PingDS 7.5.1


supportextract — extract support data


supportextract {options}


This tool collects support data from the OpenDJ instance it is bound to.

On Linux systems, this tool uses the top command to capture details about individual threads, such as CPU use. Per thread CPU use ( -H ) is important in diagnosing performance issues, hangs, and high CPU problems. The output makes it possible to identify the offending threads in the jstack or jcmd output. The global top -p option only shows the overall CPU use. It is not sufficient to identify issues with particular threads.

On some Linux distributions, the top command does not support the -H option. This makes it more difficult to diagnose performance issues, hangs, and high CPU problems.


The supportextract command takes the following options:

Command options:

-d | --outputDirectory {directory}

The folder into which the files will be placed into.

--logsAfterDate {date}

Collect log files after this date. Format "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" like "20161123143612" = 23 November 2016, 14:36 12s. Overrides --maxLogFiles.

--maxLogFiles {number}

Maximum number of log files to collect. Ignored if --logsAfterDate is provided. Default: 100


Specifies whether a Java Heap Dump (using jmap) should be produced. The binary file is generated at the same location as the ZIP archive before being added to it; please make sure that the target directory’s volume has sufficient capacity. Default: false


Specifies whether audit files are excluded. Default: false


Specifies whether keystore files are excluded. Default: false


Specifies that the tool should not interact with the server, that is no LDAP operation, and no jstack sampling. Default: false

--serverPID {pid}

When the server is embedded in OpenAM, there is no PID file. Therefore this option indicates the server PID of the OpenAM application server.

-t | --jdkToolsDirectory {directory}

Path to the JDK utility binaries directory such as jstack. Default: /opt/graalvm-ce-java17/bin

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server. Default:

-w | --bindPassword[:env|:file] {password}

Password to use to bind to the server.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information. Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information. Default: false

Exit codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example creates a support archive in a custom directory:

$ supportextract \
 --bindDn uid=admin \
 --bindPassword password \
 --outputDirectory /path/to/output/directory

The instance is running
No value was provided for --jdkToolsDirectory, JDK tool directory is set to
VERSION: <version>
Collecting the monitoring info from cn=monitor
Collecting process statistics
Cannot extract process statistics (by running "top" command) on OS '<OS>'.
Only jcmd dump samples will be collected
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 1 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 2 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 3 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 4 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 5 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 6 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 7 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 8 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 9 using jcmd for pid <pid>
- Generating stack dump, sample number : 10 using jcmd for pid <pid>
Collecting the configuration files
- Adding rootUser.ldif
- Adding monitorUser.ldif
- Adding schema files
- Adding HTTP configuration file(s)
- Listing the security stores
* config/keystore
Collecting system node information
- OS information
- Network information
- Disk information
- Processor information
Collecting ChangelogDb information
- No changelogDb data found (is a DS or is not replicated)
Collecting backend statistics
- amCts: total jdb files 1
- Adding
- Adding je.config.csv
- Adding je.stat.csv
Collecting the log files
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/access
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/filtered-ldap-access.audit.json
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/ldap-access.audit.json
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/errors
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/server.out
Collecting the GC log files
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/cust11.log.0
- /path/to/output/directory/logs/cust11.log

The following archive has been created :