To view the reports, complete the following steps:
- Download
JSON files from Ping Identity Download site. These configuration files will be used by Postman. - Download and install the Postman application 6.2.5 or higher.
In Postman, import the two Ping Identity files downloaded in step 1 by clicking the Import button.
After importing the files, click the gear button in the upper right corner.
- In the MANAGE ENVIRONMENTS pop-up window, click ASE_4.3_Environment
- In the pop-up window, configure the following values and then click Update
- ASE_IP: IP address of the ASE node.
- Port: Port number of the ASE node.
- Access_Key_Header and Secret_Key_Header: Use the default values.
- Access_Key and Secret_Key: Use admin for access key and secret key. If you have changed the admin password, use the updated one.
- API_Name: The name of the API which you want to administer.
Note: Do not edit any fields that start with the wordSystem
. - In the main Postman window, select the report to display on the left column and then click Send.