IDM 7.5.0

Migrate data

The data migration service helps you move information stored in an IDM repository to a new deployment. You can use this service when you are upgrading to a new version, or when you are migrating to a different repository type. The migration service is off by default. To enable it, copy migration.json from samples/example-configurations/conf/ into your conf/ directory, and set "enabled": true.

Migration is run from your new installation through IDM’s recon service, using your previous deployment as a data source. The data migration service supports importing information from IDM instances back to version 4. If you are migrating from a version of IDM earlier than that, you will need to follow previous update instructions to get your deployment into a state where it can be migrated using this service.

Because the migration service migrates information that may be encrypted, such as passwords, you must make sure you have copied the truststore and keystore files from your previous deployment before you start the migration.

Default Data Imported by the Migration Service
  • Internal Roles

  • Internal Users

  • Internal User Metadata

  • Managed Roles

  • Managed Users

  • Managed Assignments

  • Links and Relationships

  • Scheduler jobs

    If you are migrating scheduler jobs from IDM 4.0 or 4.5, you will need to modify the entry in migration.json to be:

        "source" : "scheduler",
        "target" : "scheduler/job"

If you have additional object types (for example, managed devices), modify migration.json to include these objects.

Configure the Migration Service

The data migration service is configured through migration.json. The default file assumes a default schema; modify the file if you have added custom managed data. The migration.json file can have the following properties:


Boolean, true or false. Enables the migration service.


Configures the connection to the source IDM instance you are migrating from. Available properties:


The URI for the source IDM instance.


The authentication mechanism to the source IDM instance. Can be basic (username/password) or bearer (authentication using AM bearer tokens).


Used for authenticating to the source IDM instance, if the authType is basic.


Used for authenticating to the source IDM instance, if the authType is basic.


Used for authenticating to the source IDM instance, if the authType is bearer.


Used for authenticating to the source IDM instance, if the authType is bearer.


Used for authenticating to the source IDM instance, if the authType is bearer.

scope (optional)

List of OAuth scopes.

scopeDelimiter (optional)

Delimiter for the list of OAuth scopes.

tlsVersion (optional)

Lets you override the default TLS version.

connectionTimeout (optional)

Timeout for connecting to the source IDM instance (defaults to 10s).

reuseConnections (optional)

Lets you override the default setting (defaults to true).

retryRequests (optional)

Lets you override the default setting (defaults to true).

hostnameVerifier (optional)

The SSL hostname verification policy. Specifies whether the host name presented by the remote server certificate is verified upon establishing new SSL connections (defaults to STRICT). Possible values:

  • STRICT : Requires that the host name match the host name presented in the certificate. Wild-cards only match a single domain.

  • ALLOW_ALL : Accepts any host name (disables host name verification).

maxConnections (optional)

Lets you override the default maximum number of connections (default is 64).

proxy (optional)

Lets you specify connection through a proxy server. Includes the following properties:


The proxy host and port to which IDM should connect.


The user account to connect to the remote proxy.


The password of the proxy user.


The TCP socket timeout, when waiting for HTTP responses. If you do not set a duration, the default is no timeout.

Example valid duration values:

  • 4 days

  • 59 minutes and 1 millisecond

  • 1 minute and 10 seconds

  • 42 millis

  • unlimited

  • none

  • zero


A list of the endpoints that will be migrated from your old IDM instance to your new instance, expressed as mappings between the old and new instances. The complete list of mapping properties is the same as any regular synchronization mapping. Properties with particular significance for data migration include the following:


Specifies whether the migration service should continue if it encounters an empty source mapping. This is enabled by default.


You can specify a custom correlation query. By default, this is:

"var map = {'_queryFilter': '_id eq \"' + source._id + '\"'}; map;"

For more information about writing correlation queries, refer to Correlate source objects with existing target objects.


Specifies whether links are maintained between source and target objects. If enableLinking is set to false, links are not maintained. This is the default behavior for the migration service, where it is expected that you will run the migration only once. If you intend to run the migration more than once, set this parameter to true.


The script used by the migration service for creating the data that is being migrated to the new installation. By default, this points to a Groovy script: update/mapLegacyObject.groovy.


The script used by the migration service for updating the data that is being migrated in the new installation. By default, this points to a Groovy script: update/mapLegacyObject.groovy.


An array of policies to apply to the data being migrated.


An array of properties to perform additional actions on, such as modifying the contents of a property during the migration. This follows the pattern you would find in a standard reconciliation. For more information about transforming data during a reconciliation, refer to Transform Attributes in a Mapping.


Specifies the number of results to return per page, if paging is turned on. By default, 1000 results per page are returned.


Specifies whether the migration service should use paging when querying the source IDM instance. By default, this is set to false. Turn paging on if you have a large data set and are concerned about memory usage.

For large data sets, you might be able to improve migration performance by turning paging on and increasing the query page size (using reconSourceQueryPageSize). The most effective page size will vary, depending on the available resources.


Specifies whether the migration should run the target phase of reconciliation. By default, this is set to false as there is no data in the target repository.


This is the only property that is required for data migration. The source should be the path to the resource within the repo; for example, repo/managed/user.

By default, the migration services use the repo endpoint, rather than the managed endpoint for both the source and the target. Create, read, update, and delete operations will therefore not trigger an implicit synchronization to the target resource.

The query on the source system, used to find all objects to be migrated. Defaults to "_queryFilter" : "true&fields=_id", which returns the IDs of all source objects.

You can improve migration performance by returning the whole source entry (setting the sourceQuery to "_queryFilter" : "true").

If you are migrating from IDM 6.5.x

Any explicitly mapped resource coming from repo/<mappingName> must include:

"sourceQuery": {
    "_queryFilter": "true",
    "_fields": ""

(Optional). Specifies whether the defined source query returns full object data (true) or IDs only (false). Defaults to true.

If you do not set this parameter, IDM attempts to detect whether the full object is returned, based on the query results.


The path to the resource within the target repository. By default, this will be the same as the source path.


You can specify a script to validate the source object prior to migration. By default, this property is empty.


By default, the migration service endpoint is migration. You can use the endpoint property to change this if needed.

Because the data migration service performs a reconciliation between your old installation and your new installation, the general reconciliation optimizations also apply to the data migration service. For more information about reconciliation optimization, refer to Tuning reconciliation performance.

Run the Data Migration

Before you run your migration, make sure that you have done the following:

  • Paused any scheduled jobs on the source deployment.

  • Configured your conf/migration.json and update/mapLegacyObject.groovy files on the new IDM installation.

  • Moved your configuration files from the old deployment to the new one.

  • If you use workflow, you must manually dump the workflow database tables, and then import them before you start the new instance of IDM for the first time. The workflow database tables start with the prefix ACT_. For information on how to dump/import individual tables, refer to the documentation for your database.

When you launch the new IDM installation, a new migration endpoint should be available. This endpoint supports the following actions:

  • migrate: Triggers a migration of all legacy objects from the remote system. Optionally takes a mapping parameter in order to specify a specific mapping to migrate. For example:

    curl \
    --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
    --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
    --header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
    --request POST \
  • status: Returns the last status for all reconciliations triggered by the migration service.

  • mappingConfigurations: Returns the full list of migration mapping configurations.

  • mappingNames: Returns the list of migration mapping names.

The period of time a migration takes will depend on the amount of information being migrated. Migrated data will retain the same object IDs they had in the previous deployment.

If requests sent to the source server include an X-Requested-With header, the value of the header will be set to RemoteIDMProxy.