PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Identity Cloud product lifecycle and releases

PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud releases new features, updates functionality and fixes bugs on a continual cadence. ForgeRock aims to deliver features and functionality that will be the most useful, complete and intuitive for customers. In order to deliver on this goal we have several stages to our release lifecycle.

Early access

Participating in Early Access programs allow customers to provide feedback and collaborate with ForgeRock in designing future capabilities in the product.

Select customers are invited to provide feedback on new features. Customers are encouraged to give feedback and have an active say in product direction; product management and customer success will work with you to gather feedback. Features may be unstable, changed in backward-incompatible ways, and are not guaranteed to be released. We will use all reasonable efforts to communicate breaking changes to customers participating in the program.


Beta features give customers advanced insights into up-and-coming product capabilities with extra time to prepare to adopt the feature and provide design feedback to the product team. Generally speaking, functionality is stable and meets security and quality expectations but please note that a beta feature is not officially supported for production use.

Upcoming features

Customers receive notifications of new and upcoming features at least a week in advance of a release. The notifications provide customers with high-level information on changes or new functionality.

Limited availability

Features are available for production use and are fully functional and supported; however, they are available only to a select set of customers.

Migration dependent features

Features are not backward compatible and require a tenant migration before they can be used. Learn more in Migration dependent features.

General availability

Features are available for production use and are fully functional and supported. They are available to all customers.

Bug fixes and low impact changes

On an ongoing basis, ForgeRock makes bug fixes and low impact changes as necessary to Advanced Identity Cloud. These types of fixes are deployed as necessary. You can monitor these in the Regular channel changelog and Rapid channel changelog. You can also subscribe to the RSS feeds mentioned at the start of the two changelog pages.

Deprecation and end of life

In order to maintain both security and quality in ForgeRock Identity Cloud, we periodically have to modify or remove functionality.

Learn more in Deprecation Notices.

Deprecated features

A feature or behavior (or API endpoint) flagged for deprecation means it is no longer actively enhanced, and is minimally maintained. Tenants using the feature at the time of deprecation will continue to have access to the feature until it reaches end of life, at which point customers will no longer have access to the feature. We know deprecation disruptions are inconvenient, and as such we attempt to limit the frequency of deprecations and to pair them with alternative options and/or migration recommendations where available.

Deprecation notification

Deprecation information is posted to the ForgeRock Identity Cloud documentation. Deprecation notices typically include a date that the feature or behavior will reach end of life. Our policy is to flag a feature for deprecation with at least twelve (12) months advance notice prior to end of life whenever possible, in order to allow a twelve (12) month migration window.

Periodically, and in case of emergency (critical vulnerabilities or changes required by applicable law or third-party certification standards), we may accelerate this time frame. In such cases, we will provide as much prior notice as is reasonable under the circumstances.

During deprecation

Customers should engage in a migration to move away from the deprecated feature or behavior.

End of life

Features that reach the end of life stage are removed from the platform. Continued use of these features will likely result in errors.