IDM 7.5.0

Known issues

This topic lists important issues that remain open at the time of release.

IDM issues

  • OPENIDM-19942: ICF Provisioner service does not respect PATCH operation sequence

  • OPENIDM-19801: Boolean attribute shows incorrect value in IDM Admin UI Level in Forgeops based deployments

  • OPENIDM-19745: Component and bundle activation exceptions not printed to log files

  • OPENIDM-19640: Livesync scheduler retries are not handled

  • OPENIDM-19494: Editing "has one" relationship results in bad request error

  • OPENIDM-19493: Conditional grantee processing speciously triggering processing of relationship fields in MOS#update

  • OPENIDM-19492: Query for clustered recon target ids should be paged with a very small page size (e.g. 2)

  • OPENIDM-19435: Docs: Link historical accounts sample docs page instructions cause errors

  • OPENIDM-19306: JDBC explicit table managed user PATCH with _fields=*_ref caused 400 error

  • OPENIDM-19258: Performance regression Update and Patch tests with SpecRef

  • OPENIDM-19232: When adding additional property in new managed object the save button became unclickable

  • OPENIDM-19181: Merry-go-round will cause duplicate RDVP calculation for signals received across conditional relationship fields

  • OPENIDM-19061: "Persists association" option when not selected throws "Not found error"

  • OPENIDM-18941: Salesforce provisioner file is overwritten when connector is enabled

  • OPENIDM-18925: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad base context

  • OPENIDM-18891: IDM console throws a java.lang.NoSuchFieldError

  • OPENIDM-18885: referencedRelationshipFields in queryConfig does not keep original data structure

  • OPENIDM-18848: New string and number attributes added to managed object schema default to "searchable"

  • OPENIDM-18846: Investigate order agnostic JsonValue comparisons

  • OPENIDM-18826: Out of memory in IDM platform groups read/delete members

  • OPENIDM-18780: IDM Native console should not query audit log

  • OPENIDM-18698: QueryFilter with invalid pageSize doesn’t throw an error

  • OPENIDM-18643: Sporadic NPE upon Activation of the OpenICF Provisioner Service

  • OPENIDM-18496: Missing UI templates for Groovy scripted connectors 1.5

  • OPENIDM-18495: Admin UI: Connector Data Tab is sending a queryFilter with bad sortKeys

  • OPENIDM-18493: Response from csv/template endpoint is different in IDM CDK

  • OPENIDM-18412: Value for boolean property in Linked Systems tab appears to be hidden

  • OPENIDM-18340: Multi-language support for platform deployment is missing

  • OPENIDM-18277: Task Scanner fails on erroneous conditional policy validation failure

  • OPENIDM-18271: Adding Policy via UI doesn’t always work

  • OPENIDM-18231: Disabling and enabling livesync schedule changes value of source

  • OPENIDM-18154: Mapping will restore itself after being deleted when moving position in grid holder view

  • OPENIDM-18074: End-User UI Preferences property to READ-ONLY (Non-editable) not working

  • OPENIDM-18039: Modify GroovyScript to utilize similar logic that RhinoScript is using in ScriptableWithDeferredBinding

  • OPENIDM-17997: Array virtual properties fail to update during a compound replace operation when revision data is included.

  • OPENIDM-17983: Workflow process definition diagram is not displayed in the Admin UI

  • OPENIDM-17922: Sample scripted powershell with ad is missing ResolveUsername script

  • OPENIDM-17813: File content incorrect on read

  • OPENIDM-17671: Request for postSync script hook

  • OPENIDM-17631: Overriding the key “aliases” in conf/secrets.json using $array and $list coercion type to support multiple key aliases is not working

  • OPENIDM-17630: A value set to the List of Names to Filter setting of a Provisioner via the UI disappears when saved and the provisioner is accessed again

  • OPENIDM-17516: Pattern policy ignored when doing operation replace with empty values

  • OPENIDM-17466: Unit tests in ManagedObjectSetTest make false assumptions

  • OPENIDM-17444: Workflow Admin UI hard-codes assignee to userName

  • OPENIDM-17345: Changing default rest context to /svc/idm rather than /idm causes UI to misbehave

  • OPENIDM-17255: The admin UI breaks the schema when editing it

  • OPENIDM-16923: If all KBA info questions are deleted through UI, question index is corrupted

  • OPENIDM-16825: User updates needs to be submitted twice

  • OPENIDM-16804: Admin UI forgets mat-icon setting when object properties are re-ordered

  • OPENIDM-16796: Error message: Only "replace" patch operation is supported on /kbaInfo when set to viewable

  • OPENIDM-16795: Inconsistent URLs when hovering on Admin UI home page OOTB widgets across IDM versions

  • OPENIDM-16791: Booleans show up in the end user ui even if set as not viewable

  • OPENIDM-16631: Cron-like Trigger for Weekly schedule shows incorrectly

  • OPENIDM-16618: Admin UI sends encrypted data as string when an unrelated attribute is modified

  • OPENIDM-16615: Admin UI duplicates patch operations when adding manager

  • OPENIDM-16564: 404 Error when viewing recon events in System Monitoring Dashboard

  • OPENIDM-16528: Properties defined as "nullable" become required

  • OPENIDM-16516: Incoherent script hooks bindings when PATCH a relationship collection containing relationship properties

  • OPENIDM-16487: The UI should allow the admin to select which linkQualifier the assignment belongs to

  • OPENIDM-16465: Saved powershell connector config through admin UI is not valid

  • OPENIDM-16453: Enduser login fails if user _id contains special characters

  • OPENIDM-16441: Enduser UI can fail to load organizations when the managed organization schema is updated

  • OPENIDM-16432: Self-service registration submits input as string for number attribute

  • OPENIDM-16201: Policy validation for new managed objects occurs against previously accessed object

  • OPENIDM-16108: Creating assignments via REST breaks IDM UI elements

  • OPENIDM-15623: DS Repo performance issues with large number of role members without paging

  • OPENIDM-15585: Admin UI doesn’t display correct enable state for Audit Event Handlers

  • OPENIDM-15322: Query on relationship endpoint with *_ref without paging takes much longer time to return with external DS as repo

  • OPENIDM-15284: authzRoles property does not show or accept addition of resource collection

  • OPENIDM-15145: UI: Audit Filter Policies only save to "excludeIf"

  • OPENIDM-13592: optimize java script context caching to reduce transient memory allocation

ICF/Connector issues

For a current list of known issues in the latest version of the ICF connectors, refer to the ICF documentation.