PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Upload an Android assetlinks.json file

What is an Android assetlinks.json file?

An Android assetlinks.json file is a metadata file that lets your website declare an association with your Android apps. By convention, it is accessed from your website using the endpoint /.well-known/assetlinks.json.

To help you integrate your Android apps with PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud, you can upload an assetlinks.json file to a tenant environment and access it through a custom domain associated with the environment. You can do this for each custom domain in your set of environments.

As the configuration in your upper environments is immutable, you can only modify the content of an assetlinks.json file in your development environment configuration. You must then promote any configuration changes to your upper environments.

Ensure you have set up a custom domain for each environment and realm where you need to upload an assetlinks.json file.

High-level process

The high-level process to configure and promote an assetlinks.json file is as follows:

  1. In your development environment, use the endpoint naming format /openidm/config/fidc/assetlinks.<custom-domain-fqdn> to set assetlinks.json content in your configuration with an association to a custom domain. For example, for the custom domain, use the endpoint /openidm/config/fidc/

  2. Promote the configuration to the upper environment that’s configured to use the custom domain; for example, if your production environment is configured to use the custom domain, you will need to promote to your staging environment, and then promote again to your production environment.

  3. Access the assetlinks.json file from your custom domain using the endpoint /.well-known/assetlinks.json; for example, for the custom domain, use the URL

Use a custom domain to view an assetlinks.json file. You don’t need to use an access token as the file is publicly accessible.

Show request
$ curl \
--request GET 'https://<custom-domain-fqdn>/.well-known/assetlinks.json'(1)
1 Replace <custom-domain-fqdn> with a custom domain, for example
Show response
    "relation": [
    "target": {
        "namespace": "web",
        "site": ""
  1. Refer to the High-level process for configuring and promoting an assetlinks.json file.

  2. In your development environment:

    1. Get an access token.

    2. Set the assetlinks.json file contents in your configuration:

      Show request
      $ curl \
      --request PUT 'https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/openidm/config/fidc/assetlinks.<custom-domain-fqdn>' \(1) (2)
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' \(3)
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-raw '{(4)
        "data": [
            "relation": [
            "target": {
              "namespace": "web",
              "site": ""
      1 Replace <tenant-env-fqdn> with the domain of your development environment; for example,
      2 Replace <custom-domain-fqdn> with the custom domain, for example
      3 Replace <access-token> with the access token.
      4 Replace the example assetlinks.json JSON content with your own JSON content. Note that the JSON content is wrapped in a data object wrapper.
      Show response
        "_id": "fidc/",
        "data": [
            "relation": [
            "target": {
              "namespace": "web",
              "site": ""
    3. (Optional) Repeat the previous step for each additional custom domain that needs the assetlinks.json file uploading or replacing.

  3. Run a series of promotions to add the development environment configuration to your upper environments. Learn more in:

  4. Use your custom domain to view the assetlinks.json file. If you uploaded or replaced additional assetlinks.json files, repeat this for each custom domain.

  1. Refer to the High-level process for configuring and promoting an assetlinks.json file.

  2. In your development environment:

    1. Get an access token.

    2. Delete the assetlinks.json file contents from your configuration:

      Show request
      $ curl \
      --request DELETE 'https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/openidm/config/fidc/assetlinks.<custom-domain-fqdn>' \(1) (2)
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>'(3)
      1 Replace <tenant-env-fqdn> with the domain of your development environment, for example
      2 Replace <custom-domain-fqdn> with your custom domain, for example
      3 Replace <access-token> with the access token.
      Show response
        "_id": "fidc/",
        "data": [
            "relation": [
            "target": {
              "namespace": "web",
              "site": ""
    3. (Optional) Repeat the previous step for each additional custom domain that needs the assetlinks.json file deleting.

  3. Run a series of promotions to add the development environment configuration to your upper environments. Learn more in:

  4. Use your custom domain to view the assetlinks.json file and check that it is empty. If you deleted additional assetlinks.json files, repeat this for each custom domain.