For API Publish to start, the apipublish_master.key must be present in the apipublish/config directory. If you have moved the master key to a secured location for security reasons, copy it to the config directory before starting the service.

You can start API Publish service in one of the following two ways:
  • Using service script available in the bin directory, or
  • Using the script available in the bin directory.

Start API Publish as a service

Complete the following steps to start API Publish as a service:
  1. Navigate to the bin directory and run the following command to install API Publish as a service:
    #sudo ./ pi-apipublish
  2. Start the service by entering the following command:
    systemctl start pi-apipublish.service

Start API Publish using script

To start API Publish, run the script located in the /pingidentity/apipublish/bin directory.

$ ../bin/

Stop API Publish using script

To stop API Publish, run the script available in the bin directory.

# ../bin/

Stop API Publish using service script

Run the following command to stop the API Publish service.
systemctl stop pi-apipublish.service