiple versions of a secret so that you can rotate and retire secrets, as necessary. For example, specifying .v here lets you append .vversion to secret files, where version is any positive integer.

    With a version suffix of .v AM would recognize the following secrets as valid secrets:,, This lets you retire with no disruption in service.

  10. From the Value format drop-down list, choose one of the following:

    Secrets supported by the file system secret volume
    • Plain Text: the secret is provided in UTF-8 encoded text.

    • Base64 encoded: the secret is provided in Base64 encoded binary values.

    • Encrypted text: the plain text secrets are encrypted using AM’s encryption key, found at Deployment > Servers > Security > Encryption.

    • Encrypted Base64 encoded: the Base64 encoded binary values are encrypted using AM’s encryption key.

    • Encrypted HMAC key: the Base64 encoded binary representation of the HMAC key is encrypted using AM’s encryption key.

    • Base64 encoded HMAC key: the Base64 encoded binary representation of the HMAC key.

    • Encrypted with Google KMS: the secrets are encrypted with a secret stored in the Google Cloud KMS, then base64-encoded.

    • Google KMS-encrypted HMAC key: the HMAC key is encrypted with a secret stored in the Google Cloud KMS, then base64-encoded.

    • PEM encoded certificate or key: the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) formatted certificate or key. Commonly used by tools such as OpenSSL, and a large percentage of certificate authorities.

    Use PEM-formatted secrets where possible.

  11. Click Save.

    You can now map secret labels to files stored in the secret store directory.

Hardware Security Modules (HSM) secret stores

An HSM secret store maps to a hardware security module. To configure an HSM secret store, you need a secret label that can provide the PIN or password for the HSM. Alternatively, create an extension that provides a Guice binding for a custom PKCS11 to obtain the keystore.

Create an HSM secret store

HSM secret stores can be configured globally or per realm:

  1. To create a global HSM secret store, go to Configure > Secret Stores.

    To create a realm-specific HSM secret store, go to Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores.

  2. Click Add Secret Store.

  3. Enter the Secret Store ID.

  4. From the Store Type drop-down list, choose HSM.

  5. Enter the Configuration File containing the initialization configuration for the HSM.

  6. In the Provider Guice Key Name field, enter the name of a Guice key that can be used to obtain an initialized provider from which the HSM keystore can be obtained.

  7. In the HSM PIN/password secret label field, enter the secret label from which HSM’s PIN or password can be obtained.

    AM resolves this secret label using another configured secret store; for example, a file system secret volume mapped to the directory with the file containing the password, or a keystore secret store. Learn more in How AM resolves secrets.

  8. Click Create.

Configure an HSM secret store

  1. To configure a global HSM secret store store, go to Configure > Secret Stores.

    To configure a realm-specific HSM secret store, go to Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores.

  2. Choose the store you want to modify.

  3. In the Configuration File field, enter the name of the file containing initialization configuration for the HSM.

  4. In the Provider Guice Key Name field, enter the name of a Guice key that can be used to obtain an initialized provider from which the HSM keystore can be obtained.

  5. In the HSM PIN/password secret label field, enter the secret label from which HSM’s PIN or password can be obtained.

    AM resolves this secret label using another configured secret store; for example, from a file system secret volume mapped to the directory where the file containing the password is stored, or from an HSM secret store.

    Learn more in How AM resolves secrets.

  6. Set the Key lease expiry time in minutes.

  7. Click Save.

Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) secret stores

You can configure AM to retrieve secrets from the Google Cloud KMS. Support includes:

  • Mapping Google Cloud KMS secrets to secret labels used for signing and verification purposes. Mapping Google Cloud KMS secrets to encryption and decryption secret labels is not supported.

    For example, mapping a Google Cloud KMS secret to the secret label is supported because this secret label is used to sign OAuth 2.0 tokens. Mapping a Google Cloud KMS secret to the secret label is not supported because this secret label used to decrypt OpenID Connect parameters.

    Supported signing algorithms for Google Cloud KMS secrets

    SHA256WithRSA (RS256)
    SHA512WithRSA (RS512)
    SHA256WithRSAAndMGF1 (PS256)
    SHA512WithRSAAndMGF1 (PS512)
    SHA256WithECDSA (ES256)
    SHA384WithECDSA (ES384)

    Signing tokens with Google Cloud KMS secrets isn’t a fast operation. For every signature request, AM makes an API call to the Google Cloud KMS to perform the signature operation.

    Test the time it would take in your environment to sign tokens under stress conditions to determine if the delay is acceptable. You should use Google Cloud KMS secrets in environments with a low volume of signatures and high volume of verifications, as AM performs the verification locally.

  • Using a Google Cloud KMS secret to decrypt secrets loaded using other secret stores, or to decrypt the hashed password of the amAdmin user.


You need a Google Cloud Platform account that has a project. The project must have:

  • A key ring containing the secrets that AM will use. It can be configured in any Google Cloud location.

  • A service account that AM will use to connect to the project.

Configure Google service account credentials

In a Google Cloud environment, AM uses Google’s Java SDK to communicate with the Google Cloud KMS directly. This means that, as long as your Google Cloud environment has a default service account, AM will use it automatically.

If you don’t have a default service account or don’t want to use it for this purpose, or if you are using Google Cloud KMS secret stores in a non-Google Cloud environment, you must configure the path to the credentials in an environment variable so that AM can use them:

  1. Log in to your Google Cloud Platform Account.

  2. Download the credentials file for the Google service account that AM will use to connect to the project, and store it in the server where AM runs.

  3. Set up the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the path of the credentials.

    Ensure that the variable is available to the container where AM runs.

    For example, add the environment variable to the file of your Apache Tomcat installation:

    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/Tomcat/Google-service-account-credentials-for-AM.json"
  4. Restart the container where AM runs.

  5. Perform the steps in this procedure on each of the servers where AM runs.

Create KMS Secret Stores

Google KMS secret stores can be configured at a global or realm level:

  1. To create on a global level, go to Configure > Secret Stores.

    To create on a realm level, go to Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores.

  2. Click Add Secret Store.

  3. Enter the Secret Store ID.

  4. From the Store Type drop-down list, choose Google KMS.

  5. In the Project field, enter the Google Cloud Platform project that contains the key ring with the secrets.

    At the time of this writing, you can find your projects by logging in to your Google Cloud Platform dashboard.

  6. Configure the following fields related to the key ring.

    At the time of this writing, you can find the required information by logging in to the Google Cloud Platform dashboard, choosing your project, and then going to Security > Cryptographic Keys.

    • In the Location field, enter the location of the key ring.

    • In the Key Ring field, enter the name of the key ring containing the secrets that AM should use.

  7. Click Create.

  8. Configure the size of the public key cache and its duration as required in your environment.

    Notes about the public key cache
    • When AM signs data with a secret stored in the Google Cloud KMS, it makes an API call to the Google Cloud KMS to perform the signature operation.

    • When AM needs to verify a signature, it retrieves the public key from the Google Cloud KMS and verifies the signature locally. The cache prevents AM from retrieving the public key every time, and therefore, speeds the verification process.

    • The cache lives in AM’s heap, and is created on each of the AM instances for each of the Google Cloud KMS secret stores. You should leave the default settings, unless you have a large number of keys in a key chain.

    • Setting a long cache timeout might be more efficient, because AM does not need to contact the Google Cloud KMS to retrieve public keys very often.

      Note, however, that AM will not detect if you have marked a key as expired in the Google Cloud KMS until the cache expires.

Use Google Cloud KMS secrets to decrypt AM secrets

You can use a Google Cloud KMS secret to decrypt secrets stored in AM secret stores because they’re read from the filesystem, environment variables, or system properties.

You can also use the same secret to decrypt the hashed password of the amAdmin user. Learn more in Change the amAdmin password (secret store).

You can only configure one Google Cloud KMS secret for decrypting secrets in the AM site.

This procedure assumes that the encrypted secrets will be stored in a filesystem, and therefore, configured in AM in a file system volume secret store:

  1. Check if you already have a Google Cloud KMS secret for decrypting.

    Go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced, and check if the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.googlekms.decryptionkey advanced server property is configured.

    If it is, you don’t need to create another key.

    If the property isn’t configured, log in to your Google Cloud dashboard and create a secret of one of the following types in the key ring of your choosing:

    • Symmetric encrypt/decrypt

    • Asymmetric decrypt

  2. Use the secret you identified or created in the previous step to encrypt the secrets that AM will use.

    You can use the gcloud tool included in Google Cloud’s SDK to encrypt the secrets. The tool creates a binary file with the encrypted secret, but AM does not support secrets in binary format. To work around this, base64-encode the encrypted secret. For example:

    gcloud kms encrypt \
    --plaintext-file=./secret.txt \
    --ciphertext-file=- \
    --project=my_project_ID \
    --location=my_location \
    --keyring=my_keyring_for_AM \
    --key=my_key_for_decrypting_secrets_in_AM | base64 > secret.enc
  3. Rename the files containing the secrets so that they map to the required secret labels.

    Use the tables in Secret label default mappings for guidance.

    For example, to create a mapping for the Web and Java agents' OAuth 2.0 provider, rename the file containing the relevant secret to a file called

    Depending on the configuration of the secret store, you may be able to add a suffix to the file name, such as .enc.

  4. Share the encrypted secrets with the AM servers.

    This may mean, for example, copying the encrypted files to the same directory in every AM server, or mounting a directory in every AM server that is shared across the instances.

  5. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

  6. If unset, set the org.forgerock.openam.secrets.googlekms.decryptionkey advanced server property to the fully qualified resource ID of the Google Cloud KMS secret that you used in the previous step.

    For example:


    Learn more about finding the key ID in Object hierarchy in the Google Cloud KMS documentation.

  7. [configure-file-system-secret-volumes] that points to the directory containing the encrypted secrets.

Google Secret Manager (GSM) secret stores

You can configure AM to retrieve secrets from the Google Cloud Secret Manager (GSM).


You need a Google Cloud Platform account that has a project. The project must have:

  • An instance of Secret Manager that contains the secrets you want AM to use.

    Plan ahead how you will name the secrets, and in which format they will be:

    • Each Google GSM secret store can be mapped to one type of secret. Use PEM-formatted secrets in GSM where possible, to make the configuration easier to maintain.

      Learn more about creating PEM secrets compatible with AM in Import PEM-formatted keys.

    • By default, all realms can access all the secrets related to a GSM instance. However, you can configure lists of patterns to match the GSM secrets that a realm, or a list of realms, can access.

      For example, if you prefix the secrets for the employees realm with emp., you can configure a pattern in AM, such as emp.*, to match them for that realm.

      This also lets you separate secrets by type if you aren’t using PEM secrets.

  • A Google Cloud Compute Engine default service account, (only if AM runs in Google Cloud), or a service account.

    You can create different realm and pattern maps with the same account, if needed.

Related Google Documentation

Configure service accounts for GSM

Before configuring the Google GSM secret store, review the configuration of the Google service accounts in AM and make changes as required:

  1. Go to Configure > Global Services > Google Cloud Platform Service Accounts.

    The Service page displays a secondary configuration named default. AM is preconfigured to use a Google Cloud Compute Engine default service account.

    This default account is also configured to let all realms access all the secrets related to a GSM instance.

    If you are not using a Google Cloud Compute Engine default service account, you can delete this configuration. Alternatively, you can reconfigure it, or create a new configuration.

    Why is it useful to have several secondary configurations?

    The Google Cloud Platform Service Accounts service lets you map Google service accounts with realms. It also lets you configure patterns of secrets allowed and disallowed for a particular map of account and realms.

    For example, you can create several secondary configurations that use the same Google account, but that map different realms to different secrets.

  2. Decide whether you will reconfigure the default secondary configuration, or if you will create a new one to add a new service account.

    1. If you decided to create a new secondary configuration to add a new service account, click Add a Secondary Configuration.

      Name it, and leave the rest of the fields empty. You will configure them later.

    2. If you decided to reconfigure the default secondary configuration, click on it.

  3. On the secondary Configuration page, determine whether you need to configure the Credentials Secret Label field:

    On a Google Cloud environment, AM uses Google’s Java SDK to communicate with Google Secret Manager directly. This means that, as long as your Google Cloud environment has a Cloud Compute Engine default service account, AM will use it automatically. In this case, leave the Credentials Secret Label field blank.

    If you do not have a Cloud Compute Engine default service account or do not want to use it for this purpose, or if you are using Google GSM secret stores in a non-Google Cloud environment, you must configure AM to pick up the service account’s credentials.

    To do so, configure a file system volume secret store to provide the account’s credentials to AM.

    Next, enter the secret label mapped to the account’s credentials in the Credentials Secret Label field.

    Map credentials to a file system secret store
    1. Log in to your Google Cloud Platform Account.

    2. Download the credentials JSON file for the Google service account that AM will use to connect to the project.

      Note that this procedure uses file system secret stores to provide the account’s secret to AM, but you can use any other suitable secret store.

    3. Ensure that the file name only contains alphanumeric characters and period (.) characters.

      For example, GSM.123.json.

      Other characters, such as hyphens (-), are not supported in the file name.

    4. Make the JSON file or its contents available across the AM environment.

      This may mean, for example, mounting the same directory across different servers, copying the file across to the same location in each server, or configuring it as a Kubernetes secret.

    5. Create a file system secret store that points to the directory containing the JSON file.

      Ensure that you configure it as follows:

      • Directory = /path/to/JSON/File

      • File Suffix = .json

      • File Format = Plain text

    6. Save your changes.

    7. In the Credentials Secret Label field, enter the name of the JSON file that contains the secret, without the extension.

      For example, for a file named GSM.123.json, you would enter GSM.123.

  4. In the Allowed Realms field, configure a list of realms allowed to use this service account.

    Enter a list of realms and subrealms, such as / /realm1 /realm2/subrealm1 /realm3, or use the wildcard (*) character to allow all realms in the deployment to use the account.

    Note that you need to press the enter key after each item on the list.

  5. In the Allowed Secret Names field, enter a list of patterns to match the GSM secrets that the configured realms can access.

    Use the wildcard (*) character to match portions of the secret names.

    For example, alpha*, or alpha*123.

    Note that you need to press the enter key after each item on the list.

  6. In the Disallowed Secret Names field, enter a list of patterns to match the GSM secrets that the configured realms cannot access, if required.

    Use the wildcard (*) character to match portions of the secret names.

    For example, development*, or secure*abc.

    Note that you need to press the enter key after each item on the list.

    For a secret to be accessed, it must match a pattern in the Allowed Secret Names field, and no patterns in the Disallowed Secret Names field.

Create a GSM secret store

GSM Secret Stores can be configured at a global and realm level:

  1. To create on a global level, go to Configure > Secret Stores.

    To create on a realm level, go to Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores.

    Secrets mapped in a global secret store are available in every realm.

  2. Choose Add Secret Store.

  3. Enter the Secret Store ID.

  4. From the Store Type drop-down list, choose Google Secret Manager.

  5. In the Project field, enter the Google Cloud Platform project that contains the Secret Manager instance.

    At the time of this writing, you can find your projects by logging in to your Google Cloud Platform dashboard.

    Click Create.

  6. In the GCP Service Account ID field, enter the name of a Google Cloud Platform Service Accounts service secondary configuration.

    For example, default.

  7. In the Secret Format field, enter the format of the secrets to extract from Google Secret Manager.

    Secrets supported by the GSM secret store
    • Plain Text: the secret is provided in UTF-8 encoded text.

    • Base64 encoded: the secret is provided in Base64 encoded binary values.

    • Encrypted text: the plain text secrets are encrypted using AM’s encryption key, found at Deployment > Servers > Security > Encryption.

    • Encrypted Base64 encoded: the Base64 encoded binary values are encrypted using AM’s encryption key.

    • Encrypted HMAC key: the Base64 encoded binary representation of the HMAC key is encrypted using AM’s encryption key.

    • Base64 encoded HMAC key: the Base64 encoded binary representation of the HMAC key.

    • Encrypted with Google KMS: the secrets are encrypted with a secret stored in the Google Cloud KMS, then base64-encoded.

    • Google KMS-encrypted HMAC key: the HMAC key is encrypted with a secret stored in the Google Cloud KMS, then base64-encoded.

    • PEM encoded certificate or key: the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) formatted certificate or key. Commonly used by tools such as OpenSSL, and a large percentage of certificate authorities.

    Configure a Google GSM secret store for each type of secret that you want to map.

    Use PEM format secrets where possible.

  8. In the Expiry Time field, enter the maximum time, in seconds, that AM will cache a value retrieved from Google Secret Manager.

    Setting a long cache timeout may be more efficient, since AM does not need to contact Google Secret Manager to retrieve secrets that often, but AM will not detect if you have marked a secret as expired in Google Secret Manager until the cache expires.

  9. Save your changes.

    Now you are ready to map secret labels.

Custom secret stores

If you are creating custom components or plugins, you can implement the SecretStore interface to create a custom secret store backend.

Provide the configuration for your secret store type using one of the following subclasses:

Then, pass this class to the installSecretStoreTypes method in your plugin.

Import PEM-formatted keys

AM supports loading certificates, keys, and secrets in PEM format in the following secret stores:

  1. Create or obtain PEM-formatted secrets.

    Supported PEM formats

    Standard PEM-formatted secrets

    • Elliptic Curve and RSA private keys, in OpenSSL and PKCS#8 formats.

    • Elliptic Curve and RSA public keys, in OpenSSL and X.509 formats.

    ForgeRock non-standard PEM-formatted secrets

    • AES and HMAC secrets.

    • UTF-8-encoded generic secrets, such as passwords and API keys.

    You may obtain standard PEM-formatted secrets from your CA authority, or you can create your own files using, for example, the openssl utility. Standard PEM-formatted private keys can also be password-encrypted using the openssl utility.

    To create non-standard PEM-formatted secrets, perform the following steps:

    • To create AES or HMAC secrets, create a string of random bytes to work as cryptographic material, and base64-encode it.

      For example:

      $ head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64 > myEncodedSecret.txt
    • To create generic secrets, base64-encode the secret or key.

      For example:

      $ base64 myDecodedSecret.txt > myEncodedSecret.txt
    • Open the file with the secret and wrap it in PEM labels, such as the following:

      • HMAC Secrets

      • AES Secrets

      • Generic Secrets

      -----BEGIN HMAC SECRET KEY-----
      Base64-encoded cryptographic material
      -----END HMAC SECRET KEY-----
      -----BEGIN AES SECRET KEY-----
      Base64-encoded cryptographic material
      -----END AES SECRET KEY-----
      -----BEGIN GENERIC SECRET-----
      Base64-encoded secret
      -----END GENERIC SECRET-----
    • Encrypt the contents of the non-standard PEM-formatted file using the page, and save it to a file.

      The encryption process will create a string that is not PEM-formatted: do not add the PEM labels again. When AM reads the secret from the secret store that you will configure in the following step, it will decrypt it automatically and use it as a PEM secret.

  2. Save the secret in the relevant place:

    1. For file system secret volume stores, copy the file with the secret to the location defined as the source of the store.

      For information on the file name to use, see Map files in file system secret volumes secret stores.

    2. For the environment and system property secrets store, add the contents of the file to an environment variable, or Java system property.

      For information on the variable or property name to use, see Environment and system property secret store.

    3. For Google GSM secret stores, add the contents of the file to a GSM secret.

      For information on the secret name to use, see Google GSM secret stores.

      You can concatenate the contents of several related PEM-formatted files in a single GSM secret; for example, a private key and its associated certificate chain. AM will correctly extract the different components.


      Concatenate keys and multiple certificates in a PEM file in order, such that the following certificate directly certifies the one preceding it:

      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      The Private Key: domain_name.key
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      The Primary SSL certificate: domain_name.crt
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      The Intermediate certificate: CA_cert.crt
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      The Root certificate: Root.crt
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  3. If the standard PEM-formatted secret is password-encrypted, make the password available to AM as follows:

    • Encode the password using the page.

    • Write the result to a file system secret, or environment variable, that maps to the secret label:

      • File system secret

      • Environment variable

      $ echo -n AQICmX1ntZv3XETMgDo+0zFynC8UMGJgop+K >
    • Make the password available to AM in either the environment and system property secrets store or a file system secret volumes secret store, depending on how you created the secret in the previous step.

      AM only checks global stores for the passwords used to decrypt PEM-formatted files. The PEM-formatted secret can be configured and used in any realm, but the decryption password must be available in a global store.

      Configure global stores by navigating to Configure > Secret Stores.

  4. Configure AM to use the new PEM-formatted certificate or key.

Map and rotate secrets

Several AM features require secrets for signing, encryption, and mTLS authentication. For each requirement, AM has a specific secret label.

To provide AM with the correct secret, map one or more aliases from the secret stores you configure to each secret label. These mappings let you specify the active secrets, and rotate them when they expire or become compromised. For a list of secret labels and their default mappings, refer to Secret label default mappings.

In previous AM releases, secret labels were referred to as secret IDs. This term is being phased out in favor of secret label but you might come across instances of secret ID in the documentation and in the UI until the terminology change is complete.

Active secrets are used for signature generation, encryption, verification, and decryption. Non-active secrets are used for signature verification and decryption.

For example, if you map several aliases for signing OAuth 2.0 client-side tokens, new tokens are signed with the active secret, and incoming tokens are verified against both the active and the non-active secrets.

You can rotate a non-active secret to become an active secret (while the old secret remains valid). You can also retire a secret if it’s no longer considered secure.

Map secrets in keystore, HSM, or Google KMS/GSM secret stores

  1. To map secrets in a global secret store, go to Configure > Secret Stores.

    To map secrets in a realm-specific secret store, go to Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores.

  2. Click the store that contains the secrets you want to map.

  3. On the Mappings tab, click Add Mapping.

  4. From the Secret Label drop-down list, select the secret label you want to associate with an alias.

    For information about the different secret label mappings, refer to Secret label default mappings.

  5. Enter any Alias and click the add () icon.

    You can add as many aliases as necessary. The first alias in the list determines the active secret. AM uses active secrets for signature generation and encryption. AM uses non-active secrets for signature verification and decryption.

  6. When you have completed the mappings, click Create.

Rotate secrets in keystore and HSM secret stores

  1. To rotate secrets in a global secret store, go to Configure > Secret Stores.

    To rotate secrets in a realm-specific secret store, go to Realms > Realm Name > Secret Stores.

  2. Click the store that contains the secrets you want to rotate.

  3. On the Mappings tab, add a new secret alias, if necessary.

  4. Drag and drop to change the order of aliases, and set the active secret.

  5. If a secret is no longer secure, retire it by clicking the delete () icon.

  • For Google KMS and Google GSM secret stores, map only one secret to each secret label. Manage key rotation in the Google Cloud KMS key ring or Google Secret Manager.

  • Some features have a signing algorithm or encryption algorithm configuration option, and a corresponding rotatable secret for signing, encryption and verification. AM may enforce that the signature being verified was signed with the same algorithm specified in the configuration. Therefore, rotation between secrets with different algorithm types is not supported.

Map secrets in file system secret volumes

To map secret labels to files, follow these steps:

  1. In the directory configured as the secret store, for example, /openam/secrets, create the required files to store your secrets. Use the tables in Secret label default mappings for guidance.

    For example, to create a mapping for the Web and Java agents' OAuth 2.0 provider, create a file called

    You can also create mappings for secret store-specific secrets, such as the keystore secret store password, the keystore secret store entry password, or the HSM guice key. These mappings don’t require specific secret labels. For example, you can create a file called mykeystorepassword, and then configure it in the Store password secret label field of your keystore secret store.

    Secret labels and the filenames of file system secrets have the following constraints:

    • They can only include alphanumeric characters and periods (.).

    • They can’t start or end with a period, or have more than one period in a row.

    • Depending on the configuration of the secret store, you may be able to add the filename extension to a secret filename; for example, .txt.

    • Secret filenames can include a version suffix to support secret rotation; for example, .vversion where version is a positive integer. Learn more about configuring the version suffix in Create a file system secret volume.

  2. Store the relevant secret value in each file.

    The format of the secret value depends on the configuration of the secret store. For example, if the File Format is Encrypted text, you must encode the secret value with AM’s encryption key.

    How do I encode secrets with AM’s encryption key?

    Use the page to encode the secret, then add the encoded value to the secret file.

    Secrets must not contain trailing newline characters. If you are using the echo command to add secrets to a file, append the -n option. For example:

    $ echo -n AQICmX1ntZv3XETMgDo+0zFynC8UMGJgop+K >

Rotate and retire secrets in file system secret volumes

File system secrets can include a version suffix that lets you maintain multiple versions of a secret. With multiple secret versions, you can rotate and retire secrets, as necessary.

Define the version suffix in the file system secret volume configuration. For example, specifying a version suffix of .v lets you append .vversion to secret files, where version is any positive integer.

With a version suffix of .v AM would recognize the following secrets as valid secrets:,, This lets you rotate secrets with no disruption in service.

To retire a secret, make sure you have a new version of the secret, then delete that secret version from the file system.

Secret label default mappings

The following sections list the secret labels used by the AM features and their default mappings, if any.


PEM decryption password

The following table shows the secret label in which you can store the password used to decrypt password-encrypted PEM files.

Encode the password using the page.

Secret label Default alias Algorithms

Encode using encode.jsp

Encrypt client-side sessions

The following table shows the secret label mapping to use when encrypting client-side sessions:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms






(1) This secret label replaces the legacy Encryption Symmetric AES Key configuration property (under Configure > Global Services > Sessions > Advanced). If you set both the configuration property and the secret label mapping, the mapping takes precedence.

(2) This secret label is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the algorithm-specific secret labels in this table instead. These secret labels make it easier to configure and rotate secrets.

Sign client-side sessions

The following table shows the secret label mapping to use when signing client-side sessions:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms









(1) This secret label replaces the legacy Signing HMAC Shared Secret configuration property (under Configure > Global Services > Sessions > Advanced). If you set both the configuration property and the secret label mapping, the mapping takes precedence.

(2) This secret label is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the algorithm-specific secret labels in this table instead. These secret labels make it easier to migrate and rotate secrets. If you set this secret label and an algorithm-specific secret label, the algorithm-specific label takes precedence.

mTLS certificate for the CRL cache server

The secret label mapping to encrypt the certificate used to authenticate to the CRL cache server.

Learn more about CRL caching in Certificate revocation list caching.

Secret label Default alias Algorithms

HTTP client proxy password secret

The secret label mapping for the HTTP client proxy password used to authenticate HTTP outbound requests.

Secret label Default alias Algorithms


If you update this mapping, you must restart AM for the changes to take effect.

Attestation certificates

Google hardware attestation root certificate

This table shows the ID for the Google hardware attestation root certificate.

This certificate is used to confirm the keys used by bound Android devices are valid, have not been revoked, and use hardware-backed security storage.

Refer to Verifying hardware-backed key pairs with Key Attestation in the Android developer documentation.

Secret label Default alias Algorithms

RSA / X.509


Encrypt authentication tree secure state data

The following table shows the secret label mapping used to encrypt sensitive data stored in the secure state of an authentication tree:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms



AES 256-bit

Sign authentication requests

The secret label mappings for the HMAC secret used to sign and verify the authentication token (authID):

Secret label Default alias Algorithms



This mapping overrides the randomly-generated core authentication attribute, Organization Authentication Signing Secret.

You can map multiple secrets to this label to enable secret rotation. AM signs the authentication token with the active secret but checks all mapped secrets when verifying the authentication token signature. Therefore, if you rotate the active secret while an authentication request is in progress, the returned authentication token can still be verified.

If you delete the secret that was used to sign an authentication token, the authID returned in the authentication request can’t be verified and authentication fails.

Authentication nodes

The dynamic secret labels for authentication nodes, where identifier is defined in the node configuration:

Node Secret label









Encrypted device storage services

Encrypt device storage services

The secret label mappings for services that use encrypted device storage.

These mappings override the encryption keys set in the service configuration.

Service Secret label Default alias Algorithms


IoT trusted JWT issuer

The following table shows the secret label mapping that the IoT service uses when configured as a trusted OAuth 2.0 JWT issuer:

secret label Default alias Algorithms



IoT certificate verification

The following table shows the secret label mapping for the CA certificate that the Register Thing node uses to verify the X.509 digital certificate included in the proof-of-possession JWT:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms

OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect

As provider
JWT authenticity signing

The following table shows the secret label mapping used to sign several OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect-related JWTs:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms



This key is used to sign the following tokens and requests:

  • OpenID Connect tokens for web and Java agents.

  • OpenID Connect tokens that are signed with an HMAC algorithm.

  • Macaroon access and refresh tokens.

  • Consent requests to remote consent agents that are signed with an HMAC algorithm.

Encrypt client-side OAuth 2.0 tokens

This table shows the secret label mapping used to encrypt client-side access tokens:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms



Sign client-side OAuth 2.0 tokens

This table shows the secret label mappings used to sign client-side access tokens:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms











Authenticate OAuth 2.0 clients

The secret label mappings used to authenticate OAuth 2.0 clients:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms




(1) Map the am.applications.oauth2.client.identifier.secret dynamic secret label to override the OAuth 2.0 client’s Client secret property, where identifier is the value of the Secret Label Identifier set in the client configuration. (2) Map the am.applications.oauth2.client.identifier.jwt.public.key dynamic secret label to override the OAuth 2.0 client’s Client JWT Bearer Public Key, where identifier is the value of the Secret Label Identifier set in the client configuration. (3) Map the am.applications.oauth2.client.identifier.mtls.trusted.cert dynamic secret label to override the OAuth 2.0 client’s mTLS Self-Signed Certificate, where identifier is the value of the Secret Label Identifier set in the client configuration. (4) Map the dynamic secret label to override the OAuth 2.0 client’s Client ID Token Public Encryption Key, where identifier is the value of the Secret Label Identifier set in the client configuration.

Salt hashes

The secret label for salting hashes in OAuth 2.0 and OIDC flows.

Secret label Default alias Algorithms

Use this secret label instead of setting Subject Identifier Hash Salt in the provider configuration.

This secret can’t be rotated.

Decrypt OIDC request parameters

This table shows the secret label mapping used to decrypt OIDC request parameters:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms(1)


RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding


RSA with OAEP with SHA-1 and MGF-1


RSA with OAEP with SHA-256 and MGF-1

(1) The following applies to confidential clients only:

If you select an AES algorithm (A128KW, A192KW, or A256KW) or the direct encryption algorithm (dir), the value of the Client Secret field in the OAuth 2.0 Client is used as the secret instead of an entry from the secret stores.

The following signing and encryption algorithms use the Client Secret field to store the secret:

  • Signing ID tokens with an HMAC algorithm

  • Encrypting ID tokens with AES or direct encryption

  • Encrypting parameters with AES or direct encryption

Store only one secret in the Client Secret field; AM will use different mechanisms to sign and encrypt depending on the algorithm, as explained in the OpenID Connect Core 1.0 errata set 1 specification.

Sign OIDC tokens

The following table shows the secret label mapping used to sign OIDC ID tokens and backchannel logout tokens:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms(1)









EdDSA with SHA-512

(1) The following applies to confidential clients only:

If you select an HMAC algorithm for signing ID tokens (HS256, HS384, or HS512), the Client Secret property value in the OAuth 2.0 Client is used as the HMAC secret instead of an entry from the secret stores.

Since the HMAC secret is shared between AM and the client, a malicious user compromising the client could potentially create tokens that AM would trust. Therefore, to protect against misuse, AM also signs the token using a non-shared signing key configured in the secret label.

CA certificates used in mTLS client authentication

This table shows the secret label mapping used to store the CA certificates AM should trust during mTLS client authentication:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms

As client/relying party of the Social Identity Provider service
Decrypt ID tokens

This table shows the secret label mapping to support decryption of ID tokens and userinfo endpoint data in JWT format when AM is configured as a relying party of the Social Identity Provider Service:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms


Consult the .well-known endpoint of the identity provider.

The public key is exposed in the /oauth2/connect/rp/jwk_uri.

For more information about the algorithms supported, and how to configure this secret label mapping, refer to Social authentication.

Sign JWTs and objects

This table shows the secret label mapping that AM uses to sign JWTs and objects when configured as a relying party of the Social Identity Provider Service:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms


Consult the .well-known endpoint of the identity provider.

The public key is exposed in the /oauth2/connect/rp/jwk_uri.

For more information about the algorithms supported, and how to configure this secret label mapping, refer to Social authentication.

CA certificates used in mTLS client authentication (RP)

The following table shows the secret label mapping used to store CA or self-signed certificates AM uses for mTLS client authentication when configured as a relying party of the Social Identity Provider service:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms

Consult the .well-known endpoint of the identity provider.

The public key is exposed in the /oauth2/connect/rp/jwk_uri.

For more information about the algorithms supported, and how to configure this secret label mapping, refer to Social authentication.

Policy Configuration service

Policy Configuration service

The secret label mappings to encrypt the certificate used to authenticate Policy Configuration service connections:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms


Push Notification service

Push Notification service

The secret label mapping for the Amazon Simple Notification Service access key used by the Push Notification service. The secret mapping overrides the SNS Access Key Secret set in the service configuration.

Secret label Default alias Algorithms

SAML v2.0

Encrypt SAML v2.0 session storage JWTs

This table shows the secret label mapping used to encrypt the JWTs SAML v2.0 creates in session storage:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms



Sign SAML v2.0 metadata

This table shows the secret label mappings used to sign SAML v2.0 metadata:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms



SAML v2.0 signing and encryption

The following table shows the secret label mappings used to sign and encrypt SAML v2.0 elements, and to enable mTLS authentication between entity providers:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms



RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding



RSA SHA-1(1)



RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding



RSA SHA-1(1)



(1) This algorithm is for compatibility purposes only. Avoid its use.

(2) For artifact resolution requests only, the SP uses the certificates mapped to this secret label for mTLS authentication to the remote IDP. These certificates are exported with <KeyDescriptor use="signing"> in the SP metadata.

(3) The SP uses the certificate mapped to this secret label for basic authentication. If you set a Secret Label Identifier, and AM finds a mapping to am.applications.federation.entity.providers.saml2.identifier .basicauth, AM uses this secret and ignores the value of the Password field. For basic authentication, there is no default secret label for the realm, or globally.

You can specify a custom Secret Label Identifier for each SAML v2.0 entity provider in a realm. AM generates new secret labels that can be unique to the provider, or shared by multiple providers.

For example, you could add a custom secret label identifier named mySamlSecrets to a hosted identity provider. AM then dynamically creates the following secret labels, which the hosted identity provider uses for signing and encryption:

  • am.applications.federation.entity.providers.saml2.mySamlSecrets.signing

  • am.applications.federation.entity.providers.saml2.mySamlSecrets.encryption

AM attempts to look up the secrets with the custom secret label identifier. If unsuccessful, AM looks up the secrets using the default secret labels.


UMA persisted claims tokens

The secret label mappings to encrypt UMA persisted claims tokens (PCTs):

Secret label Default alias Algorithms


Web agents and Java agents

Sign JWTs for Web and Java agents

The following table shows the secret label mapping used sign the JWTs provided to web and Java agents:

Secret label Default alias Algorithms



Change default key aliases

For demo and test purposes, AM includes demo key aliases for several features. You can keep the demo key aliases configured for features you aren’t using, or you can remove them from your production environment.

When possible, the following list includes the Global Services or Server Default paths where the demo key aliases are configured. If you have already configured any of the features in a realm, ensure that the key alias is replaced in the realm configuration as well.

To replace the default key aliases:

  1. Create the required key aliases following the tasks in Key aliases and passwords.

  2. Change the default key aliases:

    Web agents and Java agents

    Agents use the secret labels specified in the Web Agents Installation Guide and the Java Agents Installation Guide.

    Persistent Cookie module

    To change the default mapping for the Persistent Cookie module, go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings > Security. Replace the test key alias in the Persistent Cookie Encryption Certificate Alias field with the alias you created for persistent cookies in your secret stores.

    You can find more information about the secret labels used by this feature in Secret label mappings for persistent cookies.

    OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers

    Review the list of secret labels and their defaults here and here.

    SAML v2.0 hosted providers

    Review the list of secret labels and their defaults here.

    Client-side sessions

    Go to Configure > Global Services > Session > Client-Side Sessions. Replace the test key alias in the Signing RSA/ECDSA Certificate Alias field and in the Encryption RSA Certificate Alias field.

    User self-service

    Go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > User Self-Service. Populate the values of the Encryption Key Pair Alias and the Signing Secret Key Alias properties.

    The name of the demo keys displays in grey. This doesn’t mean the fields are filled in.
    Authentication trees

    Authentication trees use the secret label specified in Secret label mappings for encrypting authentication trees' secure state data.

    You must map this secret label to an existing, resolvable secret or key alias. Otherwise, authentication trees might not work as expected.


    The IoT Service uses the secret labels specified in Secret label mappings for the IoT trusted JWT issuer.

Secure session cookies

After authenticating an end user, AM stores their session (for client-side sessions), or a pointer to their session (for server-side sessions), in a cookie in the end user’s browser.

HTTPS communication already helps to keep cookies secure since the encrypted communication cannot be eavesdropped. However, there are other ways a malicious user can hijack a cookie. For example, cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site tracing (XST) involve injecting HTML or JavaScript on a legitimate website. By using JavaScript code, the malicious user can steal the cookie directly from the browser.

The following table summarizes the tasks you need to perform to protect session cookies:

Task Resources

Configure the HttpOnly flag

This flag ensures that the session cookie is transmitted over an HTTP or HTTPS channel only, protecting your environment against most XSS attacks.

Configure the secure flag

This flag ensures the session cookie is only transmitted over HTTPS channels such that the session cookie is not carried over insecure HTTP redirections.

Choose a session cookie name

Change the name of the session cookie from the default of iPlanetDirectoryPro.

Restrict CDSSO tokens to protect them against hijacking

By default, AM provides a CDSSO tokens valid for the appropriated realms. Restrict tokens so that AM issues different tokens for different realms.

Use host-only cookies

Because host-only cookies are more secure than domain cookies, you should use host-only cookies unless you have a good business case for using domain cookies.

Client-side sessions are more vulnerable to hijacking, since they contain all the session information. To configure additional security measures, see Client-side session security.

HttpOnly session cookies

Whether you use HTTP or HTTPS, flag your cookies as HttpOnly, which means they are transmitted only over HTTP or HTTPS protocols. This setting alone already prevents most XSS attacks, since HttpOnly cookies cannot be transmitted using JavaScript.

When a client makes a call to the /json/authenticate endpoint appending a valid SSO token, if HttpOnly cookies are enabled, then AM returns an empty tokenId field.

For example:


Configure the httpOnly flag

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

  2. Set the com.sun.identity.cookie.httponly advanced server property to true, and save your changes.

    You must make this change in all the AM instances in the site.

    Regardless of the value of the com.sun.identity.cookie.httponly property, AM upgrades cookies to secure cookies (except the amlbcookie cookie) when requests arrive over a secure channel.

  3. Restart AM or the container where it runs.

Secure cookies by default

When using HTTPS, mark all your cookies as secure, which means they are only transmitted over HTTPS protocols.

This flag is useful for sites that allow both HTTPS and HTTP traffic, since it protects from HTTP redirection carrying session cookies across unencrypted connections.

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Security > Cookie.

  2. Enable the Secure Cookie option.

  3. Click Save Changes.

  4. Restart AM or the container where it runs.

By default, the session cookie name is iPlanetDirectoryPro.

You must change this value to something unique in your environment that does not give away its contents. Do not use names such as sessionCookie.

If you change the cookie name on a production system, you invalidate the sessions for any users who still had a valid cookie.

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Security > Cookie.

  2. Change the name in the Cookie Name field.

  3. Click Save Changes.

  4. Restart AM or the container where it runs.

Web agents need to know the name of the session cookie to authenticate with AM. Learn more in SSO token cookie name.

When the session cookie is a cross-domain single-sign on (CDSSO) cookie, meaning that it is valid across several domains, the damage a malicious user can cause is increased.

A malicious user who steals a CDSSO cookie can potentially use it to access any realms that session has logged into, which may span multiple domains. For example, a token stolen from could be used to access or any other protected domain in the same realm. Cookie hijacking protection restricts cookies to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the host where they are issued, such as and, using CDSSO to handle authentication and authorization.

For CDSSO with cookie hijacking protection, when a client successfully authenticates, AM issues the master SSO token cookie for its FQDN. AM issues restricted token cookies for the other FQDNs where the web or Java agents reside. The client ends up with cookies having different session identifiers for different FQDNs, and the AM server stores the correlation between the master SSO token and restricted tokens, such that the client only has one master session internally in AM.

To protect against cookie hijacking, you restrict the AM server domain to the server where AM runs. This sets the domain of the SSO token cookie to the host running the AM server that issued the token. You also enable use of a unique SSO token cookie. For your Java agents, you enable use of the unique SSO token cookie in the agent configuration.

Client-side sessions don’t support restricted tokens. Therefore, web agents and Java agents in a realm configured for client-side sessions aren’t protected against cookie hijacking. Use web or Java agents with server-side sessions where possible.

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Global Services > Platform.

    • Remove all domains from the Cookies Domains list.

    • Click Save Changes.

  2. Go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

  3. Set the com.sun.identity.enableUniqueSSOTokenCookie advanced property to true.

  4. Click Save Changes.

  5. Restart AM or the container in which it runs for the configuration changes to take effect.

Although the session cookie is the most important cookie to keep track of when securing AM, there are other points you must consider, such as:

  • Which cookie are you using for sticky load balancing?

    By default, AM creates the amlbcookie cookie and sets it to the ID of the instance that first responded to a request. You should change the name of this cookie to something unique in your environment.

  • Which other cookies, relevant for your environment, interact with AM or are sent to AM as part of a chain of requests?

The following table summarizes the tasks and information to review to manage cookie security that is not strictly related to the session cookie:

Task Resources

Enable support for SameSite rules

Configure AM to apply SameSite rules, such that you can declare that your cookies are restricted to a first-party or a same-site context.

Review the secure cookie filter

AM provides a filter that upgrades cookies to secure cookies if the conditions are met.

Change the name of the sticky load balancing cookie

Name the cookie something relevant and unique for your environment.

SameSite cookie rules

For additional cookie security, enable support for applying SameSite cookie rules, as described in the internet-draft Cookies: HTTP State Management Mechanism.

You can configure the AM server to apply SameSite cookie rules by navigating to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced, and setting the com.sun.identity.cookie.samesite property’s value to one of the following:


Requests originating from different sites will not have cookies sent with them.

When this mode is enabled, any AM functionality that relies on requests being redirected back to the AM instance may not operate correctly. For example, OAuth 2.0 flows and SAML federation may not operate correctly if AM cannot access the required cookies.


Cookies received from different sites cannot be accessed, unless the request is using a top-level request, and uses a "safe" HTTP method, such as GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, or TRACE.


No restrictions on the domain of cookies is applied. This is the default setting.

You must disable SameSite support if any of the following is true:

  • You have set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials=true in your CORS configuration.

    For more information on configuring CORS in AM, see Configure CORS support.

  • You are using SAML HTTP-POST bindings.

    For example, IDP-initiated single logout (SLO) functionality will not operate correctly if SameSite support is enabled, as the iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie would not be accessible in cross-domain POST requests. For more information on SAML single logout, see Implement SSO and SLO.

Modern browsers only allow disabling SameSite if the cookie is marked as Secure. If you need to handle cross-site requests with cookies, you should move to HTTPS-only environment.

As part of the support that AM provides for SameSite cookies, the deployment descriptor file web.xml includes a filter that flags cookies as secure if any of the following is true:

  • The request comes in through a connection marked as secure.

    For example, because you have marked an HTTP connector as secure in Tomcat.

  • The request comes in through an HTTPS connector.

Automatically promoting cookies to secure ensures that the functionality continues to work with the SameSite changes, because you can only opt out of SameSite if a cookie is marked as secure.

Exclude cookies from the filter

  1. To exclude cookies from the filter, edit the /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/web.xml file and search for the SecureCookieFilter filter.

  2. Add any cookies you want to exclude to the list.

    For example:


    To ensure that non-secure requests are load-balanced correctly, the amlbcookie cookie is already excluded by default. If you are using a custom cookie for sticky load balancing, you may want to add it to the list of excluded cookies.

  3. Restart AM or the container where it runs for the changes to take effect.

Change the sticky load balancing cookie name

By default, the sticky load balancing cookie name is amlbcookie. Change this value to something that is unique in your environment, and configure the name of the cookie in your load balancers to achieve session stickiness.

Perform the following steps to change the name of the cookie:

  1. Go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

  2. Change the value of the advanced server property to the new cookie name.

    By default, AM sets the value of the load balancing cookie to the ID of the instance that first responded to a request. You can change it, but we recommend that you keep this configuration when using web agents.

    For more information, see Load balancing.

  3. Restart AM or the container where it runs.

Secure sessions

Cookie hijacking is not the only danger to sessions. Consider the following non-exhaustive list of scenarios that can result in a compromised account:

  • End users entering their data in a malicious website thinking it is the authentic one.

  • End users leaving their computers unattended while their session is open.

  • End users logging in from completely different locations or devices than usual.

The following table summarizes the tasks you should perform to keep sessions secure:

Task Resources

Settings related to session termination

Understand session termination, and configure the session time-to-live and idle timeout.

Ensuring sessions expire within a reasonable time helps you protect your environment against impersonation attacks.

Lock accounts after failed login attempts

Configure account lockout to protect your environment against brute-force or dictionary attacks.

Limit the number of active user sessions

Prevent users from logging in from more than two devices as a time, for example. This helps you mitigate against cases where user accounts have been compromised.

Protect client-side sessions

AM offers additional security measures to protect client-side sessions. They are more vulnerable to hijacking than server-side sessions because they contain all the session information in them.

Protect authentication sessions

Configure authentication session allowlisting to protect these sessions against replay attacks.

Delete sessions when users change their passwords

When a user changes their password, existing sessions are not deleted automatically. You should implement a mechanism to invalidate existing sessions on password reset.

Session termination

AM manages active sessions, allowing single sign-on when authenticated users attempt to access system resources in AM’s control.

AM ensures that user sessions are terminated when a configured timeout is reached, or when AM users perform actions that cause session termination. Session termination effectively logs the user out of all systems protected by AM.

With server-side sessions, AM terminates sessions in four situations:

  • When a user explicitly logs out.

  • When an administrator monitoring sessions explicitly terminates a session.

  • When a session exceeds the maximum time-to-live.

  • When a user is idle for longer than the maximum session idle time.

Under these circumstances, AM responds by removing server-side sessions from the CTS token store and from AM server memory caches. With the user’s session no longer present in CTS, AM forces the user to reauthenticate during subsequent attempts to access resources protected by AM.

When a user explicitly logs out of AM, AM also attempts to invalidate the iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie in users' browsers by sending a Set-Cookie header with an invalid session ID and a cookie expiration time that is in the past. In the case of administrator session termination and session timeout, AM cannot invalidate the iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie until the next time the user accesses AM.

Session termination differs for client-side sessions. Since client-side sessions aren’t maintained in the CTS token store, administrators can’t monitor or terminate them. Because AM does not modify the iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie for client-side sessions after authentication, the session idle time isn’t maintained in the cookie. Therefore, AM does not automatically terminate client-side sessions that have exceeded the idle timeout.

For information about tracking idle time in PingGateway, refer to AmSessionIdleTimeoutFilter.

As with server-side sessions, AM attempts to invalidate the iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie from a user’s browser when the user logs out. When the maximum session time is exceeded, AM also attempts to invalidate the iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie in the user’s browser the next time the user accesses AM.

It’s important to understand that AM cannot guarantee cookie invalidation. For example, the HTTP response containing the Set-Cookie header might be lost. This isn’t an issue for server-side sessions, because a logged-out session no longer exists in the CTS token store, and a user who attempts to access AM after previously logging out will be forced to reauthenticate.

However, the lack of a guarantee of cookie invalidation is an issue for deployments with client-side sessions. It could be possible for a logged-out user to have an iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie. AM could not determine that the user previously logged out. Therefore, AM supports a feature that takes additional action when users log out of client-side sessions. AM can maintain a list of logged out client-side sessions in a session denylist in the CTS token store. Whenever users attempt to access AM with client-side sessions, AM checks the session denylist to validate that the user has not, in fact, logged out.

Since AM does not modify client-side session cookies once they are stored in the end user’s browser, and client-side sessions contain, among others, the session maximum time-to-live, it is imperative to protected them against tampering. Refer to Client-side session security for more information.

Enable dynamic session attributes for the realm

To configure the session termination settings for a particular realm, enable the Session service:

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services.

  2. Check if the Session service appears in the list of services configured for the realm.

    If it doesn’t, click Add a Service and select Session from the drop-down list.

    The Session page appears, showing the Dynamic Attributes tab.

  3. Click Save Changes.

Set maximum session time-to-live

When configuring the maximum session time-to-live (TTL), you must balance security and user experience. Depending on your application, it may be acceptable for your users to log in once a month. Financial applications, for example, tend to expire their sessions in less than an hour.

The longer a session is valid, the larger the window during which a malicious user could impersonate a user if they were able to hijack a session cookie.

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Session > Dynamic Attributes.

    Note that you can also change maximum session time settings globally for the AM site at Configure > Sessions > Dynamic Attributes.

  2. In the Maximum Session Time field, set a value suitable for your environment.

  3. Save your changes.

If you update the maximum session TTL, consider reviewing the expiry time for OAuth 2.0 JWTs according to your business needs. It may be convenient to set them to the same value, but there are times when these values need to be different.

  1. To update the JWT lifetime for individual OIDC clients:

    1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Applications > OAuth 2.0 > Clients > Client ID > OpenID Connect.

    2. Set OpenID Connect JWT Token Lifetime (seconds) to the same duration as the maximum session TTL (minutes).

      This value overrides the JWT lifetime set for the OAuth 2.0 provider.

  2. To update the JWT lifetime for the OAuth2 Provider service:

    1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > OAuth2 Provider > OpenID Connect.

    2. Set OpenID Connect JWT Token Lifetime (seconds) to the same duration as the maximum session TTL (minutes).

Set maximum session idle timeout

Consider a user with a valid session navigating through pages or making changes to the configuration. If for any reason they leave their desk and their computer remains open, a malicious user could take the opportunity to impersonate them.

Session idle timeout can help mitigate those situations, by logging out users after a specified duration of inactivity.

Note that session idle timeout can only be used in realms configured for server-side sessions.

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Session > Dynamic Attributes.

    Note that you can also change idle timeout settings globally for the AM site at Configure > Sessions > Dynamic Attributes.

  2. On the Maximum Time Idle property, configure a value suitable for your environment.

  3. Save your changes.

Configure client-side session denylisting

Session denylisting ensures that users who have logged out of client-side sessions cannot achieve single sign-on without reauthenticating to AM. Session denylisting does not apply to authentication sessions.

  1. Make sure that you deployed the Core Token Service (CTS) during AM installation.

    The session denylist is stored in the CTS token store.

  2. Go to Configure > Global Services, click Session, and locate the Client-Side Sessions tab.

  3. Select the Enable Session Denylisting option to enable session denylisting for client-side sessions.

    When you configure one or more AM realms for client-side sessions, you should enable session denylisting in order to track session logouts across multiple AM servers.

    Changing the value of this property takes effect immediately.

  4. Configure the Session Denylist Cache Size property.

    AM maintains a cache of logged-out client-side sessions. The cache size should be around the number of logouts expected in the maximum session time. Change the default value of 10,000 when the expected number of logouts during the maximum session time is an order of magnitude greater than 10,000. A session denylist cache configured to a value that’s too low causes AM to read denylist entries from the Core Token Service store instead of obtaining them from cache, which results in a small performance degradation.

    Changing the value of this property takes effect immediately.

  5. Configure the Denylist Poll Interval property.

    AM polls the Core Token service for changes to logged-out sessions if session denylisting is enabled. By default, the polling interval is 60 seconds. The longer the polling interval, the more time a malicious user has to connect to other AM servers in a cluster and make use of a stolen session cookie. Shortening the polling interval improves the security for logged out sessions, but might incur a minimal decrease in overall AM performance due to increased network activity.

    Changing the value of this property doesn’t take effect until you restart AM.

  6. Configure the Denylist Purge Delay property.

    When session denylisting is enabled, AM tracks each logged-out session for the maximum session time plus the denylist purge delay. For example, if a session has a maximum time of 120 minutes and the denylist purge delay is one minute, then AM tracks the session for 121 minutes. Increase the denylist purge delay if you expect system clock skews in a cluster of AM servers to be greater than one minute. There is no need to increase the denylist purge delay for servers running a clock synchronization protocol, such as Network Time Protocol.

    Changing the value of this property doesn’t take effect until you restart AM.

  7. Click Save Changes.

    Enabling or disabling the session denylist, or altering the cache size, takes effect immediately.

    Changes to any other session denylist properties don’t take effect until you restart AM.

For detailed information about session service attributes, refer to session configuration.

Account lockout

Account lockout is a security mechanism that locks a user account after repeated failed login attempts. Use it to slow down brute-force attacks and compensate for weak password policies.

Most deployments use the identity store’s password policy to control account lockout. If this isn’t an option in your deployment, configure account lockout as explained in this section.

Use persistent lockout where possible. If that’s not compatible with your company policy, use a duration lockout of at least 15 minutes.

You can configure account lockout in one of the following ways:

Persistent lockout

Persistent (physical) lockout locks the user’s account indefinitely until unlocked by an administrator.

This is the default type of account lockout and the best way to mitigate brute-force attacks.

For persistent lockout, AM sets the user account status to inactive in the user profile, and tracks failed authentication attempts by writing to the user repository. The inactive status makes it easier for an administrator to search for user accounts with persistent lockout.

Persistent lockout works independently of account lockout mechanisms in the underlying directory server that serves as the user data store.

Duration lockout

Duration lockout locks the user account for a specified duration, keeping track of the locked state either in memory or in the data store.

The default configuration is to record invalid authentication attempts in the data store. This avoids the need for sticky load balancing. If you choose to store the count of invalid attempts in memory, the counter applies to the current AM instance only. Also, if you restart AM and lockout is stored in memory, duration lockouts on all accounts are released; otherwise, the lock is released automatically after the specified duration.

Unlike persistent lockout, the user account status remains active for duration lockout.

Failed login attempts during the transactional authorization flow don’t increment account lockout counters.

If login failures are stored in AM’s memory, this may result in user accounts not being locked out, even after multiple login failures. To avoid this issue, implement persistent lockout instead.

Configure account lockout

  1. Configure account lockout:

    • In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings > Account Lockout.

    • Enable lockout by checking Login Failure Lockout Mode, then set the number of attempts and the lockout interval.

      You can also opt to warn users after several consecutive failures.

    • Enable Store Invalid Attempts in Data Store to save account login failures to the data store. This setting is necessary when using server-side or client-side authentication sessions. If you don’t set this, users may not be locked out even after multiple login failures.

      When you store the count of failed attempts in the data store, other AM servers accessing the user data store can also see that count.

    • If AM is configured to send mail, you can set up email notification of lockouts to an administrator.

  2. Configure persistent lockout:

    • Set Login Failure Lockout Duration to 0.

    • Optionally, set Lockout Attribute Name and Lockout Attribute Value to specify an additional attribute to update on lockout.

      By default, AM sets the value of the user’s inetuserstatus attribute to inactive.

    • Optionally, set Invalid Attempts Data Attribute Name to specify a custom attribute to store the number of failed authentication attempts.

  3. Configure duration lockout:

    • Set Login Failure Lockout Duration to a positive value representing the duration in minutes.

      A value of at least 15 minutes is recommended.

    • Optionally, set Lockout Duration Multiplier to increase the lockout duration on each successive lockout.

    • Enable Store Invalid Attempts in Data Store so that lockout attempts aren’t stored in memory, but persisted in the repository, and applied across all AM instances.

    • Set Invalid Attempts Data Attribute Name to the default attribute sunAMAuthInvalidAttemptsData to prevent invalid attempts from being stored only in memory.

    For more information, refer to the account lockout configuration.

To unlock a user’s account:

  • Locate the user under Realms > Realm Name > Identities.

  • Choose the user you want to unlock.

  • Set their User Status property to Active.

  • Click Save.

For specific information on how authentication trees handle account lockout, see Account lockout for trees.

Customize account lockout messages

To customize the messages shown to end users when their accounts are locked, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the openam-core-7.5.0.jar file in the WEB-INF/lib/ folder where AM is deployed.

  2. Extract the file.

  3. Change the value of the field that controls the lockout message:

    1. If you are using an authentication tree, change the value of the lockOut field, for example:

      lockOut=Your account has been locked. Please contact your support agent.|user_inactive.jsp
    2. If you are using an authentication chain, change the value of the 112 field, for example:

      112=Your account has been locked. Please contact your support agent.|user_inactive.jsp
  4. Copy the amended file to the WEB-INF/classes/ folder where AM is deployed.

  5. When a user whose account is locked attempts to authenticate, the custom lockout message is displayed:

    Custom account lockout message

Session quotas

AM lets you limit the number of active sessions for a user by setting session quotas. Use this feature, for example, to prevent a user from logging in from more than two devices at once, mitigating scenarios where user passwords may have been compromised.

AM’s support for session quotas requires server-side sessions.

Configure session quotas and exhaustion actions

The session quota applies to all sessions opened for the same user (as represented by the user’s universal identifier). To configure session quotas and exhaustion in AM, perform the following steps:

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Global Services > Sessions > Session Quotas.

  2. From the Enable Quota Constraints drop-down menu, choose ON.

  3. On the Set Resulting behavior if session quota exhausted property, set one of the following values:


    Deny access, preventing the user from creating an additional session.


    Remove the next session to expire, and create a new session for the user. The next session to expire is the session with the minimum time left until expiration.

    This is the default setting.


    Remove the oldest session, and create a new session for the user.


    Remove all existing sessions, and create a new session for the user.

    If none of these session quota exhaustion actions fit your deployment, you can implement a custom session quota exhaustion action. For an example, see Customize server-side session quota exhaustion actions.

  4. Go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Session.

  5. On the Set Active User Sessions property, configure the maximum number of concurrent sessions a user can have.

    Note that you can also change this setting globally for the AM site in Configure > Sessions > Dynamic Attributes.

  6. Click Save Changes.

AM can issue server-side sessions, which contain a reference to the real session stored in the CTS store, or client-side sessions, which contain all the information that would be held in the CTS store.

While both types are susceptible to cookie hijacking, client-side sessions are even more vulnerable, since they contain all the information for the session. Therefore, the malicious user could tamper with the session data to their benefit.

When using client-side sessions and client-side authentication sessions, you should configure AM to sign and/or encrypt the JWT containing session information:

Client-side sessions and client-side authentication sessions share the same encryption and signing configuration.

Web agents and Java agents don’t support both signing and encrypting the session cookie. This ensures that the client-side session cookie size isn’t greater than the browser supported size.

Configure the JWT signature

Configure a JWT signature to prevent malicious tampering of client-side session and authentication session JWTs.

Follow these steps to configure the JWT signature:

  1. Go to Configure > Global Services > Session > Client-Side Sessions.

  2. From the Signing Algorithm Type drop-down menu, choose a suitable algorithm for your environment.

    The default value is HS256.

  3. Map a suitable secret that corresponds to the algorithm you selected:

    • For an HMAC signing algorithm, map a suitable secret to the secret label.

    • For the RS256 signing algorithm, map a suitable secret to the secret label.

    • For the elliptic curve algorithms, map a suitable secret to one of the corresponding secret labels:




    You can only configure these secrets at a global level.

    Learn more about mapping secrets to secret labels in Secret stores.

Don’t sign the JWT if you plan to encrypt it with the Direct AES Encryption algorithm, because the signature will be redundant.

To disable JWT signing:

  1. Go to Configure > Global Services > Session > Client-Side Sessions.

  2. From the Signing Algorithm Type drop-down list, choose NONE.

  3. Go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

  4. Set org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.signing.allownone to true.

    How do I configure advanced server properties?
    • To configure advanced server properties for all instances of the AM environment, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced in the AM admin UI.

    • To configure advanced server properties for a particular instance, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced.

    If the property you want to add or edit is already configured, click on the pencil () button to edit it. When you are finished, click on the tick () button.

    Click Save Changes.

  5. Save your work.

Learn more about Session Service configuration attributes in Session.

Configure JWT encryption

Configure JWT encryption to prevent man-in-the-middle attackers from accessing users' session details, and to prevent end users from examining the content in the JWT.

Follow these steps to encrypt the JWT:

  1. Go to Global Services > Session > Client-Side Sessions.

  2. From the Encryption Algorithm drop-down list, choose a suitable algorithm:

    1. If you select the RSA algorithm, also follow these steps:

      • Configure JWT encryption.

      • Map a suitable secret to the secret label.

        You can only configure this secret at a global level.

        Learn more about configuring secrets in Secret stores.

      • Configure one of the following paddings in the org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.rsa.padding advanced server property:

        RSA1_5. RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.
        RSA-OAEP. RSA with OAEP and SHA-1.
        RSA-OAEP-256. RSA with OAEP padding and SHA-256.

        The default is RSA-OAEP-256.

        How do I configure advanced server properties?
        • To configure advanced server properties for all instances of the AM environment, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced in the AM admin UI.

        • To configure advanced server properties for a particular instance, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced.

        If the property you want to add or edit is already configured, click on the pencil () button to edit it. When you are finished, click on the tick () button.

        Click Save Changes.

    2. If you select the AES KeyWrapping or Direct AES Encryption algorithms, also map a suitable secret to the secret label.

      You can only configure this secret at a global level.

      Learn more about configuring secrets in Secret stores.

      • For direct encryption with AES-GCM, or for AES-KeyWrap with any content encryption method, the secret must be 128, 192, or 256 bits long.

      • For direct encryption with AES-CBC-HMAC, the secret must be 256, 384, or 512 bits long.

      • For the underlying content encryption method, configure one of the following encryption methods in the org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.encryption.method advanced server property:

        A128CBC-HS256. AES 128-bit in CBC mode with HMAC-SHA-256-128 hash (HS256 truncated to 128 bits)
        A192CBC-HS384. AES 192-bit in CBC mode with HMAC-SHA-384-192 hash (HS384 truncated to 192 bits)
        A256CBC-HS512. AES 256-bit in CBC mode with HMAC-SHA-512-256 hash (HS512 truncated to 256 bits)
        A128GCM. AES 128-bit in GCM mode
        A192GCM. AES 192-bit in GCM mode
        A256GCM. AES 256-bit in GCM mode

        The default is A128CBC-HS256.

        How do I configure advanced server properties?
        • To configure advanced server properties for all instances of the AM environment, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced in the AM admin UI.

        • To configure advanced server properties for a particular instance, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced.

        If the property you want to add or edit is already configured, click on the pencil () button to edit it. When you are finished, click on the tick () button.

        Click Save Changes.

  3. To compress the session state, choose Deflate Compression from the Compression Algorithm drop-down list.

    When set to Deflate compression, this option may lead to a possible vulnerability with session state information leakage. Because the session token compression depends on the data in the session, an attacker can vary one part of the session (for example, the username or some other property) and then deduce some secret parts of the session state by examining how the session compresses. You should evaluate this threat depending on your use cases before enabling compression and encryption together.

    By default, AM rejects compressed session JWTs that expand to a size larger than 32 KiB (32768 bytes). For more information, see Control the size of compressed JWTs.

  4. Save your work.

For detailed information about Session Service configuration attributes, see the entries for Session.

Client-side session security and agents

To ensure that the client-side session cookie size does not surpass the browser supported size, web agents and Java agents do not support both signing and encrypting the session cookie. To configure agents with client-side sessions, implement one of the following configurations:

  • Configure signing and compression:

    1. Enable HS256 signing for the client-side session cookie.

      For more information, see Configure the JWT signature.

    2. Enable compression. Go to Configure > Global Services > Session > Client-Side Sessions and choose Deflate Compression from the Compression Algorithm drop-down list.

  • Configure encryption and compression:

    1. Set the org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.signing.allownone advanced server property to true for all the instances in the environment.

    How do I configure advanced server properties?
    • To configure advanced server properties for all instances of the AM environment, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced in the AM admin UI.

    • To configure advanced server properties for a particular instance, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced.

    If the property you want to add or edit is already configured, click on the pencil () button to edit it. When you are finished, click on the tick () button.

    Click Save Changes.

    1. Disable signing for the client-side session cookie. Go to Configure > Global Services > Session > Client-Side Sessions and choose NONE from the Signing Algorithm Type drop-down list.

    2. Enable Direct AES Encryption.

      For more information, see Configure JWT encryption.

    3. Enable compression. Go to Configure > Global Services > Session > Client-Side Sessions and choose Deflate Compression from the Compression Algorithm drop-down list.

Failure to set up client-side sessions correctly may cause unexpected errors when accessing a protected resource, such as blank pages and redirection loops.

Client-side sessions do not support restricted tokens. Therefore, web agents and Java agents configured in a realm configured for client-side sessions are not protected against cookie hijacking. Use web or Java agents with server-side sessions where possible.

Authentication session allowlisting

Enable authentication session allowlisting to protect authentication sessions from replay attacks.

When authentication session allowlisting is enabled, AM generates a key-value pair for each authentication session and stores it for the length of the authentication flow in the following ways:

  • For client-side authentication sessions, AM stores the key-value pair in the CTS token store.

  • For server-side authentication sessions, AM creates the key-value pair as a session property in the authentication session.

  • For in-memory sessions, AM creates the key-value pair as a session property in the authentication session.

Each time the authentication flow reaches an authentication node, AM modifies the value of the stored key-value pair and sends it to the user or client that it is authenticating. The next request to AM to continue the authentication flow must contain the key-value pair and must match the value expected by AM.

If the authenticating user or client cannot provide the key-value pair with the values AM expects, AM would not continue the authentication flow, therefore protecting the authentication flow against malicious users wanting to rewind the authentication flow to a previous node.

Perform the following steps to configure authentication session allowlisting:

Configure authentication session allowlisting

  1. Go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings > Trees.

  2. Choose Enable Allowlisting.

  3. Click Save.

Session invalidation

There is currently no automatic mechanism to delete existing user sessions when the user changes their password. To implement automatic invalidation of existing sessions on password reset, consider one of the following approaches:

  • Use the logoutByUser action, specifying the username in the request payload.

    This action can be used for server-side and client-side sessions and is described in Invalidate all sessions for a user.

  • Use a query to locate all sessions for a user, then use the logoutByHandle action to invalidate those sessions.

    This action can be used for server-side sessions only and is described in Invalidate specific sessions.

Secure requests

AM receives requests from multiple sources and for different purposes, such as authentication requests, RESTful requests to the endpoints, and POST requests that might include a lot of data.

Containers usually have settings to mitigate against denial of service (DoS) attacks that POST large amounts of form data to your applications. Refer to your container documentation for more information about their settings, and how they can protect AM.

These settings, however, don’t protect AM from receiving large amounts of POST data from other sources.

The following table summarizes the steps AM takes to protect against being overloaded, and how to adjust default values:

Task Resources

Control the maximum size of decompressed JWTs

By default, AM rejects JWTs that expand to a size larger than 32 KiB (32768 bytes) when decrypted.

Limit the size of the request body

By default, AM rejects incoming requests whose body is larger than 1 MiB (1048576 bytes) in size.

Control the size of compressed JWTs

A number of AM features accept JWTs to receive information. Some examples are:

  • Remote consent, when it receives consent responses.

  • The OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect authorization service, when:

    • OpenID Connect clients send request parameters as a JWT instead of as HTTP parameters.

    • OpenID Connect clients register dynamically using software statements.

  • The Authentication service, when configured to issue client-side sessions.

The JWTs that AM receives can be signed and/or encrypted. Sometimes, larger JWTs are compressed to improve delivery speeds to AM.

Decompressing a JWT makes it expand in size. By default, AM rejects any JWT that expands to more than 32 KiB (32768 bytes), and throws an exception with a message similar to JWT payload decompressed to larger than maximum allowed size.

Ensure that the JWTs your clients send to AM are smaller than 32 KiB before compression.

Alternatively, increase the 32 KiB value to a reasonable limit. Take into account that AM performs decryption and decompression operations in its heap, and that you do not want to allow very large JWTs to, potentially, leave AM out of memory.

If you need to change the default value, perform the following steps:

  1. Configure the org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe.compression.max.decompressed.size.bytes Java system property on the container where AM runs.

    For example, edit the file of the Apache Tomcat instance, and set the property with the new size in bytes:

    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dorg.forgerock.json.jose.jwe.compression.max.decompressed.size.bytes=40960"
  2. Restart the container for the changes to make effect.

Limit the size of the request body

HTTP requests are not limited by the specification. Rather, the method used limits the amount of data that a client can send. The GET and DELETE methods, for example, are limited by the size of the URL. The POST method is not. Instead, browsers and application servers limit the amount of data a request can send to your applications.

Ensure that the amount of data that reaches your applications and AM is not large enough to overwhelm them.

Application servers usually can mitigate against denial of service (DoS) attacks that POST large amounts of form data, but AM endpoints may receive large amounts of POST data in different ways, such as in JSON, JWT, or JWK formats.

By default, AM rejects incoming requests with a body larger than 1 MB (1048576 bytes) in size. It also returns an HTTP 413 error response, and logs a message similar to the following:

  • ERROR: Request Content-Length exceeds maximum allowed, if the content’s length was specified in the request.

  • ERROR: Counted request entity size exceeds maximum allowed, if the content’s length was not specified.

To change the default value, perform the following steps:

  1. Change the value of the org.forgerock.openam.request.max.bytes.entity.size advanced server property to the new size, in bytes.

    The property is hot-swappable. You do not need to restart AM for the changes to take effect.

How do I configure advanced server properties?
  • To configure advanced server properties for all instances of the AM environment, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced in the AM admin UI.

  • To configure advanced server properties for a particular instance, go to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Advanced.

If the property you want to add or edit is already configured, click on the pencil () button to edit it. When you are finished, click on the tick () button.

Click Save Changes.

Protect applications

AM provides authentication and authorization capabilities, but it requires a policy enforcement point (PEP) intercepting traffic to the applications.

Use the Java agents, web agents, and PingGateway as PEPs to enforce what AM decides in a way that is unobtrusive to the user.

PingGateway or AM web and Java agents?

PingGateway and the AM web and Java agents can both enforce policy, redirecting users to authenticate when necessary, and controlling access to protected resources. PingGateway runs as a self-contained reverse proxy located between the users and the protected applications. Web and Java agents are installed into the servers where applications run, intercepting requests in that context.

Use PingGateway to protect access to applications not suited for a web or Java agent, for example, those applications deployed on operating systems or web servers or containers not supported by the agents.

Web and Java agents have the advantage of sitting within your existing server infrastructure. Once you have agents installed into the servers with web applications or sites to protect, then you can manage their configurations centrally from AM.

For organizations with both servers on which you can install web and Java agents and applications that you must protect without touching the server, you can use agents on the former and PingGateway for the latter.

Learn more about agents in the Web Agents documentation, and the Java Agents documentation.

Learn more about PingGateway in the PingGateway documentation.

Audit logging

AM’s common REST-based audit logging service captures key auditing events, critical for system security, troubleshooting, and regulatory compliance.

Audit logs gather operational information about events that occur within an AM deployment. They track processes and security data, such as authentication mechanisms, system access, user and administrator activity, error messages, and configuration changes.

The audit logging service uses a structured message format that adheres to a consistent log structure across the Ping Identity Platform. This common structure allows correlation between log messages of the different Platform components, if the transaction IDs are trusted. For more information, see Trust transaction headers.

Although the PingDS JSON logger is enabled by default, transaction IDs are not trusted by default. You must set trust-transaction-ids:true to correlate DS log messages with AM log messages. For more information, see Log LDAP Access to Files > JSON Format in the DS documentation.

The following topics explain how AM audit logging works, and how to implement it:

Task Resources

Discover AM’s audit logging service

AM auditing service provides a rich set of features to help you capture events that are critical for system security, troubleshooting, and regulatory compliance.

Configure AM to log audit events

Decide how to implement your audit login service, either globally or by realm, and configure audit login handlers to store audit events into files, databases, or other stores.

Audit log reference

Check the format of the files, the names of the events, and more.

Audit logging service

AM writes log messages generated from audit events triggered by its instances, web or Java agents, the ssoadm tool, and connected Ping Identity Platform implementations.

AM’s audit logging service provides a versatile and rich feature set as follows:

Global and realm-based log configuration

You can configure audit logging globally, which ensures that all realms inherit your global log settings. You can also configure audit logging by realm, which allows you to set different log settings for each realm.

Audit event handlers

The audit logging service supports a variety of audit event handlers that allow you to write logs to different types of data stores. You can find a list of event handlers available in AM in Configuring audit event handlers.

Audit event buffering

By default, AM writes each log message separately as they are generated. AM supports message buffering, a type of batch processing, that stores log messages in memory and flushes the buffer after a preconfigured time interval or after a certain number of log messages reaches the configured threshold value.

Tamper-evident logging

For the CSV audit event handler, you can digitally sign audits to enable the detection of tampering.

Log rotation and retention policies

AM rotates JSON and CSV audit logs when it reaches a specified maximum size. You can also configure a time-based rotation policy, which disables the max-size rotation policy and implements log rotation based on a preconfigured time sequence. AM also provides the option to disable log rotation completely for these file types. AM does not support external log rotation for JSON and CSV audit logs.

For Syslog, JDBC, and JMS handlers, AM does not control log rotation and retention as they are handled by each respective service.

Allowlist and denylist support

The audit logging service supports allowlist and denylist-filtering to show or hide sensitive values or fields in logs, such as HTTP headers, query parameters, cookies, profile attributes, or the entire field value.

Reverse DNS lookup

The audit logging service supports a reverse DNS lookup feature for network troubleshooting purposes. Reverse DNS lookup is disabled by default as it enacts a performance hit in operation throughput.

Audit log topics

AM integrates log messages based on four different audit topics. A topic is a category of audit log event that has an associated one-to-one mapping to a schema type. Topics can be broadly categorized as access details, system activity, authentication operations, and configuration changes. The following table shows the basic event topics and associated audit log files for AM’s default audit logging configuration, which uses a JSON audit event handler:

Audit log topics
Event topic File name Description



Captures who, what, when, and output for every access request.



Captures state changes to objects that have been created, updated, or deleted by end users (that is, non-administrators). Session, user profile, and device profile changes are captured in the logs.



Captures when and how a subject is authenticated and related events.



Captures configuration changes to the product with a timestamp and by whom. Note that the userId indicating the subject who made the configuration change is not captured in the config.audit.json but can be tracked using the transactionId in the access.audit.json.

Audit logging in web and Java agents

Web and Java agents log audit events for security, troubleshooting, and regulatory compliance. You can store web or Java agent audit event logs in the following ways:

  • Remotely. Log audit events to the audit event handler configured in the AM realm.

  • Locally. Log audit events to a file in the web or Java agent installation directory.

Implement audit logging

When you implement the audit logging service, decide whether you require specific audit systems per realm, or if a global configuration suits your deployment. Next, determine which event handlers suit your needs from those supported by AM. Refer to the following sections for more information:

Configure audit logging

AM’s default audit event handler is the JSON audit event handler, which comes configured and enabled for the global audit logging service. The global configuration is used to control audit logging in realms that do not have the audit logging service added to them. AM also supports configuring an audit logging service on a per-realm basis.

The JSON audit event handler stores its JSON log files under /path/to/openam/var/audit/.

Global audit logging

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Global Services > Audit Logging.

  2. Configure the following options on the Global Attributes tab:

    • Activate Audit logging to start the audit logging feature.

    • In the Field whitelist filters and Field blacklist filters lists, enter any values to include (allowlist) or exclude (denylist) from the audit event logs.

      AM has a predefined allowlist that only records values that do not contain sensitive information. Use the filters to override the built-in list, or to hide additional values that you do not want recorded.

      The audit logging service lets you suppress the output of certain event types, because logging them can impact performance. These event types are not logged by default, regardless of the configuration of the filter lists.

      The filter lists will only apply to these event topics if logging is enabled for them.

      For more information, see in Advanced properties.

      For information about the fields that appear in the default allowlist, refer to Audit log default allowlist.

      To specify an additional field or value to be allowlisted, or denylisted, add a value using a JSON pointer-like syntax that starts with the event topic (access, activity, authentication, or config), followed by the field name, or the path to the value in the field.

      The lists allow two types of filtering:

      • Filter fields in events.

        Fine-grained event filtering lets you capture or hide specific information such as HTTP headers, query parameters, or potentially sensitive data.

        For example, if you are logging identity changes (AM-IDENTITY-CHANGE has been removed from the property) you could filter out the surnames of user identities by hiding the sn field from activity events.

        To hide surname values before and after an identity change, you would add the following JSON pointers to the Field blacklist filters property:


        To hide the original surname (before a change), you would add only `/activity/before/sn ` to the Field blacklist filters property.

      • Filter specific values in fields that store key-value pairs as JSON, such as the HTTP headers, query parameters, and cookies.

        For example, to include the Accept-Language value in the http.request.headers field in access events, add the following pointer to the Field whitelist filters list:

    • Click Save Changes.

      For information on configuring audit logging properties, refer to Audit logging.

  3. On the Secondary Configurations tab, you can edit the configuration of the Global JSON Handler and create new audit event handlers.

    For more information, refer to Configure audit event handlers.

Realm-specific audit logging

You can configure the audit logging service for realms, allowing you to configure realm-specific log locations and handler types.

When the audit logging service is added to a realm, it inherits the configuration defined under Configure > Global Services > Audit Logging > Realm Defaults. Properties configured explicitly in the realm-level service override the realm defaults.

To configure the audit logging service in a realm, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Realms > Realm Name > Services.

  2. Click Add a Service.

  3. From the Choose a service type drop-down list, choose Audit Logging.

  4. Click Create.

    On the Audit Logging Service page, configure the Audit Logging Service as follows:

    1. Ensure audit logging is Enabled.

      In the Field whitelist filters and Field blacklist filters lists, enter any values to include (allowlist) or exclude (denylist) from the audit event logs.

      AM has a predefined allowlist that only records values that do not contain sensitive information. Use the filters to override the built-in list, or to hide additional values that you do not want recorded.

      The audit logging service lets you suppress the output of certain event types, because logging them can impact performance. These event types are not logged by default, regardless of the configuration of the filter lists.

      The filter lists will only apply to these event topics if logging is enabled for them.

      For more information, see in Advanced properties.

      For information about the fields that appear in the default allowlist, refer to Audit log default allowlist.

      To specify an additional field or value to be allowlisted, or denylisted, add a value using a JSON pointer-like syntax that starts with the event topic (access, activity, authentication, or config), followed by the field name, or the path to the value in the field.

      The lists allow two types of filtering:

      • Filter fields in events.

        Fine-grained event filtering lets you capture or hide specific information such as HTTP headers, query parameters, or potentially sensitive data.

        For example, if you are logging identity changes (AM-IDENTITY-CHANGE has been removed from the property) you could filter out the surnames of user identities by hiding the sn field from activity events.

        To hide surname values before and after an identity change, you would add the following JSON pointers to the Field blacklist filters property:


        To hide the original surname (before a change), you would add only `/activity/before/sn ` to the Field blacklist filters property.

      • Filter specific values in fields that store key-value pairs as JSON, such as the HTTP headers, query parameters, and cookies.

        For example, to include the Accept-Language value in the http.request.headers field in access events, add the following pointer to the Field whitelist filters list:

    2. Click Save.

      For information on configuring audit logging properties, refer to Audit logging.

  5. On the Secondary Configurations tab, choose Add a Secondary Configuration.

    Choose an event handler from the list.

    For more information about supported event handlers and how to configure then, refer to Configure audit event handlers.

Configure audit event handlers

AM supports the following types of audit event handlers:

Audit Event Handlers
Audit Event Handler Type Publishes to How to Configure


JSON files


CSV files


The syslog daemon


A relational database


JMS topics

JSON audit event handler

  1. In the AM admin UI, determine whether to create the event handler in a realm or use the default global event handler, then take one of the following actions:

    • To create the event handler in the global configuration, go to Configure > Global Services > Audit Logging.

      Note that the JSON audit event handler is already configured in the global configuration. Click it to change its properties.

    • To create the event handler in a realm, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Audit Logging.

  2. On the Secondary Configurations tab, click Global JSON Handler or the Edit icon on the right if present. If no handler is present, click Add a Secondary Configuration, and choose JSON.

  3. On the New JSON configuration page, enter a name for the event handler. For example, JSON Audit Event Handler.

  4. (Optional) In the Rotation Times field, enter a time duration after midnight to trigger file rotation, in seconds. For example, you can provide a value of 3600 to trigger rotation at 1:00 AM. Negative durations are not supported.

  5. Click Create.

    After the JSON audit event handler is created, several configuration tabs appear. To configure the event handler, perform the following steps:

  6. On the General Handler Configuration tab, enable the event handler and configure the topics for your audit logs:

    • Choose Enabled to activate the event handler, if disabled.

    • Choose the audit log topics for your audit logs.

    • Click Save Changes.

  7. On the JSON Configuration tab, configure JSON options:

    • Override the default location of your logs if necessary, and save your changes. The default value is as follows:

      • Unix/Linux

      • Windows


      BASE_DIR is the local PingAM configuration directory; for example /path/to/openam.


      BASE_DIR is the local PingAM configuration directory; for example \path\to\openam.

      You must configure a different log directory for each JSON audit event handler instance. If two instances are writing to the same file, it can interfere with log rotation.

    • Enable ElasticSearch JSON Format Compatible to direct AM to generate JSON formats that are compatible with the ElasticSearch format.

    • In the File Rotation Retention Check Interval field, edit the time interval (seconds) to check the time-base file rotation policies.

    • Click Save Changes.

  8. On the File Rotation tab, configure how files are rotated when they reach a specified file size or time interval:

    • Enable Rotation Enabled to activate file rotation. If file rotation is disabled, AM ignores log rotation and appends to the same file.

    • In the Maximum File Size field, enter the maximum size of an audit file before rotation.

    • (Optional). In the File Rotation Prefix field, enter an arbitrary string that will be prefixed to every audit log to identify it. This parameter is used when time-based or size-based rotation is enabled.

    • In the File Rotation Suffix field, enter a timestamp suffix based on the Java SimpleDateFormat that will be added to every audit log. This parameter is used when time-based or size-based log rotation is enabled. The default value is

    • In the Rotation Interval field, enter a time interval to trigger audit log file rotation in seconds. A negative or zero value disables this feature.

    • (Optional) In the Rotation Times field, enter a time duration after midnight to trigger file rotation, in seconds. For example, you can provide a value of 3600 to trigger rotation at 1:00 AM. Negative durations are not supported.

    • Click Save Changes.

  9. On the File Retention tab, configure how long log files should be retained in your system:

    • In the Maximum Number of Historical Files field, enter a number for allowed backup audit files. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of files and disables the pruning of old history files.

    • In the Maximum Disk Space field, enter the maximum amount of disk space that the audit files can use. A negative or zero value indicates that this policy is disabled.

    • In the Minimum Free Space Required field, enter the minimum amount of disk space required to store audit files. A negative or zero value indicates that this policy is disabled.

    • Click Save Changes.

  10. On the Buffering tab, configure whether log events should be buffered in memory before they are written to the JSON file:

    • In the Batch Size field, enter the maximum number of audit log events that can be buffered.

    • In the Write interval field, enter the time interval in milliseconds at which buffered events are written to a file.

    • Click Save Changes.

CSV audit event handler

Due to the security concerns of opening CSV files with Excel, OpenOffice, and other spreadsheet programs, it is recommended that you open CSV files with alternative software, such as a text editor.
  1. In the AM admin UI, determine whether to create the event handler in a realm or use the default global event handler, then take one of the following actions:

    • To create the event handler in the global configuration, go to Configure > Global Services > Audit Logging.

      Note that the CSV audit event handler is already configured in the global configuration. Click its name to change its properties.

    • To create the event handler in a realm, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Audit Logging.

  2. On the Secondary Configurations tab, click Add a Secondary Configuration. Choose CVS from the list.

    On the New CVS page, enter the basic configuration for the new handler by performing the following actions:

  3. Enter a name for the event handler. For example, CSV Audit Event Handler.

  4. (Optional) In the Rotation Times field, enter a time duration after midnight to trigger file rotation, in seconds. For example, you can provide a value of 3600 to trigger rotation at 1:00 AM. Negative durations are not supported.

  5. Enable or disable the Buffering option.

  6. Click Create.

    After the CSV audit event handler is created, several configuration tabs appear. To configure the event handler, perform the following steps:

  7. On the General Handler Configuration tab, enable the event handler and configure the topics for your audit logs:

    • Click Enabled to activate the event handler, if disabled.

    • Choose the audit log topics for your audit logs.

    • Click Save.

  8. On the CSV Configuration tab, override the default location of your logs if necessary, and click Save Changes. The default value is as follows:

    • Unix/Linux

    • Windows

    %BASE_DIR%/var/audit, where BASE_DIR is the local PingAM configuration directory; for example /path/to/openam.

    %BASE_DIR%\var\audit, where BASE_DIR is the local PingAM configuration directory; for example /path/to/openam.

    Configure a different log directory for each CVS audit event handler instance. If two instances are writing to the same file, it can interfere with log rotation and tamper-evident logs.

  9. On the File Rotation tab, configure how files are rotated when they reach a specified file size or time interval:

    • Click Rotation Enabled to activate file rotation. If file rotation is disabled, AM ignores log rotation and appends to the same file.

    • In the Maximum File Size field, enter the maximum size of an audit file before rotation.

    • (Optional). In the File Rotation Prefix field, enter an arbitrary string that will be prefixed to every audit log to identify it. This parameter is used when time-based or size-based rotation is enabled.

    • In the File Rotation Suffix field, enter a timestamp suffix based on the Java SimpleDateFormat that will be added to every audit log. This parameter is used when time-based or size-based log rotation is enabled. The default value is

    • In the Rotation Interval field, enter a time interval to trigger audit log file rotation in seconds. A negative or zero value disables this feature.

    • (Optional) In the Rotation Times field, enter a time duration after midnight to trigger file rotation, in seconds. For example, you can provide a value of 3600 to trigger rotation at 1:00 AM. Negative durations are not supported.

    • Click Save Changes.

  10. On the File Retention tab, configure how long log files should be retained in your system:

    • In the Maximum Number of Historical Files field, enter a number for allowed backup audit files. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of files and disables the pruning of old history files.

    • In the Maximum Disk Space field, enter the maximum amount of disk space that the audit files can use. A negative or zero value indicates that this policy is disabled.

    • In the Minimum Free Space Required field, enter the minimum amount of disk space required to store audit files. A negative or zero value indicates that this policy is disabled.

    • Click Save Changes.

  11. On the Buffering tab, configure whether log events should be buffered in memory before they are written to the CSV file:

    • Click Buffering Enabled to activate buffering.

      When buffering is enabled, all audit events are put into an in-memory buffer (one per handled topic), so that the original thread that generated the event can fulfill the requested operation, rather than wait for I/O to complete. A dedicated thread (one per handled topic) constantly pulls events from the buffer in batches and writes them to the CSV file. If the buffer becomes empty, the dedicated thread goes to sleep until a new item gets added. The default buffer size is 5000 bytes.

    • Enable the Flush Each Event Immediately option to write all buffered events before flushing.

      When the dedicated thread accesses the buffer, it copies the contents to an array to reduce contention, and then iterates through the array to write to the CSV file. The bytes written to the file can be buffered again in Java classes and the underlying operating system.

      When the Flush Each Event Immediately option is enabled, AM flushes the bytes after each event is written. If the feature is disabled (default), the Java classes and underlying operation system determine when to flush the bytes.

    • Click Save Changes.

  12. On the Tamper Evident Configuration tab, configure whether to detect audit log tampering:

    • Click Is Enabled to activate the tamper evident feature for CSV logs.

      When tamper evident logging is enabled, AM generates an HMAC digest for each audit log event and inserts it into each audit log entry. The digest detects any addition or modification to an entry.

      AM also supports another level of tamper evident security by periodically adding a signature entry to a new line in each CSV file. The entry signs the preceding block of events, so that verification can establish if any of these blocks have been added, removed, or edited by some user.

    • In the Certificate Store Location field, enter the location of the keystore AM will use to sign the CSV logs, by default %BASE_DIR%/%SERVER_URI%/Logger.jks.

      The recommended approach is to create two keystores:

      • A keystore for AM to use. This keystore is configured in the Certificate Store Location field and must contain a signing key pair called signature and an HMAC key called password.

      • A keystore for the verification tool. This keystore must contain the HMAC password key, and the public key of the signature key pair.

    You can use a simple script to create your keystores, for example:

    • In the Certificate Store Password field, enter the password of the keystore.

    • In the Signature Interval field, enter a value in seconds for AM to generate and add a new signature to the audit log entry.

    • Click Save Changes.

    • To verify that rotated logs have not been tampered with, perform the following steps:

      • Download the file from the Backstage website.

      • Install the administration tools.

      • Use the verifyarchive tool to verify rotated log files as follows:

        $ /path/to/AM-SSOAdminTools- \
         --archive /path/to/openam/var/audit/ \
         --topic access \
         --suffix \
         --keystore /path/to/keystore-verifier.jks \
         --password password

        In this example, the tool checks files with a suffix of the type using their counterparts with suffix .keystore. For example, the tool checks the tamper-evident-access-csv-2019.01.12-12.04.33 file against the tamper-evident-access-csv-2019.01.12-12.04.33.keystore file. The .keystore file contains the HMAC digest the tool uses to validate the signature of the logs.

        The tool returns PASS or FAIL alongside the names of the files that have been tested. For example:

        PASS    tamper-evident-access-csv-2019.01.12-12.04.33
        FAIL    tamper-evident-access-csv-2019.01.12-12.05.20    The HMac at row 2 is not correct.
        Run the tool without any parameters to access the online help.

Syslog audit event handler

AM can publish audit events to a syslog server, which is based on a widely-used logging protocol. You can configure your syslog settings on the AM admin UI.

  1. In the AM admin UI, determine whether to create the event handler in a realm or use the default global event handler, then take one of the following actions:

    • To create the event handler in the global configuration, go to Configure > Global Services > Audit Logging.

    • To create the event handler in a realm, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Audit Logging.

  2. On the Secondary Configurations tab, click Add a Secondary Configuration. Choose Syslog from the list.

    On the New Syslog page, enter the basic configuration for the new handler by performing the following actions:

  3. Enter a name for the event handler. For example, Syslog Audit Event Handler.

  4. In the Server hostname field, enter the hostname or IP address of the receiving syslog server.

  5. In the Server port field, enter the port of the receiving syslog server.

  6. In the Connection timeout field, enter the number of seconds to connect to the syslog server. If the server has not responded in the specified time, a connection timeout occurs.

  7. Enable or disable the Buffering option.

  8. Click Create.

    After the syslog audit event handler is created, several configuration tabs appear. To configure the event handler, perform the following steps:

  9. On the General Handler Configuration tab, enable the event handler and configure the topics for your audit logs:

    • Click Enabled to activate the event handler, if disabled.

    • Choose the audit log topics for your audit logs.

    • Click Save Changes.

  10. On the Audit Event Handler Factory tab, keep the default class name for the audit event handler.

  11. On the Syslog Configuration tab, configure the main syslog event handler properties:

    • In the Server hostname field, enter the hostname or IP address of the receiving syslog server.

    • In the Server port field, enter the port of the receiving syslog server.

    • In the Connection timeout field, enter the number of seconds to connect to the syslog server. If the server has not responded in the specified time, a connection timeout occurs.

    • From the Transport Protocol drop-down list, choose TCP or UDP.

    • Choose the facility.

      A syslog message includes a PRI field that is calculated from the facility and severity values. All topics set the severity to INFORMATIONAL but you can choose the facility from the Facility drop-down list:

      Syslog Facilities
      Facility Description


      Security or authorization messages


      Security or authorization messages


      Clock daemon


      Scheduling daemon


      System daemons


      FTP daemon


      Kernel messages


      Local use 0 (local0)


      Local use 1 (local1)


      Local use 2 (local2)


      Local use 3 (local3)


      Local use 4 (local4)


      Local use 5 (local5)


      Local use 6 (local6)


      Local use 7 (local7)


      Log alert


      Log audit


      Line printer subsystem


      Mail system


      Network news subsystem


      Network time protocol


      Internal messages generated by syslogd


      User-level messages


      Unix-to-unix-copy (UUCP) subsystem

    • Click Save Changes.

  12. On the Buffering tab, configure whether you want buffering or not:

    • Click Buffering Enabled to activate it.

      When buffering is enabled, all audit events that get generated are formatted as syslog messages and put into a queue. A dedicated thread constantly pulls events from the queue in batches and transmits them to the syslog server. If the queue becomes empty, the dedicated thread goes to sleep until a new item gets added. The default queue size is 5000.

    • Click Save Changes.

JDBC Audit Event Handler

You can configure AM to write audit logs to Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, or other JDBC databases. AM writes audit log records to the following tables: am_auditaccess, am_auditactivity, am_auditauthentication, and am_auditconfig. For more information on the JDBC table formats for each of the logs, refer to JDBC audit log tables.

Before configuring the JDBC audit event handler, you must perform several steps to allow AM to log to the database:

Prepare for JDBC audit logging
  1. Create tables in the relational database in which you will write the audit logs. The SQL for Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL table creation is in the audit.sql file under /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/template/sql/db-type.

    If you are using a different relational database, tailor one of the provided audit.sql files to conform to your database’s SQL syntax.

  2. JDBC audit logging requires a database user with read and write privileges for the audit tables. Do one of the following:

    • Identify an existing database user and grant that user privileges for the audit tables.

    • Create a new database user with read and write privileges for the audit tables.

  3. Obtain the JDBC driver from your database vendor. Place the JDBC driver .zip or .jar file in the container’s WEB-INF/lib classpath.

    For example, place the JDBC driver in /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/lib if you use Apache Tomcat.

The following procedure describes how to configure a JDBC audit event handler. Perform the following steps after you have created audit log tables in your database and installed the JDBC driver in the AM web container:

Configure a JDBC audit event handler
  1. In the AM admin UI, determine whether to create the event handler in a realm or use the default global event handler, then take one of the following actions:

    • To create the event handler in the global configuration, go to Configure > Global Services > Audit Logging.

    • To create the event handler in a realm, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Audit Logging.

  2. On the Secondary Configurations tab, click Add a Secondary Configuration. Choose JDBC from the list.

    Enter the basic configuration for the new handler by performing the following actions:.

  3. Enter a name for the event handler. For example, JDBC Audit Event Handler.

  4. In the JDBC Database URL field, enter the URL for your database server. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//

  5. In the JDBC Driver field, enter the classname of the driver to connect to the database. For example:

    1. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver - for Oracle databases

    2. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver - for MySQL databases

    3. org.postgresql.Driver - for PostgreSQL databases

  6. In the Database Username field, enter the username to authenticate to the database server.

    This user must have read and write privileges for the audit tables.

  7. In the Database Password field, enter the password used to authenticate to the database server.

  8. Enable or disable the Buffering option.

  9. Click Create.

    After the JDBC audit event handler is created, several configuration tabs appear. To configure the event handler, perform the following steps:

  10. On the General Handler Configuration tab, enable the handler and configure the topics for your audit logs:

    • Click Enabled to activate the event handler, if disabled.

    • Choose the audit log topics for your audit logs.

    • Click Save.

  11. On the Audit Event Handler Factory tab, enter the fully-qualified class name of your custom JDBC audit event handler and save your changes.

  12. On the Database Configuration tab, configure the main JDBC event handler properties:

    • From the Database Type drop-down list, choose the audit database type. The default value is Oracle.

    • In the JDBC Database URL field, enter the URL for your database server. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//

    • In the JDBC Driver field, enter the classname of the driver to connect to the database. For example:

      1. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver - for Oracle databases

      2. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver - for MySQL databases

      3. org.postgresql.Driver - for PostgreSQL databases

    • In the Database Username field, enter the username to authenticate to the database server.

      This user must have read and write privileges for the audit tables.

    • In the Database Password field, enter the password used to authenticate to the database server.

    • In the Connection Timeout field, enter the maximum wait time before failing the connection.

    • In the Maximum Connection Idle Timeout field, enter the maximum idle time in seconds before the connection is closed.

    • In the Maximum Connection Time field, enter the maximum time in seconds for a connection to stay open.

    • In the Minimum Idle Connections field, enter the minimum number of idle connections allowed in the connection pool.

    • In the Maximum Connections field, enter the maximum number of connections in the connection pools.

    • Click Save.

  13. On the Buffering tab, configure the buffering settings:

    • Click Buffering Enabled to start audit event buffering.

    • In the Buffer Size field, set the size of the event buffer queue where events should queue up before being written to the database.

      If the queue reaches full capacity, the process will block until a write occurs.

    • In the Write Interval field, set the interval in seconds in which buffered events are written to the database.

    • In the Writer Threads field, set the number of threads used to write the buffered events.

    • In the Max Batched Events field, set the maximum number of batched statements the database can support per connection.

    • Click Save Changes.

JMS Audit Event Handler

AM supports audit logging to a JMS message broker. JMS is a Java API for sending messages between clients using a publish and subscribe model as follows:

  • AM audit logging to JMS requires that the JMS message broker supports using JNDI to locate a JMS connection factory. Refer to your JMS message broker documentation to verify that you can make connections to your broker by using JNDI before attempting to implement an AM JMS audit handler.

  • AM acts as a JMS publisher client, publishing JMS messages containing audit events to a JMS topic.

    AM and JMS use the term topic differently. An AM audit topic is a category of audit log event that has an associated one-to-one mapping to a schema type. A JMS topic is a distribution mechanism for publishing messages delivered to multiple subscribers.

  • A JMS subscriber client, which is not part of the AM software and must be developed and deployed separately from AM, subscribes to the JMS topic to which AM publishes audit events. The client then receives the audit events over JMS and processes them as desired.

Before configuring the JMS audit event handler, you must perform several steps to allow AM to publish audit events as a JMS client:

Prepare for JMS audit logging
  1. Obtain JNDI connection properties that AM requires to connect to your JMS message broker. The specific connection properties vary depending on the broker. Refer to your JMS message broker documentation for details.

    For example, connecting to an Apache ActiveMQ message broker requires the following properties:

    Example Apache ActiveMQ JNDI Connection Properties
    Property Name Example Value







  2. Obtain the JNDI lookup name of the JMS connection factory for your JMS message broker.

    For example, for Apache ActiveMQ, the JNDI lookup name is ConnectionFactory.

  3. Obtain the JMS client .jar file from your JMS message broker vendor. Add the .jar file to AM’s classpath by placing it in the WEB-INF/lib directory.

    For example, place the JMS client .jar file in /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/lib if you use Apache Tomcat.

The following procedure describes how to configure a JMS audit event handler.

If your JMS message broker requires an SSL connection, you might need to perform additional, broker-dependent configuration tasks. For example, you might need to import a broker certificate into the AM keystore, or provide additional JNDI context properties.

Refer to your JMS message broker documentation for specific requirements for making SSL connections to your broker, and implement them as needed in addition to the steps in the following procedure.

Perform the following steps after you have installed the JMS client .jar file in the AM web container:

Configure a JMS audit event handler
  1. In the AM admin UI, determine whether to create the event handler in a realm or use the default global event handler, then take one of the following actions:

    • To create the event handler in the global configuration, go to Configure > Global Services > Audit Logging.

    • To create the event handler in a realm, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Audit Logging.

  2. On the Secondary Configurations tab, click Add a Secondary Configuration. Choose JMS from the list.

  3. On the New JMS Configuration page, enter the basic configuration for the new handler by performing the following actions:

  4. Enter a name for the event handler. For example, JMS Audit Event Handler.

  5. Click Create.

    After the JMS audit event handler is created, several configuration tabs appear. To configure the event handler, perform the following steps:

  6. On the General Handler Configuration tab, enable the handler and configure the topics for your audit logs:

    • Click Enabled to activate the event handler, if disabled.

    • Choose the audit log topics for your audit logs.

    • Click Save Changes.

  7. On the Audit Event Handler Factory tab, keep the default class name for the audit event handler.

  8. On the JMS Configuration tab, configure the main JMS event handler properties:

    • From the Delivery Mode drop-down list, choose the JMS delivery mode.

      With persistent delivery, the JMS provider ensures that messages are not lost in transit in case of a provider failure by logging messages to storage when they are sent. Therefore, persistent delivery mode guarantees JMS message delivery, while non-persistent mode provides better performance.

      The default delivery mode is NON_PERSISTENT delivery. Therefore, if your deployment requires delivery of every audit event to JMS subscriber clients, be sure to set the configuration to PERSISTENT delivery.

    • From the Session Mode drop-down list, choose the default setting, AUTO, unless your JMS broker implementation requires otherwise. Refer to your broker documentation for more information.

    • Specify properties that AM will use to connect to your JMS message broker as key-value pairs in the JNDI Context Properties field.

      AM is configured for the audit JNDI lookup name and JMS topic, but you can modify or delete this configuration, or add new key-value pairs. To add new key-value pairs, fill the Key and Value fields and click Add.

    • In the JMS Topic Name field, enter the name of the JMS topic to which AM will publish messages containing audit events.

      Subscriber clients that process AM audit events must subscribe to this topic.

    • In the JMS Connection Factory Name field, specify the JNDI lookup name of the JMS connection factory.

    • Click Save Changes.

  9. On the Batch Events tab, configure how log events should be batched before they are published to the JMS message broker:

    • In the Capacity field, specify the maximum capacity of the publishing queue. Execution is blocked if the queue size reaches capacity.

    • In the Max Batched field, specify the maximum number of events to be delivered when AM publishes the events to the JMS message broker.

    • In the Writing Interval field, specify the interval (in seconds) between transmissions to JMS.

    • Click Save Changes.

Trust transaction headers

AM supports the propagation of the transaction ID across the ForgeRock platform, such as from DS or IDM to AM, using the HTTP header X-ForgeRock-TransactionId. The X-ForgeRock-TransactionId header is automatically set in all outgoing HTTP calls from one ForgeRock product to another. You can also set this header from your own applications or scripts calling into the ForgeRock platform.

By default, the org.forgerock.http.TrustTransactionHeader system property is set to false, so that a malicious actor cannot flood the system with requests using the same transaction ID header to hide their tracks. Setting org.forgerock.http.TrustTransactionHeader to true trusts any incoming X-ForgeRock-TransactionId headers.

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced and scroll to the bottom of the list.

  2. In the PROPERTY NAME column, add org.forgerock.http.TrustTransactionHeader. In the corresponding PROPERTY VALUE column, enter true.

  3. Click + to add the property and save your work.

    Your AM instance will now accept incoming X-ForgeRock-TransactionId headers, which can be tracked in the audit logs.

  4. Repeat this procedure for all servers that require this property.

Legacy logging service (deprecated)

:page-aliases:configuring-legacy-audit-logging-svc :keywords: Security, Setup & Configuration

This service is deprecated and will be removed in a future AM release. You should use the audit logging service instead.

To configure the legacy logging service, go to Configure > Global Services > Logging.

For more information on the configuration, refer to the audit logging reference.

Log to flat files

By default, AM audit logs are written to files in the instance’s configuration directory, such as $HOME/openam/log/.

AM sends messages to different log files, each named after the service logging the message, with two different types log files per service: .access and.error. Thus, the current log files for the authentication service are named amAuthentication.access and amAuthentication.error.

For details, see Log files and messages.

Log to a syslog server

AM supports sending audit log messages to a syslog server for collation.

You can enable syslog audit logging by using the AM admin UI, or the ssoadm command.

Syslog logging (UI)

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Global Services > Logging.

  2. On the Syslog tab, configure the following settings as appropriate for your syslog server, and save your changes:

    • Syslog server host

    • Syslog server port

    • Syslog server protocol

    • Syslog facility

    • Syslog connection timeout

    For information on these settings, see Logging.

  3. On the General tab, set the Logging Type drop-down list to Syslog, and save your changes.

Syslog logging (ssoadm)

  1. Create a text file, for example, MySyslogServerSettings.txt, containing the settings used when audit logging to a syslog server:

  2. Use the following ssoadm command to configure audit logging to a syslog server:

    $ ssoadm \
      set-attr-defs \
      --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
      --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
      --servicename iPlanetAMLoggingService \
      --schematype Global \
      --datafile MySyslogServerSettings.txt
    Schema attribute defaults were set.


This reference section covers other information relating to securing an AM instance. For the global services reference, see Services configuration.

For reference about…​ See…​

Audit logging

Learn more about the log format of the different files and tables used by the audit logging service.


Learn how to customize server-side session quota exhaust actions.

Audit logging reference

AM writes log messages generated from audit events triggered by its components, instances, and other Ping Identity Platform products.

Audit log format

This section presents the audit log format for each topic-based file, event names, and audit constants used in its log messages.

Access log format

Schema property Description


Specifies a universally unique identifier (UUID) for the message object, such as a568d4fe-d655-49a8-8290-bfc02095bec9-491.


Specifies the timestamp when AM logged the message, in UTC format to millisecond precision: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.msZ. For example: 2015-11-14T00:16:04.653Z


Specifies the name of the audit event. For example, AM-ACCESS-ATTEMPT and AM-ACCESS-OUTCOME. For a list of audit event names, see Audit log events.


Specifies the UUID of the transaction, which identifies an external request when it comes into the system boundary. Any events generated while handling that request will be assigned that transaction ID, so that you may see the same transaction ID even for different audit event topics. For example, 9c9e8d5c-2941-4e61-9c3c-8a990088e801.

Trusted AM deployments with multiple instances, components, and Ping Identity Platform products can propagate the transaction ID through each call across the stack. AM reads the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header and appends an integer to the transaction ID. Note that this feature is disabled by default. When enabled, this feature should filter the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header for connections from untrusted sources.

Specifies the universal identifier for authenticated users. For example, id=scarter,ou=user,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.


Specifies a unique random string generated as an alias for each AM session ID and OAuth 2.0 token. In releases prior to OpenAM 13.0.0, the contextId log property used a random string as an alias for the session ID. The trackingIds property also uses an alias when referring to session IDs, for example, [ "45b17894529cf74301" ].

OpenAM 13.0.0 extended this property to handle OAuth 2.0 tokens. In this case, whenever AM generates an access or grant token, it also generates unique random value and logs it as an alias. In this way, it is possible to trace back an access token back to its originating grant token, trace the grant token back to the session in which it was created, and then trace how the session was authenticated. An example of a trackingIds property in an OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect 1.0 environment is:

[ "1979edf68543ead001", "8878e51a-f2aa-464f-b1cc-b12fd6daa415", "3df9a5c3-8d1e-4ee3-93d6-b9bbe58163bc" ]
If the cross-upgrade session reference property is enabled, trackingIds will also contain a unique constant session identifier for session creation and upgrade events.


Specifies the IP address of the AM server. For example,


Specifies the port number used by the AM server. For example, 8080.

Specifies the client hostname. This field is only populated if reverse DNS lookup is enabled.


Specifies the client IP address.


Specifies the client port number.


Specifies the list of roles for the authorized user.


Specifies the component part of the authorized ID, such as


Specifies the protocol associated with the request operation. Possible values: CREST and PLL.


Specifies the request operation. For common REST operations, possible values are: READ, ACTION, QUERY.

For PLL operations, possible values are: LoginIndex, SubmitRequirements, GetSession, REQUEST_ADD_POLICY_LISTENER.


Specifies the detailed information about the request operation. For example:

  • {"action":"idFromSession"}

  • {"action":"validateGoto"}

  • {"action":"validate"}

  • {"action":"logout"}

  • {"action":"schema"}

  • {"action":"template"}


Specifies the HTTP method requested by the client. For example, GET, POST, PUT.


Specifies the path of the HTTP request. For example,


Specifies the HTTP query parameter string. For example:

  • { "_action": [ "idFromSession" ] }

  • { "_queryFilter": [ "true" ] }

  • { "_action": [ "validate" ] }

  • { "_action": [ "logout" ] }

  • { "realm": [ "/shop" ] }

  • { "_action": [ "validateGoto" ] }


Specifies the HTTP header for the request. For example:

      "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"
      "gzip, deflate"
      "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"


Specifies a JSON map of key-value pairs and appears as its own property to allow for denylisting fields or values.


Not used in AM.


Specifies the response status of the request. For example, SUCCESS, FAILURE, or null.


Specifies the response status code, depending on the protocol. For common REST, HTTP failure codes are displayed but not HTTP success codes. For PLL endpoints, PLL error codes are displayed.


Specifies the message associated with response.statusCode. For example, the response.statusCode of 401 has a response.detail of { "reason": "Unauthorized" }.


Specifies the time to execute the access event, usually in millisecond precision.


Specifies the elapsed time units of the response. For example, MILLISECONDS.


Specifies the AM service utilized. For example, Server Info, Users, Config, Session, Authentication, Policy, OAuth, Web Policy Agent, or Java Policy Agent.


Specifies the realm where the operation occurred. For example, the Top Level Realm ("/“) or the sub-realm name (”/shop").

Activity log format

Property Description


Specifies a universally unique identifier (UUID) for the message object, such as a568d4fe-d655-49a8-8290-bfc02095bec9-487.


Specifies the timestamp when AM logged the message, in UTC format to millisecond precision: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.msZ. For example: 2015-11-14T00:16:04.652Z


Specifies the name of the audit event. For example, AM-SESSION_CREATED, AM-SESSION-LOGGED_OUT, AM-IDENTITY-CHANGE. For a list of audit event names, see Audit log events.


Specifies the UUID of the transaction, which identifies an external request when it comes into the system boundary. Any events generated while handling that request will be assigned that transaction ID, so that you may see the same transaction ID for same even for different audit event topics. For example, 9c9e8d5c-2941-4e61-9c3c-8a990088e801.

Specifies the universal identifier for authenticated users. For example, id=scarter,ou=user,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.


Specifies an array containing a random context ID that identifies the session and a random string generated from an OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect 1.0 flow that could track an access token ID or an grant token ID. For example, [ "45b17894529cf74301" ].

If the cross-upgrade session reference property is enabled, trackingIds will also contain a unique constant session identifier for session creation and upgrade events.


Specifies the user to run the activity as. May be used in delegated administration. For example, id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com.


Specifies the identifier of an object that has been created, updated, or deleted. For logging sessions, the session trackingId is used in this field. For example, [ "45b17894529cf74301" ]


Specifies the state change operation invoked: CREATE, MODIFY, or DELETE.


Not used.


Not used.


Not used.


Not used.


Specifies the AM service utilized. For example, Session or Self-Service.


Specifies the realm where the operation occurred. For example, the Top Level Realm ("/“) or the sub-realm name (”/shop").

Authentication log format

Property Description


Specifies a universally unique identifier (UUID) for the message object, such as a568d4fe-d655-49a8-8290-bfc02095bec9-485.


Specifies the timestamp when AM logged the message, in UTC format to millisecond precision: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.msZ. For example: 2015-11-14T00:16:04.640Z


Specifies the name of the audit event. For example, AM-LOGOUT and AM-LOGIN-MODULE-COMPLETED. For a list of audit event names, see Audit log events.


Specifies the UUID of the transaction, which identifies an external request when it comes into the system boundary. Any events generated while handling that request will be assigned that transaction ID, so that you may see the same transaction ID even for different audit event topics. For example, 9c9e8d5c-2941-4e61-9c3c-8a990088e801.

Specifies the universal identifier for authenticated users. For example, id=scarter,ou=user,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.


Specifies an array containing a unique random context ID. For example:

  • For OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect flows, it identifies the session and a random string generated that can track an access token ID or a grant token ID.

  • For authentication trees, it identifies an authentication tree flow.

If the cross-upgrade session reference property is enabled, trackingIds will also contain a unique constant session identifier for session creation and upgrade events.


Depending on the event being logged, specifies the outcome of:

  • A single authentication module within a chain

  • The result for an authentication tree

Possible values are SUCCESSFUL or FAILED.


Specifies the array of accounts used to authenticate, such as [ "amadmin" ] and [ "scarter" ].


Not used


Specifies the JSON representation of the details of an authentication module, chain, tree or node. AM creates an event as each module or node completes and a final event at the end of the chain or tree. Examples:

            "displayName":"Data Store Decision",


Specifies the AM service utilized. For example, Authentication.


Specifies the realm where the operation occurred. For example, the Top Level Realm ("/“) or the sub-realm name (”/shop").

Config log format

Property Description


Specifies a universally unique identifier (UUID) for the message object. For example, 6a568d4fe-d655-49a8-8290-bfc02095bec9-843.


Specifies the timestamp when AM logged the message, in UTC format to millisecond precision: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.msZ. For example, 2015-11-14T00:21:03.490Z


Specifies the name of the audit event. For example, AM-CONFIG-CHANGE. For a list of audit event names, see Audit log events.


Specifies the UUID of the transaction, which identifies an external request when it comes into the system boundary. Any events generated while handling that request will be assigned that transaction ID, so that you may see the same transaction ID for different audit event topics. For example, 301d1a6e-67f9-4e45-bfeb-5e4047a8b432.

Not used.

You can determine the value for this field by linking to the access event using the same transactionId.


Not used.


Specifies the user to run the activity as. May be used in delegated administration. For example, uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


Specifies the identifier of a system object that has been created, modified, or deleted. For example, ou=SamuelTwo,ou=default,ou=OrganizationConfig,ou=1.0, ou=iPlanetAMAuthSAML2Service,ou=services,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.


Specifies the state change operation invoked: CREATE, MODIFY, or DELETE.


Specifies the JSON representation of the object prior to the activity. For example:



Specifies the JSON representation of the object after the activity. For example:

      "forgerock-am-auth-saml2-req-binding= urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect",
      "forgerock-am-auth-saml2-binding= urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Artifact",
      "forgerock-am-auth-saml2-name-id-format= urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent"


Specifies the fields that were changed. For example, [ "sunKeyValue" ].


Not used.


Not used.


Specifies the realm where the operation occurred. For example, the Top Level Realm ("/“) or the sub-realm name (”/shop").

Audit log events

This table summarizes the predefined events for each topic:

Topic Event name Event description



When AM starts handling an HTTP request.



When AM finishes handling an HTTP request.



Event for an OIDC back-channel logout.



Event for closing a connection factory.



Event for a state change for the connection factory, such as when configuration changes lead to an attempt to reconnect.



When a group is changed.



When an identity is updated, such as a change to an attribute.



Key Manager reload event.



When a user is logged out by their username (client-side sessions only).



Event for creating a new connection factory.



When the self-service registration process is complete.



When the self-service password reset process is complete.



When an SSO session is created.



When an SSO session is destroyed.



When an SSO session has been inactive for longer than configured idle timeout duration.



Event for the explicit logout of an SSO session.



When an SSO session exceeds the maximum configured lifetime.



When an SSO session property changes.



Event for an OAuth 2.0 token exchange.



Event for the successful or failed completion of an authentication chain login.



Event for the successful or failed completion of an authentication module login.



Event for an authentication process logout.



Event for the successful or failed completion of an authentication node login.



Event for the successful or failed completion of an authentication tree login.



When the boot.json file is updated.



When the AM configuration is updated.

Audit log components

This table lists the predefined audit event components that make up log messages:

Event component AM component, service, or feature

AM agents

Web and Java agents


Auditing service


Authentication service


Batch service

Boot Json

Boot.json component




CORS preflight component


Core Token Service


Dashboard service


Trusted devices


API documentation component


Groups component

ID Repo

ID repo event component


Jato audit event component




Mobile authentication


OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect 1.0, and UMA




Push Notification service


RADIUS server


Realms and sub-realms


Recording service


SAML v2.0


Scripting service


Secrets component


User Self-Service service

Service Config Cache

Service Config Cache audit event component

Server Info

Server information service


Session service


ssoadm command


Secure Token Service: REST and SOAP


Internet of Things component


Users component

Audit log failure reasons

The following predefined authentication failure reasons are written to the audit log.

These failure reasons are audited only for authentication using modules and chains, not for authentication using trees.
Failure Description


User account has expired.


Authentication type is denied.


Level-based authentication: Invalid authentication level.


Invalid credentials entered.


Realm does not exist.


Maximum number of failure attempts exceeded. User is locked out.


Incorrect/invalid credentials presented.


Login timed out.


Limit for maximum number of allowed sessions has been reached.


Authentication module is denied.


Authentication chain does not exist.


No user profile found for this user.


Realm is not active.


Cannot create a session.


User is not active.


Role-based authentication: user does not belong to this role.


The user ID was not found.

Audit log fields

The following tables list all the available fields that you can use to filter audit logs. The log fields are listed in JSON notation.

Some fields may contain sensitive information and are not suitable for recording in audit logs. By default, AM has a preconfigured allowlist that defines which object fields can be logged.

The table indicates which fields appear on the default allowlist. If an allowlisted field contains an object, then listing the field means the whole object is allowlisted.

Access log fields

Field Allowlisted by default




























































































































































































Activity log fields

Field Allowlisted by default











































































































































Authentication log fields

Field Allowlisted by default



Config log fields

Field Allowlisted by default








































JDBC audit log tables

AM writes audit events to relational databases using the JDBC audit event handler. This section presents the columns for each audit table.


Column Datatype Description



Specifies a universally unique identifier (UUID) for the message object, such as a568d4fe-d655-49a8-8290-bfc02095bec9-491.



Specifies the timestamp when AM logged the message, in UTC format to millisecond precision: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.msZ. For example: 2015-11-14T00:16:04.653Z



Specifies the UUID of the transaction, which identifies an external request when it comes into the system boundary. Any events generated while handling that request will be assigned that transaction ID, so that you may see the same transaction ID for different audit event topics. For example, 9c9e8d5c-2941-4e61-9c3c-8a990088e801.

Trusted AM deployments with multiple instances, components, and Ping Identity Platform products can propagate a transaction ID through each call across the platform. AM reads the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header and appends an integer to the transaction ID. Note that this feature is disabled by default. When enabled, this feature should filter the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header for connections from untrusted sources.



Specifies the name of the audit event. For example, AM-ACCESS-ATTEMPT and AM-ACCESS-OUTCOME. For a list of audit event names, see Audit log events.



Specifies the universal identifier for the authenticated user. For example, id=scarter,ou=user,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.



Specifies the tracking IDs of the event, used by all topics.



Specifies the IP address of the AM server.



Specifies the port number used by the AM server. For example, 8080.



Specifies the client hostname. This column is only populated if reverse DNS lookup is enabled.



Specifies the client IP address.



Specifies the client port number.



Specifies the protocol associated with the request operation. Possible values: CREST and PLL.



Specifies the request operation.

For common REST operations, possible values: READ, ACTION, QUERY.

For PLL operations, possible values: LoginIndex, SubmitRequirements, GetSession, REQUEST_ADD_POLICY_LISTENER.



Specifies the detailed information about the request operation. For example:

  • {"action":"idFromSession"}

  • {"action":"validateGoto"}

  • {"action":"validate"}

  • {"action":"logout"}

  • {"action":"schema"}

  • {"action":"template"}



Specifies the HTTP method requested by the client. For example, trueT or false. Note that false does not mean the client connection is insecure as there may be a reverse proxy terminating the HTTPS connection.



Specifies the HTTP method requested by the client. For example, GET, POST, PUT.



Specifies the path of the HTTP request. For example,



Specifies the HTTP query parameter string. For example:

  • { "_action": [ "idFromSession" ] }

  • { "_queryFilter": [ "true" ] }

  • { "_action": [ "validate" ] }

  • { "_action": [ "logout" ] }

  • { "realm": [ "/shop" ] }

  • { "_action": [ "validateGoto" ] }



Specifies the HTTP headers for the request. For example:

      "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"
      "gzip, deflate"
      "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"



Specifies a JSON map of key-value pairs and appears as its own property to allow for blacklisting fields or values. For example:

"cookies": "amlbcookie=01;

Note: line feeds and truncated values in the example are for readability purposes.



Captures the headers returned by AM to the client (that is, the inverse of http_request_headers). Note that AM does not currently populate this field.



Specifies the response status of the request. For example, SUCCESS, FAILURE, ALLOWED, DENIED, or NULL.



Specifies the response status code, depending on the protocol.

For common REST, HTTP failure codes are displayed but not HTTP success codes.

For PLL endpoints, PLL error codes are displayed.



Specifies the message associated with the response status code. For example, a response status code of 401 has a response detail of { "reason": "Unauthorized" }.



Specifies the time to execute the access event, usually in millisecond precision.



Specifies the elapsed time units of the response. For example, MILLISECONDS.



Specifies the AM service utilized. For example, Server Info, Users, Config, Session, Authentication, Policy, OAuth.



Specifies the realm where the operation occurred. For example, the Top Level Realm ("/“) or the sub-realm name (”/shop").


Column Datatype Description



Specifies a universally unique identifier (UUID) for the message object, such as a568d4fe-d655-49a8-8290-bfc02095bec9-491.



Specifies the timestamp when AM logged the message, in UTC format to millisecond precision: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.msZ. For example: 2015-11-14T00:16:04.653Z



Specifies the UUID of the transaction, which identifies an external request when it comes into the system boundary. Any events generated while handling that request will be assigned that transaction ID, so that you may see the same transaction ID for different audit event topics. For example, 9c9e8d5c-2941-4e61-9c3c-8a990088e801.

Trusted AM deployments with multiple instances, components, and Ping Identity Platform products can propagate a transaction ID through each call across the platform. AM reads the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header and appends an integer to the transaction ID. Note that this feature is disabled by default. When enabled, this feature should filter the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header for connections from untrusted sources.



Specifies the name of the audit event. For example, ` AM-LOGIN-MODULE-COMPLETED` and AM-LOGOUT. For a list of audit event names, see Audit log events.



Specifies the universal identifier for authenticated users. For example, id=scarter,ou=user,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.



Specifies the tracking IDs of the event, used by all topics.



Depending on the event being logged, specifies the outcome of:

  • A single authentication module within a chain

  • The result for an authentication tree

Possible values are SUCCESSFUL or FAILED.



Specifies the array of accounts used to authenticate, such as [ "amadmin" ] and [ "scarter" ].



Not used.



Specifies the JSON representation of the details of an authentication module, chain, tree or node. AM creates an event as each module or node completes and a final event at the end of the chain or tree. For example:

            "displayName":"Data Store Decision",



Specifies the AM service utilized. For example, Server Info, Users, Config, Session, Authentication, Policy, OAuth.



Specifies the realm where the operation occurred. For example, the Top Level Realm ("/“) or the sub-realm name (”/shop").


Column Datatype Description



Specifies a universally unique identifier (UUID) for the message object, such as a568d4fe-d655-49a8-8290-bfc02095bec9-491.



Specifies the timestamp when AM logged the message, in UTC format to millisecond precision: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.msZ. For example: 2015-11-14T00:16:04.653Z



Specifies the UUID of the transaction, which identifies an external request when it comes into the system boundary. Any events generated while handling that request will be assigned that transaction ID, so that you may see the same transaction ID for different audit event topics. For example, 9c9e8d5c-2941-4e61-9c3c-8a990088e801.

Trusted AM deployments with multiple instances, components, and Ping Identity Platform products can propagate a transaction ID through each call across the platform. AM reads the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header and appends an integer to the transaction ID. Note that this feature is disabled by default. When enabled, this feature should filter the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header for connections from untrusted sources.



Specifies the name of the audit event. For example, AM-SESSION-CREATED and AM-SESSION-DESTROYED. For a list of audit event names, see Audit log events.



Specifies the universal identifier for authenticated users. For example, id=scarter,ou=user,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.



Specifies the tracking IDs of the event, used by all topics.



Specifies the user to run the activity as. May be used in delegated administration. For example, uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.



Specifies the identifier of a system object that has been created, modified, or deleted. For example, ou=SamuelTwo,ou=default,ou=OrganizationConfig,ou=1.0, ou=iPlanetAMAuthSAML2Service,ou=services,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.



Specifies the state change operation invoked: CREATE, MODIFY, or DELETE.



Specifies the JSON representation of the object prior to the activity. For example:




Specifies the JSON representation of the object after the activity. For example:

      "forgerock-am-auth-saml2-req-binding= urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect",
      "forgerock-am-auth-saml2-binding= urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Artifact",
      "forgerock-am-auth-saml2-name-id-format= urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent"



Specifies the columns that were changed. For example, [ "sunKeyValue" ].



Not used.



Specifies the AM service utilized. For example, Server Info, Users, Config, Session, Authentication, Policy, OAuth.



Specifies the realm where the operation occurred. For example, the Top Level Realm ("/“) or the sub-realm name (”/shop").


Column Datatype Description



Specifies a universally unique identifier (UUID) for the message object, such as a568d4fe-d655-49a8-8290-bfc02095bec9-491.



Specifies the timestamp when AM logged the message, in UTC format to millisecond precision: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.msZ. For example: 2015-11-14T00:16:04.653Z



Specifies the UUID of the transaction, which identifies an external request when it comes into the system boundary. Any events generated while handling that request will be assigned that transaction ID, so that you may see the same transaction ID for different audit event topics. For example, 9c9e8d5c-2941-4e61-9c3c-8a990088e801.

Trusted AM deployments with multiple instances, components, and Ping Identity Platform products can propagate a transaction ID through each call across the platform. AM reads the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header and appends an integer to the transaction ID. Note that this feature is disabled by default. When enabled, this feature should filter the X-ForgeRock-TransactionId HTTP header for connections from untrusted sources.



Specifies the name of the audit event. For example, AM-CONFIG-CHANGE. For a list of audit event names, see Audit log events.



Specifies the universal identifier for authenticated users. For example, id=scarter,ou=user,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.



Specifies the tracking IDs of the event, used by all topics.



Specifies the user to run the activity as. May be used in delegated administration. For example, uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.



Specifies the identifier of a system object that has been created, modified, or deleted. For example, ou=SamuelTwo,ou=default,ou=OrganizationConfig,ou=1.0, ou=iPlanetAMAuthSAML2Service,ou=services,o=shop,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com.



Specifies the state change operation invoked: CREATE, MODIFY, or DELETE.



Specifies the JSON representation of the object prior to the activity. For example:




Specifies the JSON representation of the object after the activity. For example:

      "forgerock-am-auth-saml2-req-binding= urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect",
      "forgerock-am-auth-saml2-binding= urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Artifact",
      "forgerock-am-auth-saml2-name-id-format= urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent"



Specifies the columns that were changed. For example, [ "sunKeyValue" ].



Not used.



Specifies the AM service utilized. For example, Server Info, Users, Config, Session, Authentication, Policy, OAuth.



Specifies the realm where the operation occurred. For example, the Top Level Realm ("/“) or the sub-realm name (”/shop").

Customize server-side session quota exhaustion actions

This page demonstrates a custom session quota exhaustion action plugin. AM calls a session quota exhaustion action plugin when a user tries to open more server-side sessions than their quota allows. Note that session quotas are not available for client-side sessions.

You only need a custom session quota exhaustion action plugin if the built-in actions are not flexible enough for your deployment. See Session quotas.

Create and install a custom session quota exhaustion action

You build custom session quota exhaustion actions into a .jar that you then plug in to AM. You must also add your new action to the Session service configuration, and restart AM in order to be able to configure it for your use.

Your custom session quota exhaustion action implements the com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.QuotaExhaustionAction interface, overriding the action method. The action method performs the action when the session quota is met, and returns true only if the request for a new session should not be granted.

The example in this section simply removes the first session it finds as the session quota exhaustion action.

 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
 * Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
 * the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
 * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
 * information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
 * Copyright 2012-2019 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved

package org.forgerock.openam.examples.quotaexhaustionaction;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.forgerock.guice.core.InjectorHolder;
import org.forgerock.openam.session.Session;
import org.forgerock.openam.session.clientsdk.SessionCache;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionException;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionID;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.QuotaExhaustionAction;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.SessionService;

 * This is a sample {@link QuotaExhaustionAction} implementation,
 * which randomly kills the first session it finds.
public class SampleQuotaExhaustionAction implements QuotaExhaustionAction {

    private static Logger debug = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SampleQuotaExhaustionAction.class);

    private final SessionCache sessionCache;
    private final SessionService sessionService;

    public SampleQuotaExhaustionAction() {
        this.sessionCache = InjectorHolder.getInstance(SessionCache.class);
        this.sessionService = InjectorHolder.getInstance(SessionService.class);

    public SampleQuotaExhaustionAction(SessionCache sessionCache, SessionService sessionService) {
        this.sessionCache = sessionCache;
        this.sessionService = sessionService;

     * Check if the session quota for a given user has been exhausted and
     * if so perform the necessary actions. This implementation randomly
     * destroys the first session it finds.
     * @param is               The InternalSession to be activated.
     * @param existingSessions All existing sessions that belong to the same
     *                         uuid (Map:sid-&gt;expiration_time).
     * @return true If the session activation request should be rejected,
     *              otherwise false.
    public boolean action(
            Session is,
            Map<String, Long> existingSessions, long excessSessionCount) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : existingSessions.entrySet()) {
            try {
                // Get a Session from the cache based on the session ID, and destroy it.
                SessionID sessionId = new SessionID(entry.getKey());
                Session session = sessionCache.getSession(sessionId);
                sessionService.destroySession(session, sessionId);
                // Only destroy the first session.
            } catch (SessionException se) {
                if (debug.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    debug.debug("Failed to destroy existing session.", se);
                // In this case, deny the session activation request.
                return true;
        return false;

If you have not already done so, download and build the sample code.

Learn about downloading and building PingAM sample source code in the following Knowledge Base article: How do I access and build the sample code provided for PingAM?.

In the sources, you find the following files:


Apache Maven project file for the module

This file specifies how to build the sample plugin, and also specifies its dependencies on AM components and on the Servlet API.


Core class for the sample quota exhaustion action plugin

Once built, copy the .jar to WEB-INF/lib/ where AM is deployed.

$ cp target/*.jar /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/lib/

Using the ssoadm command, update the Session Service configuration:

$ ssoadm \
 set-attr-choicevals \
 --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
 --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
 --servicename iPlanetAMSessionService \
 --schematype Global \
 --attributename iplanet-am-session-constraint-handler \
 --add \
 --choicevalues myKey=\
Choice Values were set.

Extract and if necessary the localized versions of this file from openam-core-7.5.1.jar to WEB-INF/classes/ where AM is deployed. For example, if AM is deployed under /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam, then you could run the following commands:

$ cd /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/classes/
$ jar -xvf ../lib/openam-core-7.5.1.jar

Add the following line to

myKey=Randomly Destroy Session

Restart AM or the container in which it runs.

You can now use the new session quota exhaustion action. First, in the AM admin UI, go to Configure > Global Services and click Session. Then scroll to Resulting behavior if session quota exhausted, and choose an option.

Before moving to your test and production environments, be sure to add your .jar file and updates to into a custom .war file that you can then deploy. You must still update the Session service configuration in order to use your custom session quota exhaustion action.

List session quota exhaustion actions

List session quota exhaustion actions by using the ssoadm command:

$ ssoadm \
 get-attr-choicevals \
 --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
 --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
 --servicename iPlanetAMSessionService \
 --schematype Global \
 --attributename iplanet-am-session-constraint-handler
I18n Key                  Choice Value
------------------------- ---…​-----------------------------------------
choiceDestroyOldSession   org…​session.service.DestroyOldestAction
choiceDenyAccess          org…​session.service.DenyAccessAction
choiceDestroyNextExpiring org…​session.service.DestroyNextExpiringAction
choiceDestroyAll          org…​session.service.DestroyAllAction
myKey                     org…​examples…​SampleQuotaExhaustionAction

Remove a session quota exhaustion action

Remove a session quota exhaustion action by using the ssoadm command:

$ ssoadm \
 remove-attr-choicevals \
 --adminid uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org \
 --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
 --servicename iPlanetAMSessionService \
 --schematype Global \
 --attributename iplanet-am-session-constraint-handler \
 --choicevalues \
Choice Values were removed.