PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Library scripts

To reuse an existing script, create a library script containing the functionality you want to reuse and reference it from a next-generation script.

A library script can take the format of any JavaScript code. You can also import functionality from another library script.

For example:

  • Create a library script using a minified third-party JavaScript utility library, such as lodash.js.

    Only import scripts from trusted third parties that you know take security seriously. It is your responsibility to ensure that third-party code is secure and to maintain it.

  • Write your own reusable snippet that enhances PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud debugging functionality.

Modules that use file systems, such as node:fs or XMLHTTPRequest, are not supported. Only modules that are self-contained and don’t use a file system explicitly or indirectly are supported.

Create a library script

  1. In the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, create a script of type Library.

  2. In the JavaScript editor, paste the contents of a minified third-party JavaScript library or write your own code.

    Expose the reusable functions of your library script by defining properties on the exports object.

    For this example, myExampleLibrary defines and exports three functions:

    function add(i, j) {
      return i + j;
    function logTotal(i) {"Total so far: " + i);
    // export functions
    exports.add = add;
    exports.logTotal = logTotal;
    // export a constant
    exports.PI = 3.14;
    // direct export using an inline declaration
    exports.encodeURL = (url) => {
      return utils.base64url.encode(url);

    For similar functionality to library scripts, refer to the CommonJS modules.

    You can’t create or export classes in library scripts, only functions and constants.

    As a next-generation script, a library script has access to all the next-generation common bindings. You can also pass in parameters.

    Make sure you don’t use the same name for a local variable as that of a common binding in your script. These names are reserved for common bindings only.

    If you have already defined a local variable with the same name as one that’s added to common bindings in a more recent version of PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud; for example, utils, you must rename the variable in your scripts.

  3. Save your changes.

Import a library script

  1. In the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, create or edit a next-generation script.

    Only next-generation scripts support the use of library scripts.

    Alternatively, create or edit a Library script to nest library scripts.

  2. In the JavaScript editor, load the library using the require(LIBRARY_SCRIPT) notation; for example:

    var mylib = require('myExampleLibrary');

  3. Access the exported functions and constants using the library variable; in this case, mylib:

    var i = mylib.add(10, mylib.PI);
    var encoded = mylib.encodeURL("");
  4. Save your changes.