PingDS 7.5.1


create-rc-script — script to manage OpenDJ as a service on UNIX


create-rc-script {options}


Create an RC script or systemd service that may be used to start, stop, and restart the Directory Server on UNIX-based systems.


The create-rc-script command takes the following options:

Command options:

-g | --groupName {groupName}

The name of the group account under which the server should run.

-j | --javaHome {path}

The path to the Java installation that should be used to run the server.

-J | --javaArgs {args}

A set of arguments that should be passed to the JVM when running the server.

-r | --rcScript {path}

The path to the RC script to create.

-s | --systemdService {path}

The path to the systemd service file to create.

-u | --userName {userName}

The name of the user account under which the server should run.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information. Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information. Default: false

Exit codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.