PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Identity Governance-related APIs

Identity Governance has many features, including access requests, the governance glossary (catalog), and entitlements. The following sections comprehensively explore the Identity Governance REST API endpoints.

YAML file

The REST APIs contain many parameters and, in some instances, large request bodies. For your convenience, you can view the entire API using a YAML file based on the OpenAPI specification.

To download the YAML file, click here.

Adjust the configurations of the file to match your specific details, such as your Advanced Identity Cloud tenant FQDN.


Request types

URI HTTP method Description



Get a list of supported request types.



Create a new custom request type.



Get the request type by ID.



Replace an existing request type.



Update a request type.



Delete a request type.

Access request

In Identity Governance, end users can request access to resources. Resources are target applications, entitlements, or roles. You define which resources are requestable.

For more information, refer to access requests.

The following table shows the endpoints used by access requests:

You can define workflows for access requests, such as what email gets sent to who for an access request type. These endpoints are used, in tandem, with the access request endpoints. For more information, refer to Workflows.
URI HTTP method Description



Create or validate a new access request for a list of users. When submitting a new request for access, the system validates the request’s contents. If no issues are found, IGA creates a request for each pairing of user and catalog items included in the request.

You can choose to only validate the request by using the validate action. This action displays any errors in the current request payload without creating any requests.



Create request of the given request type.



Retrieve the details of a single access request using an unique identifier, requestId.



Replace the content of a request. The only properties that can be changed are properties that are defined in the request schema and not in the nonModifiableProperties.



Update the contents of a request. The only properties that can be updated are properties that are defined in the request schema and not in the nonModifiableProperties.



Perform various actions on a specific request, such as approve, reject, comment, cancel, update, or reassign. Each action may have different payloads depending on the information the caller needs to provide.



Get requests for which the authenticated user has permissions to view. For additional search capabilities, use the POST /governance/user/{userId}/requests?_action=search API.



Get requests for which the authenticated user has permissions to view. The targetFilter property in the API payload can be used to filter the requests based on the desired criteria.



Get requests for which the authenticated user is assigned, either directly, through a role, or through a delegate. The targetFilter property in the API payload can be used to filter the requests based on the desired criteria.

Request forms

Identity Governance enables administrators to create custom forms presented to users during request workflows.

URI HTTP method Description



Search request forms.



Create a request form.



Get a request form by ID.



Replace an existing request form by ID.



Update an existing request form by ID.



Search the request form assignments.



Assign and unassign a request form.

Governance glossary (catalog)

In Identity Governance, you can use the governance glossary to attach custom attributes (metadata) to applications, entitlements, or roles to enhance certifications or access requests.

For more information, refer to the Manage governance glossary.

The following table shows the endpoints used by access requests:

URI HTTP method Description



Get a list of items from the Identity Governance access catalog. Each entry represents a single type of requestable access that can be added to a request. The current supported types of access that are requestable are application, entitlement, and role.



Get a list of items from the Identity Governance access catalog using additional filter criteria. Each entry represents a single type of requestable access that can be added to a request. The current supported types of access that are requestable are application, entitlement, and role.



Retrieve all currently configured properties eligible to be used for search or sort when searching against the catalog API. Each property includes some additional metadata about the property, such as whether it is multivalued or not and its datatype.



Retrieve all currently configured properties eligible to be used for search or sort for a single object when searching against the catalog API. For example, you can use the endpoint to search for all specific entitlement properties. Each property includes some additional metadata about the property, such as whether it is multivalued or not and its datatype.


In the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, you can add or remove, or provision, resources from end users, however; you can do the same through REST APIs.

The following table shows the endpoints to add or remove users from resources:

URI HTTP method Description



Provision or de-provision applications for an end user.



Provision or de-provision roles for an end user.



Provision or de-provision entitlements for an end user.

Identity Governance configurations

Identity Governance has overarching configurations, such as requiring a justification when rejecting an access request.

The following table shows the endpoints relating to Identity Governance configurations:

URI HTTP method Description



Reads and returns all Identity Governance configuration properties across all categories.

Only access request-related properties are available. These properties are used to determine the behavior behind functionality. For example, access request features contain configuration on whether justification is required to reject a request or whether a user can approve their own access.



Update all Identity Governance configuration properties across all categories. Only access request-related properties are available.

You must include all current configurations when saving changes, Identity Governance replaces any omitted keys with default values.



Get Identity Governance configuration settings for a given category (for example, iga_access_request).



Update Identity Governance configuration settings for a given category (for example, iga_access_request).


Accounts are user profiles in applications. For example, when you provision an end user to an application, an account is created for them.

The following table shows the endpoints for accounts:

URI HTTP method Description



Retrieve all account objects across all applications that have been onboarded as part of any application.



Retrieve all account objects across all applications that have been onboarded as part of any application. Additional filter criteria can be provided to allow searching by application, user, or glossary data.



Retrieve by details of a single account object using its unique identifier.



Retrieve the glossary specific details of a single account object using its unique identifier.



Create glossary entry for a single account object using its unique identifier.



Create or update a glossary entry for a single account object using its unique identifier.


Events are rules defined to detect a change in the IGA system. Each rule has two core parts: a condition for the event and the action taken when that event occurs

The following table shows the endpoints for events:

URI HTTP method Description



Get and search for a list of event rules defined in IGA. Each entry represents a single event rule defined to detect a change in the system. IGA rules consist of two core pieces: condition for the event, and action taken when the event occurs. For example, a rule might define that whenever someone creates a user in IGA, they should also generate a certification for that user.



Create a single IGA event rule. A single event rule is defined to detect a change in the system. IGA rules consist of two core pieces: condition for the event, and action taken when that event occurs. For example, a rule might define that whenever someone creates a user in IGA, they should also generate a certification for that user.



Get a single IGA event by ID. The response is a single event rule defined to detect a change in the system.



Update a single IGA event by ID. This call requires that the entire object be provided and that it replaces the entire existing event definition.



Update a single IGA event by ID. This call allows the caller to update specific properties of the event only without providing the entire object.



Delete a single IGA event by ID.



Get the list of available event entities from which you can define a condition.



Get the available schema for defining a condition on a given object. For example, user returns the attributes available for defining an event for users in IGA.


Scope determines which specific users are able to view or interact with particular target objects. Scoping rules comprise of two core parts: a condition for the source object (who or what the scope applies to) and a condition for the target object that can be viewed or acted upon.

URI HTTP method Description



Get and search for a list of scoping rules defined in IGA. Each entry represents a single scoping rule defined to assign a set of conditions that allows a subset of users visibility on a subset of target objects. IGA scoping rules consist of two core parts: a condition for the source object (who/what the scope applies to) and a condition for the target object that can be viewed or acted upon.



Create a single scoping rule in IGA. Each scoping rule is defined to assign a set of conditions that allows a subset of users visibility on a subset of target objects. IGA scoping rules consist of two core parts: a condition for the source object (who/what the scope applies to) and a condition for the target object that can be viewed or acted upon.



Get a single scoping rule in IGA by ID. Each scoping rule is defined to assign a set of conditions that allows a subset of users visibility on a subset of target objects. IGA scoping rules consist of two core parts: a condition for the source object (who/what the scope applies to) and a condition for the target object that can be viewed or acted upon.



Update a single IGA scope by ID. This call expects the entire object to be provided and replaces the entire existing scope definition.



Update a single IGA scope by ID. This call allows the caller to update specific properties of the scope only without providing the entire object.



Delete a single IGA scope by ID.



Get a list of available entities on which a condition can be defined.



Get the available schema for defining a condition on a given object. For example, 'user' returns the attributes available for defining a scope for users in IGA.


URI HTTP method Description



Get the tasks for which the authenticated user has permissions to view.



Get the tasks for which the authenticated user has permissions to view. The targetFilter property in the payload can be used to filter requests based on the desired criteria.

Evolving APIs

The APIs referenced in this section are evolving, which means they can change or become deprecated at any time.

The current evolving APIs focus on entitlements. For more information, refer to Manage entitlements.

URI HTTP method Description



Get an entitlement by an ID.



Search for a list of all entitlements that match the target filter.



Gets the users assigned to a specific entitlement.

Access grant

Access grants are one-to-one relationships between an end user and a resource.

For example, when you assign an end user to an entitlement, Identity Governance correlates the user to that entitlement. This one-to-one correlation is an entitlement grant. If an entitlement has 12 users associated, there are 12 entitlement grants.

For each entitlement grant, a confidence score can be assigned using Autonomous ID (Autonomous Identity).

With Autonomous Identity data exported, import the confidence scores into Identity Governance. The confidence scores display on line-items in a certification. This assists certifiers regarding which actions to take during a certification. For example, if the confidence score for an end user to have an entitlement is 90, then the certifier can have a high degree of certainty that the end user can have the entitlement.

The following table shows the endpoints relating to an entitlement grant’s glossary metadata:

Only create confidence scores for access grants from data generated from Autonomous Identity.

When importing the confidence scores from Autonomous Identity, use a script to iterate over the resource ID and account ID.

URI HTTP method Description



Retrieve a single entitlement grant’s glossary entry by account and entitlement ID.



Create a single entitlement grant’s glossary entry by account and entitlement ID.



Create or update a single entitlement grant’s glossary entry by account and entitlement ID.