PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Manage reports

Generate and view reports using the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI

Use the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI reports page to generate the pre-configured reports or run a history for a particular reporting run.

Run and view a report

  1. Log in to the Advanced Identity Cloud, and then click Reports.

  2. Select a report, and then click Run.

  3. For a specific report, enter or select the parameter values in the report.

  4. Click Run Report.

  5. Click the Run History tab, do the following:

    • Click View Report to view the report.

    • Click to export the report as JSON or CSV.

    • Click the ellipsis (), and then click Run Details to view information about the reporting run.

      After you generate a report, the report is available for download and to view for 24 hours. If you have downloaded the report, the same report is available for further downloads for 30 days.

      reports download button
      • 1 Started: Date and time the reporting run started.

      • 2 Status: If the reporting run is successful, the Status displays Complete; if it fails, Error.

      • 3 Click View Report to open it.

      • 4 Click the download icon () to export the report as JSON or CSV.

      • 5 Click ellipsis () to view the run history details.

Available reports

Advanced Identity Cloud provides the following out-of-the-box report types:

Application Access

The Application Access Report for OAuth report provides a history of who and how many users accessed an application associated with an OAuth2 client in the realm for a given time period.

The report helps understand the list of users who access Advanced Identity Cloud using the access details.

Currently, only OAuth2 client IDs are supported. The application name cannot be used for the query.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom

OAuth2 Applications

Select one or more applications.


Select one or more users who accessed the application.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description

OAuth2 Applications

Select OAuth2 application(s) for the report.


Select users for the report.

Report From

Start date for the report range.

Report To

End date for the report range.

Event Time

Date and time when the application was accessed.

User Name

Selected user name for the report.

User Id

UUID of the user who access the application.

Application Name

Selected application name for the report.


Scope of the authentication.

Token Type

Type of access token.


Status of the operation:



reports application access

IDM Sync Errors

The IDM Sync Errors report provides an error report of user sync activities for a given time period.

The report is useful to understand the errors that occurred during provisioning.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description

Report From

Selected campaign name for the report.

Report To

Selected status for the report.

User Name

Username who ran the sync operation.

Application Name

Name of application for the report.


Type of action for the Advanced Identity Cloud sync.


Any comments attached to the reports.


Any exceptions discovered during the sync.

Event Time

Date and time of the sync event.

reports idm sync error

Journey History

The Journey History report provides a history of all journeys one or more user(s) completed for a given time period.

The report can be used to understand when one or more users have registered, logged in, or reset their password.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom


Select one or more users who may have accessed the application.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description


Selected users for the report.

Report From

Start date for the report range.

Report To

End date for the report range.


Selected users for the report.

Journey Name

Name of journey.

Journey Result

Displays the result of the journey: SUCCESSFUL or FAILURE.


Date and time for the journey.

reports journey history

Journey Node History

The Journey Node History report provides a history of a user’s journey and nodes traversed for a given time period.

The report can be used to understand login or churn issues. To understand a user’s journeys and node traversal history, download the report and filter on the user.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom


Select one or more journeys for the report.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description


Selected journey(s) for the report.

Report From

Start date for the report.

Report To

End date for the report.

Tracking Id

Tracking ID for the journey.

Journey Name

Name of the journey.

Journey Status

Selected journey status.

User Name

User name for the person running the report.


Date and time.

Node Details

Node details used in the journeys:

  • Node Type. Type of node in the journey.

  • Node Name. Name of the node in the journey.

  • Node Event Time. Date and time of the node event.

  • Node Outcome. Outcome of the node, depending on node type.

reports journey node history

Journey Node Usage

The Journey Node Usage report provides the count and details of nodes traversed by a user for one or more journeys for a given time period.

The report shows when a user used a journey, such as One Time Password (OTP), in a given time period and when the user last used the journey.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom


Select one or more journeys for the report.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description


Selected journey(s) for the report.

Report From

Start date for the report.

Report To

End date for the report.

Journey Name

Name of the journey.

Journey Status

Status of the journey.

User Name

User name for the person running the report.

Node Name

Name of the specific node.

Node type

Type of node.

Node Outcome

Outcome of the node: true, false, or outcome.

Node Usage Count

Number of times the node was used.

Last Usage

Date and time of the latest node usage.

reports journey node usage

Journey Stats

The Journey Stats report provides a report on the number of times one or more journeys have completed in a period of time with a particular status.

The report can be used to query on more than one outcome to provide an aggregated count. To get numbers for each outcome, run multiple reports.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom


Select a journey outcome:

  • Successful

  • Failed

  • Continue


Select one or more journeys for the report.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description


Journeys tracked in the report.


Outcome of the journey covered in the report:




Report From

Start date for the report.

Report To

End date for the report.

User Name

User name for the person owning the journey.

Journey Name

Name of the journey.


Number of journeys for the user.

reports user journey stats

Org Users Report

The Org Users Report provides a list of the organizations in your company and their associated members.

The report options are:

Field Description


Enter one or more organizations.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description


Selected organizations for the report.

Org Name

Name of the organization.

User Name

Username of a user in the organization.

First Name

First name of user in the organization.

Last Name

Surname of the user in the organization.


Email address of the user in the organization.

reports org users report

Role Composition

The Role Composition report provides a list of roles and their metadata.

Field Description


Click Run to generate the report.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description

Role Name

Name of the role.


Description for the role.

Temporal Constraints

Any time-limited constraints for the assigned role.

reports role composition

Role Membership

The Role Membership report provides a list of roles and their associated members.

The report options are:

Field Description


Enter one or more roles for the report.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description


Selected roles for the report.

Role Name

Name of the role.

User Name

Username of the user assigned the role.

First Name

First name of the user assigned the role.

Last Name

Surname of the user assigned the role.


Email address of the user assigned the role.

reports role membership

Tenant Admin Activity

The Tenant Admin Activity report provides a history of administrator creation and update activities on managed objects for a given time period.

The report is useful as an audit report of all end user profile changes made by a tenant administrator.

Currently, only administrator activity on managed objects is supported.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description

Report From

Start date for the report.

Report To

End date for the report.




Type of operation.


Timestamp of the operation.


Name of the admin running the operation.

reports tenant admin activity

User Access Details

The User Access Details report lists a user’s current assigned applications, organizations, and role assignments.

Currently, the report is only available in JSON format.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select one or more users who may have accessed the application.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description


User selected for the report.

User Name

Username of the user.

First Name

First name of the user.

Last Name

Surname of the user.

Role Names

Any role names assigned the user.

Application Names

Application name of the accessed resource.

Org Names

Organization name of the user who access the resource.

reports user access details

User Count by Activity

The User Count by Activity report provides a unique user count with at least one activity like sign-in, set or update password, or token requests.

The report can be used to understand the count of unique users interacting with Advanced Identity Cloud during go-live or new application onboarding events.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description

Report From

Start date for the report.

Report To

End date for the report.

User Activity Count

Number of unique user activity events like sign-in, set or update password, or access token requests.

reports user count by activity

User Count by Status

The User Count by Status report provides the number of users in an active, inactive, or blocked status.

The report can be used to query on more than one status to provide an aggregated count. To get numbers for each status, run multiple reports.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a status option:

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Blocked

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description


Selected status to include in the report.


Number of users with the selected status.

reports user count by status

User Journey Stats

The User Journey Stats report lists the number of times a user completed or did not complete a journey.

The report can be used to query on more than one outcome to provide an aggregated count. To get numbers for each outcome, run multiple reports.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom


Select a journey outcome

  • Successful

  • Failed

  • Continue


Select one or more journeys for the report.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description


Selected journeys included in the report.


Selected outcomes included in the report.

Report From

Start date for the report.

Report To

End date for the report.


Username of the user who ran the journey.

Journey Name

Name of the journey.


Number of times the user ran the journey successfully or not.

reports user journey stats

User Last Login

The User Last Login report lists the users in a particular status, along with their last login time.

The report is based on the successful journey completion of the provided list of journeys. The report can be used to get the journey names designated as login journeys.

The report options are:

Field Description


Select a report time frame:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom


Select a status option:

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Blocked


Enter or select one or more journeys.

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description

Account Status

Status included in the report.


Journeys tracked in the report.

Report From

Start date for the report.

Report To

End date for the report.

Last Name

Surname of the user.

First Name

First name of the user.

User Name

Username of the user.


Journey name for the last login.


Timestamp of the last login.

reports user last login

Campaign Decision Details

The Campaign Decision Details report[1] provides the decision details along with reviewer information for a campaign.

The report options are:

Field Description

Campaign Name

Enter the name of the campaign.

Campaign Status

Select one of the following:

  • In-progress

  • Signed-off

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description

Campaign Name

Selected campaign name for the report.

Campaign Status

Selected status for the report.

Certification Name

Name of the certification.

Campaign Id

ID associated with the campaign.

User Name

Selected user name for the report.

Account Name

Account name for the user.

Application Name

Selected application name for the report.


Type of campaign.

Entitlement Name

Entitlement name if the campaign involves access to an entitlement.


Campaign decision:

  • certify

  • revoke

  • exception

Decision By

Reviewer who made the certification decision.

Completed By

User who completed the certification decision.

Completion Date

Date of the certification completion.

Decision Data

Date and time when the decision was made.


Any comments entered for the campaign.

reports campaign decision details

Campaign Details

The Campaign Details report[1] provides information on the filters and attributes of campaigns.

The report options are:

Field Description

Campaign Name

Enter the name of the campaign.

Campaign Status

Select one of the following:

  • In-progress

  • Signed-off

The report output contains the following columns:

Field Description

Campaign Name

Selected campaign name for the report.

Campaign Status

Selected status for the report.

Campaign Id

ID associated with the campaign.


Description of the campaign.

Certification Type

Type of certification:

  • Identity

  • Entitlement assignment

  • Role membership

Escalation Notification

Notification for any escalation actions.


Owner of the certificate.


Selected status for the report:

  • in-progress

  • expiring

  • overdue

Create Date

Date and time the campaign was created.

Target Filter

Filter made on the campaign.

reports campaign details

1. Identity Governance is an add-on capability to Advanced Identity Cloud. Contact your Ping Identity representative if you want to add PingOne® Identity Governance to your Advanced Identity Cloud subscription.