PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Server configuration

Advanced Identity Cloud stores configuration objects in the repository. They are accessed by making API requests to the context path /openidm/config.

Single instance configuration objects are accessed by adding the object’s name to the request’s path, for example, /openidm/config/object-name.

Multiple instance configuration objects are accessed by adding the object name and instance name to the request’s path, for example, /openidm/config/object-name/instance-name.

The following table outlines the REST endpoints used to access configuration objects.

URI HTTP Operation Description



Returns a list of configuration objects.



Returns the current access configuration.



Returns the current audit configuration.



Returns the current privilege configuration for managed objects.



Returns the configuration of the specified connector.



Returns the configuration of the specified self-service feature, registration, reset, or username.



Changes the router configuration. Modifications are provided with the --data option, in JSON format.



Changes one or more fields of the specified configuration object. Modifications are provided as a JSON array of patch operations.



Deletes the specified configuration object.



Queries the specified configuration object. You cannot create custom predefined queries to query the configuration.

Advanced Identity Cloud supports REST operations to create, read, update, query, and delete configuration objects.

One entry is returned for each configuration object. To obtain additional information on the configuration object, include its pid or _id in the URL. The following example displays configuration information on the sync object, based on a deployment using the sync-with-csv sample:

curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "sync",
  "mappings": [
      "name": "systemCsvfileAccounts_managedUser",
      "source": "system/csvfile/account",
      "target": "managed/realm-name_user",
      "correlationQuery": {
        "type": "text/javascript",
        "source": "var query = {'_queryId' : 'for-userName', 'uid' :};query;"
      "properties": [
          "source": "email",
          "target": "mail"
          "source": "firstname",
          "target": "givenName"
          "source": "lastname",
          "target": "sn"
          "source": "description",
          "target": "description"
          "source": "_id",
          "target": "_id"
          "source": "name",
          "target": "userName"
          "default": "Passw0rd",
          "target": "password"
          "source": "mobileTelephoneNumber",
          "target": "telephoneNumber"
          "source": "roles",
          "transform": {
            "type": "text/javascript",
            "source": "var _ = require('lib/lodash');','), function(role)
            { return {'_ref': 'internal/role/' + role} });"
          "target": "authzRoles"