• Make sure Password Reset Type is set to Email One-Time Link in your HTML Form Adapter instance configuration.

For resetting a password using an email link, you must set up an SMTP mail server.

  1. Go to Authentication IdP Adapters and, in the Instance Name list, select the adapter instance that you want to use.
  2. Optional: Create a local identity profile (LIP).

    Do this step if you want to allow self-service registration using their local identity profile, such as managing a password reset or forgot password scenario. If not, you can skip this step and go to step 3.

    1. On the IdP Adapter tab, click Manage Local Identity Profiles.
      The Local Identity Profiles page opens.
    2. Reuse an existing Local Identity Profile or click Create New Profile to create a new profile.
      The Local Identity Profile page opens.
    3. On the Profile Info tab, select the Enable Registration check box to show the Email Verification tab and email configuration settings for this identity profile. Click Next.
    4. On the Email Verification tab, select the Enable Email Ownership Verification check box to show additional email verification settings. Click Next.
    5. On the Summary tab, click Done.
    You're returned to the Create Adapter Instance page.
  3. On the IdP Adapter tab, click Manage Notification Publishers.
    The Notification Publishers page opens.
  4. Reuse an existing instance or click Create New Instance to create a new one.
    The Create Notification Publisher Instance page opens.
  5. On the Type tab, in the Type list, select SMTP Notification Publisher. Click Next.
  6. On the Instance Configuration tab, in the Email Server field, enter one of the following:
    • a mailtrap.io
    • a gmail smtp server

    A screen capture of the Instance Configuration tab within the Create Notification Publisher Instance configuration window. There are settings to configure the server to communicate with your organization's SMTP mail server. The user can edit the From Address, Email Server, SMTP Port, Encryption Method, SMTPS Port, Verify Hostname, and UTF-8 Message Header Support settings. In this screen capture the SMTP Port field has 25 entered, the Encryption Method drop-down has None selected, the SMTPS Port has 465 entered, and the Verify Hostname check box is selected.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Summary tab, click Save.
  9. Go to the user Sign On page and click the Trouble Signing On? link.

    A screen capture of the Sign On page. The page displays the username and password fields as well as the Sign On button. If the user is having issues signing on the Change Password and Trouble Signing On links are provided.
    An email containing a one-time password reset link is sent to your email.
  10. In your email inbox, open the password reset email from PingFederate. Click on the link provided to reset your password.
    You're directed to the Reset Your Password page.
  11. In the Reset Your Password page, enter a new password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields. Click Reset.

    A screen capture of the Reset Your Password page. The page displays the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, requesting the user to enter and reenter their password change. The user can click Reset to confirm and save the password changes or Cancel to stop the password changing process.