Page created: 6 Nov 2019
Page updated: 25 Mar 2020
| 1 min read
8.0 Product PingDirectory Administration User task Administrator Audience IT Administrator System Administrator Software Deployment Method Configuration PingDirectoryProxy Product documentation Content Type Capability Directory
Run the config-diff tool to generate a summary of the
configuration components on the directory server instance. The
following command runs a summary on a local online server.
$ bin/config-diff
The following example compares the current configuration of the local server to
the baseline, pre-installation configuration, ignoring any changes that could be made
by the installer, and writes the output to the configuration-steps.dsconfig
file. This provides a script that can be used to configure a newly installed server
identically to the local server:
$ bin/config-diff --sourceLocal \ --sourceBaseline \ --targetLocal \ --exclude differs-after-install \ --outputFile configuration-steps.dsconfig