During the installation process, ASE creates the following directories:

Directory Name Purpose

Contains files and directories to configure ASE and its APIs.

The certs subdirectory contains the keys and certificates for SSL/TLS 1.2.

data For internal use. Do not change anything in this directory.
logs Stores ASE log files including access log files sent to ABS for analysis. The access log files are compressed and moved to abs_uploaded directory after they have been uploaded to ABS.
lib For internal use. Do not change anything in this directory.

Contains scripts including the start and stop ASE, tuning script for ASE performance.

Note: The scripts in the bin directory are not editable.

The util directory contains scripts to check and open ABS ports as well as script to purge logs.

  • check_ports.sh Check ABS ports
  • open_ports_ase.sh:Run this script on the ASE machine to open the default ASE ports: 80, 443, 8010, and 8020.
  • Purge logs