Directory Services 7.2.5

Unpack files

The following procedures only unpack the server files. You must then run the setup command to set up the server:

Unpack the cross-platform zip

You can use the .zip delivery on any supported operating system.

  1. Review requirements for installation.

  2. Unpack the cross-platform .zip file in the file system directory where you want to install the server.

    Perform this step as a user with the same file system permissions as the user who will run the setup command.

    The setup command uses the directory where you unzipped the files as the installation directory. It does not ask you where to install the server. If you want to install elsewhere on the file system, unzip the files in that location.

    Unzipping the .zip file creates a top-level opendj directory in the directory where you unzipped the file. On Windows systems if you unzip the file with Right-Click > Extract All, remove the trailing opendj-7.2.5-20240524201627-49403efab3a3556b93d8ee62f263ca29a7e752ef directory from the folder you specify.

Use the Debian package

On Debian and related Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, you can unpack files using the Debian package:

  1. Review requirements for installation.

    In particular, install a Java runtime environment (JRE) if none is installed yet. The following example uses the java11-runtime virtual package:

    $ sudo apt-get install java11-runtime
  2. Install the server package:

    $ sudo dpkg -i DS*.deb

    The Debian package:

    • Installs server files in the /opt/opendj directory.

    • Generates service management scripts.

    • Adds documentation files under the /usr/share/doc/opendj directory.

    • Adds man pages under the /opt/opendj/share/man directory.

    The files are owned by root by default, making it easier to have the server listen on privileged ports, such as 389 and 636.

  3. Set up the server with the setup command, sudo /opt/opendj/setup.

Use the RPM package

On Red Hat and related Linux distributions, such as Fedora and CentOS, you can unpack files using the RPM package:

  1. Review requirements for installation.

    In particular, install a Java runtime environment (JRE) if none is installed yet. You might need to download an RPM to install the Java runtime environment, and then install the RPM by using the rpm command:

    $ su
    # rpm -ivh jre-*.rpm
  2. Install the server package:

    # rpm -i DS*.rpm

    The RPM package:

    • Installs server files in the /opt/opendj directory.

    • Generates service management scripts.

    • Adds man pages under the /opt/opendj/share/man directory.

    The files are owned by root by default, making it easier to have the server listen on privileged ports, such as 389 and 636.

  3. Set up the server with the setup command, /opt/opendj/setup.

    By default, the server starts in run levels 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Use the Windows MSI

Prevent antivirus and intrusion detection systems from interfering with DS software.

Before using DS software with antivirus or intrusion detection software, consider the following potential problems:

Interference with normal file access

Antivirus and intrusion detection systems that perform virus scanning, sweep scanning, or deep file inspection are not compatible with DS file access, particularly write access.

Antivirus and intrusion detection software have incorrectly marked DS files as suspect to infection, because they misinterpret normal DS processing.

Prevent antivirus and intrusion detection systems from scanning DS files, except these folders:


Windows command-line tools


UNIX/Linux command-line tools


Optional additional .jar files used by custom plugins


Scripts and libraries shipped with DS servers

Port blocking

Antivirus and intrusion detection software can block ports that DS uses to provide directory services.

Make sure that your software does not block the ports that DS software uses. For details, see Administrative access.

Negative performance impact

Antivirus software consumes system resources, reducing resources available to other services including DS servers.

Running antivirus software can therefore have a significant negative impact on DS server performance. Make sure that you test and account for the performance impact of running antivirus software before deploying DS software on the same systems.

  1. Review requirements for installation.

  2. Install the server files in one of the following ways:

    1. Run the GUI installer:

      • Double-click the Windows installer package, DS-7.2.5.msi , to start the install wizard.

      • In the Destination Folder screen, set the folder location for the server files.

        The default location is under Program Files on the system drive. For example, if the system drive is C:, the default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\opendj\.

        The native executable is a 32-bit application, though you can run the server in a 64-bit Java environment.

      • Start the installation.

        When installation is finished, the server files are found in the location you specified.

    2. Use the Microsoft msiexec.exe command to install the files.

      The following example installs the server files under C:\opendj-7.2.5-20240524201627-49403efab3a3556b93d8ee62f263ca29a7e752ef, writing an installation log file, install.log, in the current folder:

      C:\> msiexec /i DS-7.2.5.msi /l* install.log /q OPENDJ=C:\opendj-7.2.5-20240524201627-49403efab3a3556b93d8ee62f263ca29a7e752ef