Directory Services 7.2.5


supportextract — extract support data


supportextract {options}


This tool collects support data from the OpenDJ instance it is bound to.


The supportextract command takes the following options:

Command options:

-d | --outputDirectory {directory}

The folder into which the files will be placed into.

--logsAfterDate {date}

Collect log files after this date. Format "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" like "20161123143612" = 23 November 2016, 14:36 12s. Overrides --maxLogFiles.

--maxLogFiles {number}

Maximum number of log files to collect. Ignored if --logsAfterDate is provided. Default: 100


Specifies whether a Java Heap Dump (using jmap) should be produced. The binary file is generated at the same location as the ZIP archive before being added to it; please make sure that the target directory’s volume has sufficient capacity. Default: false


Specifies whether audit files are excluded. Default: false


Specifies whether keystore files are excluded. Default: false


Specifies that the tool should not interact with the server, that is no LDAP operation, and no jstack sampling. Default: false

--serverPID {pid}

When the server is embedded in OpenAM, there is no PID file. Therefore this option indicates the server PID of the OpenAM application server.

-t | --jdkToolsDirectory {directory}

Path to the JDK utility binaries directory such as jstack. Default: /opt/graalvm-ce-java11-22.3.3/bin

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server. Default:

-w | --bindPassword[:env|:file] {password}

Password to use to bind to the server.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information. Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information. Default: false

Exit codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example creates a support archive in a custom directory:

$ supportextract \
 --bindDn uid=admin \
 --bindPassword password \
 --outputDirectory /path/to/output/directory

The instance is running
No value was provided for --jdkToolsDirectory, JDK tool directory is set to
VERSION: <version>
Collecting the monitoring info from cn=monitor
Collecting process statistics
Cannot extract process statistics (by running "top" command) on OS '<OS>'.
Only jcmd dump samples will be collected
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 1 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 2 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 3 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 4 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 5 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 6 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 7 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 8 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 9 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 10 using jcmd for pid <pid>
Collecting the configuration files
- Adding rootUser.ldif
- Adding monitorUser.ldif
- Adding schema files
- Adding HTTP configuration file(s)
- Listing the security stores
* config/keystore
Collecting system node information
- OS information
- Network information
- Disk information
- Processor information
Collecting ChangelogDb information
- No changelogDb data found (is a DS or is not replicated)
Collecting backend statistics
- amCts: total jdb files 1
- Adding
- Adding je.config.csv
- Adding je.stat.csv
Collecting the log files
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/access
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/filtered-ldap-access.audit.json
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/ldap-access.audit.json
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/errors
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/replication
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/server.out
Collecting the GC log files
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/cust11.log.0
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/cust11.log

The following archive has been created :