PingGateway 2024.11


Identifies a client’s access token or ID token (a subject token), and communicates with an authorization service, such as AM, to exchange it for a new token (an issued token):

  • When the OAuth2TokenExchangeFilter succesfully exchanges a token, it injects the issued token and its scopes into the OAuth2TokenExchangeContext.

  • When the OAuth2TokenExchangeFilter fails to exchange a token, it injects information about the failure into the OAuth2FailureContext, which is provided to the failureHandler.

The scopes for issued token can be restricted or expanded by the authorization services:

  • Restricted when the token scopes are a subset of those available to the subject token.

  • Expanded when they have scopes that aren’t included in the subject token.

Use this filter in the impersonation use case. Learn more in the AM documentation on Token Exchange.


  "name": string,
  "type": "OAuth2TokenExchangeFilter",
    "config": {
      "subjectToken": runtime expression<string>,
      "amService": AmService reference,
      "endpoint": configuration expression<url>,
      "subjectTokenType": configuration expression<string>,
      "requestedTokenType": configuration expression<string>,
      "scopes": [ runtime expression<string>, ... ] or ScriptableResourceAccess reference,
      "resource": configuration expression<url>,
      "audience": configuration expression<string>,
      "endpointHandler": Handler reference,
      "failureHandler": Handler reference


"subjectToken": runtime expression<string>, required

The location of the subject token in the inbound request.

"amService": AmService reference, required if endpoint isn’t configured

The AmService to use as the authorization service.

Configure either 'amService' or 'endpoint'. If both are configured, 'amService' takes precedence.

"endpoint": configuration expression<url>, required if amService isn’t configured

The URI for the authorization service.

Configure either 'amService' or 'endpoint'. If both are configured, 'amService' takes precedence.

"subjectTokenType": configuration expression<string>, optional

The subject token type.


"requestedTokenType": configuration expression<string>, optional

The type of token being requested.


"scopes": array of runtime expression<strings> or ResourceAccess <reference>, required

A list of one or more scopes required by the OAuth 2.0 access token. Provide the scopes as strings or through a ResourceAccess such as a ScriptableResourceAccess:

Array of runtime expression<strings>, required if a ResourceAccess isn’t used

A string, array of strings, runtime expression<string>, or array of runtime expression<string> to represent one or more scopes.

ScriptableResourceAccess <reference>

A script that evaluates each request dynamically and returns the scopes that the request needs to access the protected resource. The script must return a Set<String>.

For information about the properties of ScriptableResourceAccess, refer to Scripts.

  "name": string,
  "type": "ScriptableResourceAccess",
  "config": {
    "type": configuration expression<string>,
    "file": configuration expression<string>, // Use either "file"
    "source": [ string, ... ],                // or "source", but not both.
    "args": object,
    "clientHandler": Handler reference

Default: Empty

"resource": configuration expression<url>, optional

The target service URI where the issued token is intended to be used.

"audience": configuration expression<url>, optional

The target service name where the token is intended to be used.

"endpointHandler": Handler reference, optional

The handler to exchange tokens on the authorization endpoint.

Configure this property as a Chain, using one of the following filters for client authentication:

  "name": "EndpointHandler",
  "type": "Chain",
  "config": {
    "handler": "ForgeRockClientHandler",
    "filters": [
        "type": "ClientSecretBasicAuthenticationFilter",
        "config": {
          "clientId": "serviceConfidentialClient",
          "clientSecretId": "",
          "secretsProvider" : "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1",

Default: ForgeRockClientHandler

"failureHandler": Handler <reference>, optional

Handler to manage a failed request.

Provide an inline handler configuration object or the name of a handler object declared in the heap. The handler can access information in the OAuth2FailureContext.

Default: 500 Internal Server Error, the request stops being executed.


You can find an example of how this filter is used in OAuth 2.0 token exchange.