PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Create a script

To create a script in a realm, perform an HTTP POST using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, with an _action parameter set to create. Include a JSON representation of the script in the POST data.

The value for script must be in UTF-8 format and encoded into Base64.

The <session-cookie-name> header is required and should contain the SSO token of an administrative user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "<session-cookie-name>: AQICS...NzEz*" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.1" \
--data '{
    "name": "MyJavaScript",
    "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==",
    "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
    "context": "POLICY_CONDITION",
    "description": "An example script"
}' \
    "_id": "0168d494-015a-420f-ae5a-6a2a5c1126af",
    "_rev": "-482518750",
    "name": "MyJavaScript",
    "description": "An example script",
    "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==",
    "default": false,
    "language": "JAVASCRIPT",
    "context": "POLICY_CONDITION",
    "createdBy": "id=ed6816a3-c158-48e0-8402-b2f971b5b492,ou=user,ou=am-config",
    "creationDate": 1687779600329,
    "lastModifiedBy": "id=ed6816a3-c158-48e0-8402-b2f971b5b492,ou=user,ou=am-config",
    "lastModifiedDate": 1687779600329,
    "evaluatorVersion": "1.0"