PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Scripted decision node API

A Scripted Decision node calls server-side JavaScript to set the outcome for the node programmatically and determine the path the authentication journey takes. The script can perform actions before setting the outcome.

Create or edit a journey decision node script directly from within in the journey editor.

When configuring the Scripted Decision node, add the two outcomes true and false in Outcomes. Each outcome appears as a node endpoint that you connect to other nodes in the journey.

The outcome, which can be either a String or a CharSequence type, aren’t limited to true and false. Specify a value for each possible outcome and as many outcomes as required by the journey.

Use the action object to set the outcome.

Script bindings

A Scripted Decision node script has access to some or all the common bindings, predefined objects that PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud injects into the script execution context, depending on the script engine type.

You can find information and examples for these bindings, such as httpClient, logger, openidm, and utils, in Script bindings.

In addition to the common bindings, a Scripted Decision node script has access to the following specific bindings.

PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud has introduced a next-generation scripting engine that offers several benefits, including enhanced script bindings.

The availability and usage of bindings depend on the script engine version of the script: legacy or next-generation. Both versions are described in this section.

You can find information about migrating to the enhanced scripting engine in Migrate to next-generation scripts.

Binding Description Further information

action (1)

Set the script outcome and perform script-related actions.


Add information to the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud audit logs.

callbacksBuilder(1) callbacks

Request additional data from the user using a callback.


If the user has previously authenticated and has an authenticated session, use this binding to access the properties of that session.


Access the data stored in the user’s profile.


Generate JWT assertions in scripts.


Validate JWT assertions in scripts.


Access data set by previous nodes in the journey or store data to be used by subsequent nodes.


Access information about the OAuth 2.0 request if the Scripted Decision node is part of a federated journey associated with a client application.


Access the request cookies in the login request.


Access the HTTP headers provided in the login request.


Access the HTTP request parameters provided in the login request.


Boolean to indicate whether evaluation has resumed after suspension.

For example, the value returns True after sending an email and receiving the response.


Access information about the SAML 2.0 request if the Scripted Decision node is part of a federated journey associated with an application.


Access the secrets configured for PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud in the environment.

(1) Not available in Legacy scripts.

Set script outcome and script attributes

Use the action object to define the outcome and access functions to set script attributes, such as error or lockout messages, verified identities, or session properties.

Use action instead of outcome to define the exit path from the node. The action object takes precedence and overrides the value set for the outcome variable. You can also use it to perform other script operations.

Call the goTo method directly on the action binding. Optionally, chain with ActionWrapper functions.

Supported ActionWrapper functions:
Method Information

public ActionWrapper putSessionProperty(String key, String value)

Add a session property.

public ActionWrapper removeSessionProperty(String key)

Remove an existing session property.

public ActionWrapper withDescription(String description)

Set a description for this action.

public ActionWrapper withErrorMessage(String message)

Set an error message to display to the end user when the journey reaches the Failure node.

public ActionWrapper withHeader(String header)

Set a header for this action.

public ActionWrapper withIdentifiedAgent(String agentName)

public ActionWrapper withIdentifiedUser(String username)

Set the identity, authenticated or not, of the user or agent verified to exist in an identity store.

Use these methods to record the type of identified user.

public ActionWrapper withLockoutMessage(String message)

Set an error message to display to the end user when the account is locked or inactive.

public ActionWrapper withStage(String stage)

Set a stage name to return to the client to aid the rendering of the UI.

// Evaluation continues along the "false" outcome

 // No effect
outcome = "true";

A script can also use the action object to set session properties and callbacks.

Access request cookies

Use the requestCookies binding to access the cookies in the login request without having to perform string manipulation of the request header.

The requestCookies binding stores the cookie names and values in the format Map<String, String>.

if (typeof requestCookies === "undefined") {

if (Object.keys(requestCookies).length === 0) {

if (requestCookies.containsKey("amlbcookie")) {
  logger.debug("amlbcookie: " + requestCookies.amlbcookie);


Access request header

A script can access the headers in the login request with the methods of the requestHeaders object.

The script has access to a copy of the headers. Changing their values does not affect the request.

String[] requestHeaders.get(String headerName)

Returns an array of the values in the named request header, or null, if the property is not set.

Header names are case-sensitive.

if (requestHeaders.get("user-agent").get(0).indexOf("Chrome") !== -1) {
} else {

Access request parameters

A script can access the query parameters in the login request with the methods of the requestParameters object.

The script has access to a copy of the parameters. Changing their values doesn’t affect the request.

String[] requestParameters.get(String parameterName)

Return an array of the values in the named request parameter, or null, if the parameter is not available.

var service;
var authIndexType = requestParameters.get("authIndexType");

if (authIndexType && String(authIndexType.get(0)) === "service") {
    service = requestParameters.get("authIndexValue").get(0);

if (service) {
    nodeState.putShared("service", service);

In JavaScript, the data type (typeof) of requestParameters values is object.

Convert the values to strings before using strict equality comparisons.

Access shared state data

A script can access the shared state of the journey with the methods of the nodeState object.

The sharedState and transientState bindings are deprecated, and are removed in the next-generation scripting engine.

You can still access the different states with the nodeState object, which replaces the sharedState and transientState bindings.

For example, use nodeState.putShared() instead of sharedState.put(), and nodeState.putTransient() instead of transientState.put(). Use nodeState.get() to retrieve shared and transient state properties.

There are three types of state:


Non-sensitive state.


Sensitive state.

Transient state data is never sent back to the user’s browser in a callback so doesn’t need to be encrypted. The transient state is for sensitive data and for data not required after the next callback.


Encrypted sensitive state.

Secure state data is sent back to the user’s browser encrypted as part of the shared state object.

Transient state data is promoted to secure state data when:

  • A callback to the user is about to occur.

  • A downstream node is detected in the journey, requesting data in the transient state as script input.

Unless the downstream node explicitly requests the secure state data by name, the authentication journey removes it from the node state after processing the next callback.

For example, a node in a registration journey stores a user’s password in transient state. The node sends a callback to the user before an inner tree node, downstream in the journey, consumes that password. As part of the callback, the journey assesses what to add to the secure state. It does this by checking the state inputs that downstream nodes in the journey require. Nodes that only request * are ignored, as this would result in putting everything that’s in transient state into secure state, and retaining sensitive information longer than necessary.

If a downstream node requires the password, it must therefore explicitly request it as state input, even if it lists the * wildcard as input.

<returnvalue> nodeState.get(String propertyName)

Returns the value of the named property.

The value may come from the transient, secure, or shared states, in that order. If the same property is available in several states, the method returns the value of the property in the transient state first.

If the property isn’t set, the method returns null.

Returns the value as an Object. The JavaScript return type is coerced, so you no longer need to call functions such as asString() or asMap().

var currentAuthLevel = nodeState.get("authLevel");
var thePassword = nodeState.get("password");

<returnvalue> nodeState.getObject(String propertyName)

Returns the value of the named property.

If the value is a map, this method combines and returns the values stored in transient, secure, and shared state.

If the property isn’t set, the method returns null.

The getObject method returns an immutable object. If you want to update the object, use nodeState.get(String propertyName) instead. The get method doesn’t combine values but returns the first value found in transient, secure, or shared state (in that order). You can then modify the returned object.

For example:

var attributes = nodeState.get("objectAttributes");
if (attributes) {
  attributes.put("mail", "");
  nodeState.putShared("objectAttributes", attributes);


Returns the value as an Object. The JavaScript return type is coerced.

var attributes = nodeState.getObject("objectAttributes");

<returnvalue> nodeState.putShared(String propertyName, String propertyValue)

Sets the value of the named shared state property.

Returns a modified instance of NodeStateScriptWrapper.

try {
  var thePassword = nodeState.get("password");
} catch (e) {
  nodeState.putShared("errorMessage", e.toString());

<returnvalue> nodeState.putTransient(String propertyName, String propertyValue)

Sets the value of the named transient state property.

Returns a modified instance of NodeStateScriptWrapper.

nodeState.putTransient("sensitiveKey", "sensitiveValue");

<returnvalue> nodeState.mergeShared(Map<String, Object> object)

Adds the specified object to shared state by merging the keys. If a key already exists, in any state, its value is replaced by the specified value.

You can only merge a nested object if it’s a registered state object, such as objectAttributes. If you provide new values for objectAttributes, they’re merged with the existing values. For example, if the following objectAttributes values already exist in secure state:

{ "key1": "a", "key2": "b" }

and you call mergeShared() with this set of values:

{ "key1": "z", "key3": "c"}

then the merged result contains these values when you call getObject("objectAttributes"):

"objectAttributes": { "key1": "z", "key2": "b", "key3": "c"}

where key1 is removed from secure and added to shared state along with key3, and key2 remains in secure state.

Returns a modified instance of NodeStateScriptWrapper.

// specify new values for objectAttributes as a JSON object
  "objectAttributes": {
	"mail": "",
    "userName": "bjensen"

<returnvalue> nodeState.mergeTransient(Map<String, Object> object)

Adds the specified object to transient state by merging the keys. If a key already exists, in any state, its value is replaced by the specified value.

You can only merge a nested object if it’s a registered state object, such as objectAttributes. If you provide new values for objectAttributes, they’re merged with the existing values. For example, if the following objectAttributes values already exist in secure state:

{ "key1": "a", "key2": "b" }

and you call mergeTransient() with this set of values:

{ "key1": "z", "key3": "c"}

then the merged result contains these values when you call getObject("objectAttributes"):

"objectAttributes": { "key1": "z", "key2": "b", "key3": "c"}

where key1 is removed from secure and added to transient state along with key3, and key2 remains in secure state.

Returns a modified instance of NodeStateScriptWrapper.

// specify new values for objectAttributes as a JSON object
  "objectAttributes": {
	"mail": "",
    "userName": "bjensen"


Access profile data

A script can access profile data through the methods of the idRepository object.

In these examples, an Identity Store Decision node with Username as Universal Identifier enabled precedes the Scripted Decision node that uses the script. As a result, when you call nodeState.get('username') the function returns the user’s _id, which is required to get the identity object.

Get attribute values

Returns the values of the named attribute for the named user.

// Get UUID by enabling `Username as Universal Identifier`
// in a preceding Identity Store Decision node
var uuid = nodeState.get("username");
var attribute = "mail";

// Get identity object separately
var identity = idRepository.getIdentity(uuid);

// Returns all values as an array, for example: ["", ""]

// Returns the first value, for example:

// If no attribute by this name is found, the result is an empty array: []

Set attribute values

Sets the named attribute as specified by the attribute value for the named user, and persists the result in the user’s profile.

// Get UUID by enabling `Username as Universal Identifier`
// in a preceding Identity Store Decision node
var uuid = nodeState.get("username");

// Get identity separately
var identity = idRepository.getIdentity(uuid);

// Set the attribute directly on the identity object
identity.setAttribute("mail", [""]);

try {
  // Explicitly persist data
  // throws an exception if setAttribute failed;
} catch(e) {
  logger.error("Unable to persist attribute. " + e);

You must explicitly call store() to persist changes to attribute values.

Add attribute values

Add an attribute value to the list of attribute values associated with the attribute name for a particular user.

// Get UUID by enabling `Username as Universal Identifier`
// in a preceding Identity Store Decision node
var uuid = nodeState.get("username");

// Get identity separately
var identity = idRepository.getIdentity(uuid);

// Add a value as a string.
identity.addAttribute("mail", "");

try {
  // Explicitly persist data
  // throws an exception if addAttribute failed;
} catch(e) {
  logger.error("Unable to persist attribute. " + e);

You must explicitly call store() to persist changes to attribute values.

Set session properties

A script can set session properties with the fields and methods of the Action interface.

The following example sets the outcome to true, and adds a custom session property:


action.goTo("true").putSessionProperty("mySessionProperty", "myPropertyValue");

When adding a session property, make sure it’s in the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud allowlist. PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud does not allow the script to add it to sessions unless it is in the allowlist.

  1. In AM admin UI, under Realms > Realm Name > Services, make sure the Session Property Whitelist Service is configured.

    If not, configure the service with the default settings.

  2. Add the property name to the Allowlisted Session Property Names list unless it is already present.

Add the script to a Scripted Decision node in your authentication journey. When a user authenticates successfully, PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud adds the property to their session, as shown in the following output for session introspection:

  "username": "014c54bd-6078-4639-8316-8ce0e7746fa4",
  "universalId": "id=014c54bd-6078-4639-8316-8ce0e7746fa4,ou=user,o=alpha,ou=services,ou=am-config",
  "realm": "/alpha",
  "latestAccessTime": "2022-10-31T11:03:25Z",
  "maxIdleExpirationTime": "2022-10-31T11:33:25Z",
  "maxSessionExpirationTime": "2022-10-31T13:03:24Z",
  "properties": {
    "AMCtxId": "de5abe95-db97-4354-9d32-aab660ea23a3-4252446",
    "mySessionProperty": "myPropertyValue"

Query OAuth 2.0 application and authorization request

The oauthApplication binding is only present when the Scripted Decision node is part of a journey that runs in an OAuth context and is associated with an OAuth 2.0 or OIDC application.

Use the oauthApplication binding to query the authorization request properties and client application attributes.

You can check and debug the configuration values, but changes to properties are confined to the scope of the script and won’t affect the underlying objects.

String getApplicationId()

Returns the client application identifier for the OAuth 2.0 / OIDC flow, for example, myClient.

Map<String, Object> getRequestProperties()

Returns an object containing the properties of the authorization request.

Example request properties

The following example is formatted to display the object structure:

  "requestHeaders": {
    "accept": [
    "accept-encoding": [
      "gzip, deflate"
    "Accept-Language": [
    "Connection": [
    "dnt": [
    "host": [
    "priority": [
      "u=0, i"
    "sec-gpc": [
    "upgrade-insecure-requests": [
    "user-agent": [
      "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0"
  "requestParams": {
    "scope": [
    "openid profile"
    "response_type": [
      "token id_token"
    "redirect_uri": [
    "state": [
    "nonce": [
    "client_id": [
  "realm": "/alpha",
  "requestUri": "https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/am/oauth2/realms/root/realms/alpha/authorize?client_id=myClient&response_type=token%20id_token&scope=openid%20profile&redirect_uri="
Map<String, Object> getClientProperties()

Returns a map containing information about the client application.

Example client properties
 "clientProperties": {
    "allowedGrantTypes": [
    "clientId": "myClient",
    "customProperties": {},
    "allowedScopes": [
    "allowedResponseTypes": [
      "device_code id_token",
      "code token id_token",
      "code id_token",
      "code token",
      "token id_token",

The following script calls the oauthApplication methods to log the request and client values:

function logObject(objType, obj) {
  var logMsg = objType + " \n";
    for (attr in obj) {
      logMsg += "\t" + attr + " = " + obj[attr] + "\n";

if (typeof (oauthApplication) === "undefined") {
  logger.error("Tree is not associated with an OIDC application");
else {"App Id: " + oauthApplication.getApplicationId());

  logObject("Request", oauthApplication.getRequestProperties());

  logObject("Client", oauthApplication.getClientProperties());


Query SAML application and authentication request

The samlApplication binding is only present when a journey runs in a SAML 2.0 context and an application journey is configured.

You can access the binding object for the duration of the authentication session (determined by the Max duration setting.

Use the samlApplication binding to query the SAML 2.0 authentication request properties and identity provider (IDP) and service provider (SP) configuration attributes.

You can check and debug the configuration values, but changes to properties are confined to the scope of the script and won’t affect the underlying objects.

String getApplicationId()

Returns the application ID (SP entity ID) for the SAML 2.0 flow. You can also get the application ID by calling getAuthnRequest().get("issuer").get("value").

String getFlowInitiator()

Returns IDP or SP depending on which provider initiates the SAML 2.0 flow.

Map<String, Object> getAuthnRequest()

Returns an object containing the properties of the SAML 2.0 authentication request.

Example authnRequest object

The following example is formatted to display the object structure:

  "destination": "https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/am/SSORedirect/metaAlias/idp1",
  "signature": null,
  "subject": null,
  "issueInstant": 1724341924000,
  "consent": "",
  "forceAuthn": false,
  "protocolBinding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST",
  "mutable": false,
  "issuer": {
    "value": "sp1",
    "nameQualifier": "",
    "format": "",
    "mutable": false,
    "spnameQualifier": "",
    "spprovidedID": ""
  "assertionConsumerServiceURL": "https://<tenant-env-sp-fqdn>/am/Consumer/metaAlias/sp1",
  "@class": "com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.impl.AuthnRequestImpl",
  "extensions": null,
  "passive": false,
  "version": "2.0",
  "requestedAuthnContext": {
    "@class": "com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.impl.RequestedAuthnContextImpl",
    "elementName": "RequestedAuthnContext",
    "mutable": false,
    "authnContextClassRef": [
    "authnContextDeclRef": [],
    "comparison": "exact"
  "nameIDPolicy": {
    "@class": "com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.impl.NameIDPolicyImpl",
    "format": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent",
    "allowCreate": true,
    "mutable": false,
    "spnameQualifier": "sp1"
  "attributeConsumingServiceIndex": null,
  "conditions": null,
  "scoping": null,
  "signed": false,
  "id": "s2c72252b5b2ce2b43e5150c8ee8aba0401f3ef390",
  "providerName": "",
  "assertionConsumerServiceIndex": null
Map<String, List<String>> getIdpAttributes()

Returns a map containing the extended configuration for the hosted IDP.

Example IDP attributes
IDP attribute Example value


[ "600" ]


[ "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport|0||default" ]


[ "600" ]


[ "/idp1" ]


[ "com.sun.identity.saml2.plugins.DefaultIDPECPSessionMapper" ]


[ "com.sun.identity.saml2.plugins.DefaultIDPAccountMapper" ]


[ "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress|mail" ]


[ "com.sun.identity.saml2.plugins.DefaultIDPAttributeMapper" ]


[ "https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/am/idpsaehandler/metaAlias/idp1" ]]


[ "com.sun.identity.saml2.plugins.DefaultIDPAuthnContextMapper" ]


[ "cot1" ]

Map<String, List<String>> getSpAttributes()

Returns a map containing the extended configuration for the remote SP.

Example SP attributes
SP attribute Example value


[ ]


[ "test" ]


[ "0" ]


[ "cot1" ]


The following script calls the samlApplication methods to log the authentication request and configuration values:

function logObject(objType, obj) {
  var logMsg = objType + " \n";
    for (attr in obj) {
      logMsg += "\t" + attr + " = " + obj[attr] + "\n";

if (typeof (samlApplication) === "undefined") {
  logger.error("Journey is not associated with a SAML application");
else {"Flow type: " + samlApplication.getFlowInitiator());"SAML app ID: " + getApplicationId());

    if (flowType == 'SP') {
      var authnRequest = samlApplication.getAuthnRequest();
      logObject("authnRequest", authnRequest);

    logObject("idpAttributes", samlApplication.getIdpAttributes());
    logObject("spAttributes", samlApplication.getSpAttributes());


Existing session properties

The existingSession binding is only present when performing a session upgrade. Any properties added by nodes earlier in the journey only appear in the new authenticated session when the journey completes. These properties aren’t available in the existingSession binding.

A script can access existing session properties during a session upgrade request with the existingSession.get method.

String existingSession.get(String propertyName)

Returns the string value of the named existing session property, or null, if the property is not set.

If the current request isn’t a session upgrade and doesn’t provide an existing authenticated session, the existingSession variable isn’t declared. Check for a declaration before attempting to access the variable.

if (typeof existingSession !== 'undefined') {
    var existingAuthLevel = existingSession.get("AuthLevel")
} else {
    nodeState.putShared("errorMessage", "Variable existingSession not declared - not a session upgrade.")


Customize account lockout message

A script can display a custom error message to the end user when their account is locked or inactive. To do this, use a script with the .withLockoutMessage method on the Action.goto() object.

The following example changes the account lockout message to a custom error message:

  .withLockoutMessage("Custom lockout message");

Add the script to a Scripted Decision node in your authentication journey.

This Scripted Decision node must go after a node that checks the status of the user (such as the Identity Store Decision node or the Account Active Decision node) because it is triggered when a user’s account is locked or inactive.

Generate and validate JWTs

Use the jwtAssertion and jwtValidator bindings to include JWT operations in your script.

The jwtAssertion binding lets you generate a signed and/or encrypted JWT, for example, for securely transporting JWT claims that can be verified later in the journey via an emailed magic link. JWTs are signed using the HS256 or RS256 algorithms.

The jwtValidator binding lets you decrypt and validate JWTs; for example, to verify JWT claims from another system such as PingGateway.

String jwtAssertion.generateJwt(Map<String, Object> jwtData)

Provide the following data for generating a JWT assertion:

Data field Description



The type of JWT to generate, one of:




Encrypted options are only supported for HS256 JWTs.


(Required) HS256 or RS256 (jwtType must be SIGNED).


The JWT issuer (iss) claim. You must provide a value for either issuer or stableId at a minimum.


The JWT audience (aud) claim.


The JWT subject (sub) claim.


The JWT type (typ) claim, typically JWT.


Specify a value for the JWT ID (jti).


Custom claims in the format "key":"value".


Stable ID. You must provide a value for either issuer or stableId at a minimum.


Deprecated. To support backwards compatibility, the account ID (if specified) is set as the issuer, stableId and subject when these values aren’t provided.


The duration of the validity of the JWT in minutes.


The RSA private key in JSON Web Key (JWK) format. For example, generate your own private key with

Required for RS256-signed JWTs.


The base64-encoded JSON Web Key used to sign/verify the JWT.

Required for HS256-signed JWTS.


The JSON Web Encryption (JWE) public key used to encrypt/decrypt the JWT. JWTs are encrypted using the A128CBC-HS256 algorithm.

Generation of RS256-encrypted signed JWT assertions isn’t currently supported.

JWT generation example 1: HS256 encrypted then signed:

var hmacJwtData = {
  jwsAlgorithm: "HS256",
  issuer: "issuer",
  subject: "subject",
  audience: "",
  type: "JWT",
  validityMinutes: 10,
  claims: {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"
  signingKey: "cGFzc3dvcmQ=",
  encryptionKey: "Syz1K5XQCZtq7FkE+GNvgZPeFyvUXJdemIW7CQjM18U="
// returns a string representation of the JWT
var assertionJwt = jwtAssertion.generateJwt(hmacJwtData);

if (assertionJwt !== null && assertionJwt.length > 0) {
  logger.debug("AssertionJwt: " + assertionJwt);
  // store JWT in nodeState for validation later in journey
  nodeState.putShared("assertionJwt" , assertionJwt);
} else {

JWT generation example 2: RS256 signed:

var rsaJwtData = {
  jwtType: "SIGNED",
  jwsAlgorithm: "RS256",
  accountId: "accountId",
  audience: "",
  validityMinutes: 10,
  privateKey: {
    "p": "0BRJ6TrTpeT3XM1aXj9ZiTDfVTD0Aqufhm0a2Cm7Zr3ObqkBbZrm2KH9BY23nfY_TFbd6kx31YHqjpoV4KeThn2uvZ7gPw_ILljk5WQwgFq_gdDvAq3Iw4MlwGoR51nSaGGqKU6Dt2PvVOB4I3azVJr1f9Vsm47L6Llp8YjKtBE",
    "kty": "RSA",
    "q": "ugtiWmODuy3XuWGf3u5hvF4RglZZK5IPYRkJjSz8j90DxYVPD_CBNJx8j_FGUJ6BBNRTs2yylgMJdcFs-WxcFR7iQD2OzgzSdeRgrh34RmLjAXEq-X0OF9P3lqnBXIx-uVL3-rG8jQWSzc016o3PWjclOKqLx7oBmYs7w6WbJLE",
    "d": "c2DR3SOQkzu6f5eRLFLURphQCbrN4JCAlOo2S_D07UJmMiYtIFpOezbLazQYXdebiV-pPv-zZcOWHhOr3HMgYLu8JBN29mrJS8kDIWMjCx8vMJgrNLfBZO4az--t_Kyow4p0n3HdaYRu0K4lqskXe68Syl0XAlHfnd7q-bB-UUGB89j3E-FfXIIjKktn_koBc8hX2DhUnJgduFi9CcAQVO9wSjjfyB6ksn01_YaMt5MHsHKhqDvZeCdEHfwyFer8vvDRCTru_msl_fu_MqQi15igTJu6f7eBsVQQLnb7L1fQ0BURck7oVMjTvyYz_nRbnMkKSrWpa-j1d1Z4TTucAQ",
    "e": "AQAB",
    "use": "sig",
    "kid": "iUE-em7bU5j1yJN6hEMKx6ZmtWBYGZycCuO94X1sssE",
    "qi": "rUqLFjJ2L3FNrj65tdUCusQ-_7g1rKsTOGnQUrVcgYSsHb3aYR90zV651MiL0X4gp6mzgc8QcSdzc1KbEmR5VHm5IH4N6f9yBNb2yO_8sftmS8PiRjZjVLUORnwmouJ4cPsob0RPx9mwGLIURLxQDstE4UQ0j6iMWF74iezwxO8",
    "dp": "f60DURXkijV9RrdGjPAIK3MOhoJ8JytRvjUyNJMex0MN6L7Q_oT-wsxaqc60bTuMyXW_wyVanmqSFyAa7ndEwVBbKUTUSj2P0kh_YvXgANIuEiS2k4k42CafwnoTNEbcIWpT8_aWQbATSZxWe0Q5c1-F5gN6GdU77zfd9vO9lVE",
    "alg": "RS256",
    "dq": "A8RdPnVLYovgFVnbsdjj07uX4Sq8bXxsoUuvfNNPXd5cyDAV1L3K7_THNObuxI0hEab29ugZiZ4QH_lFqps-FhNlA2X7sUJjNI3mQ0BKGarA6_ONqjWVBnh9R-iyCJyzqC785G-a4MQfH9mq4M_0ReBd-ZLCd83VYHWIRULiLFE",
    "n": "lzf-g94TfT9JeQ7kRZCkSOKwP0rtpe2IzX6C42NN1EE4hejwCjIAj4oUHrcNyrcVZ6hIu3a5r09fnzp5w9RS6ooMkp-AQ_9C5T8hFbf61J4lT3kmIp-jv50MF7oJCGOidLPCiJ-3EsnBKFjomRcCQa_r-sHF9hfORvhypBcj_U1OMMRM28yX7JVggG7f_YPlmx03c7meKPE-4xXnfdFDxbjbntlWSul6qm0YOTRVfuZHubwu-HOZEDB4dKkA3-0qAev6FULW7tNOqoMj5KLlejeiuCOQeAMTqPnBqOdH8iC4u6WHArsRqkmOdLgVs0uLlVPz9796qIKlosP5EMPjwQ"

var assertionJwt = jwtAssertion.generateJwt(rsaJwtData);

if (assertionJwt !== null && assertionJwt.length > 0) {
  logger.debug("AssertionJwt: " + assertionJwt);
  // store JWT in nodeState for validation later in journey
  nodeState.putShared("assertionJwt" , assertionJwt);
} else {
Map<String, Object> jwtValidator.validateJwtClaims(Map<String, Object> jwtData)

Provide values for the following supported fields to validate the specified JWT assertion:

Data field Description




(Required) The JWT object to validate.


The JWT issuer (iss) claim. You must provide a value for either issuer or stableId at a minimum.


The JWT audience (aud) claim value.


The JWT subject (sub) claim.


The JWT type (typ) claim.


Custom claims in the format "key":"value".


Stable ID. You must provide a value for either issuer or stableId at a minimum.


Deprecated. To support backwards compatibility, the account ID (if specified) is used to validate the issuer, stableId and subject when these values aren’t provided.


The base64-encoded JSON Web Key used to sign/verify the JWT.

JWTS are signed using the HS256 or RS256 algorithms.


The JSON Web Encryption (JWE) public key used to encrypt/decrypt the JWT.

JWTs are encrypted using the A128CBC-HS256 algorithm.

Validation of RS256-encrypted signed JWT assertions isn’t currently supported.

JWT validation example 1: HS256 encrypted then signed:

var jwtData = {
  issuer: "issuer",
  subject: "subject",
  audience: "",
  type: "JWT",
  signingKey: "cGFzc3dvcmQ=",
  encryptionKey: "Syz1K5XQCZtq7FkE+GNvgZPeFyvUXJdemIW7CQjM18U="
// get JWT from nodeState (JWT generation example 1)
var assertionJwt = nodeState.get("assertionJwt");

if (assertionJwt !== null && assertionJwt.length > 0) {
  jwtData["jwt"] = assertionJwt;

  try {
    // returns a map of JWT claims or null if required claims are missing
    // throws NoSuchSecretException if verification key is missing
    var jwtClaims = jwtValidator.validateJwtClaims(jwtData);
    if (jwtClaims !== null) {
      // retrieve and log some JWT claim values
      logger.debug("Audience: " + jwtClaims.get("audience"));
      logger.debug("Subject: " + jwtClaims.get("subject"));
      logger.debug("Expiration Time: " + jwtClaims.get("expirationTime"));
      logger.debug("Issued At: " + jwtClaims.get("issuedAt"));
      logger.debug("JWT ID: " + jwtClaims.get("jwtId"));
      logger.debug("key1: " + jwtClaims.get("key1")); // custom claim
    } else {
      logger.error("Invalid JWT claims");
  } catch(e) {
    logger.error("Invalid JWT signing key");
} else {
  logger.error("Error getting assertionJwt");

JWT validation example 2: RS256 signed:

var jwtData = {
  jwtType: "SIGNED",
  accountId: "accountId",
  audience: "",
  signingKey: "cGFzc3dvcmQ="
// get JWT from nodeState (JWT generation example 2)
var assertionJwt = nodeState.get("assertionJwt");

if (assertionJwt !== null && assertionJwt.length > 0) {
  jwtData["jwt"] = assertionJwt;

  try {
    // returns a map of JWT claims or null if required claims are missing
    // throws NoSuchSecretException if verification key is missing
    var jwtClaims = jwtValidator.validateJwtClaims(jwtData);
    if (jwtClaims !== null) {
      // retrieve and log JWT claim values
      logger.debug("Audience: " + jwtClaims.get("audience"));
    } else {
      logger.error("Invalid JWT claims");
  } catch(e) {
    logger.error("Invalid JWT signing key");
} else {
  logger.error("Error getting assertionJwt");

Use callbacks

A script can use callbacks to provide or prompt for additional information during the authentication process.

The following script checks for a password and stores the username to shared state for use by subsequent nodes in the authentication journey.


Next-generation callback functionality is split between two bindings:

  • callbacksBuilder: Request callbacks. Callbacks are sent automatically when the script completes.

    callbacksBuilder request methods
    • public void textOutputCallback(int messageType, String message)

    • public void suspendedTextOutputCallback(int messageType, String message)

    • public void hiddenValueCallback(String id, String value)

    • public void choiceCallback(String prompt, String[] choices, int defaultChoice, boolean multipleSelectionsAllowed)

    • public void nameCallback(String prompt)

    • public void nameCallback(String prompt, String defaultName)

    • public void passwordCallback(String prompt, boolean echoOn)

    • public void textInputCallback(String prompt)

    • public void textInputCallback(String prompt, String defaultText)

    • public void scriptTextOutputCallback(String message)

    • public void redirectCallback(String redirectUrl, Map redirectData, String method)

    • public void redirectCallback(String redirectUrl, Map redirectData, String method, String statusParameter, String redirectBackUrlCookie)

    • public void metadataCallback(Object outputValue)

    • public void stringAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, String value, Boolean required)

    • public void stringAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, String value, Boolean required, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void stringAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, String value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void stringAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, String value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void numberAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Double value, Boolean required)

    • public void numberAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Double value, Boolean required, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void numberAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Double value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void numberAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Double value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void booleanAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Boolean value, Boolean required)

    • public void booleanAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Boolean value, Boolean required, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void booleanAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Boolean value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void booleanAttributeInputCallback(String name, String prompt, Boolean value, Boolean required, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void confirmationCallback(int messageType, int optionType, int defaultOption)

    • public void confirmationCallback(int messageType, String[] options, int defaultOption)

    • public void confirmationCallback(String prompt, int messageType, int optionType, int defaultOption)

    • public void confirmationCallback(String prompt, int messageType, String[] options, int defaultOption)

    • public void languageCallback(String language, String country)

    • public void idPCallback(String provider, String clientId, String redirectUri, List<String> scope, String nonce, String request, String requestUri, List<String> acrValues, boolean requestNativeAppForUserInfo)

    • public void idPCallback(String provider, String clientId, String redirectUri, List<String> scope, String nonce, String request, String requestUri, List<String> acrValues, boolean requestNativeAppForUserInfo, String token, String tokenType)

    • public void pollingWaitCallback(String waitTime, String message)

    • public void validatedPasswordCallback(String prompt, boolean echoOn, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void validatedPasswordCallback(String prompt, boolean echoOn, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void validatedUsernameCallback(String prompt, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly)

    • public void validatedUsernameCallback(String prompt, Object policies, Boolean validateOnly, List<String> failedPolicies)

    • public void httpCallback(String authorizationHeader, String negotiationHeader, String errorCode)

    • public void httpCallback(String authRHeader, String negoName, String negoValue, int errorCode)

    • public void x509CertificateCallback(String prompt)

    • public void x509CertificateCallback(String prompt, X509Certificate certificate)

    • public void x509CertificateCallback(String prompt, X509Certificate certificate, boolean requestSignature)

    • public void consentMappingCallback(Object config, String message, Boolean isRequired)

    • public void consentMappingCallback(String name, String displayName, String icon, String accessLevel, List<String> titles, String message, Boolean isRequired)

    • public void deviceProfileCallback(Boolean metadata, Boolean location, String message)

    • public void kbaCreateCallback(String prompt, List<String> predefinedQuestions, boolean allowUserDefinedQuestions)

    • public void selectIdPCallback(Object providers)

    • public void termsAndConditionsCallback(String version, String terms, String createDate)

  • callbacks: Use isEmpty() to check if callbacks have returned to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud. Use public get methods to retrieve input from interactive and backchannel callbacks.

    callbacks public get methods
    Method Return type Description



    The collected Boolean value



    The selected choices as indexes



    The selected confirmation option



    The collected Boolean value



    The device information in escaped JSON format


    Map<String, String>

    The map of hiddenValueCallbacks



    The authorization token


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map of IDP callback data. Values are:

    • nodeName (String)

    • provider (String)

    • clientId (String)

    • redirectUri (String)

    • scope (List<String>)

    • nonce (String)

    • request (String)

    • requestUri (String)

    • acrValues (List<String>)

    • token (String)

    • tokenType (String)

    • userInfo (String)

    • requestNativeAppForUserInfo (boolean)


    List<Map<String, String>>

    A map of knowledge-based authentication (KBA) responses. Values are selectedQuestion and selectedAnswer.



    The selected locale



    The collected name value



    The collected numeric value



    The collected password value


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map of selected IDP providers in JSON format



    The collected String value



    The Boolean acceptance value



    The collected text as a String value (can be null)


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map with the password returned as value (String) and validateOnly(whether to only validate input, or validate and continue journey)


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map with the username returned as value (String) and validateOnly(whether to only validate input, or validate and continue journey)


    List<Map<String, Object>>

    A map of X.509 certificate callback data. Values are:

    • certificate (X509Certificate)

    • signature (String)

    • reqSignature (Boolean)

The following examples show how to use the callbacksBuilder and callbacks objects to request and receive input from callbacks:

Example nameCallback and passwordCallback
if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {
  // Request callbacks
  callbacksBuilder.nameCallback("User Name", "User Name");
  callbacksBuilder.passwordCallback("Password", false);
} else {
  // Callbacks returned from browser, save username and password
  var username = callbacks.getNameCallbacks().get(0);
  var password = callbacks.getPasswordCallbacks().get(0);

  nodeState.putShared("username", username);

  if (password === null || !password) {
  } else {
    nodeState.putTransient("password", password);
Example metadataCallback and textOutputCallback
var data = {
      mfaType: "email"

// Get UUID by enabling `Username as Universal Identifier`
// in a preceding Identity Store Decision node
var uuid = nodeState.get("username");
var identity = idRepository.getIdentity(uuid);

var firstName = identity.getAttributeValues('givenName')[0];

if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {
  // Adds the key-value pair to the JSON response

  // Displays a message to the end user
  // Message type: INFORMATION (0), WARNING(1), or ERROR (2)
  callbacksBuilder.textOutputCallback(1, "Hi " + firstName + ", please update your postal code");
Example choiceCallback
var titles = ["Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Mx", "Other"];

if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {
  // Request choice from the user
    callbacksBuilder.choiceCallback("Select a title", titles, 0, false);

} else {
  // Callbacks returned from browser, save selected choice
  var index = callbacks.getChoiceCallbacks().get(0)[0];
  var title = titles[index];

  if (title === null || !title) {
  } else {
    nodeState.putShared("title", title);
Example hiddenValueCallback and scriptTextOutputCallback
var script = "document.getElementById('clientScriptOutputData').value = navigator.language \n" +
try {
    if (callbacks.isEmpty()) {
        callbacksBuilder.hiddenValueCallback("clientScriptOutputData", "false");

    } else {
        //Browser language can be used to localize custom callback messages
        var lang = callbacks.getHiddenValueCallbacks().get("clientScriptOutputData");
        nodeState.putShared("preferredLanguage", lang);

} catch (error) {
    logger.error("Error getting browser language: " + error.toString());

You can find a list of supported callbacks in Supported callbacks.

Suspend and resume journeys

You can use the action object to suspend an authentication journey and send a message to display to the user. Evaluate the resumedFromSuspend script binding to determine whether to continue the journey.

ActionWrapper suspend(String message)

Suspend the current journey session and send a message to display to the user.

ActionWrapper suspend(String message, SuspensionLogic logic)

Suspend the current journey session and send a message to display to the user. This method also accepts a callable function that references the resume URI at the point of suspension.


// Use the resumedFromSuspend object to check if the journey has resumed after suspension
// For example, it returns true after sending an email and receiving a response
if (resumedFromSuspend) {
} else {
  // Send a message to display to the user and the URL to resume the journey
  action.suspend('Check your email for a magic sign-in link.', (resumeUri) => {
    requestOptions = {
      "method": "POST"
      "body": {
        "resumeUri": resumeUri
    // Use internal mail server to send email
    httpClient.send("", requestOptions));

Add information to authentication audit log entries

A script can add information to audit log entries with the auditEntryDetail variable. PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud appends the value of the variable to the authentication audit logs, which corresponds to the am-authentication log source.

The auditEntryDetail variable can hold either a string or a JSON object:

  • To add a string to authentication audit log entries:

    auditEntryDetail = "Additional audit information"
  • To add a JSON object to authentication audit log entries:

    auditEntryDetail = {
        "transactionStatus": "Success"

    Ping Identity recommends that you don’t put spaces in the keys of JSON objects as it prevents you from using a query filter to search additional audit information. For example, the following JSON would not be searchable:

    auditEntryDetail = {
        "Transaction Status": "Success"

PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud adds the value of auditEntryDetail to the payload > entries > info > nodeExtraLogging > auditInfo field of the audit log entry:

  "payload": {
    "_id": "de5abe95-db97-4354-9d32-aab660ea23a3-4392064",
    "component": "Authentication",
    "entries": [{
      "info": {
        "authLevel": "0",
        "displayName": "Scripted Decision",
        "nodeExtraLogging": {
          "auditInfo": {
            "transactionStatus": "Success"
        "nodeId": "d3a9a765-f5d7-41dd-b936-f862c8b672a2",
        "nodeOutcome": "true",
        "nodeType": "ScriptedDecisionNode",
        "treeName": "Test"
    "eventName": "AM-NODE-LOGIN-COMPLETED",
    "level": "INFO",
    "principal": [
    "realm": "/alpha",
    "source": "audit",
    "timestamp": "2022-10-31T13:06:38.195Z",
    "topic": "authentication",
    "trackingIds": [
    "transactionId": "bd52ff36-8b34-4819-8e50-68ca1961275b-request-4/0"
  "timestamp": "2022-10-31T13:06:38.195401296Z",
  "type": "application/json",
  "source": "am-authentication"