PingDS 7.5.1

UTC Time

Values of this syntax hold character strings representing a date and time to a precision of one minute or one second.

This syntax is deprecated. For new attributes, use GeneralizedTime instead.

The syntax follows this ABNF:

UTCTime         = year month day hour minute [ second ] [ u-time-zone ]
u-time-zone     = %x5A                           ; "Z"
/ u-differential
u-differential  = ( MINUS / PLUS ) hour minute

century = 2(%x30-39)                             ; "00" to "99"
year    = 2(%x30-39)                             ; "00" to "99"
month   = ( %x30 %x31-39 )                       ; "01" (January) to "09"
/ ( %x31 %x30-32 )                     ; "10" to "12"
day     = ( %x30 %x31-39 )                       ; "01" to "09"
/ ( %x31-32 %x30-39 )                  ; "10" to "29"
/ ( %x33 %x30-31 )                     ; "30" to "31"
hour    = ( %x30-31 %x30-39 ) / ( %x32 %x30-33 ) ; "00" to "23"
minute  = %x30-35 %x30-39                        ; "00" to "59"

second      = ( %x30-35 %x30-39 )                ; "00" to "59"
leap-second = ( %x36 %x30 )                      ; "60"

fraction        = ( DOT / COMMA ) 1*(%x30-39)
MINUS           = %x2D                           ; minus sign ("-")
PLUS            = %x2B                           ; plus sign ("+")

Where the ABNF allows invalid times, such as Feb. 31, 2017, the values are considered invalid.

When the "Z" form of the time zone is used, the time value represents universal coordinated time. Otherwise, it represents a local time in the time zone indicated by the u-differential.

The syntax corresponds to the UTCTime ASN.1 type.


RFC 4517


UTC Time