Page created: 6 Nov 2019
Page updated: 25 Mar 2020
Configuration can be modified using the HTTP PATCH method. The PATCH request body is a JSON object formatted according to the SCIM patch request. The Configuration API, supports a subset of possible values for the path attribute, used to indicate the configuration attribute to modify.
The configuration object's attributes can be modified in the following
ways. These operations are analogous to the
dsconfig modify-[object]
options.- An operation to set the single-valued
attribute to a new value:{ "op" : "replace", "path" : "description", "value" : "A new backend." }
is analogous to:
$ dsconfig set-backend-prop --backend-name userRoot \ --set "description:A new backend"
- An operation to add a new value to the multi-valued
attribute:{ "op" : "add", "path" : "jeProperty", "value" : "je.env.backgroundReadLimit=0" }
is analogous to:
$ dsconfig set-backend-prop --backend-name userRoot \ --add je-property:je.env.backgroundReadLimit=0
- An operation to remove a value from a multi-valued property.
In this case, path specifies a SCIM filter identifying the value to remove:
{ "op" : "remove", "path" : "[jeProperty eq \"je.cleaner.adjustUtilization=false\"]" }
is analogous to:
$ dsconfig set-backend-prop --backend-name userRoot \ --remove je-property:je.cleaner.adjustUtilization=false
- A second operation to remove a value from a multi-valued property, where
specifies both an attribute to modify, and a SCIM filter whose attribute is value:{ "op" : "remove", "path" : "jeProperty[value eq \"je.nodeMaxEntries=32\"]" }
is analogous to:
$ dsconfig set-backend-prop --backend-name userRoot \ --remove je-property:je.nodeMaxEntries=32
- An option to remove one or more values of a multi-valued attribute.
This has the effect of restoring the attribute's value to its
default value:
{ "op" : "remove", "path" : "id2childrenIndexEntryLimit" }
is analogous to:
$ dsconfig set-backend-prop --backend-name userRoot \ --reset id2childrenIndexEntryLimit
The following is the full example request. The API responds with
the entire modified configuration object, which may include a SCIM
extension attribute
containing additional instructions:
PATCH /config/backends/userRoot Host: Accept: application/scim+json { "schemas" : [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp" ], "Operations" : [ { "op" : "replace", "path" : "description", "value" : "A new backend." }, { "op" : "add", "path" : "jeProperty", "value" : "je.env.backgroundReadLimit=0" }, { "op" : "remove", "path" : "[jeProperty eq \"je.cleaner.adjustUtilization=false\"]" }, { "op" : "remove", "path" : "jeProperty[value eq \"je.nodeMaxEntries=32\"]" }, { "op" : "remove", "path" : "id2childrenIndexEntryLimit" } ] }
Example response:
{ "schemas": [ "urn:unboundid:schemas:configuration:2.0:backend:local-db" ], "id": "userRoot2", "meta": { "resourceType": "Local DB Backend", "location": "" }, "backendID": "userRoot2", "backgroundPrime": "false", "backupFilePermissions": "700", "baseDN": [ "dc=example2,dc=com" ], "checkpointOnCloseCount": "2", "cleanerThreadWaitTime": "120000", "compressEntries": "false", "continuePrimeAfterCacheFull": "false", "dbBackgroundSyncInterval": "1 s", "dbCachePercent": "10", "dbCacheSize": "0 b", "dbCheckpointerBytesInterval": "20 mb", "dbCheckpointerHighPriority": "false", "dbCheckpointerWakeupInterval": "1 m", "dbCleanOnExplicitGC": "false", "dbCleanerMinUtilization": "75", "dbCompactKeyPrefixes": "true", "dbDirectory": "db", "dbDirectoryPermissions": "700", "dbEvictorCriticalPercentage": "0", "dbEvictorLruOnly": "false", "dbEvictorNodesPerScan": "10", "dbFileCacheSize": "1000", "dbImportCachePercent": "60", "dbLogFileMax": "50 mb", "dbLoggingFileHandlerOn": "true", "dbLoggingLevel": "CONFIG", "dbNumCleanerThreads": "0", "dbNumLockTables": "0", "dbRunCleaner": "true", "dbTxnNoSync": "false", "dbTxnWriteNoSync": "true", "dbUseThreadLocalHandles": "true", "deadlockRetryLimit": "10", "defaultCacheMode": "cache-keys-and-values", "defaultTxnMaxLockTimeout": "10 s", "defaultTxnMinLockTimeout": "10 s", "description": "123", "enabled": "false", "explodedIndexEntryThreshold": "4000", "exportThreadCount": "0", "externalTxnDefaultBackendLockBehavior": "acquire-before-retries", "externalTxnDefaultMaxLockTimeout": "100 ms", "externalTxnDefaultMinLockTimeout": "100 ms", "externalTxnDefaultRetryAttempts": "2", "hashEntries": "false", "importTempDirectory": "import-tmp", "importThreadCount": "16", "indexEntryLimit": "4000", "isPrivateBackend": "false", "javaClass": "", "jeProperty": [ "\"je.env.backgroundReadLimit=0\"" ], "numRecentChanges": "50000", "offlineProcessDatabaseOpenTimeout": "1 h", "primeAllIndexes": "true", "primeMethod": [ "none" ], "primeThreadCount": "2", "primeTimeLimit": "0 ms", "processFiltersWithUndefinedAttributeTypes": "false", "returnUnavailableForUntrustedIndex": "true", "returnUnavailableWhenDisabled": "true", "setDegradedAlertForUntrustedIndex": "true", "setDegradedAlertWhenDisabled": "true", "subtreeDeleteBatchSize": "5000", "subtreeDeleteSizeLimit": "5000", "uncachedId2entryCacheMode": "cache-keys-only", "writabilityMode": "enabled", "urn:unboundid:schemas:configuration:messages:2.0": { "requiredActions": [ { "property": "jeProperty", "type": "componentRestart", "synopsis": "In order for this modification to take effect, the component must be restarted, either by disabling and re-enabling it, or by restarting the server" }, { "property": "id2childrenIndexEntryLimit", "type": "other", "synopsis": "If this limit is increased, then the contents of the backend must be exported to LDIF and re-imported to allow the new limit to be used for any id2children keys that had already hit the previous limit." } ] } }